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Sex Stories Page 125

by Mary Jaine

  I almost fell off the lounger in aroused shock that my sweet, demure, gentle little sister could mouth such filth in my ear; as it was, I had to turn to face her to hide the fearsome erection her words had caused to magically sprout. Nimmie grinned wickedly and ground against me, purring like a cat.

  "Oh dear, I think you need some special attention, young Master Redmond; maybe you should let Nurse Nimmie rub the nasty swelling and make it go away...eventually..." she breathed, introducing me to a whole new level of aching hardness as her mons pressed and undulated so tantalisingly against me. I was in an agony over what to do next, so Nimmie solved it for me.

  "OK Ro, now you're in the right frame of mind, you and me, one of those huts, let's go!"

  Everyone else seemed to feel that now lunch was done, orgy-time had arrived, and as we threaded our way through the rows of loungers, it was obvious to me that more than a few of the couples here had no intention whatsoever of keeping it strictly 'brother-sister'.

  Some of the people we saw enthusiastically humping like mink were very obviously not the couples we'd seen earlier, and I wasn't sure how I felt about that, except for one solid, inescapable fact; anyone who made a pass at Nimmie was walking home on two broken legs with his teeth in his pocket. She was mine, and no-one else got to sample her, no fucking way!

  As luck would have it, every single one of those huts had occupants; the sounds of rampant nookie emanated from each of them as we checked them out, but that didn't deter Nim, and before I knew it, I was leaning back against a matting wall while she unbuttoned my shorts. I thought about protesting, if only for form's sake; after all, it should be me stripping her, the way I was feeling right then, but she got in there first, so I left her to it.

  Once upon a time I might have been apprehensive and embarrassed about doing something like this in public, from what I could see fifteen feet away, not a single soul on that beach would have cared one whit, not if what they were all doing was anything to go by...

  Part 12: Naomi

  The look on poor Roly's face when I shoved him against a wall and unbuttoned his shorts was priceless, but that wasn't the prize; inside his shorts there was a solid, pulsing meat-stick that belonged to me, and I wanted it inside me somehow, any old how. I'd banked on at least one of the huts being vacant, but they weren't, so I did what I had to, and Roly may have been shocked, but he didn't fight me off, and when I sucked the end of his rigid cock, he groaned happily, in plain sight or not.

  Somewhere in the back of my mind the realisation surfaced for a moment that I was on my knees, in public, with my brother's impressive cock jammed in my mouth, but to be honest, I didn't give a shit, and neither did anyone else, apparently; everything going on around us just made what I did with Roly that much more exciting, and naughty, and acceptable, and I wasn't going to stop; he tasted far too nice!

  As I sucked, I squeezed him gently, coaxing him along; I wanted to take the edge off him, because right after, what I really needed was a prolonged, sweaty session in one of those huts.

  One of my favourite romantic fantasies had always been to drag Roly off to a tropical paradise with me, somewhere remote, secluded and private, surrounded by breakers and rustling palm trees, and fuck his brains out on a deserted beach on a golden day under a cloudless azure sky, or a huge tropical moon and a billion stars; OK, so we weren't in Tahiti or Bora-Bora, but most of my fantasy was here, it was mine for the taking, so I took it, and took Roly with me.

  Roly was as turned-on as I was; his cock was literally bone-hard, and I could barely get him in my mouth, he was so swollen with excitement, but I managed it somehow, and when I began squeezing him as I sucked, I felt him trembling.

  I was just about to deliver the coup-de-grace and make him empty-out when the door of the hut opened and out stepped possibly the two most flawlessly beautiful young people I'd ever seen; he was tall, with jet-black curly hair, smooth, tanned and muscular, and just gorgeous, and I mean catwalk-model gorgeous. The girl was as dark as he was, her hair almost blue-black, but her skin was marble-white, with lips a deep, natural rose-red;

  I know it's a cliché, but she really did look like an alabaster statue, and she was heart-stoppingly beautiful. They were so obviously brother and sister. They had the same stunning blue eyes, the same classic bone-structure and profile, and the thought flashed through my mind that if any man in the world was justified in wanting his sister, it was him; with a sister who looked like that, no rules could possibly apply.

  For a second I felt small, and plain, and pointless just looking at two such beautiful people, no matter what my sweet Roly thought of me, and then they both saw me, and as our eyes met, something passed between us, something that thrilled through me like a small shiver of anticipation, and suddenly I knew; they understood, because they were the same as us. Their eyes and their smiles spoke volumes to me; they spoke of comradeship, of need fulfilled and dreams attained, of love, and loyalty, and a lifetime commitment, and suddenly I knew them as well as I knew Roly. They knew what I was feeling, because they had the exact same thing Roly and I had; don't ask me how I knew, I just did.

  Roly was my world, he was the one and only thing I needed, but that other young couple, they were part of us too, they had become part of what we were, and we'd always have them too. Now I belonged, now I didn't need to feel like the world was always going to be against us. There was someone else who knew and understood exactly what we were, and why, and they would never judge us, because they were just like us.

  As they turned to leave, the girl's eyes once more locked with mine, and as they did, her smile and nod were all I needed to know we were allies, and more, that she and her brother would be there for us any time we needed them; we were family now.

  Roly opened his eyes and looked down at me, perhaps to wonder why I'd stopped, and some of what had just passed must have shown on my face, because he hurriedly tucked himself away as he urged me to stand so he could look into my eyes.

  "Nim...Nimmie...what happened? You look like you saw a to me, Nim!"

  My head was still too full of what had just happened to me, my moment of profound insight had pretty much scattered my thoughts to the wind, and Roly half-walked, half-carried me into the empty cabana and sat me down on his lap on the bed in there.

  "OK, what happened?" he murmured, smoothing my hair away from my face so he could look into my eyes.

  I tried to explain what I'd felt, what had just changed for me, for us, but it was so hard for me to put into words; I knew what I wanted to say, but I didn't know how to say it without sounding like an hysterical nut-case, and the more I tried, the less sense I made, and then the tears started.

  Poor Roly was shocked at my sudden need to cry; he couldn't work out what had happened to make me so blue, not at first, but I think he began to understand after I'd let the tears clear my head a little.

  "Roly, I know this sounds crazy, I know you'll think I've lost it, but just now, outside, I learned something, something that affects both of us."

  He nodded for me to go on, so I plunged on.

  "I...met someone, someone who knows what we want, because she wants it too, and she has exactly what I have. I know, it sounds crazy, but she let me know we're not alone, that we have each other, and we have her and her brother too. I don't expect you to believe any of this, but I will ask you to take it on trust; there's someone else out there just like us, and they're on our side, and we'll be able to count on them, and that makes me very happy indeed. Can you understand what I mean, Roly-poly?"

  He smiled that slow, happy smile of his, the one that always told me we were alright, and hoisted me higher on his lap so he could hug me closer.

  "I believe you, Nim. I'll always believe in you; if you've connected with anyone here and that makes you sure and secure in your mind, then I'm happy for you, for us. All I need is you, Nimmie, but if you say we have backup when we need them, then I believe you on that as well. I love you, Nimmie, and I need you to
be happy. I'm glad you're finally sure."

  He slid me off his lap and tugged my skirt into something approaching decent while grazing lightly on my neck and shoulder.

  "And now, let's get out of here; I don't want to bang in some beach-hut like a sex-starved teenager. I want to make love to you in our bed. Are you OK with that?"

  As if he needed to ask...


  Back in our room, Roly wasted no time pulling me onto the bed to lie, still fully-clothed, next to him, while he slipped his hand around my waist and held me close to him so he could kiss me properly. It felt so nice, so warm and loving, to just lie together, no frenzied ripping off of clothes, no frantic coupling, no sweaty, gasping gymnastics, just warm, loving, tender kissing.

  It was a revelation to me; I'd always known how gentle Roly was, how careful he'd always been not to hurt me or hurt my feelings, but to feel it in his kiss as a real sensation was an eye-opener for me. He truly wasn't like other guys...


  I woke up slowly, feeling relaxed and rested, and warm and comfortable, still fully dressed, with Roly's arm around my waist and my bottom pressed into his sleeping lap, so we were spooned together. As I stirred, his breathing changed, and he muttered "...don't worry you... love you, Puss-Cake..." before falling silent again, and I smiled at him so fast asleep, but still thinking of me.

  I wanted to get undressed and slide into that big, soft bed, with a lovely warm Roly right next to me, but it felt so good just lying there, feeling his sleep-heat soak into me while his soft breath warmed my neck, feeling no cares at all. I thought about him, and about me, and where we'd go, what we'd do with the life we'd chosen, and eventually my thoughts drifted into dreams as I fell asleep again, warmed and enfolded in the arms of my gentle, loving big brother.

  A soft kiss on the back of my neck woke me from a long, complicated dream about Roly and me, and mum, and something about a little girl with soft golden hair and eyes just like Roly's, but it was a nice dream, and Roly was happy in it; now I'd never know how it ended, so I turned around and kissed him, and pinched his nipple at the same time.

  "Hey, what was that for?" he spluttered, slipping his hand around my waist and pinching my bottom in return. We were both even now, so I took the opportunity to hold him a little more gently, feeling him stirring and firming-up as he kissed and nibbled my lips. We were wearing far too many clothes, so when I tugged the hem of his tennis shirt up, he responded in kind, tugging my tank-top up and off.

  Everything else came off in short order, and once again I had him at my mercy, long and lean and muscular and just delicious, mine to do with as I pleased.

  When I started kissing his neck, then his upper chest, he sighed happily and rolled onto his back, so I was able to attack him more easily. The hairs on his chest and abdomen all formed into a silky treasure-trail down along his solid stomach and lower, the hairs soft and gossamer-light against my lips, until eventually I was slowly running my tongue through the springy, wiry hairs surrounding the base of his straining cock, savouring the sensation of the stiff curls parting around my tongue and brushing my lips.

  I could hear his breathing, soft and shallow, and I knew what he was waiting for, and the soft gasp as I slipped him into my mouth was all I could have hoped for. As I sucked him, I slowly fisted him, squeezing him rhythmically as I bobbed my head, tasting him and pleasing him with the motion of my head. His hand slid between my thighs, to gently rub and pet my pussy, and pleasure glowed through me as I felt myself swelling and beginning to pulse in time to his gentle hand movements.

  Suddenly, he held my thigh, and in one surge, slid me on top of him, placing his hands on my hips as he pulled me against his mouth. My nerve endings all stood-up and shrieked at the feel of his velvety tongue-tip probing and lapping at me. I could barely concentrate on the cock in my mouth with all the fireworks going off in my head.

  Part 13: Rowan

  Having Naomi sucking my cock so lovingly was a truly next-level experience; I could hardly see straight with the pleasure she was giving me, but my wandering hands found a way to give her something back. When she slid astride my chest, and I was able to properly relish the scenic view spread before me, all I knew was that I wanted to taste her, to feel her softness against my tongue, and once more inhale her heady scent.

  From the squeals and mews of pleasure she gave as she bucked against me I knew she was enjoying what I was doing to her; Nimmie tasted as good as she looked, her soft and tender girl-flesh was a poem of juicy tenderness against my lips and tongue, and her rich, musky scent was sending strong, insistent messages to my brain; the taste and scent of her was working itself deeply into me, working me up, firing-up parts of me I didn't know about, igniting deep fires that only she could quench.

  Of course now, with hindsight, I know what it was; her pheromones were stimulating my limbic system, switching-on emotions and desires deep inside me, way down past the veneer of civilisation, into that primitive place we all have inside us, the last remnant of dawn-man, and that part of me knew for certain, at last, that she was mine now, only mine.

  I think Nim sensed the change in me. Perhaps she was feeling something similar, but she suckled and licked me like she was addicted to me, even as I gorged myself on her, each of us taking the other to that final fulfilment.

  Nimmie squealed as she came, her thighs drumming against the sides of my head with tendons drawn tight as piano wire, her sweet, tangy juices filling my mouth and spilling over my chin as her taut little pussy trembled and convulsed against my mouth. It was too much for me; too much was happening inside my head.

  Nimmie was the centre of my world now, and we were so closely in sync that her orgasm triggered my own climax, mind-jarring in its intensity, although I was mostly dry heaving; she'd pretty much emptied me out over the last twenty-four hours. Still she sucked and caressed me with her tongue, taking me higher even as her orgasm convulsed her again, making her cry out in pleasure.

  Nim slumped down on top of me, her red, swollen pussy and taut little anus trembling and winking at me as the aftershocks of her epic climax raced and surged through her, while I lay back, my heart thundering in my chest and my body twitching as the massive adrenalin surge slowly dissipated.

  We lay in silence for a few more minutes, letting the room swim back into focus, and as my heart slowed, I was better able to appreciate the delightful view so close at hand. Nimmie's skin is flawless, pale and translucent, like polished marble, and the curve of her shapely little bottom perfectly complemented the slender roundness of her thighs and the delicate, flower-petal neatness of her small pussy.

  Even if I wasn't in love with her, I would have been lost in admiration at how delicately feminine her body was, how exquisite a picture she formed with her legs spread for me so I could feast my eyes on her sexy little pussy. She made such an adorable, desirable picture I couldn't resist planting a kiss on her labia and gently wriggling my tongue-tip in the shadowed little pucker so open to my gaze.

  Nimmie giggled as she fondled me and lightly kissed my flaccid cock in return.

  "Was there something you wanted, Roly-poly?" she giggled, so I squeezed her bottom and gave her a couple of playful little smacks, just to watch the firm flesh quiver.

  "Nope, just admiring the view!" I grinned, making her giggle again. "Come on up here next to me, I want to look at more of you."

  Nim rolled off me and squirmed around so she was lying next to me, her head resting in the crook of my arm. Her warm little hand stroked my chest and stomach as we kissed like two lovers, not frantically, not on the edge of arousal, just two people in love showing each other their love.

  "Hold me close, Roly, I'm so tired," she yawned. "We have to be at this dinner tonight, and I don't know about you, but I'm bushed." She yawned again, pulling down a corner of the bedclothes. I helped her, and slid into bed next to her, gathered her to me and with her warmth soaking into me, almost instantly dropped into a deep, dreamless sleep.
br />   *

  The soft, insistent chiming of the call to dinner eventually penetrated my consciousness, dragging me awake and to the awareness of Nimmie lying so deliciously naked against me, warm and soft, her leg thrown over mine and her arm lying across my stomach. She looked so sweet, so innocent and sexy I couldn't resist kissing those lips so near mine. As I did, her long lashes fluttered and her eyes opened.

  "Yay, it wasn't a dream!" she murmured, her voice still scratchy with sleep. "Hellooo Roleee, mmm, I was right, you do feel nice!" she drawled, still more asleep than awake, as she burrowed down against me. It was my pleasure to gather her into me and hold her tight as she slowly stretched and yawned so prettily I had no choice but to kiss her again.

  Mmm, I like waking up next to you, I must do this more often!" she smiled, wriggling sensuously while her hand gently rubbed me in the small of my back.

  I could have lain there like that all night and through the next day, but Nimmie had other plans.

  "C'mon you, we need showers, you need a shave, get a move on Ro, you're taking me to dinner, so get weaving!"

  I reluctantly let go of her, but not without having a reflex grope of her sexy bottom first, making her giggle and wriggle sexily.

  "Oi, less of that, you, we don't have time! Later, I promise. Right now, though, get in there and get showered. You need a shave, and bed-hair is not a good look for you..."

  So saying, Nim disappeared into the dressing-room, presumably to get her dress sorted out for this dinner. I had my dinner jacket (actually, it was my a shit of a father's DJ, but we were the same size, and he'd left it behind, so Nim had decided it was mine now) and a white shirt, so my dressing arrangements were sorted.

  Nim joined me in the shower, probably to save time, but she made it clear that hanky-panky was not going to happen, we were under the gun, so a quick shower, a thorough shave, and I was good to go.

  Nim disappeared into the dressing room while I got into my dinner jacket; she'd bought me a pleated-front formal evening shirt with wing-collars, and a set of studs, and I had to admit, I didn't look too bad. The black tie defeated me, though; I'd never actually worn one, and no matter what I did with it, it just looked like something limp had tangled itself around my neck and died there.


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