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The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2)

Page 23

by CY Jones

  Walking into a brick wall, I hold my nose and groan, “Ow.”

  “Sorry, I called out your name, but you didn’t stop,” the wall talks.

  Once my teary vision clears, I look up and see it’s Goliath that I walked into. No wonder why I thought it was a brick wall. Could he possibly have gotten even bigger? “Goliath, what the hell? Where did you come from?”

  “I was looking for you actually.”

  “Why? Did that foolish king do something bad?” I ask, wondering why he came looking for me. I know we formed some kind of pact, but that’s only where Quinn is concerned and right now, I have no idea how to free him.

  “The king is still the same. He mostly spends his time entertaining in his dorm room with his guest.” No need for him to elaborate. I already know exactly what kind of entertaining he’s been doing. It must be good to be king, enjoying Quinn’s body. I just hope he doesn’t get too comfortable. I will get Quinn’s soul back from Morganstein.

  “Okay, if you’re not here to complain about Oberon, then why are you here?”

  “I wanted to see if you’re okay. I heard about Crimson Blood. Oberon may have joked about it and threw a party afterwards, but I could tell he was deflecting from what really happened.”

  “As you can see, I’m fine. No need to worry your pretty little head about it.”

  “Are you sure? With your father here, I know there’s still danger.”

  “I’m gonna stop you right there,” I say, holding my hand up. “I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Yeah, I ran into trouble at Crimson Blood, but as you can see, I’m still alive. Don’t worry, I won’t die before I get Quinn’s soul back. Morganstein being here just makes it easier. I’m positive he brought it with him.”

  “Just know that I’m here. I take my duties to your brother seriously.”

  “My brother is lucky to have found such a loyal friend here. Don’t worry. I’ll find you if I need your help. I’m not stupid enough to take on Morganstein on my own.”

  Assuring him some more, we both part ways. Lost in my head, I walk until I find myself outside Kirito’s dorm. I’ve had many serious conversations today. I might as well see what he has to say. Hopefully, I won’t want to choke him like with Zion. “Well, let’s see how this goes,” I mutter to myself before giving his door two firm knocks.

  Chapter 20


  Ugg, my ears are still ringing, and I got a splitting headache. I take everything I said about Kenny back. I wish he got lucky before class and had the balls to stand up against me in class so that I didn’t have to fight that Morganstein freak. I’m still stumped over exactly what he did to me. He bombarded me with illusions and fucked with my head, but it was that damn flute of his that really fucked me over. Just the flashback of the sound makes me want to run. It was like a soprano singer singing on a note high enough to shatter glass right in my ear. No mind shield, no matter how strong, could fight against that. If it weren’t for my kitten, I would have lost today. What is it about her family that I can’t beat? If I ever faced off against her, I’d probably lose.

  That thought alone is enough to bruise my ego. I know she wanted to talk about why I’ve been avoiding her, but as soon as the duel was over, she disappeared, and I couldn’t find her afterwards. After speaking with Zion, we decided to split up and look for her. I wanted to use the shadows and follow that shady cousin of hers, but he too disappeared without a trace. Much like how he appeared. I don’t trust him, and it isn’t because he almost beat my ass. Something is not quite right about him, but I can’t put my finger on it. Apparently, he could have done more damage, even could have stopped Angelica from helping me. He’s powerful and should have eyes kept on him at all times. Before I leave for home, I need to speak with Milo about him. He’s our best bet on being able to spy on the asshole.

  “Fuck going home,” I groan to myself, flinging myself back on my bed and covering my face with my pillow. It’s barely evening time and my mother has already sent me a dozen emails asking when I’m departing. If I don’t reply soon, I fear she’ll come up here and bring me back herself. Father must have lost the battle in gripping her leash and she’s running wild, spooked by the news of me almost dying. Goddess help me if she hears about my match today. She’d probably take me out of school for good until she mates me off. Only after I produced an heir would she let me back.

  I dreamt about getting Angelica pregnant. Once, I was tempted not to say the incantation just so that would happen, but I’d never purposely do anything underhanded as that. But it would make things easier if she was carrying my kid. Lord Morganstein would have no choice but to bless me in her mating bond and name me her second. If not, he could bring ruin on his family for having a bastard child born in his line. This is all hypothetical, of course. Not even that. Angelica isn’t pregnant. She’s not even mine but Zion’s.

  I’m saved from my depressing monologue when a knock sounds on the door. With my voice muffled by the pillow, I call out for whomever it is to come in. My ears hone in on the sound of the door opening and light footsteps that could only belong to a female walking toward my bed and then the dip of the mattress when the person sits. From her scent alone, I know it’s my kitten, which is the only reason why I let her get so close.

  “Why are you hiding under your pillow? Are you that pissed I helped you out today?” she asks.

  Removing the pillow, I sit up and take her in. Her gaze is a tad bit excited, but I can tell there’s something weighing heavily on her mind. What exactly happened from the time she left class to now?

  “I was hoping you were the stripper I ordered and was building up the suspense of seeing a half dressed woman sitting on my bed.”

  Narrowing her lovely eyes she growls, “I can leave,” before stepping away, but I grab her before she can get too far. Teasing kitten is always fun, but I forget she has sharp claws and a short fuse.

  “No need. You’re more fun than any stripper. I’ll even pay you extra if you give me a happy ending.” Pulling her close, I rub my head in the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent. The lingering scent of Zion may be on her, but her mouthwatering honey fragrance is still present on her body, and it’s making my dick hard and teeth ache for a taste.

  “Be serious, Kirito,” she giggles.

  “Oh but, kitten, I am. Very serious. Strip for me and I’ll show you just how serious I am to make that happen.” My hands grow a mind of their own and slides under her sweater to the sweet swells of her breast and I fondle them through her lacy bra.

  It would only take me mere seconds to strip her of her clothes and judging by the noises escaping her mouth, she wouldn’t stop me either, but she came here for a reason, so it’s only fair if I give her a choice.

  Nipping a trail up her neck, I lick around the shell of her ear before suckling on her earlobe. Paying her back for what she did to me in class, I bite down on the sensitive flesh, but she’s so aroused that instead of crying out in pain, she lets out a loud moan that makes a direct hit to my dick. Clearing my throat, I murmur, “It’s up to you, kitten. You can be my entertainment, or we can talk about why you came here.”

  It takes her a second to answer, but when she finds her voice, she doesn’t disappoint and proves why I’m so into her. “Why does it have to be one or the other? Why not both?”

  I smile “Well, if that’s the case, we’re going to have to talk first because if we fuck, it’ll be a long time before we get to do any real talking. The way I’m feeling right now, I can take you all night.”

  “Ha, ha, big talk. Are you ever serious?”

  “I’m being serious. What? You don’t think I can pull an all nighter?”

  She narrows her eyes, but she does put some distance between us, just in case. Smart girl. I’m likely to pounce on her and put her on all fours and pound inside of her, showing her no mercy. Or convince her to give me a nice little blow job before we talk. My balls are heavy and loaded, looking for a release. My righty hand jobs just aren
’t cutting it anymore. My dick refuses to be tricked.

  “Stop looking at me like that. I know what you’re thinking.”

  “If that’s true, then why don’t you give me some relief and come here and suck me off? I promise to return the favor,” I bat my eyes, giving her my best puppy dog stare.

  “Serious business first, and if after I hear what you have to say, you don’t piss me off, then we’ll do other things.”

  “What if I do piss you off? Can we hate fuck afterwards?” I bargain, because let's face it, I’m going to piss her off. That’s inevitable, like the sun rising in the dawn and setting in the evening.

  “Kirito,” she grumbles.

  “What? I’m being totally serious here.”

  “Whatever, stop stalling and start talking. Why have you been avoiding me?”

  The reason is right on the tip of my tongue, but before I can tell her, I need to know something else first. “Did you happen to run into Zion before you came here?” I ask.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Did you two talk about anything serious?”

  “What does that have to do with anything? Why are you dodging my question? I thought your stalling tactic ended.”

  “I’m not stalling. I just need to know if you know.”

  “Know what?” she huffs.

  “About your magic,” I blurt out and then quickly regret it from the hurt look on her face. Yep, she knows and she’s hurt. More than that she’s angry. If she’s angry, she knows we all knew and no one bothered to tell her.

  “Yes, I’ve been informed. What does that have to do with why you’ve been avoiding me unless that is the reason? Don’t tell me you’re a pussy, and you’ve been hiding from little ol’ me so you didn’t have to tell me the truth, or maybe it’s the fact that as I am now I’m no better than a human? Has your opinion about me changed? Am all I good for now is a fuck?”

  Yep, she’s pissed. I swear her and Zion are just the same. Those two fuses are non-existent. Light a match near them and they’ll just explode with no warning. “No, that's not how it is. You’re still my kitten. If anything, your lack of magic has made you even more dangerous. Just calm down a sec. I never cared about any of that. I don’t care how powerful you are, what your last name is, or what family line you were born into. To me, all those details are superficial. It’s you I care about. You’re the one that matters to me. The real you. The one that captured my heart, did the impossible, and made me fall in love.”

  “Then why did you avoid me?” she cries.

  “Because I’m a coward and jealous,” I answer.

  She looks up, beaming that teary stare on me like she can see straight through me. “Are you sure you want to pull that card? I'm giving you a chance to put it back in the deck.”

  “I was being a coward, but not just that. I was also jealous. I never wanted anything more than I wanted you. You’re the first thing, the first person besides my sworn brothers, that are real to me. I wanted to make you my queen, but I also wanted to respect my brothers’ feelings. Loving you is not easy, especially knowing how they felt, but that’s the thing about you. You’re that damn special. So special that you single-handedly captured all of our hearts, even Zion’s, who is the pickiest out of the bunch. I understood clearly that someone as special as you could not be with just one of us, that I’d have to share, and I was okay with that.”

  “If that was the case, why did you say you were jealous?” she questions.

  “Because after all was said and done, one of us still tied you down and forced the decision on you. I know it wasn’t on purpose, that his intention wasn’t to do so and it was the doing of outside forces, but the fact remains the same that it did happen. You belong to him. Being with you again is just a daydream, so I kept my distance because I knew I couldn’t resist. The wine is just too tempting.”

  “You’re a dummy. Why does love blind people so? I’m glad my goggles are thicker than all of y’alls. Yes, Zion is my mate. Neither of us had a choice in that. His father stole a lead role in my play, but that doesn’t mean there’s only one male lead. Zion was just cast first. You’re right about one thing though. I couldn’t choose between you five. My mating happened faster than I liked, but there’s no rule stating I can only have one mate, and if there is, then who cares? Since when have I been the type to follow the rules?”

  My smile is big. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I’ve dreamed of those words and here they are, but before I could get too elated and throw caution to the wind, I veer toward rationality. Yes, this is what she wants. I’m what she wants, but her father? He’s dangerous. If he finds out about us, he’ll waste no time killing me. “It’s not that simple,” I sigh.

  “Why? Because of Lord Killjoy?”

  “That’s exactly why. He’ll kill us. He killed your mother with the Council’s help. The wishes of powerful men like him can’t be ignored.”

  “So what now? Are you prepared to let me go because you’re scared?” Moving closer, her hand palms my crotch, and I instantly grow hard.

  “Fuck, you play dirty. No, I’m not saying that. If I want to be with you, then I’ll need help. My family line may not be as powerful as Zion’s, but it’s still a top contender. If I can convince my parents that I’m hell bent on being with you and no one else, then they can plead my case to Morganstein for his permission to allow me to be a second in your mating bond.”

  “Do you think they’ll listen to you?”

  “I’m their only heir, they have to. As it is now, my mom is cyberbullying me to go home. She heard about me almost dying and is itching to set me up with a mate. I plan on flying back to Japan in the next couple of days, so I can get back before Founder’s Day when they’ll be here as invited guests.”

  “Why not wait until then if they’re going to be here anyways?” she frowns.

  “Because my mother is not waiting that long. If I don’t come to her willingly, then she’ll have me brought back.”

  “Sounds like some woman,” she hums, but as she says that, her hand around my dick has already lowered my zipper and pushed down my boxers. My cock springs to the air, free from its confinement and waves to both of us.

  “Kitten, what are you doing?”

  “We had a deal, remember? And I need you to be in a good mood when I ask my next question.”

  “And what question… fuck,” I growl. Licking the tip on my dick and swirling her warm tongue around my mushroom head, I’m at a loss for words, completely forgetting what the hell we were talking about.

  Since it's been so long, precum leaks from my tip and she watches it fascinated as it makes a messy trail down my rod. “Um, yummy,” she murmurs as she follows the trail with her tongue allowing it to gather on top. With her tongue sticking out, she shows me the pool of cum, and I nearly lose my shit like a horny teenage boy watching porn for the first time. Sticking her tongue back in her mouth, she swallows loudly before proudly showing me that she swallowed every last drop.

  “Kitten, didn’t anyone tell you it’s not nice to play with your food?”

  “No, I must have missed that lesson.” Pulling off her sweater, she throws it on the end of the bed and then unsnaps her bra, baring her breasts to me. Zion’s marks are all over those too, but I find that I don’t care. I want to make them bigger, so he can see that I too contributed to her pleasure and I haven’t given up. Tossing her bra with her sweater, she reaches for me and pulls my jeans and boxers down my legs.

  “Now what? You have me where you want me?”

  “Not quite,” she sings.

  Kneeling over, she bows her head toward my rod like she’s about to worship it. Holding her magnificent tits together, she rubs them over my cock and I groan from the sensation. With her hardened nipples caressing the very tip of my cock, I can’t take it anymore, but she makes a tsking sound and moves away. Understanding, I surrender and she moves closer until my cock is positioned in between her tits and she procedes to titty fuck me. My dick was
already slick from her spit and my precum, enabling her to slide unhindered up and down my shaft.

  I was just fantasizing about this and here my kitten is, making my wishes come true. Closing my eyes, I hold back my urge to explode and cum all over her chest. I want to give her all the time she needs to play. I’m happy Razz has slithered off somewhere or else he would have made denying my release so much harder. When her skin brushes his scales, it’s like an aphrodisiac, and he sends the feeling straight to my mind, which overloads my own arousal.

  “Kirito,” she says sweetly.

  “Yes,” I hiss through clenched teeth, sounding more like my snake.

  “Kirito,” she says my name again so sweetly, but this time, she makes her move and opens her mouth wide and gulps me down all the way to the hilt, slightly choking herself in the process. My hips move on their own, tilting upwards to choke her some more as I gently push down on the top of her head. The noise she makes sets me off and my grip in her hair gets firmer and my hips move faster until I’m fucking her mouth. She’s so damn perfect, my wet dream, and all I ever wanted in a mate. When she deepthroats me, I love the way her eyes water and seeing the outline of my cock moving up and down her throat. Who needs anyone else when she’s willing to do whatever I want in bed.

  “Kitten, you're so bad. Why are you so good at sucking cock? Did you used to watch porn with Quinn? Study them?” Her reply is garbled, so she flips me the bird, and I laugh. “You will, but first, let's get the warm up out of the way.”

  The sneaky little devil hands fondle my sack and I moan loudly, pressing her down harder until her spit is gushing all over me. “Dirty trick, but mine is better,” I brag. I learned from the twins she’s mastered her power over air and with Zion feeding her mana, I don’t worry about her choking on me for real, so nothing I do to her is gentle and plays right into my animal instincts. “Here, let me help you,” I say, releasing her and moving off the bed.


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