The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2)

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The Mage’s Revenge (Crescent Moon Academy Book 2) Page 28

by CY Jones

  “Oh, that was close.”

  “Why don’t we go inside? It’s pretty windy out here,” one of the other guys suggests. Unlike Nan, they have no problem with me, and once inside, I’m able to start a conversation with them, surprised they can speak English so well.

  While we talk, Kirito has a private room arranged for us and we all pile in once it’s ready. With his name, we’re clearly getting the five star treatment, and it doesn’t take long before a server comes to take our order.

  “To celebrate, I’ll take care of the bill, just order whatever you want,” Kirito announces, which causes everyone at the table to let out a loud cheer.

  “Try this,” Kirito says, scooting a small oval tea cup filled with sake over.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I smile.

  In answer, he kisses me, but we’re interrupted when Nanase scowls and lets out a childish noise through her nose. “How did you two meet?” she asks.

  “I met her at the academy and fell in love with her at first sight,” Kirito answers.

  “Your emails never said anything about you meeting anyone. Are you sure this isn’t one of your ploys to get your mother off your back?” she persists, and I bristle at her statement, falling for her trap.

  “You email her?” I blurt.

  “I email my mother,” he clarifies. “She’s besties with Nanase’s mom, which is why she thinks she knows my business.”

  “Oh, does that mean she comes from a mage family?” I ask in a low voice so that only he can hear me.

  “It’s complicated. They were a mage family from a strong line, but it has been a couple of centuries since they had born a mage child. Some say their family line was cursed before they became too powerful or their magic just died out. With all the time that has gone by, everyone has lost hope in them rejoining the magical community. It was Nanase’s father who chose to change their family name to Choi and live out their years in Choi Village. Even though they no longer have any influence over the mage community, they’re still crazy rich, so no one objected.”

  “That’s kinda sad. I wonder what happened to their family’s magic?”

  “Who knows. Shit happens, I guess. It doesn’t help that the mage community is so superstitious. There are mages today that give my parents the side eye just because they were only able to have one heir. It makes finding a mate very hard, which is why I’m so confused as to why my mother is being so resistant.”

  “Not too resistant,” I mutter, referring to the girl sitting next to him, pretending to not strain her ear to hear what we’re talking about.

  “Are you jealous?” He smiles, but halts it quickly at the look on my face. “Look, you don’t have to worry about her. We’ve been friends since we were young, in that growing up together sort of way, but she has always known I could never be with her.”

  “Because she’s human,” I say.

  “Yes,” he answers.

  “Is that the only reason why?” I’m not stupid. Kirito is not that clueless. He’s as alert as an assassin and can read others without difficulty. Not once since reuniting has he told his friend she’s being inappropriate. If we were at the academy, he’d make an example out of anyone bold enough to try to eavesdrop on him.

  “Maybe not before I met you, but once that happened, there could be no one else.”

  “Hmm,” I nod, accepting his answer. No matter how hurtful, I always want the truth.

  Chapter 24


  Popping a fried chicken ball in my mouth, I try to forget the heavy conversation Kirito and I just had and focus on the atmosphere around me. To keep me included, we all decided to only sing popular English pop songs chosen through a random generator. When it was Kirito’s friend's, Haru, turn, I almost died of laughter as he stood up there singing Rhianna’s “Umbrella.” He even went as far as to use the umbrella he carries around for emergency bad weather as a prop. But when it was Kirito’s turn, I stopped laughing and became spell bound at once.

  The song chosen for him was The Weekend’s “Save Your Tears.” Since coming home, his accent has been more prominent and as he sings I’m in more awe over his voice. The meaning of the song may be sad, but as he sings, his gaze never leaves mine like he’s the pop star, and I’m the only one in the audience. Nanase, and what jealousy I felt over her, quickly disappears as he sucks us in in our own personal bubble. After that, no one at this table could deny the love he has for me.

  On one side, I feel sorry for Nanase, and on the other, I thank her. Because she was able to love him, Kirito grew up around feelings that weren’t fake. Despite her family drama, she never tried to use Kirito, and for a time, she was enough for him, but she had to know that feeling wouldn’t last. That as soon as he went to academy and rejoined the mage world, what they had would disappear. She doesn’t strike me as the slow type or even shallow, so I’m sure she knew. Knew and probably dreaded it. Now, her fears are laid out in front of her, and she’s desperately trying to cling on. Love is a powerful emotion, but her love wasn’t enough.

  When Kirito is finished, she stalks past him and breaks the rules and chooses a song for herself instead of letting one be chosen for her. As soon as the beep beep from a car sounds, I know exactly which song she’s chosen to sing. Olivia Rodrigo’s “Driver’s License.” And as if she’s pouring her heart and soul with every word, she sings to Kirito in such desperation, trying to hold onto something that was fated to expire one day. I can’t even get mad at her for it. If it were me, I’d like to say I was brave enough to do the same. Her audience is captivated, even the one who she wanted to hear her in the first place. She’s not as good of a singer as me, but the passion and feeling behind her voice cannot be denied. At the end of the song, everyone is silent and she sits down, still with her eyes locked on Kirito, ignoring the passionate gaze of another that only has eyes for her.

  Not being able to take the tension and awkwardness, I practically jump out my chair and take my turn. There’s nothing more pop than Taylor Swift so when “Blank Space” is chosen for me, I nearly snort. Don’t revoke my badass card, but I actually know all the words to this song by heart, so once the music starts, I sing my heart out, playing not just to Kirito, but the crowd. I love to sing. Being up here as the center of attention doing what I love is actually fun, so I make everyone forget all about the Nanase, Kirito, Yuki drama and bring all the focus on me. Inside, I can feel my power circulating, begging to be released, but I put a stopper on it, shutting those thoughts down quickly. I don’t need this place exploding and have to spend my part of my savings for repairs. Once the song is over, everyone but one cheers, and I’m satisfied that at least the majority enjoyed my singing.

  Taking turns, we each sing a couple of more rounds and eat our food temporarily ignoring the relationship drama. By the time we’re ready to leave, it’s already late, and I clumsily get to my feet. The sake did it’s job well. Half carrying me to the car, Kirito says goodbye to the others. Instead of riding in the car with us, Yuki stayed behind to escort Nanase home, which I’m glad for. It would have been too awkward if all of us would have rode back together.

  “Did you have a good time? I mean, I know the beginning was shaky, but it got better, right?”

  “Yeah. I love singing, but you already know that.”

  Twirling a lock of my hair in his hand, he hmms. We’re both deep in thought. Probably thinking about the same thing. He’s going to have to have a conversation with Nanase before he leaves. Leaving it at this would be too cruel. Mages are brought up to be cruel, but it’s our responsibility to set limits. Maybe it’s because we already went through our own drama and had already reached our limit that we didn’t notice the changes when we left the car and walked inside, but when a voice that I can never forget the owner says in a tone that can’t be denied or ignored, “No need, there’s my mate now.”

  “Zion.” His name leaves my lips like the air. Out of all the people I expected to see here, he was not it. I did
n’t even think he’d care to travel all this way just to make sure I’m here, but here he is and here we are. It seems the drama has not yet ended. It's just beginning.

  “What are you doing here?” Kirito speaks for me since apparently, my tongue and thought process disconnected somewhere.

  “Why else would I be here? To get my mate.” His wording and tone screams ‘why would you even ask that’? But right now, Kirito doesn’t care to listen.

  “I’m afraid you wasted a trip here. You knew she was in good hands.”

  “Did I?” Zion says almost mockingly. His anger is brimming off of him in waves, the heat in the room rising. “How would I know my mate is safe, or where she is for that matter, when you left and told me nothing?” I wince, but Kirito stays firm. “You’re talking to me as if we’re brothers, but you went off and left with my mate without a ‘by your leave’. Yet you have the audacity to stand here wondering why I’m here. Do you have such a lack of consideration for me that you couldn’t even spare the time to tell me you want to leave with her? Do you have the balls to think she is yours?” he shouts.

  “She is mine,” Kirito shouts back, getting right in Zion’s face.

  This is bad. They’re both worked up. It’ll take short of a war to break them apart now. I never really considered this scenario, so I’m at a loss of what to do. It pisses me off that they’re both fighting over me like I’m the shiny new bouncy ball in the toy box, but me joining in the fray won’t solve anything. I might just ignite their killing intent, but Mr. Meow has no such qualms and he peels off my body and inserts himself between the two in his panther form, growling at both of the dummies, who wisely take a step back.

  “Why don’t we discuss this matter peacefully?” Kirito’s mother says, rubbing her temples. I didn’t even know she was back or in this room as witness to this craziness. Beside her is Kirito’s father, looking on with worried eyes.

  Agreeing, Mr. Meow uses his nose to push Kirito even farther away, just in case the space wasn’t far enough and then lays on the floor between them. In some sort of familiar solidarity, Razz sliters off Kirito and lays beside Mr. Meow with the same pissed off look on his face.

  “Now that your familiars have taken a stand, what exactly is going on?” Madame questions.

  Before either Zion or Kirito could open their mouths, I explained, “What I told you last week at dinner was true. I care for Kirito and want to be with him. What I didn’t tell you was that Morganstein already mated me to Zion. Before you say I was trying to deceive you, I wasn’t. I didn’t think that detail mattered or even changed anything. I care for them both. Love them both. I can’t choose, and it’s not fair that Morganstein did so. To me, it’s not one or the other. I’m not power hungry or using them. If it weren’t for Morganstein’s meddling, Zion and I wouldn’t even be together right now. Kirito and I came here to tell you how we felt, and yeah, we didn’t inform anyone that we were leaving.”

  “So your father doesn’t know you’re here, and we’ve been unknowingly housing you. Have you any idea what position you put us in, little girl?”

  I wince knowing this is bad. For once, Madame has every right to scorn me. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry?” she huffs. “We’ll be lucky to come out of this debacle unscathed and all you can offer is ‘I’m sorry’.”

  “Mom,” Kirito injects, but she shuts him up quickly, beaming her scathing gaze on him.

  “And you. This is the type of female you expect us to accept? Someone who would selfishly and knowingly put us in danger?” She laughs, but it's not pretty. “I thought I raised you better than that.” Looking down, her words hit just where she wants them. Not even his father can offer a smile. I never think anything through, and I’ve caused a mess again and not just for myself this time.

  “Mom, Dad. I know you’re upset, but I love her. I’ll go back and tell Morganstein I took her away. I’ll take all the blame. I knew coming here without a word was wrong, so it’s me who should be held accountable.”

  “That’s where you are wrong, son. What you don’t see. What about our world you or her don’t understand. As a family, it can’t be just you held accountable. Your crimes are our crimes and vice versa. As soon as you stole her away on the jet and brought her here, you implicated us in your crimes. Now, you’re going to have to live with the consequences. Her father could tell you, as payment, for you to stay away from her. I know I would.”

  “He can’t do that,” I cry.

  “And why not, little girl? He’s your father.”

  “Because… because I’m pregnant,” I blurt out. Everyone goes still. Silence overcomes the room along with my shocking confession. Kirito’s mother’s eyes are so wide, it’s almost comical.

  “And it’s my son’s?” she asks carefully.

  “Who knows. I’ve been with them both,” I answer.

  Now that I’ve thrown down the gauntlet, no one knows what to say. Out of all the things I could have said, no one imagined that. But still they try.

  “You have to be lying, at least about my son. Kirito is not that reckless.”

  “Are you sure? He seems pretty reckless with me. If you would have denied our mating, he was ready to elope,” I point out.

  “Kirito?” she says, turning blazing eyes on him.

  “Come on, Mom, I rather not discuss my sex life with you.”

  “Don’t be cute with me. Did you say the incantation to prevent pregnancy or not?”

  “I did,” he says slowly. “But...”

  “But what? Either you did or didn’t?”

  “It was in the heat of the moment, and I can’t exactly say I worded it properly or at all,” he mutters softly, which makes her groan loudly, slapping her hand down her face, probably ruining her expensive facial.

  “Is that why you wanted to give her the katana? The reason why her magic isn’t working properly?” Kirito’s dad asks.

  No one wants to lie to him, so looking away, he says, “Sure,” like he’s unsure. At this point, this whole conversation could be a lie, but only I know the truth.

  “Can I talk to my mate? Alone?” Zion adds. When no one objects, he grips my wrist tightly and drags me away.

  Like a resident and not a guest, Zion leads me through the complicated halls, taking me directly back to the room I’m staying in and slides the door close, locking it with a loud click. As soon as he’s satisfied, he doesn’t waste any time grilling me.

  “How much of that was true? Are you really pregnant?”

  “I don’t know. I could be,” I answer.

  “What the hell, Angelica? Do you have any idea how serious an accusation like that is? If you’re caught lying, his family can ask for your debt to be paid with your death.”

  “What did you expect me to do? They were like point two seconds away from ordering Kirito to stay away from me and kicking us out.”

  “Good. They need to with all the trouble you brought to their doorstep. If you love Kirito like you say, then how could you do such a thing? Your recklessness was enduring at first, but now, it’s nothing but a pain in the ass. Right now, Kirito thinks he has possibly knocked you up. He’s never going to let this go.”

  “I know,” I cry with actual tears in my eyes. I never wanted to be that girl. The type to lie about being pregnant. I mean, it’s not like it’s not a possibility. I have been pretty sexually active and a couple of times with Kirito that incantation hasn’t been said clearly. Then there are times I have been with Zion without anything said at all. Maybe it’s my overactive imagination trying to help me, but I swear I just felt a flutter deep in my stomach as I think about his lava-like seed filling me.

  “Why are you really here?” I ask.

  “I told you. To find my damn mate. And your father is getting restless.”

  “Don’t call him that,” I growl, pissed he’s pressing just the right buttons to get me enraged.

  “Oh, I’m going to call him just that with everything I had to deal with b
ecause of you and him. If I weren’t your mate, I’d probably be dead. I was lucky to escape before the idea of him putting me on house arrest until you’ve been found fully formed in his head. As it is now, he has already sent out that psycho cousin of yours to search for you. I’m sure it won’t be long before he finds us.”

  “Speaking of, how did you find me?”

  The scathing look he gives me screams ‘don’t insult me’. “Must I speak the obvious? You disappeared the same day Kirito left. It doesn’t take a genius to guess you left with him, and there’s the blatant fact that it’s my mana circulating through your body. I’ll always know where you are.”

  “Oh,” is all I can reply. What more is there to say to that? I should have thought everything through more clearly before I left. “Well, unless I get kicked out, I’m not going back. I’m not ready yet,” I huff, crossing my arms in front of me in a stance that says ‘I’m not budging’.

  “Tell me, mate. Do you ever think of anyone besides yourself?”

  His question hurts and I look down embarrassed. All the anger I had lifts out of me, and I feel myself deflate like a week old balloon. Running off may have been necessary, but the way I went about it was selfish. For most of my life, I only had me and Quinn to think about. Considering the feelings of others is a whole new avenue for me. Zion is angry and his words are harsh, but I think it’s because he’s also hurt and is lashing out the only way he knows. I left him behind thinking it was for the best, but in the end, I made things so much worse for him.

  “Are the others okay?” I ask in a low voice.

  “Define okay. The twins mass murdered a whole class, and Milo isn’t that far behind on the numbers in his killing spree.”

  “What! Why?”

  “Why else, princess? For you. You disappearing at the same time as Kirito has started a shit load of unnecessary rumors. Everyone knows we have a binding marriage contract. You’re supposed to belong to me. All the rumors that started to spread have not painted you in the best of light and their tempers are but so long. In their defense class, Oliver flooded the room, killing anyone without the power of air to help them breathe. Not that it mattered when Ryker took care of the survivors by freezing them into ice statues and shattering them once Oliver drained the room of water. Milo has been slaughtering the worst of the naysayers in one on one fights where his opponent ends up killed in the most nightmarish of ways. You may not want to go back, but you have to. How much longer do you think you can hide out here? With how much of a hard-on Ruelle has about you, it won’t be long before he’s dragging you back, and between him and I, I’m sure you prefer it’s me that brings you back. With the mess you keep digging for yourself, it won’t be long before you give your father the power to lock you up forever. You’re far too defiant for reason. Now with this baby bomb, I’m not sure what to do. Your accusation isn’t baseless. It could be a possibility you’re pregnant. Lord knows I haven’t been saying the incantation, but if you really want it to be true and not made out a liar, we’re going to have to do something about it.”


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