Billionaire Beast Bear (Beast Bears Book 3)

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Billionaire Beast Bear (Beast Bears Book 3) Page 6

by Natalie Kristen

Max didn’t even know his last name. He was just Max.

  Mr Max to his employees.

  Mad Max to his opponents.

  Shaking away his dark thoughts, Max held the car door open for Kristy and said with a broad smile, “Let me take you out to dinner to celebrate.”

  “What are we celebrating?” Kristy asked.

  “Let’s see.” He rubbed his chin and pretended to think. “We have a lot to celebrate, so it’s hard to pick just one thing.”

  A happy laugh bubbled out of Kristy. “Yeah, I’m a free woman and I got a job. And I sense that you’ve made a successful business deal today.” She gave him a mischievous wink and grinned. “You’re right. We do have a lot to celebrate!”


  Kristy finished her dessert and smiled at Max. He smiled back and in the soft candlelight, he looked boyish, relaxed and carefree. It was really good to see him this way.

  Dinner was wonderful. The good was excellent and the ambiance was cozy and romantic. It made Kristy blush slightly to imagine that she was on a date with Max.

  Kristy quashed that fanciful thought right away. Max was way out of her league. The guy was handsome, sexy, successful, and he was a billionaire.

  She, on the other hand, was an ex-slave who had just purchased her own freedom. Well, Max had told her that he used to be a slave too, but that was a long time ago. He had catapulted himself out of slavery and poverty, and he owned a billion-dollar business now.

  Max was an inspiration. He made her feel really good about herself and her future.

  Kristy leaned back with a contented sigh. She was taking positive steps to build a new life for herself, and it felt really good to have someone celebrate her small successes with her.

  She had landed her first real job.

  And she had made some amazing friends.

  Kristy counted Max, Draven, Layla and Dean as her friends. They were all kind, helpful, genuine people, and even though they had just met her, they were open and candid with her.

  Layla had told Kristy while they were working in the bakery that she was a witch. “But I’m not very good at spell-casting,” Layla had admitted with a laugh. “I’m getting better, but I’d rather just stick with what I’m good at, which is baking!”

  Kristy put down her wine glass and straightened up. She looked at Max and said sincerely, “Thank you, Max, I really...”

  Max waved a hand. “You’ve thanked me so many times already. You’re most welcome,” Max said. “In fact, I should be the one thanking you. For your company. I usually eat alone.”

  Kristy cleared her throat.

  “Max,” she began. “I talked with Layla and Dean today...”


  “Yes. He was at the bakery earlier.”

  Max’s expression was unreadable as he nodded.

  “You should talk to them,” she said. “It’s not my story, so I can’t tell them all that you’ve been through. It’s your story to tell, Max. Layla, Dean and Zack...they do care for you. I can feel it, and I believe them, Max. I believe that...”

  “They’re my brothers,” Max said, betraying no emotion.

  She nodded but she sensed that he didn’t really want to talk about this tonight.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I know it’s none of my business...”

  “I just want to get my memories back,” Max said. “People can say whatever they want, but everything will be clear once I remember my past.”

  Kristy saw the vexation and frustration in Max’s eyes. He wanted to know the truth for himself, not just rely on other people’s stories and claims.

  Max didn’t trust anyone. His experiences had taught him that there were people who had no qualms about exploiting someone’s vulnerabilities just to profit themselves. Max learned to rely on himself and fend for himself. Yet he couldn’t even rely on his own memories.

  Kristy understood his conflict and turmoil. But she couldn’t fight this battle for him.

  “Just know that I’m here for you,” Kristy said, reaching out to squeeze his hand. “Whatever you need...”

  The instant they touched, it was as if a jolt of electricity zinged through their bodies. Kristy could feel the searing heat course through her, igniting all her nerve endings.

  Max’s blue eyes blazed, and she saw the burning want and hunger in them.

  I need you.

  Kristy gasped.

  She could hear the words almost as if he had spoken them aloud.


  Max stared at Kristy with raw hunger, desire and longing.

  He wanted her so much.

  The moment she touched him, a primal protective and possessive instinct in him surged to the fore.

  He wanted to hold her, protect her and love her forever.

  Kristy was the most beautiful, courageous, caring woman he had ever met. And he knew without a doubt that she was the woman for him.

  His one and only.

  This amazing human female had fearlessly fought in The Pit to buy herself out of slavery.

  There were scars zigzagging down her arms but she wasn’t ashamed of them. She didn’t try to cover up her scars at all. They were a part of her and they told her incredible story to the world.

  Despite her painful past and ordeal, she was still vivacious and outgoing. She truly cared for the people around her. She understood what he was going through, and she was supportive and encouraging.

  Max growled when Kristy drew her hand away and looked down. Her cheeks were flaming and her breath and pulse had quickened.

  She didn’t meet his eyes, and Max knew that she would shrink back if he tried to touch her.

  He waited for her to compose herself. After a few minutes, Max cleared his throat. “I believe this belongs to you,” he said and slid a stack of notes over to her.

  Kristy looked up with a gasp. It was the money that she had stuffed into his hand just outside The Pit.

  “No, it’s yours,” she said, shaking her head. “I want you to have it. I know you don’t need it...but I want to pay you for helping me.”

  “I don’t want anything from you,” Max said. “Please keep the money, Kristy. You don’t owe me anything.”

  Kristy saw that he wasn’t going to back down, so she sighed and took the money back.

  “I’ll pay you back in some other way,” she muttered. “I promise.”

  Max asked for the check and paid. Gallantly, he offered her his arm as they left the restaurant.

  They took a leisurely stroll down to the beach and watched the waves together.

  “The last time I played at the beach was when I was a little girl,” Kristy said wistfully. “My mom was still alive then. That was a lifetime ago.”

  Max pulled her to him and she leaned her head on his shoulder. “There are still so many beautiful things and places to discover,” he told her. “We’ll discover them together.”

  “That sounds really nice,” she said shyly. “I’d love that.”

  Max pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. Silently, he promised that he would spend the rest of his life making her happy.


  When Kristy shivered, Max led her back to the car. It was getting chilly, and he didn’t want her to catch a cold.

  As Max drove along the mountain road that led up to his mansion, Kristy turned to him and asked, “Why do you live on a mountain, Max? You could have built your house anywhere. But you chose the top of a mountain. Why?”

  “For security.”

  He paused and said, “I didn’t want anybody to be able to take me by surprise. From the top of the mountain, I can see everything.”

  Max pressed a button on his steering wheel and the tall gates opened. He drove up the long driveway and pulled up in front of the mansion.

  Two black suits were flanking the front door. One was a tall woman with midnight blue hair and the other was a stocky bald guy.

  “Um...who are they?” Kristy asked un

  “They’re my bodyguards,” Max answered.

  “I didn’t see them earlier,” Kristy said, frowning.

  “I gave them instructions to remain inconspicuous. They were standing to the side of the house when we left this morning. I didn’t want you to feel overwhelmed or intimidated.”

  Max paused before continuing, “I also gave my cooks and cleaning staff the day off. I thought you might be uncomfortable with so many people bustling around the house.” And I also wanted to spend some time alone with you.

  Kristy smiled and from the blush on her face, she seemed to have heard the words that he had left unspoken.

  “My bodyguards have been with me a long time, and they’re very efficient and loyal,” Max assured her. “The only reason Draven could get so near the window was because I ordered my team to give him free access to the house.” Max made a face and mumbled, “But I’m thinking maybe I should revoke my orders.”

  The bodyguards nodded when Max stepped up to the door. “Good evening, Mr Max.”

  “Good evening, Venom, Leon,” Max answered. “Kristy, I’d like you to meet Venom, my chief bodyguard. Leon is her second-in-command. There are other guards patrolling the back and sides of the house. You’ll definitely be seeing them around.” Max smiled and placed his hand reassuringly on the small of her back.

  The stern-faced woman faced Kristy and nodded. “Madam Kristy.”

  Kristy shifted uncomfortably. “Just call me Kristy.”

  Venom’s sharp eyes flicked over Kristy, probably checking her for concealed weapons. “I’m not armed,” Kristy said, sounding defensive.

  “I know,” Venom replied.

  Max gave Venom a lopsided smile. Venom was just doing her job, and she was excellent at her job.

  “Kristy is my guest. She’s staying here. Your job is to keep her safe,” he said.

  “Yes, sir.”


  Max left his security team patrolling the periphery of the house. Venom and her team had been with him for many years, and they had proven themselves highly competent and loyal.

  He paid them well. Max firmly believed that good, hardworking staff should be duly rewarded.

  Max walked Kristy to her room and waited for her to open her door. He had given her the guest room just across the hall from his own bedroom.

  She turned around and said, “I just want to thank...”

  “Stop thanking me,” he said gruffly.

  She smiled and pushed herself up on her toes to give him a soft peck on the cheek. He turned to her and their lips brushed.

  They both felt it.

  That electrifying, sizzling sexual chemistry and connection.

  Max tugged Kristy closer and pressed his lips to hers. Her lips parted for him, and Max growled as he deepened the kiss.

  He swept his tongue over her soft, sweet lips and tasted her. She was simply intoxicating and addictive, and Max knew that one taste wouldn’t be enough.

  Max pushed his tongue into her mouth and took more. Kristy moaned and clung to his broad shoulders.

  Their tongues tangled as Max moved his hands down her body. When he cupped her breasts, Kristy whimpered and the intoxicating, tantalizing scent of her arousal filled his senses.

  Kristy began to tug him into the room with her as they continued kissing and caressing each other.

  Max closed and locked the door behind him as he walked her backwards towards the bed.

  They both knew where they were going to end up. In bed together, in each other’s arms.

  Kristy was breathing hard as she unbuttoned Max’s shirt. Her fingers fluttered over his muscular, defined torso as she traced the lines and angles of his body.

  Max growled.

  Her touch was driving him out of his mind.

  Kristy unzipped her dress and slipped out of it. Max’s eyes glowed with feral hunger as he stared at her sexy, curvy body.

  The lacy bra and panties she was wearing was new. They were in that box of clothes that he had given her. She looked so fucking beautiful and sexy in those tiny pieces of lace, and Max knew that he was going to enjoy taking them off.

  He was going to savor her and pleasure her the whole night.

  Max took Kristy into his arms and kissed her. He began to nibble down her neck and shoulders until he reached the swell of her breast.

  Unhooking her bra, Max took her pert nipple greedily into his mouth and suckled her. He bit and licked at her erect nipple, making Kristy cry out in pain and pleasure.

  Max could feel Kristy quivering in his arms, and the scent of her arousal drew his bear to the surface.

  His bear roared in his head.


  Max stared at Kristy with feral, glowing eyes.

  He wanted her with a fierce, undeniable, primal hunger. He wanted to have her right now.

  He wanted to have her forever.

  “Kristy,” he said. “Tell me you want this.”

  She was panting with need and want, and Max had to wrestle his lusty beast down. His bear wanted to take and claim his female right now.

  “I want to make you mine, Kristy,” he growled.


  Kristy stared into Max’s glowing eyes. The tips of his fangs were showing and she could feel his claws pushing into her buttocks.

  Instead of feeling scared, she held on to him even tighter.

  She wasn’t afraid of Max or the beast inside of him at all.

  She had faced Mad Max in The Pit, and he had helped her. Max protected her and took care of her. He would take care of her now.

  Max wasn’t a bloodthirsty, savage bear shifter.

  He was powerful but he had supreme control over his power and his beast.

  Max would never hurt her.

  Kristy held Max’s burning gaze and swallowed.

  She was a grown woman, but her life experiences were so limited. For eighteen years, she had only seen the inside of Roland’s castle. She wasn’t a virgin though. She’d had a quick tumble in the hay with one of the male servants, but it hadn’t been a particularly memorable experience.

  She wanted to experience a real man.

  And Max was all male, all man.

  All hard, hot, pulsing sex.

  He wants me, she thought deliriously.

  No one really wanted her. Her father sold her to a warlock. She had nobody really. No one cared for her, looked out for her and loved her.

  But Max wanted her.

  This sexy, protective, amazing man wanted her to be his.

  Kristy almost wept. Could this really be happening to her?

  “I want you,” she whispered. “I want you, Max.”

  All of you. I want you to be mine.

  Max was handsome and sexy as sin, but he was also smart, caring and protective. She had gotten to know so much more about him, and seeing his past and his wounds made her open her heart to him.

  Kristy pressed her hands to his solid chest. She could feel his heart thundering against her palm.

  Max dragged his gaze hungrily down her body. There were scars all over her body, but Kristy didn’t care. Max already knew her background. She didn’t have to hide anything from him.

  Kristy licked her lips as she stared at his powerful, muscular body. The bulge in the front of his pants was huge, and she wanted to feel him against her, inside her.

  She gasped when Max grabbed her suddenly. When he suckled her hard, Kristy cried out in sheer pleasure and raked her fingers through his short, blond hair.

  Max ripped her panties off and pushed her legs apart. He laved his tongue down her pussy lips, licking and swallowing her sticky juices.

  When Max flicked his tongue over her swollen clit, Kristy bucked off the mattress. She panted his name as he began to fuck her with his tongue.

  Her muscles were tightening and throbbing, and a hoarse cry escaped from her lips when she came suddenly against his mouth.

  Her whole body shook and shuddere
d uncontrollably as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her.

  When she finally caught her breath, she had to blink repeatedly before her eyes could focus. She looked up at Max’s handsome face and lovingly wrapped her arms around him.

  She wanted to experience more with this wonderful man.

  She wanted to feel and experience everything with him.


  Max gazed down at Kristy’s flushed face. Her red hair was fanned out on the pillow, and she looked so sexy, so beautiful, spread out on the bed beneath him.

  Kristy smiled and reached up to cup the side of his face. Leaning down, Max gave her a soft, sensual, lingering kiss.

  It was a kiss that told her how much she meant to him.

  Kristy kissed him back fervently, ardently, Max ran his hands down her undulating body, stroking her sweet curves.

  Kristy gasped as he slipped a finger into her hot pussy.

  She was so wet for him.

  With a growl, his bear surged to the fore. Both the man and the beast wanted to take this luscious, sexy female now.

  Max pushed Kristy’s legs wide apart and positioned the tip of his huge, rigid cock at her entrance. Holding her fevered gaze, Max inched his cock slowly into her hot, tight body.

  Her walls rippled and Kristy cried out as he filled her. She whimpered as he stretched her fully.

  “More...” she panted, digging her nails into Max’s biceps.

  Kristy let out small yips of pleasure as he began to thrust hard into her.

  “Oh, Max, don’t stop...” Kristy threw her arms above her head and surrendered herself to the pleasure.

  Max held Kristy tightly, possessively, proudly his arms as he took her.

  This beautiful, amazing woman was his.

  Max never wanted to let her go. He wanted to give her everything. He would pleasure, protect and cherish her forever.

  Kristy began to whimper as her channel tightened and pulsed. As she climaxed, Max roared and bit into her shoulder.


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