Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh

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Atticus And The Scrolls Of The Pharaoh Page 26

by M K Drake

  Atticus raises an eyebrow, almost feeling his grasp of leadership being taken away with Kazmagus’s constant orders; this is his team, it doesn’t belong to someone that tried to kill him not so long ago. However, he cannot fault the elder Majjai’s logic. There is not enough space for everyone within Spitfire, so ensuring those that can take to the air do makes sense. Atticus stands ahead, and decides to re-assert his authority. “Agreed, thank you, Kazmagus. Spitfire, we’ll follow you, the General has the co-ordinates.” Atticus looks to Mage Avipaul and the Bhandari Clan.

  “Do not worry Atticus,” says Mage Avipaul. “We have our own methods of transportation, and we will meet up with you by tracking the bracelet.”

  It doesn’t take long for the others to load themselves into the Hyper Jet and take off. Ju Long and Professor Sprocking take to the air first, but Kazmagus holds Atticus.

  The ancient Majjai looks at him sternly, and then his expression softens. “I am sorry, I am so used to ruling, so used to giving the orders, I often forget that this is no longer my time.”

  Atticus is relieved, for a moment he was worried that Kazmagus was going to attempt another attack, and he sighs a grateful exhalation. “Thank you. And also thank you for saving us all back there.”

  “You are welcome Atticus. But, again, be warned. If I see your darkness rise within you, I will not hesitate to destroy you utterly. Do you understand?”

  “There is no darkness, so we’ll never have to see that happen,” Atticus says, and with that he takes to the air, speeding as fast as he can to catch the others Looking back, he sees Kazmagus in tow, and they join up in a formation behind Spitfire.

  As the Majjai speed off into the rising light of dawn, the Horseman flies down upon his steed, landing on the soft sand. He steps off the horse and crouches, touching the sand, letting the fine grains slip between his fingers. He grins widely, then begins to laugh. “Finally, after all these years… It is time.”

  Chapter 32

  Forces Divided

  It is not long before they reach their destination. Atticus and the others find themselves deep into the Egyptian desert, trying to shield their eyes from the sun.

  General Crawford is pacing up and down, speaking to his techs over his earpiece, “Yes, we are here, it’s just sand, nothing else, no pyramid of any sort. Are you sure?... Yes I know thermal readings are rarely incorrect, which… wait, it must be below us. Do you have any relative depth numbers on those readings?”

  Kazmagus folds his arms and stands next to Elric. “The mortals of this time speak a strange language.”

  “You’ll get used to it, I’m sure.”

  “Perhaps, but it is good to see Majjai and mortal working together again. I remember bits from the bond, of the Majjai History the boy has studied that there has been much separation; he longs to expose our ways.”

  Elric sighs. “Yes, he does indeed, and it may well make sense to do so; it is why we have allied with General Crawford and his team. We have named them the Knights of Valhalla.”

  “It’s a noble name to be sure, let’s hope they do the Norse Gods’ proud.”

  General Crawford is still bellowing into his earpiece, covering his eyes from the sand as well as the sun; the small grains from the surface are beginning to whip up into the air due to an increase in the speed of the wind, “Great, how deep? Do we have diggers here?... No? Well, get some here now! And send my team in, we need to get down there as soon as possible!... What?... No, I have not shot anyone with the plasma rifle yet… or sliced anyone with the sword…”

  Atticus laughs, he likes General Crawford, he brings a level of human brevity to things, keeping matters on point, and allowing a certain balance to transpire. As the General paces back and forth in front of him, he catches a glimpse of Marcellus and Joseph sitting together. Joseph looks much better now, strong in fact, as if the Amethyst is giving him even more energy than he ever had before. Atticus watches as Joseph jumps up and tries to cheer Marcellus, who is still saddened from losing the woman he loves all over again. If anyone can help Marcellus cope with loss, perhaps Joseph is the one, as he will understand that loss more than the others here. Atticus begins to shield his own eyes now, as the wind gets stronger and more violent, he can hear General Crawford in the background now…

  “What do you mean there is no storm? I’m bloody well standing in the middle of one right now!”

  Atticus looks around to Joyce, who is standing with Safaya, Ju Long, and Pali. Khan is further back, while Olof sits inside Spitfire waiting. Mage Callan and the Professors have joined Elric and Kazmagus in discussion, but everyone senses things are not right. Atticus can feel the mood change, the tension in the air intensifies, and as he looks to the sky a giant black cloud appears, hiding the sun and plunging the sands into darkness.

  A single flash of light appears and from it appears the Horseman. “Hello Majjai. Today is a great day; for it is the first day of the End of Days. I thank you for helping me to facilitate it.”

  Kazmagus steps forward and looks to the Rider in the sky. “You ally yourself with demons, Horseman. Your banishment will be complete. What compels you to take such action?”

  “I will humour you. The destruction of humanity is written, they were given their chance, they have tainted their gift. Many more beings exist that are far more worthy. Humanity is a compassionless disease that wallows in its own death. They celebrate war, and murder. If humanity wishes to not see the beauty of their gift, I will take it from them. I will destroy my brothers and I will create a new reality. In order to let this happen, I had to make a few compromises.”

  “Compromises?” asks Kazmagus.

  “Yes, one or two,” The Horseman grins as he lifts a hand in the air, commanding numerous portals to open next to him in the sky and upon the desert surface. “Courtesy of Shezmu. Enjoy.”

  Through the portals stream hundreds of demons, Screamers in the lead, with their violent sonic attacks, followed by Graigons and Draygoyles.

  Kazmagus and Joyce throw up massive shields to deflect the sonic attacks back at their attackers, slowing their progress.

  Khan shouts to everyone, “Look out behind!”

  From the rear Scourge, Alvarez, and Shadow Wolf are storming forward, followed by thousands more of Shezmu’s followers.

  Another portal, this one slightly larger than the others, opens above them all, and through it dives Draconus.

  Professor Sprocking is angered at the monster’s presence immediately, he looks to Kazmagus. “I need to borrow your sword.”

  Kazmagus gives him a wry smile. “You have business with that dragon, do you? Very well, it is yours.” Kazmagus unhooks the blade from his scabbard and tosses it towards the Professor.

  Atticus looks around him desperately. The demonic numbers are too many, and the Majjai numbers are few, even with Kazmagus. He spots Pali speaking into some circuitry embedded into her mechanical arm, and as she begins to smile, he hears her shout out.

  “They’re here!”

  “Who?” asks Atticus.

  Pali points to the skies, and bursting through the black clouds are the Mecha Knights, piloting hundreds of strange aircraft. They immediately begin to blast the demons from the sky and land behind the shield.

  Joyce turns to protect the rear and flanks as Kazmagus continues to defend from the front against the barrage of attacks from the demons and the Horseman.

  Kazmagus turns to Elric. “We can’t stand like this forever, who is your tactician?”

  Khan steps forward before Elric needs to answer. “It is I? Why do you ask?”

  Kazmagus checks his shield is holding before focusing on Khan. “If you were attacking us now, what would you do, if the shields were too strong?”

  Khan looks around, the perimeter looks secure to him, the only point of entry would possibly be. “The ground! I would strike from underneath!”

  General Crawford overhears. “Great! And guess who is right below us! Your friend Shezmu. This was all a b
loody trap!” The General holds his earpiece tightly. “Ok, good…, ranged attacks only, bring down that bloody rain now, acquire your targets carefully, we have friendlies in the air and on the ground.” General Crawford smiles towards Elric. “I know I know, we might not be able to kill all of these things, but we can definitely help you to knock them down.”

  The ground beneath them begins to shake violently, as the Majjai stand in the centre of the dome-like shield Kazmagus and Joyce have constructed. They can see the sand beginning to swirl down, like a whirlpool, and from the depths shoots up a giant slug demon, its entire body almost engulfing the shield area, knocking Kazmagus and Joyce to the ground, breaking the protection.

  Atticus makes sure his dad is ok before standing and shouting out. “Right, enough! We take the fight to them!”

  Elric runs to Atticus. “No, we must still get to the Scrolls; you take the Majjai Six with you, we will hold them up top.”

  Khan grabs Atticus and Elric and quickly pulls them out of the way from a fireball heading their way, blasting a plume of sand into the air. “Elric is right – the only way to end this quickly is to destroy Shezmu and retrieve those scrolls.”

  Atticus nods. “Ok, but how do we get there? The portals, we can’t use them!”

  Elric thinks for a moment. “Well, perhaps, we can. The portals can only be blocked as a whole, if he has opened portals for demons to come through then…” Elric concentrates and waves his hand in front of him. “There,” he says, as a portal opens beneath them. “Quickly, I must aid in the fight. Shezmu may be able to open portals from the demon world into ours, but even he is not strong enough to open one of the size required for Razakel.”

  Atticus makes sure his sword is secure, and that the canteen containing the Scent of Ra is safely inside his cloak, “Majjai Six, Pali, Dad! With me!” Atticus jumps down the Portal, sliding further and further. He looks back to ensure the others have followed him safely and spies another fireball soaring down toward them, but he is unable to see its impact as the portal shuts abruptly, sending them into the darkness, with only hope that they will reach their target.

  # # #

  Kazmagus takes charge of the surface battle. “Cover your flanks!” he orders as he pulls Elric to safety from another fireball. “Keep safe old man, I need you to stay alive.”

  Elric smiles. “Don’t worry, I have more than a few tricks up my sleeves,” he says as he transforms into solid rock, increases his size, and begins to pummel the demons crossing his path.

  “Impressive,” mutters Kazmagus. “General Crawford, use Spitfire, command your troops from the air, take out any demon that flies!”

  Mage Kayban runs towards Kazmagus. “My sister, have you seen her?”

  Kazmagus nods. “She is with Atticus. Do not worry, I am confident a certain Dragonheart will ensure her safety. I need you and your Mecha Knights to nullify the Screamer threat, can you counter their sonic attacks?”

  Mage Kayban nods. “Of course.”

  “Good, then do so. And when the Bhandari finally get here, assign them to the Graigons!”

  “And you Kazmagus?”

  “I have another battle.”

  Kazmagus takes to the air, in pursuit of the Horseman. He looks around, above and below, in search of the strongest of the enemy foes, and as he does so he can see battles commence all around him. Mage Callan and Elric are locked in a conflict against Alvarez, while Professor Morgan and Marcellus battle Scourge. Distracted by his observations he does not see the blow coming.

  The Horseman and his steed crash through the heavens with such force that he sends Kazmagus careering towards the ground. The impact creates a pressure wave strong enough to knock any demons and Majjai in the vicinity through the air and into the sand.

  The Horseman lands and disembarks, standing over his enemy. “Kazmagus, I owe a debt that is payable with your head. I am here to take it.”

  Kazmagus stands and dusts himself down. “Then you should be prepared to be disappointed.” Kazmagus lunges forward with a fierce attack, using his hands and feet, spinning and laying blow upon blow onto the Horseman, whose demonic steed also joins in, biting Kazmagus on his shoulder, drawing blood that trickles down his arm. Kazmagus strikes the beast with the back of his hand before returning to combat against the Horseman, “I was like you once Horseman. I saw only the bad! Stop this madness before it is too late. The good in humanity is there, if only you wish to see it!”

  The Horseman blocks Kazmagus’s next attack and sends a counter punch straight into his chest, pushing him back through the sand, “Imbecile! I have lived in this realm for far too long. I have viewed humanity through Time Infinite. I only see their thirst for death and destruction, you are the fool for thinking otherwise.” the World Ender sends a barrage of fireballs towards Kazmagus.

  The ancient Majjai throws up a shield to block the first few, but the sheer number overcomes it and shatters the protection in a bright blast of light. Kazmagus somersaults out of the way just in time. He returns fire with his own barrage, which the Horseman manages to dodge, but as he does so, Kazmagus sneaks in quickly and fires a more powerful fireball at close range, sending the Horseman careering into his horse, sending them both hurtling into the sand.

  Kazmagus shouts towards the World Ender. “I am no fool. I spent eons in silent thought inside the Void, wrestling with the demon Razakel’s very essence. Do you realise what it took to control that evil? What was required to find balance? You would not, because all you seek is the end of life, you do not seek the balance life needs to survive.”

  The Horseman stands and prepares another assault against Kazmagus. He attempts to use his telekinesis, but Kazmagus is already prepared and shakes off the hold; he storms forward and shoulder barges the World Ender who is pushed back. The Horseman recovers quickly, replying with powerful blows against Kazmagus, striking him hard.

  “I know about balance, Majjai,” says Vengeance as he continues to attack Kazmagus. “You see, what you do not know is that I took a sample of your blood and blended it with my own. Eternal, Majjai, and Demon powers now course through my veins. I am Trinity, one with the three pillars.”

  Kazmagus attempts to regain the upper hand, blocking the next combination from his foe, “I already sensed you had done such a thing. I spied your slug. And while you may have ingested these powers, possession is one thing, mastery is another.” Kazmagus builds up a huge fireball that he charges as he pushes the Horseman away with a swift spinning kick before launching the giant barrage of energy towards the World Ender.


  General Crawford observes the battles around him as he climbs into Spitfire, closing the outer door. He sits into the pilot seat at the front, “Where are the controls?”

  “Excuse me?” answers Spitfire. “You do not need controls.”

  “But then, how do I fly you?”

  “You don’t,” Spitfire replies to the General abruptly. “My body, my controls.”

  General Crawford, frustrated with Spitfire’s replies starts to rummage for some way to start the engines. “Look, I don’t have time to argue with you, I know battle tactics…”

  “And I know demons!”

  “Yes, you have a point, but, there must be a way we can work together?” General Crawford stops searching for something that Spitfire obviously does not want found.

  “Very well, there is a way, but, it would require a bond.” A panel on the dashboard opens up and out of it pops a flat metallic board with a palm print on it. “Put your hand in there.”

  The General cautiously agrees, and slowly places his right palm on the device. As soon as contact is made General Crawford first feels a pin prick to his hand, as if blood is being drawn, then he suddenly feels a surge of energy rush up his limb and into his brain. He jolts for a second, almost wanting to wrench his hand out of this contraption, but he settles and breathes. His eyes adjust and he sees a digital head up display and Spitfire’s engines turn on, “Ok, I can see what you see
, now what?”

  “I can do what you think. I will feed you demon positions and flight patterns, you use your battle tactics,” the hint of sarcasm in Spitfire’s voice does not go unnoticed.

  “Still don’t trust me, eh? Can I open a comms channel to my troops?”

  “Of course, as long as you can multi-task.”

  “Well,” replies General Crawford, “Let’s see how we do,” and with that the General concentrates and uses his mind to control Spitfire. They splutter into the air at first, but it does not take the General long to gain full control. He soars into the sky with Spitfire, climbing higher and higher.

  Spitfire sends his first set of observations, “Formation of Draygoyles coming in from…”

  “I see them,” General Crawford steers Spitfire with skill, confusing the Draygoyles; he flies up behind them and opens fire, blasting the group from the sky with ease.

  Spitfire chuckles. “Well, it looks like Pali upgraded my weapons too, I like her.”

  “Ha! This is actually quite fun,” General Crawford tries to get word out to his troops and contacts his second in command. “Corporal Matthews, do you read?”

  A voice crackles over Spitfire’s speakers. “Yes sir! We are on our way, almost there. These Mecha Knight fellows have given us some new aircraft.”

  “Great Corporal, now, where are you?”

  “Look up sir!”

  General Crawford peers up out of the front cockpit window, to see a formation of five strange-looking aircraft, resembling F18 fighter jets, but the wings are more curved and the nose is concaved. “I see five of you, where are the others?”

  “On the ground sir! That other fellow, Mage Avipaul I think his name is, and his lot…, have you seen what they’ve been riding?”


  Corporal Matthews laughs out loud. “Giant bloody rhinos sir! With canons! Never seen anything like it. Spiffy and the others are with them.”


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