Cherishing His Fake Fiancée: A Mystery Billionaire Friends To Lovers

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Cherishing His Fake Fiancée: A Mystery Billionaire Friends To Lovers Page 8

by Alexa McLean

  I hung my head in my hands and tried to find a solution to this giant mess I had created but I came up blank.

  “What do I do?” I asked.

  But there was never any answer.

  Chapter 15 (Gayle)

  THE FOLLOWING NIGHT, I got into my car and sat there for a moment. From my vantage point, I saw that Lily was home and that she was in her bedroom. It was hard to tell, but it looked like she was taking off her clothes. The thought should have excited me but instead, it filled me with the bitterness of regret.

  Instead of growing closer together, we were falling apart and that was always the thing that I regretted the most.

  With every intention of canceling the night’s interview, I called the number that Diana had given me in case I needed to get into contact with her employee. It rang a few times but in the end, no one bothered to answer. I tried again only to face the same result.


  Next, I tried Diana but hers went straight to voicemail. Typical. She was horrendous at answering her phone. Even when we had dated, it was a nightmare trying to get into contact with the woman.

  I thought about ditching the interview all together but I didn’t want to force one of Diana’s writers to wait for me all night long. That would be unusually cruel. So, with a heaviness weighing on my shoulders, I rolled out of the driveway and started down the street. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the curtain pulling back from Lily’s window as she watched me go.

  Whatever happened tonight, I would tell Lily the truth. I couldn’t keep my love for her a secret any longer. She could do with it what she wanted but I wasn’t going to let it fester inside my heart any longer because each day it threatened to suffocate me.

  I barely remembered the ride getting to the bar but I do remember that eerie feeling that someone was watching me. I surveyed my surroundings but nothing seemed out of place. Even the biker gang seemed to ignore my existence. But the feeling remained.

  Turn back, came a warning that sounded through my head. Something isn’t right here.

  I’m probably just worked up over Lily — that’s all, I thought to myself. It’s nothing.

  So, I got out of my car and managed one more look around the place without making it glaringly obvious that I was doing so but hey, I’m a baseball player, not some spy working for the English crown.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I walked inside. Diana had forwarded a picture of her writer in order to make it easier for me to find her. She was a decently cute redhead with eyes that were a little too big for her face. If I had to imagine, she was a friendly sort and I didn’t think she would give me too much grief if I said that I needed to cancel. She certainly didn’t look like the pushy type and no one could beat Diana in that department and I had already dealt with her.

  From the looks of it, she wasn’t even there yet. I tried calling her number one more time but again, it was left unanswered.

  Thinking that I would wait for her, I ordered myself a drink to pass the time.

  The minutes ticked by like snails on a hot summer’s day. I could barely stand it.

  Where is this girl? I thought to myself. And Diana had vouched for her too.

  After my second drink, I was sick and tired of waiting. If this girl wanted to waste my night then I wouldn’t let her gain that glory.

  I paid my tab and left.

  Good luck explaining this one to Diana, Mindy, I thought to myself as I got behind the wheel. I was just about to pull away when the redhead walked through the door and disappeared inside the bar. I considered leaving and letting her wait the night away but I just didn’t have it in me to do something like that. Maybe she had a legitimate reason as to why she was so late and the least I could do was hear her out on the matter.

  As soon as she saw me, she sprung to her feet, eyes widening. “Mr. Nash! I am so sorry! I missed the bus to get here and then my phone died.”

  I held up my hand. “Don’t worry about it. I understand that these kinds of things happen. I won’t hold it against you.”

  “That’s very kind of you, sir.” She blushed and looked away in a bashful manner. I was glad I had given her the benefit of the doubt. I never would have forgiven myself for screwing over such an innocent little thing.

  “But I’m afraid that I cannot stay for much longer,” I said. “I intended to meet someone tonight.”

  “Oh?” She asked with a genuine curiosity to her voice. “Might it be that lovely fiancée of yours?”

  “As a matter of fact, it is.”

  “Lily is simply fantastic. She’s a spectacular writer and just a joy to work with. We’ve grabbed lunch together a couple of times.”

  “Sounds like you two are getting along quite nicely.”

  “I’d like to think so. Work becomes so much easier when you’re friendly with your peers,” she beamed.

  I had a sense that this girl was just one of those people with the never-ending upbeat personalities and those types tend to get old rather quickly. The less time I spent with her, the better.

  “So, what I’m asking is whether we can reschedule this for another time. I’d be more than willing to give you a ride home.”

  “Oh, can’t you stay and answer just a few questions? Diana is really going to want me to get some work done on this story and I can’t do much if I only have Lily’s side of the engagement. It would be a tremendous help. Five minutes, that’s all I ask of you.” She rested her hand on my forearm and give me big, puppy dog eyes that were incredibly hard to say no to.

  “Alright, five minutes.” I ordered myself another drink.

  “I hope you don’t intend to drink and drive,” she said with a frown. “It would be just terrible if something would happen to you when you’re due to get married.”

  “It’s just some sprite,” I clarified. “I never go behind the wheel after I’ve had something to drink.”

  “That’s good to know,” she said with a smile. “Keep yourself and others safe!”

  Yep, she was already getting tiresome.

  “So, about those questions.”

  “Right, right.” She pulled out a notebook from her back and opened it up on the counter. There was a whole page filled with questions. If she intended to ask me all of them, then I would never get out of here.

  BY SOME MIRACLE, MINDY wrapped up our little interview rather quickly. She only asked me a handful of questions and none of them were particularly hard to answer. If I didn’t know any better, I would have said that she was only stalling me for time but that didn’t make any sense. Why would she have any need to do that? No. She was just respecting my request to keep things short.

  “Well, it’s been a pleasure!” She chimed.

  “Likewise. I look forward to reading your story.”

  “It’ll be my first cover story!”


  She nodded. “Diana tends to write most of them herself. Very rarely does she give them out to the staff writers. I’ve been waiting nearly five years for something like this to happen. I was starting to have my doubts but good things happen to those who wait, right?”

  I almost felt guilty for Lily had snagged a lead story on her very first day while this girl had been sidestepped as a result.

  “Right.” I smiled in an encouraging manner. “I’m sure you’ll knock it out of the park.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Nash! You don’t know what it means to me to hear you say something like that.”

  “You’ve earned it.”

  Her eyes twinkled at my compliment. “But, I really must be going now.” I finished my sprite and covered her tab. “Are you sure that you don’t need a ride home? I’m more than willing —”

  “No, no. Please don’t burden yourself with that. I believe I’ll stick around here for a bit longer. Some of my friends are playing billiards. I might join them.”

  I glanced over at the group of college-looking kids gathered around the table. They seemed decent enough but I still had my appr
ehensions about leaving such a girl on her own. “Are you sure you’ll be alright?”

  “Just fine!” She assured. “There’s no need to worry about me. I’m much tougher than I look. I promise. Although, I am flattered by your concern.” She offered a warm smile.

  “Well, in that case, have a good night and take care of yourself alright, Mindy?”

  “Will do!”

  I got back to my car and started it. As always, I admired the purr of the engine. After giving it a minute to warm up, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. I took the backroads to give myself some added time to gather my thoughts. When I told Lily my feelings for her, I wanted it to be well articulated.

  Suddenly, the steering wheel began to shake. I tried to steady it but it was already too late. Via the side mirror, I saw the back tire blow. Sparks flew as the rims grinder against the asphalt.

  The car fishtailed until I was driven off the road. And that’s when everything happened in slow motion. First, I saw the trash from my console fly up towards the windshield then everything started to spin as the car flipped once, twice, three times —


  My body flew forward. The seatbelt tightened around my torso and whipped into me like a rope made of fire. The glass shattered. It rained all over me and the rest of the interior. I tried to shield my face but my arms refused to cooperate. It was like they were no longer a part of my body.

  The car had yet to stop.


  I saw stars as my temples throbbed with the impact.

  When I blinked, there was so much blood. I couldn’t see what was right in front of me but somehow, I managed to unbuckle my seatbelt. Next, I tried the door but it wouldn’t budge.

  Smoke billowed from the hood. I knew it was only a matter of time before the whole thing would blow me to Timbuktu.

  “I need to get out of here...” I croaked. I heaved every ounce of strength into opening the door but... nothing.

  Darkness began to creep in.


  But there was no fighting it.

  This was it. This was the end.

  Chapter 16 (Lily)

  I WAS SITTING IN FRONT of my TV when I got the call. I didn’t recognize the number on the caller ID so I thought about letting it go to voicemail but something told me to pick it up.

  “Hello, is this Miss Cannon.”

  “It is. May I ask who’s calling?”

  “This is the Los Angeles Memorial Hospital.”

  “Hospital?” I repeated and already my mind was racing with a million and one different possibilities. I didn’t have any living relatives in the area so it couldn’t be that. In terms of friends, I was kind of a loner.

  That’s when it hit me: Gayle.

  “We are sorry to inform that your fiancé has been in a car crash.”

  I nearly dropped my phone. “Car crash?” My ears were ringing with the sound of it. “Did you just say... car crash?”

  “Yes, his rear tire blew out and the car was flipped over on the side of Route 2.”

  “No. No. No. No. No.” I kept repeating that word as if it could make this nightmare go away but deep down, I knew this was real.

  It was his reckless driving, I’m sure of it!

  I was shaking and it was difficult for me to focus on whoever was on the other line.

  “Ma’am? Ma’am?”

  “Is he alive?” It was the only question I could force myself to ask.

  My blood froze just waiting for the answer.

  “Yes, but he is in critical condition.”

  “Critical...” The words felt like a stab to the heart.

  “We will do whatever we can to stabilize him but he has lost a lot of blood.”

  “Please, you can’t let him die,” I begged. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Thankfully, with the 21st century in full effect, I was able to order myself an Uber that was due to arrive in five minutes. In the meantime, I tossed on some shoes. I didn’t even care that I was going to the hospital wearing nothing but my pajamas. All that mattered was getting to the hospital.

  ONCE THERE, I BEGGED the staff to let me see him but since he was still on the operating table, all I could do was sit in the waiting room, pacing back and forth like some sort of crazy person.

  After what felt like hours, Diana walked in.



  “I heard the news,” she said. It was the first time I had seen her without a tablet. “Is he alright?”

  “They have him under the knife right now. I haven’t had an update in a while.”

  She hugged me and rubbed my back in an act of courage. “He’ll make it through this, I’m sure. Knowing Gayle he’ll fight death just to marry you.”


  “That guy loves you, Lily, and I doubt he’s going to want to leave you — not like this.”

  “Love?” I echoed.

  “You sound surprised.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Well, he’s never said it outright but I could tell the moment I saw the way he looks at you. It’s like you’re the only girl in the world that he sees.”

  “Gayle loves me?” I sat down because it was honestly too much to take. To make such a realization while he was on the very edge of life and death, it just wasn’t fair. And if he loved me as Diana said he did, then why hadn’t he told me so sooner?

  “He does.” She rested her hand on my shoulder. There was this pained expression on her face. Her lips were pressed together like she was holding herself back from saying something.

  “What is it?”

  “I really don’t want to be the bearer of bad news but there’s something I have to tell you.”


  “Mindy was the cause behind this.”

  “Mindy?” I blinked. Certainly, Diana was mistaken. “Mindy, the innocent redhead, Mindy?”

  “It would seem she’s not quite as innocent as she seems.”

  “I... I don’t understand.”

  “I have a feeling we’re going to be here a while. Let me make you some tea. It’ll help calm your nerves.” Diana walked off to the coffee station and steeped a couple of teabags in hot water.

  Dazed, I watched her. It was difficult to process what was going on because my mind was such a wreck.

  She returned. “Careful, it’s hot.”

  I was actually quite thankful for its warmth because it helped melt some of the chill that had settled into my bones.

  “Not too long ago, I got a call saying that Mindy was arrested. I had sent her to this bar to interview Gayle on his engagement. I was going to do it myself while I was at the clubhouse the other day but he turned me down because he didn’t feel comfortable discussing such things with his ex-girlfriend which is understandable. I think he did it out of respect for you.”

  “Wait... so that’s why you were at the clubhouse. You were just trying to interview him.”

  “Yeah, why, what did you think I was doing?”

  My cheeks turned a bright shade of red when I realized that I had mentally accused Diana of trying to steal Gayle away from me when she had done nothing of the sort. Jealousy was definitely an ugly monster capable of consuming judgment.

  She sipped her coffee. “If you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, then you have no need to worry. Believe it or not, I have a boyfriend of my own but he doesn’t really like the spotlight all the much so we’ve kept it on the down low.”

  “Oh... I’m sorry. When I saw you saddle up to him —”

  “I get it. I’ve been there. I’ve made assumptions like that before and I’ve made a fool of myself too. No hard feelings.”

  I was grateful for her level of understanding. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, but as I was saying, I sent Mindy to interview Gayle since she had also taken the liberty of interviewing you on the subject. I thought it was only logical to give her the assignment.”

nbsp; “Right.”

  “As it turns out, she doesn’t like you very much.”

  I furrowed my brows together, confused. “But she was always so friendly...”

  “She was upset that you slept your way into the industry instead of working at it.”

  “So... she tried to kill Gayle? That’s a little drastic, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t have all the details but she was bragging about it at the bar as soon as he left. A connection I have with the local police told me that she was intoxicated.”


  “Worse than that. The tests haven’t come back yet but my connection believes it was probably ecstasy.”

  “What, was she planning on sleeping with him too?”

  “I don’t know, Lily. All I know is that this is probably going to go to court. It’s going to be bad publicity for the magazine and I’m not sure we’ll make it out of this. Our financial lenders aren’t going to like a scandal on their hands.”

  “So, what you’re telling me is that my fiancé is on the verge of dying in there because some crazy...” I was angry I couldn’t even say the word. “Tried to kill him because she was upset that you had given me a top story during my first week on the job. And now, to top it all off, I might not even have that job when all of this is said and done.”

  “I’m sorry, Lily.”

  The tea in my hands suddenly felt cold.

  “This has to be a nightmare...” I whispered aloud. “These sort of things don’t happen in real life.”


  “Just tell me I can wake up now... please.”

  “Ms. Cannon.”

  I bolted out of my seat the second I heard my name. I no longer cared about Diana or Mindy or the rest of the world for that matter. “Tell me...”

  “He made it through surgery. We have him in the ICU. Seeing as you are his fiancé and emergency contact, we’ll allow you to see him.”

  I followed her as my throat surged up to my throat, threatening to suffocate me with the way it was beating. I blinked away the tears because I was on the verge of breaking down.


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