Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh Page 14

by M K Drake

  Elric breathes a heavy sigh of relief, the stark realisation that Kazmagus needs to be contained is all-too-apparent. He waits for the tension in his muscle to subside before attempting to stand again, this time with the aid of his staff. He creates a portal and uses his powers to levitate Kazmagus through it, into a cell within the tomb below the Manor; he then taps the edge of the portal to close it. He knows the ban on portals is in place, but this circumstance needed to be dealt with quickly, and the risk was minimal with the added protection within the building itself.

  Once the portal closes, Elric retrieves a crystal from his pocket and taps it. Immediately, a projection of Mage Callan appears.

  “Yes Elric, is everything ok?”

  “No… Meet me at the Tomb. Bring everyone.”

  # # #

  Elric is the first to arrive at the entrance to the Tomb of Kazmagus. He has already opened the door while he waits for the others.

  Mage Callan rushes down the hall towards Elric, the Mecha Knights, Joyce, Khan, Olof, Safaya, and Ju Long in tow. Moments later, Professors Sprocking and Morgan arrive. As the group reaches Elric, Mage Callan beckons to the stragglers to hurry before turning back to his friend; he felt the tone in Elric’s summons was not one just of foreboding, but of high importance, “What is it Elric, what has happened? Where is Kazmagus?”

  “He is too unstable, I had to transport him to one of the cells in the tomb.”

  “Wait,” says Professor Sprocking. “You trapped him in a prison inside his own tomb? Surely he would know how to escape?”

  “He is sleeping again. The Prison should hold him for a little while. We need him to be contained, he almost…”

  Mage Callan places a hand on Elric’s shoulder. “Calm, my friend, we will solve this. Come, let us get to him.”

  “Thank you Ian,” Elric whispers to Mage Callan, then he turns and leads everyone through the Tomb entrance and down the steps. Informing them on the way of what transpired in the medical ward.

  Flamed torches light automatically as they pass through, and Elric uses one to light a central trough containing oils. It ignites and light from the fire imbues its golden hue against the cold stone walls. The scrolls on the stonework shelves at the bottom of the staircase show signs of use. Elric has spent much time down here, trying to decipher history from many millennia ago.

  The Mecha Knights have not seen this chamber before; they have heard of it, most of the major Majjai factions have, but hardly any have actually had the opportunity to walk through its doors. Majjai Pali is very curious, and asks Safaya, “Is it true that Atticus was the one who opened the Tomb?”

  Safaya doesn’t mind the intrusion; in fact she has started to tire from the deferential reactions of so many after they discover her royal bloodline, so welcomes the conversation. “Yes. We do not know why yet. The Tomb was for Kazmagus and his return, but somehow, Myrddin deciphered that Atticus would be able to bring down the doorway. Elric now has some control over the mechanism, but yes, there is much we are still to discover about our friend.”

  “Atticus must be incredibly powerful,” Pali says. She pauses before asking her next question, checking to ensure none of the others are within earshot, and whispers to Safaya, “Does he have a girlfriend?”

  Joyce splutters as she overhears the conversation behind her, she glances back, sending a sharp stare towards Safaya, who acknowledges her concern immediately.

  “I thought you were interested in Ju Long,” Safaya nods discretely in the direction of the Dragonheart.

  Pali checks behind her and giggles quietly, “Well…, yes…, he is cute, and really quite funny. I’m just curious about Atticus, he has this presence; there were stories of the Battle of Aria, how he fought off hundreds of Graigons simultaneously.”

  “He was not the only one at the battle,” Safaya responds curtly. “We all had a hand in the fight.”

  “Of course, but…, well…, you know, he is now kinda the poster boy for the war. It’s only natural that he will get a bit more attention.”

  Safaya nods. “I suppose you are right, but it is a burden I’m sure Atticus does not want, or need. He has many things he needs to deal with.”

  “Fair enough, now tell me, how long have you and Khan been going out?”

  Safaya is both shocked and impressed with Pali’s insight. “How did…?”

  “Oh, come on, I see how you both look at each other. I know, it must be hard,” Pali checks herself and Safaya as they almost miss the turn towards the tombs, it is dark between the flittering of the fire torches, especially in the shadows of the meandering halls.

  Ju Long and Khan use the girls’ delay to catch up with them, with the former quite keen to find out what they have been talking about. “Chatting about me again?”

  Pali laughs. “Maybe.”

  “I knew it, see, totally irresistible,” Ju Long attempts to flex an arm; unbeknownst to him, Olof is standing right behind flexing his own bicep, dwarfing anything Ju Long can muster. Safaya and Pali burst out laughing, before Joyce, who has moved further ahead, calls out to them.

  “Hurry up will you, Elric and the others are already near the dungeons!”

  Safaya waves to Joyce and they all quicken their pace to reach her.

  Pali steps towards Safaya again, “We can continue our chat later; it’s nice to actually talk to some Majjai girls. There are far too many men in the ranks of the Mecha Knights. Too many of them do not believe us girls can hack it.”

  Safaya is not too unaccustomed to this. In her time, when she grew up, she herself saw women very much belittled and not taken seriously in the ways of Royalty and Majjai, so she welcomes the equality she receives now. “Well, I hope you show each and every one with those chauvinistic values some harsh lessons?”

  “Oh yes. Some don’t even come back.”

  Safaya chuckles, liking the confidence in her new companion, and they hurry to catch up with those in front, finally reach the dungeon room. They overhear Mage Marcus talking to Elric and Mage Callan.

  “Allow us to guard him. We have tools that should be able to keep him contained within the cell.”

  Elric looks towards the Majjai who have finally caught up, waves to them to hurry, and returns his attention the Mecha Knight leader. “Very well, but not alone. I will leave Olof with you, he is one of our best.”

  “Agreed, we cannot underestimate Kazmagus’s power; especially from what you have described Elric.”

  The young Majjai Six and Majjai Pali peer into the cell. Kazmagus is sleeping on a bed in the far corner. The cell is bare, with nothing more than the basic amenities within it. The bars are made of a strange metal, not iron or steel, but some form of alloy. Elric notices Pali trying to ascertain what it is.

  “Something Myrddin created, in case we ever needed to hold one of the higher level demons, like Razakel. We hope it can hold. Nothing should be able to break out.”

  “Hope?” asks the young Mecha Knight.

  Elric nods, “Yes, hope. You see, it’s never been tested. Until now.”

  “But… this construct,” Pali places her bionic arm against the metal, “It is strange, breaking out, yes, the energy is protected. But, what about someone who wants to break in?”

  Mage Marcus scoffs. “Break in? My dear, please, do not be so ridiculous, who would want to break in to a prison cell?” He looks towards Elric. “Please, forgive her, she is very inexperienced in these matters.”

  Safaya looks scornfully towards Mage Marcus, and touches Pali’s hand before whispering into her ear, “I see what you mean.”

  Elric looks at Pali, and then back to Mage Marcus. “On the contrary, I think that is a very valuable and insightful question indeed. I think it may be wise for Professor Sprocking and Mage Callan also guard with you.”

  Mage Marcus, knowing that arguing with someone of Elric’s stature would make him look more foolish, nods to accept the offer of help, giving Pali a stern gaze as he turns to give orders to the other Mecha Knights.<
br />
  Elric ushers the others out of the room, giving one last glance behind him towards the cell where Kazmagus is imprisoned, praying it will hold; for he is unsure of what to do if it does not.

  The Scrolls of Kazmagus: Catalogue Translation ID 271.59: Tracking Kazmagus:

  I have spoken with Raheem, and he has reported grim news.

  Losing the trail of Kazmagus somewhere in northern lands, close to the cliffs of Eurasia. He has found evidence of dark magic, and of demon activity. It is feared there was a trap laid for him, possibly by Asmodei. It is unclear if our master escaped.

  The land is scarred by sulphur, the smell was quite distinctive; and although Raheem is not as learned, he knows enough to know when The Void was called. If Kazmagus is lost, we must carry on our tasks, and fortify our defences. Draconus and his dragons have tried to infiltrate many times, but Kazmagus has taught us well how to fight back against the demonic hordes.

  We will continue these tasks and protect the Realm of Earth, in this life and the next.

  Chapter 16


  Elric leaves the tomb with the younger Majjai. The Mecha Knights along with Olof, Mage Callan, and Professor Sprocking remain in the dungeon, keeping watch over their guest.

  Ju Long deliberately slows his pace to walk with Elric, allowing the other Majjai to walk ahead. The pitter patter of footsteps echo off into the distance of the expansive corridors ahead of them. Ju Long, for once, welcomes the lack of company around him, save for Elric.

  Elric senses that Ju Long wishes to talk, so adjusts his pace accordingly. “How are you Ju Long, we have not had much time to talk about you and what happened at Dragonclaw.”

  Ju Long checks behind himself and Elric to ensure no-one is following before beginning. “I’m ok, surprisingly. But I think a lot of that is down to you. You’ve trusted me, and well, I wanted to ask… did you know?”

  Elric smiles, his students are growing up, and he takes a little comfort that their insights are improving. “To an extent. I didn’t know the exact circumstances, but I did have a suspicion you were not born… human.”

  “So, why did you let me join the Majjai? If I had turned at a point where there was no help, I fear I could have hurt or even killed those dear to me.”

  “The mark of the Majjai is not one that is given lightly. Whoever controls the ownership of the gifts that the Majjai Six are imbued with is not foolish – and one thing I’ve learnt in all my years is that, whatever this entity is, it is very rarely wrong. There is an underlying order to everything, something we cannot see or understand..”

  Ju Long stays quiet, listening intently to what Elric has to say.

  “The very fabric of the universe is intricately stitched together. There are shortcuts through it, there is power within it, and there are pathways to other universes, those that run parallel, and those that are completely different. Whatever law controls this, decided to trust you with the mark. Who am I to argue with that?”

  “You are Elric Griffin. Legend amongst the Majjai, and you can question anything you want to.”

  Elric stops Ju Long and holds his shoulders, staring into his eyes. “Look here. I never doubted you. Your friends never doubted you. Hell, Olof was about to start a war with the Mecha Knights, all for you. To protect you and your honour. The other Majjai Six were right by his side.”

  Ju Long nods, pleased that there is no doubt within Elric, he decides to ask another question. “Sir?”

  “Yes, Ju Long.”

  “How about a game of chess? It’s been a while since we’ve played.”

  Smiling, Elric releases Ju Long’s shoulders and walks with him once more. “I think that is a fabulous idea.”

  # # #

  Pali, Khan, Safaya, and Joyce are walking back towards the Majjai chamber where Spitfire still lies.

  The young Mecha Knight is still frustrated at not being able to fully reactivate the vessel for Barmak’s soul and is worried that the power crystal that needs charging needs a unique type of energy. The soul itself should be able to energise it, but it appears weakened after the reawakening attempt. What can re-energise the crystal? There has to be a logical explanation to the drain. She ponders over the question, trying to think of a solution, as the conundrum vexes her. She turns to see that Ju Long is no longer in their number, for a moment, a feeling of sadness comes over her; the banter he offers would certainly help ease her tension and enable her to think more freely. However, she is grateful for the company around her, especially Safaya, who she feels she has struck a strong kinship with in a short amount of time, and her support with Mage Marcus’s condescending tone earlier in the Tomb of Kazmagus was most welcome. She looks over to her new friend as she converses with Joyce.

  Safaya returns a smile, and walks over to Pali, sensing the trouble within her. “Spitfire?”

  Pali nods.

  “Well, come on, we’ll help you. We’re not really technicians, but Khan here has plenty of muscle and can drive a generator with amazing skill.”

  Khan raises an eyebrow, but he understands what Safaya is trying to do in easing the concerns of their young Mecha Knight ally. “Indeed, just get me a bicycle attached to one of those battery-things and I can pedal away faster than, what was that bird? Ah yes, the Road Runner.”

  Safaya chuckles at Khan’s attempted humour before grabbing Pali’s hand. “Come, let us get started.”

  Joyce and Khan follow them quickly.

  None of them notice the torchlight that briefly flickers through a window behind them, just over the hill, as they return to the chamber, with only a few silhouettes at the tail end of dusk giving any indication of movement.

  # # #

  General Crawford raises a hand high, signalling those around him to stop. They hide in the shadows, away from any light that might expose them any further. He glowers at the soldier who accidentally switched on his torch, “Fool, you will give us all away. Now get back in line.”

  The soldier moves back into formation as ordered, and patiently waits for the next command.

  General Crawford is unaware of what they will face. They have battled Screamers and Draygoyles with some degree of success, but failed badly when they tried to apprehend Shadow Wolf not so many days ago. But this is different; he does not know if they are dealing with friend or foe; however, what General Crawford is aware of, this enemy is very powerful, possibly more powerful than any of the monsters they have faced so far.

  Wysardian Manor stands as a fortress to the unknown eye. Barring the front gate, no other entry point is visible, and even though there are no guards, General Crawford suspects the building is protected somehow. He whistles quietly, and signals to two of the ten soldiers with him using a gesture pointing to one of the towers standing atop the walls furthest from the main entrance.

  The two soldiers pull a pair of modified crossbows each from their belts and stand aim, waiting for the go-ahead from their leader.

  General Crawford waits patiently, he can sense the sunlight slowly but surely making way for the cold of the night. As the final glow of Earth’s star fades, General Crawford raises his hand once more, giving the two soldiers the only sign they need.

  They fire silently high above the tower, the only noise disturbing the darkness is that of a set of zip lines attached to the four arrows soaring upwards unravelling incredibly quickly. Gravity soon pulls the arrows back down, and they land with a light ‘clang’ on top of the tower; the impact expands the tips into large claws which secure themselves against the wall inside of the parapets.

  The two soldiers then press a secondary button on their devices, which pulls them both high and fast up the zip lines, and within moments they reach the top of the tower. They secure more lines and toss them down for the other soldiers to join them.

  General Crawford waits and observes the surroundings for any sign of detection. The last soldier leaves his company and he fires his own arrow to get his to his soldiers; pulling a secondary trigge
r, the winch takes him fast into the air. He flexes his light, black overcoat, before pushing a discreet button, sending a current through it stiffening the material and creating a wing-like structure. He soars high, up above the tower at which point he releases the zip line which is caught by one of the first two soldiers. General Crawford then glides silently down, and at the exact timed moment, releases the charge through his coat which drops him down to the brickwork where the others are waiting.

  The General smiles. “I do enjoy Pavel’s toys,” he whispers, and then points to a door further down the wall they are on. “Remember, quietly. Our target is Elric Griffin, unharmed if possible.”

  Another of the soldiers approaches the door, he feels around the oak wood frame trying to detect any weaknesses before pulling out a tubular shaped device that glows red. He uses the chewing gum he was eating to stick the device to the door, then activates it; from the tips, a red laser light scans the crevices and the edgings of the door for traps. The soldier turns and gives a thumbs up sign. General Crawford acknowledges the all-clear with a nod, which the soldier responds with by removing another device that he places over the lock to the door. After a few moments of quiet mechanical whirring, the door lock clicks, and the soldiers enter one by one in single file, brandishing forward their weaponry.

  General Crawford follows behind, closing the door after him, he turns back to his team and issues another instruction. “Keep those Taser rifles at maximum stun; there could still be children around, we want no deaths tonight. Theirs or ours.”

  The squad of soldiers all turn a dial on their rifles, and stick to the shadows as they walk quietly down the spiral stone staircase. The only light aiding them are the flickering flame torches dotted around the walls as they progress.

  General Crawford attaches an earpiece to his left ear and taps it, “Pavel, Colin, are you receiving?” he says quietly.


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