Taking His Mate

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Taking His Mate Page 3

by Delta James

  Griffin chuckled as well. He’d known Marco for years. They had first met when working on a joint covert operation. Recognizing the other as one of their own kind, they had quickly become friends.

  “I have no desire at this point to be anyone’s alpha and I know you will keep them safe.”

  “But some day, Griffin Owen of Calon Onest,” said Catherine, the beautiful blonde American to whom Marco was mated, as she joined them and wrapped her arm around Marco’s waist, “the right she-wolf will come along and you’ll take her to mate. And then you’ll rut with her until you blow up her belly with your baby and be ever so proud of yourself.”

  Marco smiled and hugged his mate. “She says that now, but as I recall she was an eager participant in the activity that resulted in her current, glorious condition.” Marco smiled, rubbing his hand over his mate’s very pregnant belly and nuzzling her neck. “But then, she’s always an eager participant… even now.”

  “Jesus, Marco,” Catherine said, slapping his hand away. Turning to Griffin, she said, “Promise me you won’t embarrass your mate when you find her.”

  Griffin smiled. He didn’t share that he feared he might never find his own fated mate. But that didn’t stop him from enjoying being around happily mated couples. And Marco and Catherine were as happy as his sister and Ioan. Knowing that others had found what his brother had shared with Skylar and his sister with Ioan, kept a small ember of hope burning that he too might someday be so gifted.

  “I try not to make promises I don’t think I can keep. I fear that should I ever find my fated mate, I will be so besotted that I won’t be responsible for letting the world know how I feel about her.”

  All three pair of eyes shined at the memory. Marco had brought Catherine home to marry her at the vineyard. It had been one of the most beautiful and memorable weddings Griffin could ever remember attending. Marco had surprised Catherine with an elaborate fireworks display over the lake on their estate. It had become the stuff of legends. Years later those who had witnessed it could still describe it in vivid detail.

  “Then lord help her. I was just a penniless art student in a red cape when the big bad wolf here swept me off my feet while he was on a business trip to Florence. Who knew I’d end up marked and mated to him.”

  Marco looked at his mate, over to Griffin and back to Catherine. Marco shrugged. “I did. From the moment I caught your scent on the evening breeze, I knew you were meant to be with me.”

  Catherine rolled her eyes. “He says that now…”

  “I fear ‘tis true,” said Griffin. “I was with him that night. Once he’d caught your scent, he was obsessed. I’m telling you… you never had a chance.”

  She laughed and then leaned in close to the handsome Welsh wolf. “I’ll tell you confidentially… neither did he.”

  Chapter Three

  Griffin absented himself from dinner that evening. He was exhausted and wanted to be able to relax with a hot shower, a good meal in his room and then report to Ioan. As expected, Ioan was not happy nor was he surprised at what Dylan had found.

  “Damn it,” said Ioan, “what is the Ruling Council thinking to allow this to happen?”

  “I think that’s the problem. Part of them aren’t thinking and don’t want to know, part of them are involved in what’s going on, and the other part is too fearful to do anything about it.”

  “And did you find out about those mutts who attacked Skylar?”

  “They were holding three women. I didn’t feel I could take the time or risk them either getting hurt or seeing the aftermath had I been able to deal with them in the manner we had originally discussed. But their home is no more and I’ve made sure surrounding packs know they made an unprovoked attack, had their butts kicked by a group of women, and are enemy to Calon Onest.”

  “Let’s hope that puts a wrinkle in their plans. Come home, Griff. I need to ask you to ferry a couple of messages to America. And your sister will make my life a living hell if she doesn’t get to see firsthand I didn’t get her baby brother hurt. The fact that you’re well over six feet, in great shape, and a battle-hardened veteran always seems to escape her notice.”

  Griffin laughed. His sister still saw him as the young, untried wolfling who had joined Special Forces and then refused to become alpha to their pack. From the moment he had returned to Wales after so many covert missions, he knew the Calon Onest pack was in the right hands… those of his sister’s mate.

  “Well, I wouldn’t want Bethan to indulge in one of her infamous tirades. I’ll be there in a couple of days. I think I’m going to take the time to go up the Amalfi Coast. I need some fresh air and beautiful scenery to clear my head of some of the things I’ve seen on this trip.”

  “I’m sorry about that. I had hoped it wouldn’t be that bad but I couldn’t trust anyone else.”

  “Not to worry, Ioan. That’s what family is for. But we are going to do something about this, right? If the Council here in Europe won’t, someone needs to…”

  “I know, Griff. Come on home. That’s part of what I need you to do in America. We need to build a strong coalition… and Skylar’s new mate may well be the linchpin we’ve needed to do that. But we’ll talk about it when you get home.”

  “I’ll see you in a few days, Ioan. Give Bethan and the kids a kiss from me.”

  “Travel safe.”

  * * *

  The next morning, Griffin came down to join Marco’s pack for breakfast. As with most packs, it was a kind of buffet for the entire pack. Griffin was delighted to see that the women he had taken from the Serbs seemed far less haunted than he had expected. As he had hoped, Marco’s warm and loving pack was already starting to heal them… as they had Griffin himself years ago.

  Ashley approached Griffin. “Thank you again for rescuing Stephanie. Thank you seems so inadequate for what you’ve done…”

  Griffin smiled. “You’re welcome. I’m only sorry all of this happened to the two of you. You’ll be safe here with Marco and his pack. They’re good people.”

  She returned his smile. “They are. I’m feeling much better about what’s happened to us and what the future might hold. Meeting Catherine and seeing how happy she is with Marco. Did he really leave their hotel with her wrapped in a bedsheet?”

  Griffin grinned. “I’m afraid so. Marco needed to return to the winery and Catherine was being difficult about accepting they were meant to be together. But, Marco didn’t mark her nor did he turn her until she completely understood all of the ramifications of being with him.”

  Ashley nodded. “That’s what she said. That she went in with her eyes wide open.” Ashley glanced over to Catherine, who was beaming at and kissing her mate. “She’s crazy about him,” she said wistfully.

  “Almost as crazy as he is about her. Have you even had time to catch your breath and give any thought as to what you might want?”

  “A bit. Marco has made it clear that we are all welcome to stay permanently. I’m a nurse practitioner by trade with an emphasis in midwifery. There’s a doctor outside of Milan but that’s almost two hours away. I think I could make a contribution here. Certainly, I want to stay to help Catherine. For all they and you have done for us.”

  “Please don’t feel obligated. It’s the least any of us could do to offset what was done to you by our kind.”

  “Marco said you’re leaving soon.”

  “Right after breakfast. I want to travel up the coast to clear my head. Then I have obligations to my family and their pack.”

  “But not to yourself?”

  Griffin smiled. “At some point, yes. Right now, I find the solace and support I need in serving others. You should know, what’s going on in this part of Europe is becoming known. There are those of us who will ensure it comes to a stop.”

  “Thank you again… for everything. If I can ever do anything to repay what you’ve done for my sister and me, please know all you need do is ask.”

  Griffin watched as she went to join her siste
r and the two other women who had been held with Stephanie. At least some good had come from this trip.

  * * *

  “If they catch you without an approved helmet, they’ll fine you to the moon and back,” said Marco, watching Griffin don his sunglasses in preparation to start up the powerful motorcycle and head toward the Amalfi Coast.

  “They’ll have to catch me first,” Griffin said, grinning at his friend. “Thanks again for taking in the girls, Marco, and for the loan of the bike.”

  “No problem for either. Just leave the bike in long-term parking at the airport. I’ll send one of the boys down to bring it home.”

  Griffin put on his sunglasses, started the engine, and drove down the driveway of Marco’s estate.

  Catherine joined her mate. “He’ll be all right, won’t he? I worry about him.”

  “Yes, beloved, the Welsh wolf will be fine. Perhaps it is because I am so happy and my life so blessed, but I do believe good things are coming for our friend.”

  Catherine looked up at him. “That innate wolf-sense of yours?”

  Marco nodded. “Yes, something just tells me the next time Griffin goes up the Amalfi Coast it will be with his own mate to show it to her.”

  “Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later. I fear that the trouble coming may set back a lot of plans,” she said, rubbing her belly protectively.

  “Shh, cara. Ashley said you weren’t to fret about such things. You are safe here as is our child. You are to focus on being happy and taking care of our little one. You will leave anything outside our home in my hands.”

  Catherine shook her head. “Did you really know from the first that we were meant to be together?”

  He laughed. “But of course. You don’t think I normally brought young ladies home with me from business trips, naked, wrapped in a bedsheet, slung over my shoulder, do you? Especially naughty little girls who had a freshly spanked bottom and their pussy filled with my seed?”

  Catherine blushed at the memory. Marco chuckled. He was well aware that Catherine had been mortified when she had first entered their home.

  “Don’t remind me. Why did I ever fall in love with you?”

  “Simple. Because I gave you no choice.”

  “Because we are fated mates?” she teased.

  “No, because until you admitted the truth I kept you well spanked and even better laid.”

  “Seriously, I should have hated you.”

  “You were too tired from my lovemaking to hate me.”

  “You are impossible,” she said, giggling. “And what will you do if we have a daughter and some wolf comes and tries to do the same to her?”

  “Unless he can convince me that he too is her fated mate, I’ll slit his throat and throw his carcass to the predators in the mountains,” Marco said matter-of-factly.

  Marco hugged his mate close, watched his friend exit the estate, and turned back to the main house. He agreed with Griffin and with Ioan. Trouble was coming, but he had taken safeguards to ensure the safety of his home and all who lived there.

  * * *

  Griffin was enjoying the trip down from Marco’s to the Italian Coast. The coastline of Italy was lovely, but nothing rivaled the Amalfi Coast for sheer beauty… well, nothing outside of his own beloved Wales.

  The first day, Griffin rode and let the images and sensory memories he had experienced in the past few weeks get blown away by the coastal breeze and the wind created by riding the motorcycle. The second day, his inner peace restored, he enjoyed the last part of the trip down and then the approximately thirty-five miles of coastline dotted with ancient cities.

  Griffin leisurely drove the coastline, stopping to do a bit of shopping. If Ioan was correct, and he was rarely wrong about Bethan, she would need something old and wonderful to distract her from what he had been doing… and what he was certain Ioan would want him to do next.

  Griffin spent the night in Naples and left the motorcycle in the long-term parking area. He boarded the plane bound for Cardiff. As the plane began to take off, Griffin closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax and sleep.

  * * *

  Griffin arrived at Calon Onest and was barely out of his vintage MG roadster when his sister launched herself at him.

  “Are you all right?” She began running her hands all over her younger brother, checking for injuries that she was sure he’d never tell her about.

  “I was until you flattened me,” he said, trying to fend off her attention.

  “Not funny,” Bethan scolded.

  “Not meant to be,” he teased.

  Ioan came out of the house and disengaged his mate from her brother. “That’s enough, Bethan. If he says he’s fine, he’s fine.” He shook Griffin’s hand. “She’s convinced I sent you off to get killed.”

  “That pack attacked Skylar,” she said.

  “And Skylar and her pack kicked their asses and those who lived came home injured,” said Griffin. “I was able to get the three women they had out of there, get them to Marco, and then torched the estate.”

  “Good lad,” said Ioan.

  Griffin chuckled. He was a blooded warrior both as wolf and human. He’d seen more death and violence than most men would see in a lifetime. But he’d always be Bethan’s little brother whom Ioan saw as a ‘lad.’ He shook his head. It was good to be home.

  Griffin grabbed his duffle and allowed his sister to bustle him into the house and up to the room she insisted on keeping for him. She followed him into the room.

  “You’re really fine?”

  Griffin hugged her. “I’m fine, Bethan. Truly. Let me wash the road off. Tell Ioan I’ll meet him downstairs.”

  Griffin grabbed a brief shower, thought about shaving and decided it was too much trouble. He walked back into the bedroom portion of his suite only to find Ava waiting for him—perched provocatively on his bed. He was glad he’d taken his clothes into the bath with him. He finished fastening his jeans and pulled his sweater over his head.

  “Welcome home, Griff,” she said as seductively as she could.

  “Ava, stop. I don’t have time for this. Be a good girl, leave my room, and don’t come back.”

  “Didn’t you miss me, Griffin?” she purred at him as she rose and gracefully crossed to him.

  He stood stock still. “Not at all. We aren’t going to do this, Ava. Not ever.”

  “We did once before,” she said, still clinging to the memory of a night that never should be happened.

  “Yes, because you caught me on a night I was drunk and stupidly gave in to my baser desires. Something for which I am deeply regretful and have apologized to you.”

  “But you wanted me. You knotted me…”

  “As a wolf. Even as drunk and desperate as I was to fuck, I realized that being with you was a bad idea. Now stop this or I’ll have to speak to Ioan.”

  She wound her arms around his neck and rubbed her body along his.

  “I need you, Griffin.”

  “What you need, Ava, is a series of long, hard spankings on your bare bottom and to be mated to a wolf who can keep you in line and well laid. I said enough,” he said, disentangling himself from her.

  Before she could speak again, Colum, Ioan’s beta, knocked and came into the room. Taking Ava by her upper arm, he shook his head before saying, “Ioan is waiting for you, Griff. Sorry about Ava. She was told to leave you alone.” He turned his attention to Ava. “And you, little wolf, need to go to your room and stand in the corner until I come in to deal with you.”

  Ava stomped her foot. “I won’t.”

  “You will,” said Colum. “And if you don’t obey me right this second, I’ll be taking my strap to your bare arse. Go. Now.”

  Ava looked from Griffin to Colum and back. Finding no support of her position from either, she headed toward her room.

  “I really do apologize about Ava.”

  “It’s all right. I never should have lost control that night.”

  “She never shoul
d have pushed that night or now. She needs to be mated and to a man who can make her mind.”

  Griffin grinned. “For the right wolf, that will be a treat. As I recall, she was wildly responsive even as a wolf and most definitely has a backside a man could enjoy applying his hand to.”

  Colum snorted. “Perhaps if that man was mated to her, but unless you’re volunteering for the job, which you aren’t, it’s just a pain to have to deal with her. Tell Ioan and let him know I’ll see to her punishment.”

  “I won’t be here long. I think Ioan needs me to head to America. Colum, don’t be too hard on her.”

  Colum shook his head. “I’ll not go lightly on her this time. Ioan specifically warned her to keep her distance from you. She has disobeyed her alpha; she apparently needs a refresher in why that’s a bad idea.”

  “I’ll leave it in your hands.”

  Griffin trotted down the stairs and knocked on the door to Ioan’s study as he entered.

  “Sorry for the delay. I had a bit of situation.”


  “Yes, Colum protected my virtue and said to tell you he’d deal with her.”

  “She’s becoming something of a problem. I’m going to need to give serious consideration to finding her a mate—either here or with another pack.”

  “I think with the right man, she’ll make an excellent mate.”

  “As do I. Your sister is not as sure. She believes part of Ava’s attraction to you is that rightfully you should be alpha here at Calon Onest.”

  Griffin shook his head. “No. Calon Onest has the only alpha it has ever needed since Micah was killed.”

  “You know I would step down…”

  “And that would be a huge mistake.” He clasped his brother-in-law on the shoulder. “Bethan picked the best man both as her mate and for our pack.”


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