Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2)

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Jet: An Enemies-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance (The Sinful Seven Series Book 2) Page 17

by Connie Lafortune

  “You can continue pushing me away, but I’m like a boomerang—I’ll keep coming back. I want you, Jet.” I wait with bated breath and for the life of me I have no idea how this is going to play out. Until he flips me over and pins me with his solid body.

  With his hands cupping my face, he leans in and whispers, “I can’t promise you tomorrow, but I can promise you today.”


  “Greed, like the love of comfort, is a kind of fear.”

  Cyril Connolly



  What I told Quinn yesterday, I meant every word. I don’t want her thinking long-term about us. I’m not capable of that kind of commitment, and truth be told I’m saving us both a lot of hurt and heartache. It’s just the way things need to be from here on out. I’ll give her anything I can, within reason. I can be her knight in shining armor, but I can’t safeguard her heart. She needs to do that on her own. For now, Quinn left all of her clothes in my room. We’re just going to take things one day at a time, and if we need our space, she’ll bunk with Willow or I can bunk with Trevor.

  We still don’t have any news from Brett. No news is good news so they say. Not sure it is in this case, but for now we need to keep plugging away. It’s all we can do.

  Now we’re driving to the venue so we can do a sound check. And I swear we have more security now than ever. All of us kind of feel like we’re some hotshot politician with all the amped-up surveillance. Might be the reason everyone’s so quiet. The tension is high, and for the first time it has nothing to do with Quinn and I going at each other.

  We pull into the lot and the doors open almost immediately. All I can hear is the chanting of the crowd as I exit the limo. You’d think I’d get used to this by now, but I don’t think I ever will. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as we push through surrounded by security. I have my arm around Quinn until she disappears inside, and I’m just about to step in when a hand snatches out and grabs my wrist.

  “Jethro, oh thank god it is you! He’s my son! Let me go, please. Jethro, please tell them who I am.” I’m blinded as a million cameras go off in my face. Until I focus on the man who has his hand wrapped around my wrist.

  Joseph Lawless—

  Seconds later, I’m being escorted into the building while the asshole is being placed inside the nearest cruiser. I’m confused as Brett grabs my elbow and guides me into an empty room. I’m not the fucking criminal here!

  “What the fuck! Let me go, I didn’t do anything wrong.” I’m rubbing my wrists when I notice there’s blood on my hands? I’m relieved when Lucas and Quinn crash through the door.

  “Let him go, Brett. He’s coming with us now,” Lucas says. When I stand up to leave, Brett pushes me down.

  “If you fucking put your hands on me one more time, I’m going to fucking lay you out right here.”

  “I have every right to hold you in here, Jet. You just pummeled the man who grabbed you.” I what? Oh fuck, I don’t remember a thing after the flashes.

  Lucas steps up, chest-to-chest with Brett, and he’s a big guy. “That asshole grabbed him first! If you guys had been doing your fucking job, he wouldn’t have had to defend himself. You,” he sticks his finger in Brett’s chest, “are getting paid so shit like this doesn’t happen. Got it? Now, go fix this.”

  I’m shaking with rage when Quinn separates the both of them and reaches for my hand. “Come with me so the doctor can check those hands.” The last thing I want to do is taint her with the blood, so I stand up on my own. Like I’ve always had to do.

  “You best call your lawyer. Got a feeling that asshole will press charges. Unless you know him and can talk it out.”

  Gripping the edge of the doorframe, I look over my shoulder. “I have nothing to say to him.”

  First stop, bathroom. Quinn’s fussing over me as she gently washes my hands. I watch the blood drip down the drain while Lucas paces back and forth. He looks worried. Fuck, this isn’t going to be good.

  “Lucas, stand still. My head’s about to explode and your pacing isn’t helping.” He grabs his phone and I sigh because I think he’s calling our lawyer, Mr. Miller. Wishful thinking.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m going to grab Abby.” Seriously?

  “I don’t need an audience, for fuck’s sake. Just get out.” Quinn dries my hands and turns them over.

  Lucas is fuming. “I don’t want her in here, I want her to put out the social media fires.” Quinn stares at my reflection through the bathroom mirror and I feel like I’m on display.

  “It’s not good, Jet. We need to take care of it as soon as possible. Abby will know what to do.” With that, he walks out. What a shit show.

  “I swear if you ask me if what he said was true, baby, I’m going to lose my fucking mind!” She does something so unexpected, I stumble. She wraps her arms around me and presses her face to my chest. Holding me.

  “I didn’t hear a word he said, Jet. I was already in the building, remember? When I heard everyone screaming your name, I thought something happened to you. I’ve never been so scared in all of my life.” She’s so selfless and sweet. The very reason she shouldn’t be here with me.

  “I’m fine. You should see the other guy.” I couldn’t resist a little humor. I think she’s laughing until I lift up her chin and see tears streaming down her face.

  “Aw, don’t cry. I swear I’m fine and I’ll prove it to you. Let’s go do the sound check before it’s too late. C’mon, baby.” She doesn’t budge, so I just hold her as tight as she’s holding me. We’re so close, her heart beats in rhythm to mine.


  Jet doesn’t have a clue how terrified I was. Of course I care about his hands, but I care about the man so much more. I’m already invested and I can easily admit that I’m falling in love with this closed off, stubborn man. All of his warnings are in vain because I’m too far gone already.

  A sudden knock on the door has us pulling apart. Not that I want to, but we need to figure out what’s happening next. “Come in.”

  Trevor sticks his head inside. “Hey guys, hate to bother you. If you’re feeling up for it, they’re calling us for our sound check.”

  I really wanted the doc to check Jet’s hands, but he kinda read my mind. “I’m fine, really. Let’s do sound check, and if it makes you feel better I’ll let him check me afterward. Okay?” I nod because I don’t trust myself to speak. I’m still trembling from the thought of him being hurt.

  Abby pulls me aside as soon as the band begins testing their equipment. “Quinn, I know you are preoccupied with everything going on, but I need to show you something. My heart plummets the minute I read the first Instagram post with the hashtag #jetturnerisaposer.

  Scrolling through all the posts has me feeling sick to my stomach. Most are in favor of Jet, but some are being so condescending it’s offensive. And the pictures underneath the hashtags portray Jet as being the aggressor when in all actuality he was the victim. He’ll be devastated if he sees any of this. It’s his worst nightmare.

  “Can you fix this, Abby? Make a few posts about Jet acting out in self-defense? That guy put his hands on Jet first and he defended himself.” No, no, no. I can feel the throbbing behind my eyes, so I quickly reach inside my pocketbook for my meds. This can’t happen now.

  “I’ll do the best I can, but it’s on every social media site and I’m only one person. I’ll see if Sarah will help me, too. You going to be okay, Quinn?” Am I? I can’t answer that. Abby doesn’t need to fix me, just Jet.

  “I’ll be fine. Do what you can. I’m calling his lawyer now. Maybe he can write something up and post it, too.”

  Forty minutes later, the sound check is over and so is my phone call with Mr. Miller. He assured me he’ll do everything within his power to take care of this fiasco. Even if he has to pay off Joseph Lawless. Jet’s stepfather. I know this since he told me that fateful day, but it’s just a matter of time before the truth comes out. I fear I’ll lose him forever when it

  I put on my happy face when he strolls over. “You sounded great even with a busted-up hand.” I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his flawless lips and he lets me. “It looks swollen so let’s go check it out.” He snickers at what else that could mean. Is it wrong that I love the fact he’s hard from just my kiss? And that he just experienced something very traumatic and he’s still thinking of sex?

  The doctor doesn’t seem surprised to see us walk in, so I’m sure Lucas or someone gave him a heads up. “Did you have any trouble playing your guitar?”

  “It’s a little swollen, but other than that, it’s fine.” The whole time he’s talking to the doc, his smoldering stare is locked on mine. Yep, must be because of that word again.

  “Step over here. I want to take a few X-rays just to be on the safe side.” Jet doesn’t argue but I can tell he thinks it’s a waste of time. Once he’s done, he checks the screen to review them. “You’re very lucky, young man. Nothing’s broken but you should ice it. I’ll give you some pain meds before leaving.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t need anything for the pain. Everyone’s making a big fuss about nothing. Thanks, we’re out of here.”

  While Jet was having his hand checked, I received a text to meet everyone out the back entrance. After what happened earlier, we need to lay low until we figure this out. I’m hoping tonight’s concert goes without a hitch.

  As far as I know, Jet’s oblivious to what’s happening on social media, but that’s not why he’s uncomfortable when he slides in. I’d say he’s afraid of facing his friends and the questions that will follow. I’m relieved when they just ask how he’s doing and if he’ll be all right for tonight’s concert.

  He’s relaxed, but he’s always one step ahead of them. “I haven’t bothered to check, but I’m sure social media is a shit show, am I right?” All heads turn towards Jet since they didn’t think he’d be the one to bring it up. Since Abby’s our go-to girl for everything social, she takes the plunge.

  “It’s nothing we can’t handle, Jet. You concentrate on healing and we’ll take care of everything else. Miller’s doing everything on his end, and if we all stick together, it will blow over before you know it.”

  He looks nervous when he leans forward and places a fist underneath his chin. “I know without a doubt that all of you have my back. It’s how we roll. With that said, that jackass was telling the truth.”

  Oh my, Jet’s going to finally tell them his truth.

  “You already know that the asshole in the crowd is my stepfather. What I’ve never mentioned, is that my real name’s Jethro Lawless, the thirteen-year-old-kid who ran away all those years ago. I’m not sure if he’s the one who’s been sending all the pictures, but I think it’s safe to say he’s been planning to out me for quite some time.”

  “Dude, you don’t owe us any explanations,” Trevor says. “We knew you’d tell us when you were damn good and ready.”

  “I appreciate the vote of confidence, Trevor. Unfortunately, I don’t think our lawyers or our fans are going to forget about it anytime soon. And, in case they don’t, I just needed to give you a heads up so we can all get our facts straight.”

  I have no idea how much he’s willing to reveal, so this time around I’m going to intervene. “I think our best approach with the press or your fans is to say ‘No comment’. No matter what they ask, it’s for the best.”

  Everyone agrees and Jet doesn’t continue. It’s just as well since I want them at their best for tonight’s concert. I’ve no doubt it’s going to be distracting enough without the added burden of Jet’s personal life. Once this tour is over, maybe he’ll come clean.

  When we pull into the hotel, I need to put in my two cents. “Rest up for tonight and be prepared for some retaliation. Security’s going to be tighter than ever, but be aware of what’s going on around you. We’ll see you in a few hours.”

  Jet grabs me by my hips as soon as we walk through the door. “Did I ever mention how much it turns me on when you get all bossy?”

  I can’t help chuckling. “You could have fooled me. Maybe it turns you on in the bedroom but not anywhere else.”

  “It’s possible. Or maybe I like older women. Now there’s a thought.” He can’t fool me. He’s in pain and he’s trying to cover it up with his dry humor. It has nothing to do with his hand but everything to do with his heart.

  Jet’s hurting and I wish I knew how to help him.



  I’d be a damn liar if I said going on stage tonight doesn’t concern me. It does because I’m not sure how the fans are going to react after everything that happened today with my stepfather. Unfortunately, he holds all the cards and I don’t know which way to turn. One thing is for certain, I won’t, under any circumstances, meet with him in private or in front of the press. Either way, I would kill him. I know this as well as I take my next breath.

  Quinn thought it best if we went to the venue in unmarked cars. No limos since they’ll stick out like a sore thumb. So the four of us hop in one, and Willow and Trevor get in the second. I bust on Quinn all the time but she’s so fucking smart it hurts. I’m going to try like hell not to push her away and just enjoy our time together. It’ll all be over in the blink of an eye.

  “You good?” Lucas thumps me on the back before we sit in the chair for makeup. This by far is the worst part of the job.

  “Yeah, but I feel like shit that I dragged all of you into this mess. Maybe if I had come clean the first time we had a confrontation, it would be all over by now. It sucks that I don’t know what’s going to happen next.”

  “I just want you to know that whatever happens, I got your back. If this asshat is smart, he’ll crawl back inside his hidey-hole and never come back out. Otherwise, he’s in for a world of hurt if he gets too close. Hear what I’m saying?”

  “Loud and clear, and I appreciate it.” We don’t speak as Chloe and Gina start our makeup. It’s good because I’m lost in my thoughts again. I’m back at the hell hole in Connecticut with Joseph standing over me.

  After makeup, we get changed and normally head backstage to listen to Laid Bare, our opening act. Unfortunately, after everything that’s happened, security requested we sit tight in here and wait. It sucks big time since listening to them pumps us up before we go on stage. So, we just hang out and make small talk. Until the heavy shit is brought up.

  “Whatever happens tonight, just keep on playing,” Brett pipes in. “All of us will be there to keep you safe, and if you show the audience that you’re vulnerable, they might strike.”

  Willow contemplates this. “That’s bullshit, Brett. Our fans aren’t going to ‘strike’. They wouldn’t do that. They come to see The Sinful Seven perform. I highly doubt some crazy lunatic is going to change their minds.” She has a point.

  “Did you forget that Jet punched the asshole? He claimed he found his long-lost son and instead of a happy reunion he gets clocked. Sometimes that’s all it takes for some people to switch sides.”

  “Okay, stop. We understand you’re trying to give us the worst-case scenario but there’s no need to go into detail. We were there, remember?” Lucas looks like he wants to kill him and I just might let him.

  A knock and Bruce pops his head inside. “Ready in fifteen. Hustle, hustle, and break a leg.” We chuckle because he tells us that at every concert.

  When Lucas stands, I know our other tradition is soon to follow. We’ve been doing this since the very first concert.

  “Time to gather around in a circle.” Once everyone is in position, Lucas wraps his arm around Abby’s shoulder and then Quinn’s. Now, we are one circle, symbolizing infinity. We all bow our heads and wait for our lead man to continue. “I want all of you to know, there’s no one else I want to do this with but you. You’re my backbone, my heart, and my fucking team. Whether or not you believe in a higher power, we didn’t get here today on our own. Someone’s watching out for us. Now, let’s have the best night ever!” Lucas st
arts singing Distraction, and one-by-one we follow.

  “‘Cause you’re a distraction

  A fatal attraction

  Seeping into my bones

  Running through my veins…

  Once the song ends, we head backstage and wait for our cue. The crowd’s chanting our names as the stage crew finish up so they can get our set ready. With five minutes left, Quinn puts on her headset and gives me a kiss. “Knock ‘em dead, babe.” With a wink, she’s gone and my nerves overtake me.

  They call our names and we take our marks on stage. Ready, waiting, and anticipating as adrenaline rushes through my veins. The spotlight flips on, Lucas screams, “Hello, Boston! It’s great to be here with all of you tonight! Let’s bring down the fucking house!” And it begins.

  I get lost in the thumping beats as the music blasts and the crowd cheers. Lucas and I send the audience wild with our kickass duets. Trevor’s drum solo brings the crowd to their feet, and as always Willow hits the melodic components like a pro.

  With our backs pressed together, Lucas and I start playing Don’t Look Back by Boston, which we thought was only fitting since we’re in the city. This song has one of the best duo guitar riffs of all time.

  We’re on a high after we finish that song when someone in the front screams, “Jethro, hey Jethro! Which one of us are you going to take a cheap shot at today?” I ignore them and dive into the next song.

  I’m halfway through the next song when a guy lifts up a girl and she runs across the stage, coming right for me. Security beats her to it and carries her screaming off the stage. I try telling myself that shit happens.


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