Taking His Mate

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Taking His Mate Page 12

by Delta James

  “Yield, sweetheart, come for me again,” he whispered as he leaned down to kiss and nuzzle the back of her neck.

  Maddie realized she had no resistance to him whatsoever. She could feel the last of her defiance give way. Once more she climaxed as he stroked her with his fingers, plunging them in and out of her with speed and power. She cried out his name as her body once more shook with the power of her orgasm.

  * * *

  Griffin’s pleasure at her surrender was tempered by the fact that he knew he could neither mark her nor could he allow the knot to form so that he could claim her completely and tie her to him. That was a whole other discussion they would have to have. He smiled, thinking that considering that their earlier discussion hadn’t gone too badly and she seemed to have yielded to his dominance fairly well that Maddie would come around.

  He released her legs and let her stand up, but quickly turned her, pulling her back in to his lap. He watched as she balled her fist. He caught her hand in his.

  “Acting out or being naughty after you get your bottom spanked will only result in my believing you weren’t telling me the truth when you said you were yielding. That’ll get you an additional spanking and perhaps a mouth washed out with soap. Now behave, cwningen bach. Let’s be done with your punishment.”

  “I don’t want you to spank me. Do you have any idea how much that hurts?”

  “I have an idea. My hand isn’t exactly immune. But I prefer to use my hand unless I feel whatever you’ve done warrants my taking a strap to you.”

  “You don’t actually think I’m going to agree to this, do you?”

  He smiled and nuzzled her neck under her dark mane of hair. “You already have, my beloved. Let’s not quarrel. Be my sweet mate and let us get to more pleasurable pursuits.”

  “Griff …” she started but his mouth cut her off with another scalding kiss.

  * * *

  Griffin stood up with her in his arms and held her close as he plundered her mouth, taking all she had to give him. Her irritation and confusion seemed only to fuel her desire. She wanted him desperately—more so than any other man she ever even been attracted to. Her tongue dueled with his for supremacy, but once again she found herself yielding to his dominance.

  He turned with her and set her back on her feet. He quickly threw the covers back and then lifted her and gently set her down in the middle of the bed. He sat down on the edge in order to pull off his boots so he could get as naked as she was and join her between the sheets.

  Maddie found that she wanted to be as close to him as possible. She sat up, catching her breath as her full weight became centered on her bottom.

  He turned and smiled at her. “There’s a reason I laid you down, mate. I fear you will find sitting none too comfortable for a day or two. Now lie back down so you’re more comfortable.”

  “But I want you…” She stopped as he stood and removed the remainder of his clothes and turned back to her. She’d known he had a great body and was well endowed when she had pressed herself against him earlier and when she’d felt his cock straining under her as he spanked her. Apparently she had not focused as much as she should have on his cock.

  His cock stood proud and straight. It looked as though it was made of flesh-colored steel. There was no doubt in her mind that he planned to make good on his promise to leave her pussy in the same sorry state as her backside. She could see it pulsing in anticipation of mounting her.

  He drew back the covers to join her in bed and said softly, “And you shall have me… repeatedly.”

  Maddie laid back down and started to scoot a little closer to the side to give him more room.

  “Nay, love. It will be a while before I require more room in the bed. Your body will be all the cushion I need.”

  He gathered her close and began a slow, sensual exploration of her body. He traced the lines of her with his fingers, followed by his lips. Maddie realized she had begun to long for the day when he would be able to nibble and nip at her without fear of real injury.

  His mouth sucked in her nipple as his hand came to roll the other between his fingers. She groaned at the exquisite sensations he was able to create. When she tried to use her hands to offer him some pleasure, he removed them, growling low in his throat as he did so. She realized her body was once more pulsing in rhythm to his and producing more than enough of her slick essence to allow him to penetrate her fully.

  Griffin’s mouth moved from one nipple to the other as his hand stroked down her abdomen to seek her core. This time her thighs parted easily for him and she could feel him smile as he suckled her.

  “Arrogant bastard,” she whispered, causing him to chuckle and leave her nipple altogether to kiss her deeply.

  “Beautiful mate,” he said in reply.

  Maddie noticed that his accent and voice had both deepened as he became more aroused. She loved the sound of it. She could easily see a day where he could damn near talk her to orgasm.

  His mouth left hers and went back to suckling. He reached between her legs and spread her lower lips, drawing out some of her fragrant moisture to massage into her swollen clit. As he circled her bundled nerve center, her swift climax surprised her.

  “There’s my good mate. How she pleases me with the depth and swiftness of her response.”

  He kissed her briefly but deeply and then went to pay homage to her other nipple as he continued to finger her. Again she reached for him, only to have her hand swatted away with the low accompanying growl.

  “Griffin, please, mate. I need you inside me.”

  He brought his head up to look deep into her eyes. “So you acknowledge that I am your mate?”

  She nodded. “Yes. It scares me to death.”

  “Don’t let it. It will be all right. We’ll figure it out. But you understand that you will mind me and when you don’t there will be consequences.”

  She nodded again. “And it’s annoying that the idea of it makes me want you even more.”

  “No, love. It’s just your soul getting your mind and body back into alignment with where it knows it belongs.”

  “And where is that?” she whispered.

  “Ever by my side,” he answered as he kissed her once again.

  Griffin rolled on top of her, settling himself between her legs as her body accommodated his need. He reached under her and gently held her bottom to steady her as he thrust himself deeply into her waiting core. She arched up, climaxing in response to his possession.

  He began to take long, deep, slow strokes into her pussy. He would withdraw until only the crest of the head of his cock remained within her. Griffin would then plunge back into her depths until her groin had reached the base of his cock. She found it hard to believe she could actually accommodate his length and girth.

  Over and over again he thrust into her. Maddie’s toes curled and she could feel her entire body tremble with the depth of his claiming. She knew that it was not merely his cock making claim to her pussy, but rather Griffin demanding the surrender of heart, mind, body, and soul. She found that rather than it being frightening, it felt as though her entire world had been realigned and made whole.

  Relentlessly he pummeled her pussy. Maddie’s legs intertwined with his and her arms came up around him to clutch at his back. She knew he could feel her final surrender as she sank her nails into his flesh, drawing them down to his heaving flanks. She had no doubt she would leave him marked from their first coupling. Griffin seemed to focus his energy on bringing her as much pleasure as possible.

  What she didn’t know was the effort it cost him to refrain from doing what every instinct and fiber in his body wanted—to mark her as his own and claim her completely. To leave the mark of an alpha wolf in the space between the bottom of her neck and the place where her collarbone started and to breach her core with the knot he was suppressing. Maddie had yet to learn about alpha males and their ability and need to knot and tie their mates to them. She had yet to know the ecstasy of having been
breached by her mate, rocked to the heights of rapture again and again before being filled with his seed.

  “Griffin, please,” she whispered against him.

  He grasped her buttocks more firmly, causing her to wince.

  “Aye, love,” he whispered. “You remember what it feels like when I hold you steady with a sore bottom the next time you think to disobey me.”

  “Aye, Griffin,” she heard herself say.

  She gasped as he held her still and increased the strong rhythm of his thrusting. His cock slid in and out as if they had been lovers for years and only recently brought back together after a long parting. He skimmed her inner walls as he drove into her, ensuring that she felt each and every plunge. As once more she could feel an orgasm bubbling up from the depths of her soul, she could feel him race toward his own release. Griffin plunged deeper still as she arched up into him and her nails dug into his powerful buttocks. Her pussy spasmed repeatedly as his cock continued to flood her with his cum.

  When finally he was spent, he rolled off of her but brought her to her side to lay half on top of him and half off. Maddie lay completely sated and at peace. She rested her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her. The fingers of his other hand were laced through hers and her leg rested between his.

  “I think you should know that agreements made under duress are not legally binding,” she teased.

  “Ah, but the breaking of those agreements is a spankable offense,” he laughed.

  “I can’t win, can I?”

  “Afraid not. Best you just give in, go along, and live happily ever after.”

  “And is that what we’re going to do?”

  He smiled down at her and kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes, my beloved. When alpha wolves mate they do so for life. I’m afraid I will never have any interest sexually for another woman and I have a strong, healthy libido.”

  She giggled. “Is that supposed to be a bad thing?”

  “Only if you mind having me fuck you daily for the rest of your life. Alpha males are driven to claim their mates on a frequent and regular basis. And then there’s the whole knotting thing.”

  “What the hell is that?”

  “Too long an explanation for tonight. But know this… any pleasure I brought you this night will pale in comparison to the exquisite sensations and intimacy of being tied to one’s mate.”

  “That must be one helluva thing. I have never felt more satisfied, complete, loved… I don’t know I guess just more right about anything in my whole life.”

  Griffin chuckled. “And you didn’t think you were my mate. Seems all I had to do was give you a good spanking followed by a hard fucking and you easily acquiesced to my plans.”

  “If I weren’t so bloody exhausted, I’d punch you.”

  “Now, now, beloved, punching one’s mate is also a spankable offense.”

  “Doomed, I tell you. I’m doomed,” she said, yawning.

  Just to reassure himself, he whispered, “Happy?”

  She turned her head up to him and reached up to kiss him deeply. “More than I ever thought possible,” she whispered against his lips.

  Chapter Twelve

  Maddie awoke to the sun streaming through the open windows and the smell of bacon. She saw Griffin coming through the door to their room with a tray laden with said bacon and other enticing smells. She went to sit up, once again wincing and swearing as her bottom made full contact with the mattress.

  “Shh, love. I warned you not to try to sit for a day or so.”

  “This is your fault,” she started to say before Griffin cut her off with his kiss.

  “Hush, love or I won’t think I spanked or fucked you hard enough for you to have learned your lesson if you fuss. Is that the case? Are your pussy and backside in need of more of my attention?”

  She snorted. “No, and you bloody well know it.”

  He smiled at her. “Good girl. I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I had Claudine send up what smells like an amazing selection.”

  “There’s only one fork.”

  “I thought we’d share and I’d feed you.”

  “Would that because you fed off of me so many times last night?” she said, laughing but blushing as memories of the night before came flooding back.

  Griffin had proven himself to be a powerful, dominant lover. More than once he had reached for her during the night and brought her to repeated heights of ecstasy. When he had gone down on her to feast on her honey, she’d come screaming his name twice before he slid up her body to once again possess her with his.

  He had allowed her to pleasure him with her mouth, but it had become apparent that it was more that he fucked her mouth than she sucked him off. He had been adamant that her place in bed was either underneath him on her back or on her knees in front of him when he mounted her from behind. While she had never much cared for doggy style before, she found with her wolf that it was deeply fulfilling and provided maximum pleasure for them both.

  Griffin settled himself in the bed with the tray resting on his rock-hard abs. He drew her up close to his body and got her comfortable on her side. Maddie found she rather enjoyed snuggling up with him while he fed her and they shared the food.

  “So this is what it’s like to sleep with a shifter. My imagination is good, but not this good,” Maddie said, giggling.

  He chuckled. “Nay, my love, this is what it is like to sleep with your fated mate and you have yet to experience the entirety of it.”

  “Do you know when the other alphas will get here?”

  “Later this morning and early afternoon. Wanting to be rid of me?”

  “No,” she said. “It’s two things. The Holy Trinity seems to think I need to have a long talk and several shots of tequila with Oliver Halsey’s mate. She was turned. And then the sooner this war council is concluded the sooner we can make plans for our future.”

  Griffin nodded. “Jean-Michel had suggested you meet with Rozalyn. I also need to meet apart from the war council as you call it with Skylar and her new mate.”

  Maddie looked at him with concern. “Will that be difficult for you?”

  “I don’t think so. My brother, Micah, always wanted her happy and didn’t believe she could be without a mate.”

  “Ah, so arrogance runs in the family,” she teased.

  He laughed. “I’m afraid so. As well as a penchant for naughty fated mates.”

  There was a discreet knock on the door and upon hearing Griffin telling whomever it was to come in, a beautiful woman with red hair stuck her head in the door. Maddie could tell by the way Griffin’s face lit up that the woman must be Skylar Grainger.

  “Well,” she said, “if it isn’t my little brother snuggled up to I’m hoping is the woman everyone is saying is his fated mate.”

  “Skylar, how wonderful to see you. Madeline, this is Skylar. She was married to my brother Micah and was once mistress of Calon Onest and now, as I understand it, is mistress of Calon Gwyllt.”

  Skylar shook her head. “You do know what you’re getting yourself into with him, don’t you?”

  “Not completely but if the sex last night was any indication, it’ll be worth it,” teased Maddie.

  Griffin growled low at her and Skylar laughed.

  “Oh, I like her, Griff, and Bethan is going to adore her. Maybe we can get all this nastiness settled before the holidays and plan to spend them at Calon Onest or Calon Gwyllt. Ioan has invited Dylan and me. I know he’d love it if you came as well. By the way, does Bethan know about her?”

  “Not yet,” he admitted sheepishly.

  Maddie couldn’t help but smile. The little brother aspect of Griffin’s personality was quite charming.

  “Sky!” Darby called as she came down the hall and joined them in the bedroom. “Oh, good, you’re both here.” She seemed entirely unconcerned or even surprised that Maddie was sharing Griffin’s bed. Darby continued, “Maddie, would you mind if we moved you in here to free up that room? If you do, we’
ll figure something else out, it just seemed the most expedient thing to do. The great alpha of New Orleans failed to get me an accurate count of who all was coming and I’m short one room.”

  “Don’t you think you should be asking me if I mind you moving my mate into my room?” asked Griffin with a smile.

  “No, you great lump, she doesn’t,” responded Skylar. “You’ll have to forgive him, Maddie. I tried to teach him manners where his future mate was concerned but I’m afraid he has way too much of his brother in him.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” said Maddie quietly.

  “Thanks, Maddie. That’ll be helpful. Sky, I thought I’d put Anna and Josh in there. That way they too will be up here in the main house with you, Grainger, Roz, and Oliver.”

  Darby and Skylar went to withdraw, but Darby stuck her head back in. “Maddie, unless you have plans, I’d like it if you could join us ladies while the men smoke cigars and talk of things they don’t think we should know about.”

  “I’d be honored,” said Maddie.

  “Then it’s settled. And you, Griffin, need to let your poor mate alone. Halsey and Grainger are here. Jean-Michel would like the four of you to meet as soon as possible.”

  Griffin kissed Maddie and then got out of bed. “Tell him to give me fifteen minutes and I’ll join them.” He leaned down and kissed her again. “I love you,” he said before heading to take a shower.

  Maddie sat back up, watching as the door closed. She winced. She’d written spanking scenes in her novels before. They always sounded so sexy and her readers seemed to love them. She knew from now on they would have a bit more grit in them. She shook her head and made a decision.

  Maddie flung the covers back and strode into the bathroom. She opened the large shower door and joined her mate. She jumped back out when the cold water hit her.

  “Jesus, Griffin, the water is freezing. Is the hot water not working?”

  Griffin laughed at her and turned the water off. As he turned around, Maddie saw the reason for the cold water. Griffin’s cock was completely engorged.


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