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Sex Stories Page 51

by Mary Jaine

  Lunch was fun, the girls managed to put away an astonishing amount of ribs, and the conversation was light, friendly, and non-intrusive. Leon was curious about why we'd come to America, so Rick gave him the story we'd decided on; we were having one last holiday before we had to get down to work, as we'd probably have no time for the next couple of years at least. We'd settled on that story as the simplest to remember, because none of us really wanted to explain our convoluted family history and circumstances to casual enquirers, and both Leon and Judy seemed satisfied, as they left it at that.

  Once we'd gotten to the stage in our lunch where the edge was off our appetites, Leon invited us to spend a few days with his family; apparently his mother wanted to thank us in person for getting him out of what could have been a nasty situation, and had offered us the hospitality of the family home for a few days as a thank you. I exchanged glances with Shari, while Rick and Yaz looked on, obviously prepared to follow my lead. Shari nodded imperceptibly, so it was arranged; Leon would pick us up later that afternoon, and we'd be back at his home in time for dinner.

  "Remember, guys, wrap-up warm, it gets cold out in the backwoods!" he'd grinned.

  With that, lunch was done, the girls piled all their mass of shopping bags into the trunk of the big Nitro, and drove back to the hotel with Judy in her little Toyota Prius.

  Back in our room, I asked Shari why she'd agreed so readily to go off on a jaunt with people we really hardly knew. She led me over to the couch and sat down, pulling me down next to her. Once we were seated, I posed the question again; why?

  She looked thoughtful for a second, and a little sad.

  "Baby, I did it because Leon and Judy are the first friends you've ever made; you've gone your whole life in this kind of bubble of isolation, and that fucker Robert Davies is to blame for that. Even while I'm rejoicing you finally met someone and made friends with them, part of me inside is crying because you've gone your whole life completely alone, without a single friend, or knowing how to make one."

  A tear trickled from the corner of her eye, and I wiped it away, wondering at what she was saying. She smiled softly at me, and continued.

  "Bobby, you've had to wait twenty-two years to find out what a friend is, all because of that crazy bastard; he took more than your mother away from you, he took the world away from you as well, but now, now you've started to meet real people, and spend time just as friends with them. That's why I agreed to go away with them; Leon likes you for you, someone else has finally seen the real you, not just me, and that makes me very happy!"

  While we were debating what to take with us, and what to leave in the room, the cell-phone from the investigation agency beeped. Shari snatched it up, listened intently, then:

  "I see, okay, well, in that case, please follow-up all the most plausible leads, I'm sure you know better than I what to do, so I'll leave it with you. We're going out of Albany for a few days, to Oneonta, if there's no cell service available I'll check in with a land-line number as soon as I can. Thank you, goodbye."

  I looked at her, smiling hopefully.


  She grinned ruefully.

  "No luck so far, baby; quote 'There are currently 189 persons of the correct approximate age listed under the name Nicholas Davies and variants in the Albany, Schenectady, Amsterdam, Sarasota Springs, and Springfield areas. We will of course investigate all those deemed to be most likely, but this will take time, and of course, all costs incurred will be in addition to our agreed scale of fees,' unquote. So nothing so far, sweetie, but it's early days yet, baby, nil desperandum!"

  I looked up the places she'd mentioned; it was a huge search area, how could they ever hope to pin down one Nicholas Davies if there were nearly 200 people with the same name spread out over such a wide and populous area? I resigned myself to the fact that we might be here for a while. If we had to, we had more than enough money to last it out; the sale of Shari's mother's business, their house, and the properties around London had netted a staggering amount of money, several million pounds, so we weren't hurting, nor ever would be, but I was now concerned that we'd be throwing good money after bad in this quest and end up still no closer to the truth.

  However, there was nothing I could do about that, so I decided to take a shower; we still had over an hour before Leon was due, and I'd worked up quite a sweat trudging around the landmarks of Albany, so I ducked into the wet room while Shari chose to have a little post-shopping recuperation. I was miles away, lathering-up and humming a country and western tune I'd heard on the car radio, when two small hands crept around my waist, and two soft lips kissed me between the shoulder-blades.

  "Hello, baby, can I do your back?" she murmured, rubbing her hands in the suds coating my torso and moving south. I grinned to myself.

  "Umm, that's not my back, babe..." I said, trying not to laugh, and I swear I could feel her lips curving into her beautiful smile against my back.

  "I know Bobby, I know, I'm sort of working my way around you, starting with the bits I know best..."

  Her flattened hands slowly circled my torso, spreading the shower soap and pressing slightly as though massaging me, but always moving down, until her hands rested on my hips, pressing and kneading the muscle there. I was enjoying this immensely, if the size and hardness of my erection was anything to go by, and now her hands began to move inwards, closing-in on me, until she was clasping my cock with one hand, and cupping my scrotum with the other.

  "Oooh Bobby, look what I found!" she giggled softly, squeezing my shaft lightly, making me twitch in her hand.

  "Oooh, it moved, I think it's alive!" she gasped, squeezing harder and gently, rhythmically squeezing my scrotum in time with the hand slowly squeezing and pumping my engorged cock.

  I was starting to get more than a little heated with all this fondling and squeezing; I was feeling the need to do a little of my own, but when I tried to turn she let go of my scrotum and slapped me warningly on the backside.

  "Uh-uh, Bobby, I'm not finished!" she breathed, and lightly bit me on the shoulder, her teeth barely scraping the skin, but sending a delightful shiver all the way down my spine. I took the hint and stood there, enjoying the feeling as she slowly masturbated me, her soapy hands slick and frictionless as she slid them around my cock and balls. I couldn't take much more of this; I was rapidly getting to the point where I wanted her in my hands, I wanted to play with her and pleasure her like she was doing to me, but Shari seemed quite happy to stay out of reach and pleasure me.

  Eventually I'd had enough, and spun round to grab her, making her squeal in surprise, her protests cut short as I clamped my hands on her bum and ground our sexes together as I crushed my lips to hers. Shari moaned and pushed herself against me, her arms locking tight around my neck as we kissed, and when I spun around and pushed her back against the wet-room wall, she grinned and leaped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist as we kissed so hard I thought we'd split our lips.

  My engorged cock was still trapped between us, but Shari got over that by lifting up slightly and then dropping down, impaling herself on me. We both gasped at the sudden intrusion, the tightness and heat; I'd not planned to do this with her, but it was welcome, and so hot! With her back against slick marble tiles, and her arms around my neck, I began pumping into her, resting my forehead against the wall to give myself enough leverage to keep ploughing into her. My hands slipped from holding her delectable buttocks to hold her under her thighs as I held her legs apart so I could ram myself ever harder into her.

  Shari was gasping and mewling, almost incoherent by now, repeating my name over and over as I hammered into her, her pussy clasping and releasing me, sucking at me as I powered into her. A kind of madness overtook us, all thoughts of the outside world were forgotten, there was only the slap of wet flesh against flesh, and her soft groans and whispered exclamations as I pumped into her again and again.

  Shari came with a loud groan, stammering my name as she shuddered and quivered in re
lease, her orgasm triggering my own. The feel of me flooding her over and over with my hot spunk, more than I'd ever done before, made her orgasm gather pace and roll through her again.

  We hung there, suspended in a perfect moment, gasping, shuddering, and clasping each other as our release swept through us and became our world. The bright flare of release slowly dimmed, and the billowing steam, and the needle-jets of hot water cascading over us finally brought us back to reality.

  I slipped from her, and sank to my knees, almost no strength left in me after that volcanic release. Shari sank down to lean against me, her lips soft against my shoulder as I cradled her against me. Her gentle hands held and caressed my face as I gasped for air, trying to catch my breath and slow my racing heart.

  "Ohohohoh Bobby, that was incredible!" she quavered softly, "we've so got to get one of these installed when we get home!"

  I leaned back against the cool wall, letting the spray from the multiple showerheads massage me and relax me, pulling Shari onto my lap so I could kiss her properly, not that frenzied "face-sucking" we'd been doing earlier, Shari kissing me back just as gently and tenderly, then grinned, and giggled as something occurred to her. I looked at her quizzically, and she dimpled.

  "Now that you've done that to me, you just HAVE to marry me, Mr. Davies!"

  I pulled her close, and kissed the tip of her nose.

  "Anytime you're ready! Miss Shereen Amisha Shahida, I would be honoured if you would consent to be my wife; bedraggled as you currently are, I've never seen a lovelier or more desirable spinster, and I would have you to wife! There, how's that for an 'olde-worlde' proposal?"

  Shari smiled at me and pulled herself closer to me.

  "'Spinster' eh? You'll pay for that as well. To get back to your proposal, and I'm holding you to it, by the way; it was better than a million roses and a whole orchestra, so yes, Robert Davies, bachelor and occasional idiot, I think I will marry you!"

  We sat together under the needle sprays, letting the hot water wash the fatigue away as it washed our bodies, until at last Shari kissed me and patted my chest, and climbed somewhat shakily off me and made her way to the entrance of the wet-room; as she made to leave, she paused and softly called out "Oh, Bobby, darling...?"

  As I looked up she hit the 'Cold' button, drenching me in high-pressure freezing water from all the spray heads at once.

  "Wakey-Wakey, Baby!" she crowed, finally getting her revenge as I hooted, gasped and spluttered under the unexpected icy deluge. Revenge really is a dish best served cold, or in her case, icy cold!

  We were under the clock now; we had less than an hour before we were meeting Leon and Judy, so we had to hustle. We'd already packed all the warm clothes we'd brought; it was January, and the upstate weather was cold and unpredictable. Luckily Shari and Yaz had picked up a pair of vivid turquoise North Face goose-down jackets for Rick and me, and some Thinsulate ski gloves and beanies, and a few more pairs of thermal socks, just in case we decided to do a little exploring.

  Getting dried-off and dressed took minutes; most of our slack time was taken-up with drying Shari's spectacular mane of red-bronze hair, but with two driers we were done and waiting for Rick and Yaz in record time. They joined us in the lobby, Rick looking as drained as I felt, and Yaz and Shari sharing a sly, secret little grin, so obviously Yaz and Rick had been taking the same opportunity Shari and I had...

  Leon was bang on time, but no Judy. Shari asked him where she was, and if she was going to be there for our visit. Leon grinned as he helped us load our bags into the trunk.

  "She had to deal with something, a family thing, but she'll be along tomorrow, don't you worry, she's looking forward to this!"

  With that we were off. The drive wasn't that long, something over an hour and a half. As Rick was riding shotgun, Leon chatted mainly with him, so I took the opportunity to grab a little shut-eye in the back seat, Shari nudging me if Leon spoke to me. Otherwise I caught-up a little on my missed sleep.

  Leon's family lived on Canterbury Lane, just outside Oneonta, in a beautiful sprawling house backing onto open country. There was snow on the ground, and cloaking some of the conifers, evidence that winter was still very much here in upstate New York. Leon's mother and sister greeted us warmly, his mother a redheaded slim lady whom Leon didn't resemble in the slightest, but a photo on the wall of an older man in a fire-fighter's outfit looked enough like him to clue me in that it was his father. I was curious about the "FDNY" badge and the number 343 incorporated into the frame, but I thought I'd keep it to myself, as there was a black band across one corner of the photograph. His younger sister resembled his mother, but with his sandy blonde hair, grey eyes, and quick smile.

  Leon's mother ("Please, call me Kathleen!") couldn't do enough for us, almost falling over herself to hug Rick and me for saving her son. Leon looked more than a tad embarrassed by the whole thing, but I suppose if someone had jumped in and saved my son a beating, or worse, I'd probably be grateful too.

  "Ma, stop it, you're embarrassing the guys!" he complained, grinning and nudging Maria, his sister, who promptly jumped on us and started the whole thing all over again. I happened to glance up while Maria was trying to break my neck with a hug, to see Leon, Yaz and Shari all grinning widely at Rick and me. My face was burning with all this show of affection, as was Rick's, something that made everyone else grin even more.

  Dinner was wonderful. Leon's mother was a great cook, and she kept piling our plates up with more food. The crowning glory of the meal was a huge apple pie, hot and delicious, the smell of cinnamon and spices rich and tempting. After dinner, I asked Kathleen if I could go outside; I was feeling the need for a little alone-time, and it was quiet and peaceful all the way out here. She told me to wrap-up warm, the winter chill was still around, but I was looking forward to it; it was a different kind of cold to England, dry and crisp, not raw and damp like winter in Carlisle.

  "Don't fall in the stream, honey!" she joked as I let myself out onto the patio and struck off across the lawn, no real destination in mind, really just wanting to breathe some of that chill fresh air, hoping it would clear my head a little. I sat on an old log stump, watching my breath steaming in the sharp night air, thinking about what we did next, where we went next as a family. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard someone coming up behind me. A small hand came to rest on my shoulder, and, from that shared telepathy couples sometime have, I knew that it was Shari without needing to turn and look.

  "It's beautiful out here, isn't it, baby?" she murmured. I stood up and unzipped my jacket, pulling her cold hands inside and around my waist to warm her up again. Shari nuzzled against me as I pulled my thick jacket around us both, her hands rubbing my back as she looked up at the distant mountains glowing in the moonlight. I didn't answer her; I thought she was much more beautiful, and the feel of her against me was triggering all kinds of things inside me. Shari obviously guessed what I was feeling, her hands coming up to cup my face as she kissed me. I returned the kiss, feeling her gently grind herself against me, her movements becoming more insistent as the kiss dragged on. Now I was heating-up, and part of me was wondering why she was doing this to me; we were guests in someone's house and couldn't do anything about it.

  Shari proved me wrong. As she kissed me, her hand slipped down to rub and squeeze my cock, already painfully constricted in my jeans, and what she was doing wasn't helping any as I kissed her, hard, still wondering how we were going to do anything about it. I had just decided to break-off and take her back indoors when she swung me round so my back was against the trunk of one of the big conifers on the stream bank and dropped to her knees to fumble with my belt. I watched in horny fascination as she undid my belt, popped my jeans, yanked down the zipper in one smooth move, and pulled my jeans and shorts down so my aching cock was freed. She looked up at me and grinned, her face pale in the moonlight, but with that devilish smile she did so well, then ducked her head and took me into her mouth. The warm, wet succulence of her mouth
was almost unbearably wonderful as she licked and sucked me out there in the open air on a freezing winter night, one hand slowly squeezing and pumping my cock, while the other gently squeezed and massaged my balls.

  Ordinarily, I have to be really worked-up for this kind of thing to bring me on, but for some reason the whole situation was extremely erotic, and I couldn't last long, not like this, not with her doing so many wonderful things to me. The end came quickly, even though I didn't normally find oral sex that much of a turn-on, but right there and then...

  "Oohh God, Shari, yess, it's... God, I'm coming, Shari...!" I gasped, as an avalanche of spunk blasted out of me, filling her mouth as she sucked me avidly, not spilling a drop as I pulsed and twitched in her mouth, firing salvo after salvo of hot spunk onto her tongue and against the roof of her mouth. I came so hard my ears were ringing with the force of it, and my knees buckled as I leaned against the tree-trunk.

  Shari sucked me until I began to go soft, sucking every last drop of sperm out of my cock and polishing the head with her tongue. When I'd finished, and she'd cleaned me with her tongue, she zipped me back up and buckled my belt back on before standing up and kissing me once lightly on the lips. I grinned at her.

  "That was wonderful, big sister, but why, and why now?"

  Shari pulled herself against me once again, sliding her cold hands around inside the back of my jacket to warm up again.

  "No reason, except you're my Bobby, and I wanted to give you something nice. That should hold you 'til we get back to the hotel, but then you owe me one, Robert Davies, and I never forget a debt!" she grinned.

  We both laughed at that, and holding hands, made our way back to the warmth of the house.


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