Pearl (Jewels Cafe Book 8)

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Pearl (Jewels Cafe Book 8) Page 7

by Tabitha Barret

  Realizing that the staff was still in the house, I went to the gate and ran into Benjamin’s yard to get help.

  Just as I reached the front yard, I found Benjamin pulling into the driveway with Anika.

  “Benjamin!” I yelled and waved at him as he was getting out of Anika’s car.

  “Celeste! What’s wrong?”

  I quickly pointed to the house. “I don’t think Andrew, Candice and Maria made it out. My parents aren’t home. I need your help!”

  Benjamin saw the smoke and nodded. “My parents are out too, but there has to be something we can do.” He ran and caught up to me as I headed for the house.

  Anika stood next to the car and yelled at us. “Wait, Benji! I’m calling my father.”

  Reaching the driveway, I turned to Benjamin and pulled him away from the steps to avoid the escaping smoke. “There’s a conjuring spell that I know. Please, I need you to say capcană și conține. While reciting the spell, you need to throw your arms wide and pretend to gather all the purple smoke. Then, press your hands together and form a cage with your palms to contain the smoke. It’s a trap and contain spell. Just focus on the smoke and it should work.”

  Benjamin listened carefully and nodded. Following my instructions, he threw his arms out wide and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. “Capcană și conține!” A faint blue light appeared around the house. I watched him move his hands and fingers around, but he struggled to form a solid force field. “There’s too much of it.”

  I stepped behind him, grabbed his arms and put my hands over his. “Like this.” I gently moved his hands as if we were coaxing the smoke to gather it together. I felt the resistance in his arms caused by the strength of the spell. Whoever had cast it knew what they were doing.

  “Form a bubble! We need to get it around the entire house.” I kept a close eye on the smoke that was still drifting out of the windows.

  He nodded and tried again. Finally, a solid bubble formed and kept the smoke from escaping.

  “I can feel it; the smoke is moving. We’re doing it, keep going.” Benjamin tensed his arms and pulled at the smoke.

  “Focus. Maintain the structure of the bubble!” All I could think about were Andrew, Maria and Candice stuck inside the house. With any luck, they had cast protection spells to keep themselves safe until help arrived.

  Benjamin’s body shook from the strain of containing the curse. I braced myself against his back to support him and tugged on his arms to help him fight the spell.

  Grunting, Benjamin pushed against me and did everything he could to force the bubble to condense down, making it smaller and smaller until it disappeared inside the house.

  “Can I help?” Anika sounded unsure of herself as she spoke up.

  I looked over my shoulder to see her standing with her wand at the ready. I wracked my brain to think of a casting spell that would help Benjamin’s spell.

  “I got it!” I motioned towards the house. “Anika, cast a void spell. I read about a spell that will create a box that can hold a curse and nullify it. If Benjamin can capture all the smoke, we might be able to get it into the box. It’s a difficult spell, but together, I think we can do it.”

  Anika nodded. “I can try.”

  “Good. Close your eyes and picture the darkest black hole you can. Build a box around it to keep all the darkness inside. Imagine the box in the vestibule of the house. Once we grab this curse, you have to create a vacuum inside the box to suck up the smoke. With Benjamin pushing and you pulling, we might have a chance at stopping the spell. Be careful, it’s fighting Benjamin, so it will probably fight you too.” I quickly tried to remember the spell while still holding onto Benjamin’s hands.

  “I’m ready.” Anika’s eyes were closed and her face was scrunched up in concentration.

  “Good. Now, say gol negru consuma. You need to create a void that will consume the curse.”

  She nodded and repeated the words. The second she said the spell, Benjamin jumped and his arms pushed further apart.

  Benjamin grunted. “It’s fighting me.”

  I shook my head and swore. I had to make this work.

  “Anika, focus on the darkness inside the box. It needs to be darker than night. Now, imagine a hurricane or a tornado drawing the smoke into the box.” I pulled my hair out of my face and stared up at the house. I couldn’t see the box, but I had to believe it would work.

  “Ahh!” Anika screamed and grasped her wand with two hands. “I’m trying.”

  “Hang in there, Anika!” I braced myself against Benjamin’s back once more and tugged on his arms. Slowly, we were able to press the smoke into a smaller and smaller space as Benjamin’s hands came closer and closer together.

  “We’re almost there!” Benjamin strained to press his hands together.

  “Good. Anika, it’s up to you to pull the rest of the smoke in.” I looked over and saw tears streaming down her face as she held onto her wand for dear life.

  “I don’t know if I can do it!” Anika gritted her teeth and dug her heels into the pavement.

  “Yes you can! I know you can do it!” My arms nearly gave out as Benjamin tightened his palms together, finally getting the smoke under control.

  Anika screamed as Benjamin contained the smoke. Suddenly, both of them lurched forward and took a breath. Their spells had done their job and trapped the curse.

  I rushed past both of them into the house. “Andrew! Maria! Candice!” I listened for a response, but couldn’t hear anything.

  Stepping into the house, I saw the box Anika had created sitting in the middle of the rug. Carefully stepping around it, I ran to the kitchen to find Candice curled up in a ball with her wand out.

  I ran to her side and shook her. She opened her eyes and threw her arms around me. “Are you safe, Celeste?”

  “Yes, I’m okay. Are you all right?” I helped her sit up as she looked around the kitchen in a daze.

  “Yes. I used a protection spell, but it was breaking.” Her hands were shaking from the strain of fighting the curse.

  I patted her back and got her to her feet. “The curse has been contained. Where are the others?”

  “Andrew was upstairs and Maria ran out to get more milk. I thought for sure that you would be dead.” She threw her arms around me and hugged me.

  “I’m okay. I promise. I need to find Andrew.” I pulled away from her and ran for the front stairs. She followed me with her wand out in front of her.

  Reaching the front door, I found Benjamin and Anika peering into the vestibule.

  “Is everyone okay?” Benjamin stepped into the house on shaky legs.

  “I’m not sure. Andrew is missing.” I rushed up the steps two at a time.

  Hearing coughing, I ran to the bathroom on the far end of the house. I pushed opened the door and went to the linen closet.

  Opening the door, Andrew shoved his wand at me. “Paral…

  “Stop, Andrew! It’s me.” I held my hands up and braced for his paralyzing attack.

  He immediately lowered his wand. “I’m so sorry, Celeste. Are you okay?”

  I nodded and helped him to his feet. “We trapped the curse. It’s okay.”

  “We?” His incredulous face made me realize what I said.

  “Benjamin and Anika used spells I taught them.”

  He smiled broadly before coughing again. “I did what I could to keep the smoke out, but some of it got into the closet.”

  Understanding that he needed help, I guided him down the hallway.

  “Celeste!” My father’s voice brought me such relief I nearly cried.

  “Father. Andrew needs help!”

  He rushed up the steps and grabbed Andrew’s arm to help him down to the vestibule. His wand was already in his hand.

  “Celeste!” My mother’s hysterical voice echoed through the house.

  “I’m okay.” I held up my hands as she rushed into the vestibule to check on me. “We’re okay.”

  She pulled me into
a crushing hug as she patted me for injuries. “Anika’s father was with us when Anika called him about a curse. We came straight home. What happened?”

  I put my hands behind my back. “Benjamin and Anika saved everyone from some kind of poison curse.”

  Visibly shaking, she put her arm around my shoulder. “Benjamin and Anika said that you told them what to do. I knew you could handle yourself in an emergency, even without your power. Now, go outside so that your father and I can deal with the curse. It could still cause problems. I want you safe. Mr. Klein is examining Andrew and calling for Lord Cornish.”

  Seeing that I was okay, she turned to examine the curse.

  Tears came to my eyes at my mother’s concern. I had never been so happy to see her.

  Afraid that the curse might get loose, I ran outside and found Benjamin and Anika leaning against my parents’ car, exhausted.

  Benjamin ran to my side. “Mr. Klein thinks Andrew will be okay. Are you alright?”

  “I’m completely freaking out, but I’ll be okay once the curse is nullified. How are you doing?”

  He shrugged and looked at the house. “I’m tired, but I’ll be okay. Anika sprained her wrist, but she’ll be fine. Your mother seemed happy that Anika and I were here to help. She might be thawing to me.” He winked and chuckled before he started coughing.

  I put my arm around him and pulled him away from the house. “You need to rest.”

  “Yeah, between the Pike game and that curse, I’m wiped out.” He looked over at Anika. “I need to make sure she gets home okay. Mr. Klein is summoning the coven, so I need to take Anika home.”

  I let go of him when I remembered that he had a girlfriend. “You were both heroes tonight. Thank you.” I tried to sound grateful, but I couldn’t hide the shame in my voice.

  He stepped closer to me and put his hand on my cheek. “You are the bravest person I know, Celeste. I can’t think of a single late bloomer who could have done what you just did. You taught both a caster and a conjurer how to do complicated spells, having never done them yourself. Why can’t you see how special you are? You need to stop listening to everyone telling you that you’re broken, and see how special you are.”

  The intense look in his eyes left me breathless. His warm hand drove away the chill from my body and made me feel warm all over.

  “Benjamin…” Lost in his eyes, I leaned closer, hoping to close the small gap between us.

  He leaned in for a second before blinking quickly and looking over his shoulder. “I need to get Anika out of the cold.”

  He dropped his arm, leaving me shivering as he walked away. It took everything I had to look away from the car as he left the driveway.

  Chapter 7

  Angry that someone had unleashed a curse in my home, I listened intently to the coven members in the living room discussing how and why it happened. Though their voices were muffled, I heard something about the Shadow Masters. No one was sure if the attack on the house was directed at one or all of us, but it had been someone with access to the house. My father insisted that his protection spells and charms were intact and strong enough to keep anyone outside the house from causing us harm, so someone had disabled them.

  Everyone was concerned about the attack and agreed to be vigilant as the Solstice celebration grew closer. My parents were tasked with helping to secure the upcoming events.

  Too tired to spy on the coven any longer, I suppressed a yawn and left my perch on the top of the staircase. The fear and anxiety that had kept me going through the night had waned, leaving me drained.

  Plunking down on the edge of my bed, I wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. Even though everyone said that I had been quick on my feet and brave for fighting the curse, I felt afraid and alone. It was the second time since coming home that I had nearly died. I knew our world was dangerous, but I had never truly understood that until today.

  I took a deep breath and kicked off my slippers. Hoping that my exhaustion would help me fall asleep faster, I pulled off my grass stained skirt and blouse to get ready for bed. Rummaging through my drawers, I found my favorite nightshirt and fluffy llama pajama pants and tossed them on my chair.

  Tap. Tap.

  I spun around to see ghost cat at the window. Without thinking, I ran to the window and pulled it open.

  “You again. I don’t know how you knew about the curse, but you saved my life, Buddy.” I reached out to pet his head, but he jumped past my hand and landed on the floor.

  “No way, pal. You can’t be in here. I know my family can’t see you, but if they hear me having a conversation with myself, I will definitely be in trouble.”

  I tried to grab the cat, but he darted towards the far side of the room.

  I took a step forward and froze as the cat’s fur shimmered and turned a goldish color. Taking a shaky step back, I watched ghost cat turn into a tall guy with blonde hair and green eyes.

  Sputtering, I pointed at the guy. “You. You pulled me out of the street the other day. You saved me.”

  He smiled and nodded. “Twice, actually.” His British accent brought me back to the incident in the street as I recalled my near death experience.

  My mouth fell open and I forgot how to breathe. My cat was a shifter.

  Feeling the room tilt, I grabbed onto my dresser and clung to it with all my remaining strength. The guy, still wearing his black suit, lunged forward as if he were trying to steady me but stopped when he saw that I was stable.

  “Who the hell are you?”

  His lips curled into a shy smile. “Noah Everett. Clearly, you’re shocked by my sudden appearance so you haven’t realized that you are standing in nothing but your matching pink brassiere and knickers. I don’t have a problem with that as you look lovely, but I have a feeling that you will somehow blame me for your predicament.”

  I looked down at myself and squeaked. I ran across the room and threw on my PJs. “Yes, I blame you. I would have never let you into my room. Sneaking in here as a cat is rude!”

  My cheeks turned bright red as my anger negated my shock.

  He held up his hands and chuckled. “I swear that I wasn’t trying to trick you, though I did take advantage of your hospitality. Celeste, I had to make sure that you were safe. You worried me so. I came to warn you about the curse, yet you ran back to the house. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw you recruit your friends to fight the curse. You put yourself at risk and I am very cross with you right now. The only reason I haven’t yelled at you about your carelessness is because I was completely spellbound by your nearly naked appearance. I really do like the lace along the edge of the brassiere and knickers.”

  I was speechless for all of three seconds before I crossed the room and smacked his arm. “Are you kidding? You’re mad at me. You have been skulking around my yard for how many years and only now, I find out that you’re a person. I told you things that I’ve never told another living soul. You played me for a fool. You have no right to yell at me.”

  A frown spread across his pale skin. “Oh, Celeste, it’s so much worse than that.”

  I felt my stomach drop when I heard his serious tone. I gulped when I realized he was a complete stranger in my bedroom. Despite having saved me twice in one week, he somehow knew about the curse in the house.

  “Tell me you didn’t cast the curse.” My hands started to shake at the thought of being alone with him.

  He held up his hands and slowly walked closer to me. “No! Never! Celeste, I swear I would never harm you, especially not now. However, I’m not the good guy. Yes, I saved you, but I had to. I knew what would happen if you stayed in the house. Without magic, you would have died. I refused to let that happen, regardless of the consequences.”

  “Stop or I’ll scream.” My throat went dry as I watched him get closer. I wanted to yell at him to get out, but for some reason I couldn’t. I kept thinking about the cat. The stupid thing really was the closest thing I had to a companion.

  He stopped and look
ed over his shoulder at the closed door. “I promise not to come closer. Please don’t scream. If you do, it will be the end of me. I know too much, Celeste. Things that will get me killed. I risked everything to save you tonight. There are so many things I need to tell you, but I am bound to silence. I promise that I will try to explain in time, but know that I will never harm you.”

  I didn’t know why I believed him, but my gut told me to listen to his explanation. “Okay. I won’t scream, but you need to tell me everything.”

  He opened his mouth before snapping his teeth shut. “I didn’t realize how difficult this would be. I want to tell you everything, but I can’t. I am forbidden. I work for powerful people who control me.”

  I put my hand over my mouth. “You’re not just a shifter. You’re a familiar.”

  He nodded slowly.

  I closed my eyes and took a second to consider all the facts. My cat, my confidant worked for a coven and was likely spying on me and my family. Whomever he worked for was responsible for attacking my family and maybe responsible for the attacks at Hallowed Woods Academy.

  “Okay, I’m catching on.” I took a deep breath and laid out my suspicions. “You’re a spy, but I’m probably not the target, just a means to an end. You follow me around, listen to me talk about my life and you report back to your master. No one else can see you, aside from me, because of some kind of cloaking spell. You probably hide in the bushes listening to my family. The attack tonight is a direct result of information provided by you to your master. Yet, for some reason, you foiled their plan to kill me by warning me. Am I close?” I crossed my arms and stared at him.

  He gulped and nodded. “Surprisingly close. You are the smart one around here.”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “Forget the compliments. Tell me why you saved me.”

  He wet his lips and looked away. “Twice. I saved you twice because I put you in danger twice.”

  Unwilling to listen to any more bombshells tonight, I pointed at the window. “Get out!”

  He quickly crossed the room and gently put his hands on my upper arms. “The first time was an accident. I swear. I was near the café and became momentarily dazed when I saw you. I ran in front of you because I was disoriented. When I saw you fall into the street, I nearly died. You have to understand, Celeste, I was never meant to reveal myself to you. I was supposed to stay an impartial observer and not interfere one way or another. Regardless, I had to save you.”


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