Rains of Remorse

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Rains of Remorse Page 12

by Christy Barritt

  Levi pulled his car behind the building, just to be safe, and hopped out.

  Creeping along the wall, he reached the corner and eyeballed the police cruiser there. The officer was slumped over the steering wheel.

  Concern surged through him. He pulled out his phone and dialed the chief’s number.

  “We have an officer down at the harbor,” Levi said. “We need back-up. Now.”

  “Where’s Rebecca?” the chief rushed.

  “I’m nearly certain she’s inside her father’s old processing plant.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Putting away his phone, Levi drew his gun and stepped toward the metal-sided building. Voices drifted from inside. Who was that with Rebecca? He wasn’t sure, but this wasn’t good. One of the Spades had found her.

  “I’m not going to make it to the mainland to a bank,” Rebecca said.

  To the mainland? Someone wanted to take her off of the island? That was a bad, bad idea.

  Suddenly, she let out a yell.

  Levi’s muscles tightened. Had the man hurt her?

  He didn’t think so. That almost sounded like . . . she was going into labor.

  Levi sucked in a tight breath. He knew he didn’t have much time. He needed to act, and he needed to do it now.

  He remained by the edge of the door as he heard her getting closer. As soon as two figures stepped out, Levi pointed his gun at them. Rebecca gasped. The next instant, the man had his gun to her temple.

  “One move and she dies,” the man growled.

  Patrick Peterson, Levi realized. He’d looked up his picture online as soon as he heard about her life insurance.

  Patrick had been behind this the whole time. Levi’s suspicion that a local was involved was correct.

  “You don’t want to hurt Rebecca,” Levi said. “We can get you the money without anyone being harmed.”

  Sweat spread across Patrick’s forehead. “You don’t understand. I’m a dead man if I don’t get that money.”

  “You’re going to be a dead man if you hurt Rebecca. You need to let her go.” Levi kept his gun raised. If he saw the man start to pull the trigger, Patrick was going down. Levi hoped it didn’t come to that.

  “I knew you were up to no good. I tried to warn you, Rebecca,” Patrick said.

  “You were the one who made that call?” she gasped.

  “He messed up all my plans.” Patrick’s breathing became heavier, more desperate.

  Rebecca let out another cry, and her hand went to her lower abdomen.

  “Rebecca?” Concern ricocheted through Levi.

  “I think the baby is coming.” Her voice turned thin. “These are real contractions.”

  Concern rose in Levi. Rebecca didn’t need to be here. She certainly didn’t need that gun pointed at her head. But the situation was precarious, and he needed to figure out the best way to get her out of it.

  Cassidy and her crew should be here any minute. Until then, he needed to keep Patrick talking.

  “There’s a better way,” Levi said. “You can help the police, and you can put the rest of these guys behind bars.”

  “They would kill me before I could do that.” Patrick’s voice quivered, and he glanced around.

  “We could protect you. I work with Homeland Security. I have connections. We can put you in Witness Protection.”

  “They would find me.” More sweat beaded on his forehead, despite the frigid temperatures.

  “No, they wouldn’t. You give us the names, and I’ll make sure that you’re safe. I just need you to put the gun down.”

  Rebecca let out another cry. The contractions were coming faster, and her face looked pale. She was going to deliver this baby. Soon, if Levi had to guess.

  Patrick shook his head quickly, as if his thoughts were driving him mad. “I can’t let her go. She is my only leverage.”

  “Listen to me, Patrick. There are other ways. You have got to trust me.”

  “I never wanted to get mixed up in this.”

  “And this is your chance to make things right.”

  Patrick didn’t say anything. He almost looked as if he was contemplating what to do. Levi prayed he’d make the right decision. More than anything, Levi wanted Rebecca by his side right now. He wanted to know that she and Emma would be safe and protected.

  At that moment, another car pulled onto the scene. Except it wasn’t Chief Chambers. It was the Spades, Levi realized.

  Things had just gotten ten times worse.

  Rebecca moaned as another pain shot through her abdomen. She thought she might throw up. Her baby was coming. And she was coming soon.

  She watched as two men with guns climbed from the other vehicle, and she bit back a cry. This wasn’t good. There was no way Levi could protect her from so many people.

  Patrick shoved the barrel of his gun into her side harder until she let out another yelp. One slip of his finger, and Rebecca would be a goner.

  The two men surrounded them, each wearing black masks and holding guns. Levi’s weapon remained on Patrick—and Rebecca had a feeling it would as long as the man had Rebecca in his grasp.

  “Where is our money?” one of the men asked.

  “I’ll get it for you,” Patrick said.

  “That’s not good enough. We gave you a day. It’s been three. I would say we have been plenty gracious.”

  “No, I will. I promise!” Patrick said.

  “Black knew you were weak,” one of the men said. “That’s why he sent Jenkins—to do what you couldn’t. When breaking into her house didn’t work, he planned on forcing her to talk while looking at real estate.”

  That hadn’t gotten Black very far then. Jenkins was now behind bars. Rebecca kept the thought to herself.

  But that made sense. She couldn’t see Patrick doing those things. He’d tried for a subtle approach.

  Another contraction hit, and Rebecca tried to bite back a cry. It didn’t work. The pain in her abdomen was growing. At once, she felt something shift inside her and gasped.

  “My water. It broke.”

  At her pronouncement, every man seemed to go pale. But no one lowered their weapons.

  “We can get you what you want,” Levi said, suddenly looking as tough as she’d envisioned him being. She kind of liked this side of him. “You just need to let Rebecca go.”

  “She’s not going anywhere,” one of the men—the louder of the two—said. “She’s coming with us. Her and her baby too. She’s our key to getting the money back. Her husband double-crossed us, and now someone has to pay.”

  “There’s no need to make someone innocent pay. She didn’t do anything, and neither did her baby.”

  “Put her in the car,” the man ordered.

  In the car? No . . . !

  She glanced at Levi, and his gaze mirrored hers. He knew only bad things would happen if she got in that vehicle.

  Despite everything that had happened between them, she knew he was a good guy. He’d only been trying to bring down a deadly criminal organization.

  She prayed they would have a chance to have more conversations. Seeing how he was putting his life on the line for her now did something strange to her heart.

  Patrick hesitated for a moment. His fingers dug into Rebecca’s arm. He drew in a deep breath before nodding and pulling her away.

  No . . .

  He was going to do it. Going to send her off with these thugs.

  She might not ever see this island again.

  As her muscles tightened, Rebecca nearly doubled over.

  “Don’t do this!” Levi called. “There are other ways.”

  “Like what?” one of the men asked.

  “Take me instead. I’ll help you find what you need.”

  Levi . . . he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t offer up himself for her. These men would torture and kill him.

  “No, Levi,” she whispered, almost at the car now.

  She wanted to fight back . . . but the pain in her abdomen cons
umed her. Didn’t allow her to do anything else except feel.

  “I’m sorry, Rebecca,” Levi said. “For everything.”

  She wanted to respond, to reassure him, to . . . somehow make things right. If that was possible.

  Before she could say or do anything, Levi sprang into action. He tackled one of the gunmen and grabbed the man’s weapon before putting him on the ground. As the second man came at him, Levi swung his leg.

  The man’s gun skittered across the pavement. Before the man could grab it again, Levi raised his weapon. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  Rebecca drew in a deep breath. In and out. In and out. Trying to control her pain.

  Patrick still held the gun to her side.

  This wasn’t over yet.

  Just as the thought entered her head, more men surrounded them. “FBI!”

  FBI? Rebecca glanced around. Saw the letters on the men’s vests.

  Cassidy and two of her officers also arrived, weapons drawn and ready to take action.

  Patrick lowered his gun to the ground and raised his hands in the air.

  “I’m so sorry, Rebecca.” His voice broke. “I never wanted to do any of this. I got in too deep. I didn’t really want to hurt you.”

  She started to reply when another contraction hit her. She held her stomach and bent over. A deep moan escaped from her lips.

  Patrick was the least of her concerns at the moment.

  This baby was coming.


  Levi saw Rebecca double over with pain. He heard her moan.

  She needed help. Now.

  He handed the confiscated weapons to one of the FBI agents and jogged over to her. Chief Chambers stood with her now, talking in low tones.

  “Let me take her to the hospital,” Levi said. “Please.”

  Chief Chambers gave him a look that clearly said she was still leery of him. “That’s up to Rebecca.”

  He turned to her as paramedics nudged her onto a stretcher. “Rebecca—”

  She grabbed his hand, her eyes squeezing shut. “Yes.”

  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, you can come with me.”

  Levi let out a shaky breath. She hadn’t pushed him away. Maybe there was a possibility she’d forgive him. He could pray that was the case. He never wanted his job to come between them again.

  Chief Chambers shot him a warning glance before nodding. “Keep an eye on her.”

  “I will.” He climbed into the back of the ambulance with Rebecca. Two paramedics hooked her up to an IV while taking her pulse. Levi didn’t let go of her hand as his heart thumped nervously in his chest.

  He was probably more nervous about this than he’d been facing those gunman.

  Rebecca groaned and held her stomach. Her eyes squeezed shut before she released several quick, controlled breaths.

  “It’s going to be okay,” Levi murmured.

  Rebecca was going to have a baby. Emma was going to make her entrance into the world. He only hoped the baby would wait until they arrived at the clinic.

  “Nothing feels okay.” Her voice came out in a low moan, followed by more controlled breathing.

  “I’m sorry, Rebecca.” How could Levi ever make this up to her? He’d done so much damage . . . damage that he wasn’t sure he could make right.

  “I’m . . . sorry . . . too. I just . . . wish you’d . . . told me . . .” She breathed deeply and moaned between every other word.

  “I wanted to. I really did. I never expected to feel this way about you.”

  The ambulance siren wailed as they took off.

  “How . . . do . . . you . . . feel?” Her moan turned into a near scream.

  Levi’s heart thumped harder and harder. “Like I’m falling in love.”

  Rebecca’s grip on his hand tightened until pain ripped through his fingers. He said nothing.

  “You saved my life. I guess . . . I can . . .” A smile started on her face, but abruptly disappeared as another half-moan, half-scream escaped from her.

  “This baby is coming,” the paramedic said. “Call the clinic. Make sure Doc Clemson is ready. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  Levi prayed that everything would be all right. What was Rebecca about to say? He supposed it could wait.

  He only hoped that at the end of this, she didn’t hate him. But his deepest wish was that she would allow Levi to be a part of her life. Was he hoping for the impossible? Had he messed up beyond the point of forgiveness?

  Sweat covered Rebecca’s face, and her cries of pain came more rapidly.

  “Contractions are only thirty seconds apart,” the paramedic said. “We don’t have much time.”

  They pulled up to the clinic. Before the paramedics took the stretcher out, Rebecca squeezed Levi’s hand. Her gaze met his, and, for a brief moment, her pain seemed to clear.

  “I forgive you,” she whispered.

  Relief greater than any he’d ever felt before washed through Levi. “Thank you, Rebecca.”

  “No, thank you.”

  With those final words, the medics took her away.

  Levi remained in the waiting room. He paced, feeling more nervous than a first-time father. This baby wasn’t his. He knew that.

  But he also knew it was his duty to watch out for both Rebecca and Emma.

  He had no doubt about that.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Six Months Later

  Rebecca placed a pearl earring in her ear and glanced in the mirror. They used to belong to her mother.

  She smiled at her reflection there.

  She’d been so uncertain if she’d be able to handle being a single working mom.

  The past several months hadn’t always been easy, but she’d managed to make it through.

  With one more glance, she felt satisfied she looked okay. She walked to the crib nestled in her bedroom and smiled at the baby there.

  Emma Jarvis was perfect in every way. As the baby played with her toes and drool escaped from her mouth, Rebecca’s heart melted a little more.

  How did Rebecca deserve to be this incredibly blessed? She didn’t deserve it, but she was so thankful for the way her life had turned around.

  As her doorbell rang, she scooped Emma up in her arms and walked downstairs. When she opened the door, her breath caught.

  Levi stood there. Levi Marks.

  He grinned as he leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “Good evening.”

  She felt herself glowing. “Good evening.”

  He stepped inside and put a hand on Emma’s back. Emma’s face seemed to glow when she spotted him also.

  “How’s my little girl doing?” Levi asked, leaning closer.

  Emma reached for him, and Levi lifted the baby into his arms. The two seemed attached at the hip sometimes. It was a good thing Levi was still renting the house next door.

  “Thanks for staying in for our date tonight.” Rebecca shut the door and joined them in the entryway. “All the restaurants are just going to be so busy with tourist season in full swing.”

  “I prefer staying in to fighting the crowds.” He made another face at Emma, and the baby smiled, blowing a raspberry.

  The sight warmed Rebecca’s heart. She loved watching the two of them together.

  Levi had decided to stay in Lantern Beach. He’d given up his job with Homeland Security, and he was now working as a consultant with the government. The arrangement was working great—for now, at least.

  Things had really turned around in the past few months. That money that Jim had left Rebecca had been dirty. Part of it had been Ron’s, and, after a long process, he’d been paid back. His business had been able to stay open.

  Apparently, Jim had stolen that money in desperation. In the meantime, he’d found himself in over his head with the Spades—and he wanted out. From what Patrick had told Cassidy, Jim moved away to keep Rebecca safe. But he hated what he was doing.

  Eventually, he stole money from the Spades and put it into a savings account, hoping
it would ultimately help Rebecca and the baby. The Spades discovered what he’d done, and they’d killed him. They’d come to Lantern Beach, trying to figure out what Jim had done with their money.

  Jim’s intentions might have been good, but his methods left a lot to be desired. There was no way Rebecca could keep that money. She didn’t want it.

  Three members of the Spades, including Patrick, had been arrested. There were more out there, but the arm that operated in North Carolina had been shut down. It would be an ongoing process, for sure. At least, it was behind them now.

  “Rebecca?” Levi asked.

  She wandered into the kitchen toward the stove. She’d put some shrimp alfredo in the oven earlier. She’d been lost in her thoughts as she pulled it out and hadn’t heard Levi say her name until he repeated it again.

  “Yes?” She turned toward him as he stood behind her, with Emma in his arms. He’d never looked more appealing.

  She sucked in a breath when she saw the object in his hands.

  A ring.

  “Rebecca, I was going to wait until after dinner, but I don’t want to wait a moment longer,” Levi started. “As you can see, you and Emma have quickly gained a place in my heart. Nothing would make me happier than if you’d become my wife and if Emma would allow me to be her father.”

  Tears rushed to Rebecca’s eyes. She didn’t even have to think about her response. “Yes! Yes, we’d love that too, Levi!”

  He slipped the ring onto her finger, and her breath caught when she saw the diamond there. The princess-cut stone was beautiful.

  Things had progressed so well over the last six months. He’d been there for her at every turn and had proven he could be trusted.

  Their gazes caught, and they stepped closer to each other. Rebecca reached up, and her hand skimmed his beard. “I love you, Levi Marks.”

  A grin stretched across his lips. “I love you too, Rebecca Jarvis. And you, little Emma.”

  Their lips met in a warm kiss . . . that was only interrupted by Emma’s babbling and eventually her chubby hand as it came between them.

  They stepped back and chuckled.

  Against all the odds, Rebeca finally had the family she’d always dreamed about.


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