Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh Page 17

by M K Drake

  “Please, Kazmagus,” continues Elric. “Allow us to help you. We are your friends and allies here.”

  Kazmagus breathes deeply, and stands slowly, opening his eyes properly this time. He gazes around the cell and the tomb and looks Professor Morgan up down with a stern, concentrated regard, as if he is analysing his very being.

  Professor Morgan becomes quite unnerved at this, so much so that he rapidly adjusts his robes and steps behind Elric.

  Kazmagus smiles. “You, Elric, and your friend here, you have good hearts. But your mistake is that you allow traitors within your midst.”

  “Traitors?” asks Elric, perplexed at how he could be fooled again, especially after all the extra measures they have taken since the discovery of Professor Snugglebottom last year. His deception was dark and horrid, and his revelation as the host for Scourge was surprising to all, but surely, now, nothing could get through without being detected.

  “This castle, although I did not build it, I now recognise it. It is of my design. This place you refer to as my tomb, it is in fact, my home. And this,” Kazmagus says, with a wave of his hand causing a swift ripple of blue light, he brings the Sword of Al Amir to his hilt, “This is my sword.”

  “Impressive, even after the extra protection we have now placed on preventing entrance to the cell, you are able to summon?”

  “As I said before, this place is my design. Ugh,” Kazmagus groans, grabbing his midriff as if a strong, sharp pain has a hold of him. “If you want to help me, you need to tell me, what did you do to The Void? How has Razakel infected me?”

  Elric looks to Professor Morgan and signals him to sit, as he himself pulls forward a chair to use, he rests his staff on the floor, and waits for the Professor to settle before beginning, “We had very little choice. We had hoped that The Void would take Razakel, consume him completely. Alas, we underestimated his strength. His essence was sucked in, and much of his power was taken, but he himself did not succumb.”

  Kazmagus raises an eyebrow, sporting a disappointed look, before he magically calls forward a chair of his own to sit upon. “Foolish. Do you know Razakel’s origins? How he came to be?”

  “All we know is that he was once human, according to ancient scriptures we have analysed. How he became what he is now, we do not know. We’ve only known Razakel’s evil.”

  “And be thankful you have not experienced the evil of Asmodei. Razakel’s forbearer. I still sense his presence somewhere, but I am unable to locate him. There were whispers in The Void. Whispers that Razakel destroyed Asmodei. I doubt this. Asmodei is power infinite, one of the old Gods. His weakness was his ability to love. And he did, in fact, have feelings for a human woman. If this still held true after my own imprisonment, then perhaps Razakel used this against him.”

  Elric strokes his beard, listening intently. “So, why did The Void not take Razakel?”

  “Razakel found remnants of the original Hearthstone of Creation, the catalyst of the Universe’s own origin. The fire of creation itself, cradled in this stone. Imagine it, its indestructibility. There are few fragments of it left, but Razakel used what he had to infuse his own life-force with the same strength. I believe he protected part of his humanity with it, his heart, and whatever was left of his soul after his turning. He is one with the Hearthstone.”

  Professor Morgan reaches out and tugs briefly at Elric’s robes and whispers, “He can’t possibly be referring to the Big Bang could he?”

  Kazmagus glances at the Professor. “Big Bang? Well, yes, I suppose you could describe it as that, but it really wasn’t very loud, there is no sound in the vacuum of space, after all, and the process itself, the creation of the Prime Timeline, is beyond even my comprehension. Only one being truly understands it, and that would be whoever, whatever created this beautiful, infinite chaos of life. But I digress. The Hearthstone itself is vital, it is why you need to unite the Swords of Power. They were created as a countermeasure in case the original Hearthstone was ever used in such a manner,” Kazmagus is interrupted by a muted ringing sound, reverberating through the stone walls. “What is that infernal noise?”

  Professor Morgan giggles, excitedly, “That, dear Sir, Kazmagus, uhm, Sir. That is the school bell. The students will be arriving shortly.”

  Kazmagus smiles. “You turned my castle into a school?”

  Elric nods. “It helped us find others, and train Majjai – as well as go as undetected as possible for all these many years.”

  “Clever and noble. Nevertheless, that does still does not excuse your foolishness at using The Void. The essence of Razakel had nowhere to go, it had to bond with as powerful a being as it could find, that could contain it – and it found me. Its presence is powerful, but I’m trying to contain it for now. I sense his evil within me; it wants to get back to its master, or help him. I do not know which. At the moment, I can tap into the extra strength it provides, but I fear utilising it too much would drive the evil forward.”

  Elric does not want to concede ground, he knows the predicament the Majjai had been in, and that there had been no other choice, Razakel would have destroyed them all if they had not utilised The Void. “If there had been another way, we would have gladly taken it. Many died in that battle; they gave their lives to protect the Realm of Earth.”

  “You only delayed the intrusion, you did not prevent it,” Kazmagus scoffs.

  “I guess we will have to agree to disagree, my friend. But, I am curious of one more thing, what happened here? Who had taken you and why?” asks Elric.

  “Razakel’s pets: a trio of weak-minded demons and the Horseman.”

  “The Horseman, he spoke to you?”

  Kazmagus nods. “They wanted my allegiance, but I believe that was a farce. Their plans will be revealed soon enough, I am sure. Now, there is something else of great importance. While in The Void, during the openings, I felt a kindred. I fathered no children, so this perplexes me. He uses the magic of white.”

  “Atticus?” Professor Morgan whispers.

  Kazmagus jumps up quickly from his seat. “The boy? From the bond I experienced upon my arrival?”

  “Yes,” replies Elric. “Benjamin, please, see if Atticus has arrived, and bring him here.”

  “Are you sure that is wise, Elric?” asks Professor Morgan.

  Kazmagus walks towards the cell bars, and signals with his finger for the Professor to come forward.

  Professor Morgan shakes his head, and takes a step further away. “Whatever you need to say, you can say from there, I am sure.”

  “Very well. I would very much like to see this boy. The only way the bond can be made is with the lifeblood; throughout generations it will still work. But without being responsible for any children, I am confused as to how this can be.”

  Professor Morgan takes one more look at Elric, who nods in return. He turns to leave the chamber to locate Atticus, but just then Mage Callan enters the chamber, with Atticus and Joyce in tow.

  “The boy was eager to meet Kazmagus; Professor Sprocking got your message Benjamin, about Kazmagus’s return,” Mage Callan flicks a glance towards the cell as he finishes.

  Kazmagus peers through the cell bars, looking unswervingly towards Atticus. He stares directly at him, as he did previously with Professor Morgan, but this time the reaction is not friendly, “Abomination!” he shouts, and begins charging up a large fireball.

  Elric jumps up from his chair and calls his staff upwards.

  “You cannot be!” screams the imprisoned Majjai, and launches the fireball towards Atticus.

  Elric throws up a shield quickly, but it is not strong enough to stop the fireball completely.

  Joyce sees the danger and uses her enhanced speed to quickly throw a series of shields in the way of the giant ball of fire heading towards Atticus. Each barrier takes energy away from the attack, slowing and diminishing it, until it eventually reaches just inches away from the young Majjai Six leader, who instinctively throws up his own shield, finally bringing down
the fading ball of energy by deflecting it to the ground.

  Elric throws his arms in the air. “Stop! What is the meaning of this?”

  Kazmagus roars angrily into the air, “This thing should not exist. It can’t be true. It is an abomination and must be destroyed!”

  Elric glances towards Mage Callan and Professor Morgan. Professor Morgan quickly ushers Atticus and Joyce away, while Mage Callan rushes to Elric’s side.

  Elric continues to try to calm Kazmagus, who is now smashing his fists against the cell’s bars. “Stop this madness, Kazmagus. Atticus wears the mark, he is Majjai. He is the one destined to lead the second Majjai Six to victory. How can he be an abomination? Tell us what you know!”

  Kazmagus looks at Elric and Mage Callan sternly. He is silent for a few moments, breathing heavily, his muscular frame moving in time with each inhale and exhale of air. “I need to be alone. Do not disturb me. I will come to you when I am ready.”

  “Ready for what?” asks Elric, desperately.

  Kazmagus turns his back to the others and returns to the meditative position Elric found him in when he arrived. “Alone.”

  Before Elric can ask another question, Mage Callan quickly pulls his friend away and back through to the upper area of the Tomb of Kazmagus, sealing the door as they pass through, leaving the ancient Majjai locked away from them, and more importantly, away from Atticus.

  A Majjai History, Vol 2 Chapter 15: The Tavern

  There are many crossover points around the Realm of Earth. These venture into a number of different lands, some on this plane of existence, some in others. Some even act as doorways to lands sitting in between the realms.

  Then there is The Tavern. Its location is known only to a few, and is usually used by Norse gods and demons to meet and converse. It endured for an unknown period of time; although some are unsure if it still exists. The gods of lore have very much limited their activity of late, and tend to converse outside of the earshot of Man and Majjai. The Tavern could well be a derelict shell simply through lack of use.

  The Tavern’s barkeep was a demon called Fnarik, one of the few Ogres who actually possessed some intelligence. So much so that he took it upon himself to leave the demon realm and open the Tavern to assist those that needed a discrete place to meet – and of course, to make a profit.

  It is rumoured that the Tavern lies in Nordic lands, invisible to the mortal eye, and the doors will only open for those not of Norse lineage on the condition that they have been summoned.

  Chapter 20

  The Amethyst of Al Hammad

  Atticus breathes heavily, his back against the cold stone wall of the corridor above the Tomb of Kazmagus. He tries to calm himself after witnessing the rage of Kazmagus directed towards him.

  Joyce can see the concern in his eyes and tries to comfort him as she places a hand on his shoulder. “It’s ok, Atticus, you’re safe now. Mage Callan says Kazmagus has calmed.”

  Atticus looks straight at Joyce. “What am I Joyce? Who am I?”

  “You are Atticus Jones!” Khan’s voice echoes around the corner, followed by his rushing footsteps, and finally himself.

  Both Joyce and Atticus turn quickly as he darts into view.

  Khan stops right beside them. “Mage Callan sent you his confirmation that all is well?”

  Joyce nods. “Yes, through the crystal. I think he and Elric are still both down there.”

  Khan looks at Atticus. “The Professor told me what happened. Are you ok my friend?”

  Atticus is glad he is surrounded by friends, gradually his breathing normalises, and his heartbeat slows back to a regular pace. “I think so, but what could Kazmagus have been talking about? He referred to me as it, an abomination? What does he know? I have to talk to him – he must have answers!”

  Khan shakes his head. “I do not think that is a good idea, brother. Kazmagus has been through much, and even someone with his strength and power would be affected by that length of time in The Void. His sanity may not be intact.”

  Joyce nods energetically. “Yes, he certainly looked a tad insane. His eyes – I could see dark magic within his eyes.”

  Atticus knows his friends are trying to protect him, but he can’t help but need to know what Kazmagus knows. His true origins have never been known, all he is aware of is a woman called Nasreen who may have been his birth mother, but that is all. Elric never mentioned much more of Sima, the maid who rescued him from the clutches of Alvarez all those millennia ago. Could Kazmagus be the one to throw light upon everything? “Will you help me?”

  “With what Atticus?” asks Joyce.

  “To break in to the tomb, to speak to Kazmagus.”

  Khan folds his arms and looks firmly at Atticus. “You wish to break into a tomb to face one of the most powerful beings in our three realms – and one, who I might add, just tried to kill you… to ask him why he wants to kill you?”

  “Sounds like a great plan, we’re in!” Ju Long says, startling the other three as he, Olof, and Safaya quickly appear.

  Olof nudges Ju Long with his elbow. “Please, do not speak for all of us.”

  Ju Long stares back at his housemate, considering a comeback, but before doing so, wisely steps away out of his long reach. “Your words go all Nordic sometimes, Valhalla this, Mjolnir that. I have to translate for you.”

  Olof grimaces, while the others chuckle.

  Khan steps over to Olof and Ju Long. “This is a foolish idea. But, for Atticus…”

  Ju Long quickly finishes Khan’s sentence, “…For Atticus, Olof is in.”

  Olof smiles, and nods.

  Everyone then looks towards Safaya. “For Atticus,” she says without hesitation, smiling warmly towards the young Majjai Six leader.

  Before any of them can utter another word, the door to the Tomb of Kazmagus opens hard and fast. Elric and Mage Callan step through looking at the Majjai Six intently.

  Elric closes the door, and uses his staff to seal the entrance, showering the frame with blue light to ensure it can’t be opened. He then looks at the young Majjai. “It’s good to see you all together; Atticus, do not worry, Kazmagus is calm now. But we need to keep this chamber sealed. Under no circumstances are any of you to venture down there without myself or Mage Callan, understood?”

  The Majjai Six all look straight-faced towards the two older Majjai, nodding their acceptance of the order with great solemnity.

  “Good,” says Elric, “Now, I must go attend to a few things, please keep me apprised of how Majjai Pali is progressing with Spitfire, and you should all get to your classes now. Atticus, I will speak to you later, come by my office after school.”

  Atticus and the others wait for Elric and Mage Callan to disappear from view and earshot.

  Atticus then looks towards the others, “I have a plan.”

  # # #

  “Elric!” Professor Morgan pants heavily as he runs towards the elder Majjai, who has just at this moment reached his chamber, “This Amethyst,” he gasps, “It’s true? It exists?”

  Elric nods, “I’m afraid so.”

  “And Kazmagus, is he contained?”

  “Yes. But judging by the fact you asked about the Amethyst first, I am guessing you discovered its purpose?”

  Professor Morgan takes a moment to catch his breath, “Well, my translation algorithm just finished, and if what the scroll I found says is true, the Horseman may not be the only World Ender we will need to deal with. And who on earth is this?”

  Elric smiles. “Indeed, yes, the Fallen Angel. A myth I’ve had my suspicions about for many, many years. Let’s see if this myth actually holds true.”

  “So, even that story is real? Well, if this Amethyst is found, it could spell danger for not only whoever finds it, but it will invite the Apocalypse – could this be what the Horseman is after? Or what he has been promised?”

  “I do not know, but I am sure we will find out in due course. Although it is doubtful; the Amethyst is not for this Horseman to control
. I fear that the one who does control it is even more dangerous. Did you find the book? The one about the dark crystals? It could confirm everything.”

  Professor Morgan shakes his head disappointingly, “Unfortunately not, it was actually checked out from our Majjai Library a few days ago.”

  “By who?”

  “Well, that’s the strange thing, it wasn’t a student, but a parent of one our students, Dr. Wei Sparks.”

  Elric looks surprised. “Joyce’s mother?”

  Professor Morgan nods.

  “What on earth would she want with such a book?”

  “Like you say Elric, due course.”

  Elric raises an eyebrow towards the Professor. “Due course, indeed. Anyway, see if you can get in touch with her, we will need to decipher it properly; if she has been studying it, perhaps she can help?”

  He then proceeds to return to his chamber, inviting Professor Morgan to join him for a well-earned cup of Earl Grey Tea.

  # # #

  Joseph paces up and down the corridor near the door of his home, he has found something, something that could help him fight in this war, something that could possibly allow him to protect Atticus in some way. Something to help him avenge the death of his wife. Deep down he is fully aware that what Marcellus said, that he is seeking vengeance, is true; but it is only true up to a point. Protecting Atticus is his main focus for all of this, and if it means alienating his dearest of friends, then so be it.

  The doorbell finally rings, signalling Marcellus’ arrival. Joseph shakes off his nerves, knowing that this conversation will be difficult before it even begins, and proceeds to open the door.

  “Morning Joseph, how are you? Eager to get started?”

  Joseph looks at Marcellus, nods, and smiles anxiously. “Well, yes, but… I may have found something that could be perfect.”

  Marcellus follows Joseph into the main living room.

  Joseph can feel the piercing gaze from his friend, that very sentence has thrown Marcellus’s mind into overdrive and Joseph can sense the questions coming. It does not take long.


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