Taking His Mate

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Taking His Mate Page 14

by Delta James

  “Probably. His big brother Micah kept Skylar in line and I’m sure he passed down the info.”

  “Roz, are you ever sorry it happened?”

  “No. Truly. Not only did it cure Liza, but it brought me to Oliver. If I could change one thing, I might not have tried to hate him so hard. But then I figure, I love him just as hard. Look, I don’t know your background—maybe you’re wildly rich and famous. I was a New Jersey welder. Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong in that, but now I’m the lady of a great pack. We’ve been on our land since before America was America. And you know what my Oliver told me when I wanted to worry that I wasn’t going to be good enough? That I wasn’t a Skylar and I knew nothing about high society or throwing grand parties?”

  “What?” Maddie asked.

  “He told me I had my own style and if other people didn’t like it, we wouldn’t invite them.”

  “From what I’ve seen, all of you who were part of Bae Diogel have found your fated mates.”

  Roz smiled, her eyes gleamed. “We did indeed. But truth to tell, any of those old fuddy-duddies from the Ruling Council ever show up, I’ll still show them the inside of my dungeon.”

  “You have a dungeon?” Maddie asked, laughing.

  “I do. So does Darby and she’s got a bunch of secret tunnels both here and at their townhouse in the French Quarter.”

  “You know she and the others have been training the other women.”

  “She’s not the only one. By the way, that’s not something you want to share with Griffin. They won’t like it. Women are to be protected. That is such bullshit. If there’s a battle coming, we all need to be able to fight. Because it’ll only be this coalition they’re putting together. The rest of them will just sit back and go oh, woe is me. Any pack of mutts hits our island, they’re in for a nasty surprise.”

  “But how are we women going to know anything?” asked Maddie.

  “Anna, who was with Bae Diogel and is still with Skylar is a black hat hacker of the first order. They’re depending on her to do a lot of electronic stuff. Whatever she finds, she makes sure it gets to Skylar, who then gets it to the rest of us. Don’t worry, we won’t let you get caught unawares.”

  “Thanks, Roz. I feel a lot better having talked to you.”

  “Sure thing. That’s what we do… stick together. Where do you think you and Griffin are going to be?”

  “Not sure, except I think he wants to be somewhere along the Eastern Coast of the United States. I’m going to hate giving up my home here in New Orleans. But whither thou goest, right?”

  “Afraid so. You know… he should talk to Sky, she might be willing to let him have her island in the Carolinas. It’s gorgeous. You’d have to build from scratch… we torched the place when we left. But it’s really beautiful. I spent some of the happiest years of my life there. And it could be very strategic in the coming fight.”

  “We won’t need anything big, we don’t have a pack.”

  “Oliver said both Griffin and Jean-Michel have people spread out all over the globe that are going to have to have somewhere to go when this is all over. I think a pack here in America run by a wolf with Griffin’s reputation and pedigree… finding good wolves won’t be an issue.”

  “Thanks, Roz. I appreciate your honesty and directness.”

  “Any other questions? And don’t feel like you have to know them now. I’ll make sure you know how to get in touch with me. Now let’s go see what the others have been up to.”

  The two women stood up and then headed off to find the others.

  * * *

  Dinner that night was a very casual affair. Maddie watched as people talked and teased each other. Jean-Michel’s pack seemed very at ease entertaining a gathering of this magnitude. Claudine’s food was, as expected, a Cajun gourmet experience. As Maddie watched Darby act as hostess, she was glad that at first it would only be she and Dylan. She realized that as Griffin’s mate, there would most likely come a day where she too was mistress of a pack. Not as old, wealthy, or revered as that of the New Orleans pack, but she felt one that would make a contribution and of which she would be proud.

  She watched as Griffin fell into a deep and private discussion with Dylan Grainger. Griffin had handed him an envelope earlier in the evening.

  Skylar came up beside her. “I’m not thinking that bodes well for me,” she said, smiling.


  “An envelope from Micah to my new mate or, for that matter, Griffin and Dylan getting chummy.”

  Maddie giggled. “What do you think was in there?”

  “Oh, probably something along the lines of take a strap to her backside on a frequent basis and keep her exhausted and just a bit sore from your lovemaking.”

  Maddie laughed out loud with Skylar.

  “Roz alleviate your concerns?”

  Maddie nodded. "She did. For the most part. I'm just not sure I'll ever get used to their treating us like we're children or not able to take care of ourselves."

  Skylar smiled. "The thing is, I spent a great deal of my life with true alpha males, not like those who run the Ruling Councils and are intimidated by a strong female wolf. The men in our lives can be overly protective and appear at first glance to think that women are inferior or incapable. But it isn't that at all. They just want us to have as good a life as they can provide—one that is easy, happy, and filled with love. It isn't that they don't think we're capable, they are just unwilling to risk our getting hurt."

  “I really can’t thank all of you enough for your support.”

  “You won’t be alone, Maddie, not ever. Alphas may be a pain in the ass, literally sometimes, but these men, including Griffin, are the best of our kind. I never thought Griffin would find you and I think he’d just about given up hope. Who knew you were waiting for him writing romance novels in New Orleans.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Maddie felt the need for a little space to herself and some fresh air. She went back upstairs to the room she now shared with Griffin. The soft glow from the moonlight was filtering through the windows. Roz and the others had given her a lot of think about but she found she was quite confident now in what she wanted and needed to do.

  She left their room and went down the stairs and out the side door into the soft night. She knew Griffin would not be pleased that she had chosen to leave the house, but she felt the need to be outside. She had often walked through the French Quarter in the middle of the night. Not the safest thing to do, but it had often soothed her soul. Tonight, she felt as though she needed to say goodbye to all she had known and to embrace the unknown and the man with whom she would share it.

  Maddie hadn’t meant to wander far, but found herself once again along the banks of the Mississippi as it flowed past Rivière Du Loup. She could understand why Darby had come to love it so quickly. She also realized that the man and this place were one. Jean-Michel and his pack derived part of their strength and a great deal of their stability because of the roots that ran so deep. She wondered if she and Griffin would ever be able to provide that sense of belonging to those that joined them.

  She was listening to the gentle wash of the river as it flowed along the banks when the quiet was split by a lone howl. Maddie could feel it as well as hear it. She could feel the sound reverberate throughout her entire being. There was a short time ago she would have found that disconcerting, but now she took comfort it and smiled. She knew that it was Griffin. It was the call of her mate.

  She was headed back to the house when she was intercepted by the man himself. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. His arms folded her into his body.

  “Do you have any idea of how much trouble you are in, cwningen bach?” he whispered in her ear.

  She tried to pull back from him, but found he had far too strong a grip on her. All she could do was lean back to search his face.


  “You heard me. Do you have any idea how angry I am? You were told not to leave th
e house without a male wolf in attendance. I specifically told you that the river was off limits as it was too wide open and made you too vulnerable. And yet when I went to look for you, you were nowhere within the house to be found.”

  “Griffin, I realize that you’re used to women who do as they’re told. That just isn’t me. I’m willing to meet you halfway, but I am not just going to roll over and do as I’m told. You can’t expect that from me,” Maddie said in what she thought was a reasonable and respectful tone of voice.

  “I see. And I am just supposed to accept that you are going to misbehave whenever you choose to. I understand that while that may be the case, what you need to understand and accept is that there are consequences to disobeying one’s mate. I thought we had covered that ground last night, but apparently not in a way that made a lasting impression. I apologize to you for that. I assure you that will not be the case when we are finished tonight.”

  “If you think you’re going to spank me again tonight…”

  “What I think is that you’re going to go upstairs to our room ahead of me and will strip naked, put your nose in the corner, and stand there waiting for me to come punish you.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You will,” said Griffin, the anger in his voice finally registering with Maddie.

  It occurred to Maddie that it wasn’t merely that he expected her to follow his orders. He was genuinely concerned for her safety.

  “Griffin, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Maddie. Knowing that you didn’t mean to worry me by doing precisely what I told you not to. Of course, had you obeyed I wouldn’t have been worried and you wouldn’t now be facing another spanking. Think about that while you are standing in the corner.”

  His voice was a low growl and Maddie could feel it skittering across her skin and finding its way into the very marrow of her bones.

  Maddie had no intention of ending up face down over Griffin’s knee again. Clearly reasoning was going to help mitigate his anger. She leaned into him again, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing her body along his. She could feel the hard ridge of his cock pressed against her.

  “I really am sorry. I like the idea of getting naked. But I’m very sure you can think of something better to do than watching me stand in the corner, can’t you?”

  He chuckled and then growled low and deep in his throat. Maddie could feel her body responding to him. Her nipples were growing hard and she could feel her pussy getting wet and ready for Griffin’s use. The memories of how he had made her feel both physically and emotionally the night before flashed through her mind and she smiled.

  Griffin nuzzled her neck. Maddie felt things were turning in the direction she wanted when his hand delivered a hard swat to her derriere. She jumped; Griffin held fast.

  “Now, cwningen bach, take yourself to our room, get naked, and stand in the corner. If you don’t get that pretty little butt of yours in gear, I’ll toss you over my shoulder and carry you to our room and strip you myself. Then, mate, you will be in trouble for disobeying me twice this night and your spanking will reflect that.”

  “Griffin, I said I was sorry.”

  “And I told you that I accepted your apology and appreciate it. That does not, however, negate your need to be disciplined for disobeying me. Had you not done so, there would be no need for you to apologize. Go, Maddie. I won’t tell you again.”

  Griffin stood back from her. Several scenarios ran through her mind. Based on her discussions with her friends earlier in the day, none of them ended well for her. She started to say something, but the firm set of his mouth told her no amount of arguing or reasoning was going to change his mind.

  Maddie turned away from him and entered the house. She was relieved that no one else was in the foyer or on the staircase. She was able to get to their room. Once inside, she looked around. She supposed she could lock the door, but somehow knew that would do her little good. She couldn’t imagine a mere locked door doing anything to Griffin except pissing him off. She took off her clothes. Everything in her rebelled against putting herself in the corner.

  Maddie decided she would sit on the bed and when he went to put her over his knee she wouldn’t fight him.

  Griffin came in. “I said nose in the corner, not sitting on the bed.”

  “I’m not a child, Griffin.”

  “No, you are my disobedient mate who has earned herself a punishment spanking. That means naked with some corner time before and after. Now, Maddie.”

  He waited patiently. Finally, she stood and walked to the corner. She turned to look at him. He said nothing but circled his finger indicating she needed to turn around. Maddie sighed and faced the corner, feeling every inch a naughty little girl.

  Maddie heard Griffin sit down in the leather wingback chair.


  “Yes, love,” he answered.

  “Can I talk to you?”

  “Of course you can. You keep your nose in the corner and you can tell me anything you like.”

  “I don’t think I can talk to you like this. I don’t like this at all.”

  “Good to know. Perhaps in the future knowing you will spend some time in the corner before and after you get punished will help you to think twice before choosing to be naughty and disobeying me.”

  As she could think of nothing else to do, she stomped her foot. He chuckled.

  “It’s not funny, Griffin. I’m not going to do this.”

  “You will unless you want to be spanked and then put back in the corner to stand with a bright red bottom before I give you the discipline spanking you earned by going down by the river… again.”

  “You know, I think I got caught up in the whole romance of a fated mate. I think I’ll ask Darby to get me another room… or better yet, I’ll just call a cab and go home.”

  He chuckled again. “I am going to excuse your threat as being resistant to and a bit frightened of the spanking you know you’re going to get.”

  Maddie hadn’t heard him get out of the chair and jumped when he put his hands on her shoulders.

  “Never fear me, cwningen bach. I will hold you accountable and I mean to punish you hard enough tonight that you don’t think to disobey me again quite so quickly. But with the trouble that is coming, you must learn to obey me and do as you’re told.”

  He brought his hands around to the front of her body and skimmed down from her collarbones over her breasts, stopping to massage them and draw circles around her areolas before tweaking her pebbled nipples. Maddie felt her knees go weak.

  Griffin wrapped his arm around her waist to support her and ran his other hand down to the juncture of her thighs.

  “Open, Maddie,” he said, the anger in his voice being edged now with lust.

  He nuzzled her neck and kissed the top of her shoulder. She relaxed and spread her legs.

  “Good girl,” he crooned as his hand delved between her legs, bypassing her clit and spreading her swollen labia. “Very good girl,” he whispered.

  Maddie gripped the arm that was steadying her and gave in to his domination. Why had she never known this was what she wanted? That being the mate to an alpha wolf was what she was always meant to be.

  “You were a very naughty mate, weren’t you?”

  “I didn’t mean to be.”

  “Madeline, when you are being punished you will answer me as either yes, Griffin or yes, sir. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” The honorific rolled off her tongue as though she’d been using it for years.

  “Were you not told that if you left the house without a proper escort you would be spanked?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then we’ll have no more argument about it. Come, Maddie.”

  Griffin took her by the hand and led her back to the bed. He sat down and gently pulled her toward him, encouraging her to accept her spanking with good grace. He settled her over his hard thigh, trapping her legs
between his.

  “No, Griffin, I’m not going to do this.”

  “Maddie, my love, there is nothing for you to do. You need to accept the fact that I am about to blister your bottom for disobeying me.”

  She reached behind her to try to guard her backside. Griffin growled low and caught both of her hands in his. He petted her backside.

  “I want you to remember this the next time you think to disobey me.”

  Griffin drew his hand up and brought his open palm down on her upturned rump, making her yelp in response. He set up a strong, hard rhythm as the swats landed on the fullest part of her ass cheeks. Maddie squirmed and struggled, trying at first to get away from him and then just trying to avoid the blows that he rained down on her.

  The pain and heat radiated off of her hind end. She could only imagine that it was once again being turned bright red. She could swear she could feel it swelling from the hard strikes he was administering.

  “Griffin, stop, please.”

  “No, Maddie. You earned yourself a hard spanking and I mean to give it to you. You will learn to mind me, mate.”

  The longer he spanked her, the more the pain increased. It wasn’t like each swat caused a bit more pain or a new kind of pain, but rather compounded until all she could do was absorb each new swat. Maddie doubted she’d ever be able to sit down again.

  Maddie began to cry, not only from the pain being inflicted on her buttocks but realizing she had truly caused him concern and feeling bad that she had let him down. She realized that what he and this coalition were trying to do was important and he didn’t need to be distracted by her unwillingness to follow his lead.

  Overtaking the pain from her bottom was a strong feeling of sexual stimulation. She had been aroused enough in the corner anticipating the spanking, but now her nipples were so hard they were uncomfortable and she was fairly sure at any moment she would be dripping her natural lubricant all over her mate’s thigh.

  Griffin’s spanking covered her entire bottom. Several times he moved down and caught the soft curve of her sit spots and landed several hard swats on the tops of her thighs as well.


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