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Sex Stories Page 127

by Mary Jaine

  I came with him; the sight of him worshipping me with his body tipped me over, and my teeth clenched as I whimpered in the throes of orgasm, unable to scream in counterpoint to him as huge, irresistible, fiery waves of pleasure tore through me, tearing my senses away and leaving me dazed and ablaze. My head rang with the force of my orgasm, and when I finally opened my eyes, it was to feel my cheeks wet with tears, and my body shaken, weak, and trembling with reaction and aftershock.

  Rowan was slumped on his side, eyes closed and fluttering while his chest rose and fell like a bellows, and his skin shone with sweat, glossy and slick. As I admired him, his eyes flicked open, and his slow, sweet smile broke out like sunshine after rain.

  "Hey blondie!" he grinned, stroking my hip and waist. "What a mess we made. Look at you!"

  I smiled back, and rolled on top of him before he could stop me, squishing sperm everywhere, lubricating me as I slid and slipped all over him, making sure I actually did get it everywhere.

  Rowan laughed and tried to slide me off, but I bit my lip and held on grimly as I wriggled even more, coating him as thoroughly as he'd coated me.

  "Puss-Cake, you are a dirty, filthy, perverted little harridan, what are you?" he laughed, giving in to my onslaught and wrapping his big hands around my buttocks and kneading them instead. I grinned at the tone of his voice, that playful, resigned note he always got just before he gave in to me.

  "I'm your fiancée, remember?" I replied, flicking his nipple with my tongue-tip, something he hates, and smiled as he shuddered.

  "How could I forget, Nim-Nim? You look incredibly filthy, you know that? I like it, we should do this more often, the sight of you drenched in spunk makes me want to do things to you, bad things!"

  I couldn't resist a straight line like that, so I batted my lashes and wriggled a little more sensuously against him.

  "What's stopping you...stud?" but he refused to take the bait.

  "Nimmie, hot as you are, right now I can't even raise a weak grin; you've emptied me out, my balls feel like Mike Tyson's speed-bags, and my dick needs a retread; just thinking about another erection fills me with deep dread, so if you want any more rumpy-pumpy, you're going to have to go solo, I'm out! You cleaned me out, Puss-Cake, you just wrung out the last drops. Just stick a fork in me, I'm done!"

  I'd pretty much worked that out already; he was trying hard, but I could see how desperately tired he was, and I wasn't far behind. However, we needed yet another shower; if we fell asleep like that, in the morning they'd have to use towing-chains to unstick us, so I slapped his backside and chivvied him into the shower for a quick soapy splashdown, then, almost too tired for words, I finally climbed under the covers with him, spooned snugly into him, and that's all until the morning chime woke us.

  Part 15: Rowan

  Waking next to Nimmie was a dream come true; her sleeping face is angelic, sweet and innocent, the pretty child's face I remember so well now overlain with the woman she'd become, the baby roundness gone and her classic bone-structure there for the world to see. Nimmie truly doesn't think she's anything except completely ordinary, but I seriously beg to differ; in my opinion she's pretty damned perfect, and never more so than when she's asleep; that's when her true beauty shows: in the line of her jaw, the height of her cheekbones, the upturned tilt of her perfect little nose, and the sweet arch of her lips, like a child's drawing of Cupid's bow.

  I could watch Nimmie sleep for hours, each glance finding something new to enthral, enchant, and bewitch me, and while I watched her, I couldn't help but thrill at the thought that this beautiful, modest girl, who could have any man in his right mind fall at her feet, wanted me the way I wanted her.

  As I gazed at her, the soft chimes sounded once again, and Nim stirred, yawning (and she even did that prettily!) before her eyes flickered open, to see me watching her.

  "Hellllooo Roleee!" she murmured, her voice still scratchy with sleep, "Hug me, Roly-poly, it's Monday and we have to go home soon, so give me a hug now, before it's too late!"

  Her voice was suddenly thick with tears, and I gathered her close to me, waiting for the blues to pass, wondering what we were going to do next, and how, and wondering at how fiercely she held on to me; I did know one thing, though; whatever it took, we were staying together; we were a couple now, we belonged together, and that was how it was going to be.

  Going forward, it was always going to be Nimmie and me; as far as I was concerned we had no choice now, we'd made the decision and pledged ourselves, no going back now, nor did we want to - or so I thought...

  Eventually, her grip on me loosened, and I drew back a little so I could kiss her smile back, but she turned away from me, her face set and solemn.

  "No Roly, please...don''s bad enough that this all has to end in a couple of hours; it's hard enough already; don't make it even worse, please..."

  The note of finality in her voice, soft as it was, cut me to the heart; she'd obviously given-up and decided that we had no way forward, so it had to stop, no matter what we wanted, or needed, or thought we'd discovered; letting her go now would take away the biggest, deepest part of me, but she was probably right, much as it hurt to admit it; this was all just a fantasy, no matter what we'd promised, hoped, or planned. When it came right down to it, we just had nowhere to go, and she'd seen that before I ever did.

  I wanted so much to hold her close, to feel her warm softness once more melting into me, to feel her lips exploring mine, and taste her deepest warmth once again, but it wasn't to be, it couldn't be, because the fantasy was over, and reality had to pick-up again from where we'd left it only three nights earlier and a lifetime ago.

  We showered alone, one after the other; it seemed better that way, more appropriate for the brother and sister we were once more. Nimmie dressed herself again in the prim outfit she'd worn the day we arrived, and left out the same for me while she packed our bags and collected our things together; the fantasy was over, and the time we'd spent as a couple, the hopes we'd shared and plans we'd hatched, all of it was beginning to feel like a distant dream, slowly receding and going out of focus.

  I knew Nim was feeling as miserable as I was, no matter how normal a face she tried to put on for my sake; we'd crossed lines, explored places, and made discoveries that should have defined the rest of our lives, and now we had to let that all go, because there was nowhere to go and no way for us to take it all with us.

  It was with heavy hearts that we folded the bedclothes down and packed the last of our belongings, stretching out our last moments together, no matter how much it hurt.

  When all was done, and we had no more reason or excuse to linger in that room, our eyes met once more, and we nodded and squared our shoulders. This was it; whatever we'd fantasised about, planned for, dreamed of, it was all gone, it had never really existed, and now it was time for the real world again. It didn't help that Nim's eyes were unnaturally bright, or that her face was wooden only with an effort even I could see. It was time to go, and to let this world go forever.

  I carried our bags and Nim toted my suit-carrier as we followed her bracelet, but before we reached our destination, Robyn stepped out of an alcove and barred our way, that mischievous smile on her face as she held out her arms, halting our trudge back to where we'd first come in.

  "Why so glum, kids? Smile, Nimmie, you have a beautiful smile, let's see it! I think we need to talk, all of us, so never mind those bags, leave them for now, someone will get them, just come with me. Come on!"

  Nimmie looked sideways at me, then back at Robyn, who beckoned us to follow her. Wondering what she wanted, we followed her down a side corridor and into a small, sunlit alcove lined with bookshelves, like a miniature library, with three comfortable-looking armchairs and a small tea-table. Robyn gestured at the chairs.

  "Please, sit, and it's OK, don't look so worried, no-one's going to bite you! Relax, people, I only wanted to talk to you before you went off and did something silly!"

  Nim and I
looked at each other in wary puzzlement, then at Robyn again, who smiled even more cheekily.

  "Oh come on, both of you look like your puppy just died! Never play poker for money, either of you, your faces just give everything away! Look, just stop worrying and listen, then, when I'm finished, you can decide whether or not you should be worried. Deal?"

  We both nodded, and sat down while Robyn lounged comfortably in the third chair and grinned at us.

  "There, that was easy! Now, where shall I start? Perhaps the beginning's a good place. Firstly, this place, and what 'Sisterfest' is all about. Nimmie, Rowan, I know you think this whole weekend has just been about taboo, illicit, nasty-nasty sex, but I assure you, it's about a whole lot more. Let me give you some background, then I think you'll understand us better."

  She slipped her shoes off and tucked her feet under herself, to sit comfortably cross-legged in the big armchair.

  "First of all, Evan, Sylvie, and me. Obviously, we're brother and sisters, but we're much more than that; Sylvie is also my wife, and Evan is our husband; we're one unit, one family, all three of us in troika, perfectly balanced, and very much in love. That's how it's always been for us, for as long as we can remember, and how we're going to stay. Long ago, we realised that all the partying, all the meaningless relationships, all the glitz and glamour, none of that meant anything. What we had together was all that mattered, and so we set out to find others like us, who had the same urges and needs."

  She paused to smile secretly at us, before continuing.

  "We were lucky, very lucky indeed; our father was an immensely, unbelievably wealthy man, and he left the three of us everything he'd accumulated over a lifetime of accumulating things, and so we had all this money, a ridiculous, absurd amount of money, and a very good idea what we were going to do with it. 'Sisterfest' came about because we reasoned that we couldn't possibly be the only people who felt like we did, who wanted what we wanted, so we started this whole thing to find them, bring them together, and share with us what we have."

  Once again the cheeky smile, along with a companionable wink.

  "So far it's worked really well; it's been a very successful few years. We have people who come here to us who can be what they truly need to be, with the one person they love and desire above all others; so many of the people who've come to us, who come back time and again, have managed to create for themselves what my husband, my wife, and I have made for ourselves. I'm so proud and happy that we were able to find them and help them the way we did. In that respect, 'Sisterfest' has been a great far."

  Something about her tone caught my attention more than she already had. Nim caught it too, if her questioning look was anything to go by. Robyn smiled again, only now her smile was wistful, sad, even, as she gazed out of the window at the trees outside, her eyes distant, obviously looking at something else entirely.

  "...and...?" prompted Nimmie gently, causing Robyn to return her attention to us.

  "And now it's time for us to move on..." she said in a much softer voice. "You, all of you here this weekend, were invited here for a very special reason; we don't normally hold these weekends in the summer; high days and holidays only, Valentine's, Hallowe'en, that kind of thing, but this year's different; this year we were looking for someone special, that special couple who could pick up the reins and carry on and make Sisterfest even more successful, who could help even more people who need somewhere they can be real, with someone like us on their side."

  Now Nimmie was looking at her incredulously, then at me; surely she didn't mean...

  Robyn's tinkling laugh broke the sudden silence as she clicked onto Nimmie's and my wavelength.

  "No, no, calm down, it's not you, stop worrying, that's all taken care of! There was another couple here who are perfect; they want what we want, and I think they'll be able to do things with the whole idea that Sylvie, Evan, and I can't, not anymore. We're going away, you see, to our home, our real home, where we can be a family, and start a proper family together; I think you'll agree, this is not the kind of place to bring up children. We want to bring up our children in peace away from all this, and finally get our lives back; we've walked on the wild side long enough, and it's someone else's turn. Which is where you come in, kids..."

  Nimmie was looking sideways at her, not following her, and I was confused as hell, too; if they'd chosen their replacements, what did they want with us? My bewilderment must have shown, because suddenly Robyn was leaning forward to take my hand in hers, and stretching out her free hand to Nim, who smiled doubtfully but took it. Robyn squeezed my hand and smiled reassuringly.

  "Rowan, the people who've agreed to take this on are like you two in so many ways: they're pretty much your age, and they're going to need friends, family, even, people like them, people who will understand them, people with the brains and motivation to help them make a success of this place. I want that to be you, both of you. Finn and Lara are going to need so much help and support here on the ground, and I think that could be you."

  She paused to smile at me once again, patting my hand as she put it back in my lap.

  "Rowan, you have to have worked out by now that we don't let just anyone in here; everyone we invite to our house is vetted rather carefully, given the kind of problems the tabloids would cause if they found out about us and our little...get-togethers here. We checked you and Nimmie out pretty thoroughly, and so I know you finished your last year at university this year, and now you need to work in a practice if you want to be a chartered architectural engineer one day. That will always be your first love; we saw that right away, which is why we didn't ask you to take up where we're leaving off; we couldn't ask you to give that up for this. However, we can arrange for you to enter an architectural practice and achieve your dream, and still be part of us."

  She paused to smile at me, her eyes twinkling, before patting me on the hand.

  "I've seen your transcripts, your coursework, and the projects you've completed. You're talented, Rowan, and I think I know just the place for you; it's a small architectural practice that's about to become part of, a brother and sister team, Mike Kershaw and Carys Elliot, so you should feel right at home. They're like you, like us; you'll like them, I promise."

  Robyn paused, possibly gauging my response, before continuing, her voice soft and persuasive.

  "We have countless development projects in hand at the moment: this place for one; with the others we have planned, we'd keep you fully occupied for the rest of your life, and not just here; many of the planned works are all around the world, but the one I'm thinking of right now is right here; that forest habitat you liked so much? How would you like to build those in a couple of other places we have our eye on? Or maybe look at building further playgrounds here, like a tropical rainforest? I know Sylvie would like that. Does that sound like something you'd want to do?"

  It was, and my head was spinning. How many times in your life does your fairy godmother grant you your every wish and whim? Nimmie wasn't looking too happy, and I think Robyn realised that, as she turned the charm offensive square on her.

  "Nimmie, anything we can do includes you, too; you and Rowan are a couple; any decisions or conditions have to include you. I know you still have another two years before you graduate, and we know how much you want to be a nurse, and how much you and Rowan want to be together. I don't know how your family is going to react to the two of you being what you are, but they're going to need to know. I can't help you there, but I do have a solution that might work if all else fails."

  Nimmie's ears pricked-up at that; I could see her interest piquing at Robyn's words. Robyn saw it too, and smiled reassuringly.

  "Nimmie, the position we'd like to offer Rowan is based in Oswestry, in the Welsh borders, a long way from anyone who might know who or what you two are; if it all goes tits-up at home, we can arrange for you to transfer your modules to Chester University, or Stafford, not too far from Oswestry, and graduate you there. We
have a medical centre here and in a few other places, and I'll let you in on a little secret; we're not that far from either of those places, or even Oswestry; you and Rowan could live in Telford, or Wolverhampton, and be in easy reach of everywhere I mentioned, including this place. We could always use more medical professionals, and we'd pay you well, very well indeed. How would you like to be part of the team here when you graduate? Think about it. I'll give you a number to call, tell us what happens, and we'll take it from there."

  I could see Nim chewing it over, then her eyes narrowed.

  "OK, so you want to do this for us, thank you that's very kind, and gives us what we want, and I only have one question: Why? We're nothing to you. Three days ago you'd never met us. Why do you want to do so much for us, and what's in it for you?"

  Robyn nodded her head with a pleased look on her face, like she was glad Nim had asked that question.

  "Good question, well done! We're prepared to do this because you and Rowan are exactly the kind of people we've been looking for to keep this whole thing going. We saw right away what you had. There was only one other couple who did that for us, and we've asked them to step up and take our place. They've agreed, but they're going to need help and support from people around them who feel what they feel, know what they know, and are fully committed to each other. Finn and Lara are going to need people who know and understand, who can grow with them, and be what they'll need; family who'll support and understand them."

  Once again that wistful, almost sad smile flitted across her face.

  "No-one else here has what you and Rowan, and Finn and Lara have. In all the years we've been doing this, you are the first group of people who stood-out like that; no one else ever has; they just come here to have a little 'off-the-books' fun, then go back to their lives. There's nothing wrong with that, it was the original reason this whole thing came about, but now we need more; I think that's what you have. Will you do it? We have very effective ways of shielding our people from those who would seek to do them harm or destroy what they have, and loyal and competent people who'll make sure no-one can get to you; with us you'll be safe, and you'll be together, and I have a feeling that's what you want more than anything. "


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