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Sex and Deviance Page 31

by Guillaume Faye

  [23] To rid one’s mind of clichés, see especially the journal Sexuality in Africa, Magazine and Monographs from the Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre (which we can hardly charge with harbouring anti-African animosity): June 2011, vol. 7, no. 1; December 2010, vol. 6, no. 2 “Sexual Violence on African Women”; March 2010, vol. 6, no. 1 “Against Desire and Pleasure”, etc. A goldmine of socio-ethnographic texts describing the absence of eroticism and sensuality in the sexuality of Africans. All the studies are of Anglo-Saxon origin, and would be unpublishable in the muzzled Francophone cultural sphere.

  [24] The ‘Arab’ poets who, in the Thousand and One Nights and elsewhere, have sung of love have in reality nothing Arab about them even if they submitted to Islam. They were Iranians, i.e., Persians, i.e., Indo-Europeans. The same remark can be made of ‘Arabian savants’: philosophers, doctors, astronomers, mathematicians (greatly celebrated nowadays) who in reality were not Arabs but Persians, Visigoths, Jews, or Kabyles who had converted to Islam and were often at loggerheads with it.

  [25] These severely debilitating sexual forms of mutilation are currently practiced in several African countries on small girls, without any hygienic procedures or anaesthetic, by old women who specialise in the practice. Numerous such cases have been revealed in France. Our journalists are, let us say, not exactly rushing to cover this sensitive subject in great detail. However, see the inquiries in Excision et Handicap: between 2004 and 2009, 53,000 adult women have had excisions performed on them in France — thousands each year. See Cécilia Gabizon, Les mutilations sexuelles n’ont pas disparu en France [Sexual Mutilations Have Not Disappeared in France –Tr.], in Le Figaro, 15 October 2007.

  [26] Statistics on the ethnic origin of rapists are forbidden in France, but a careful reading of crime articles in the press allows one to get a general idea, as long as names are mentioned. Also, the American Army statistics on soldiers in the field convicted of raping civilians are rather enlightening. On this subject, see J. Robert Lilly, Taken by Force: Rape and American GIs in Europe during World War II (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). Numerous objective studies have been published in the US (but often censored by European Internet providers) on the ethnic origin of rapists, which leave no room for doubt.

  [27] See the film Pierre and Jemila by Gérard Blain, 1987, scripted by Mohamed Bouchibi and Michel Marmin.

  [28] Marc Dutroux, b. 1956, Belgian serial killer and child molestor, apprehended 1996; Michel Fourinet, b. 1942, French serial killer and rapist, apprehended 2003. –Tr.

  [29] We note here yet another contradiction of egalitarian ideology: both difference (divinisation of the ‘Other’) and racial mixture are adulated. Now, the logic of race-mixture is homogenisation, and so the gradual disappearance of difference.

  [30] The preeminence of Africans in certain sports (football, boxing, basketball, etc.) does not correspond to any intrinsic physical dispositions, but to a social pattern of recruiting. In France, e.g., the number of young Whites who want to have a career in sports such as football, boxing, or basketball is very low. On the other hand, it is obvious that certain ethnic groups have different physical dispositions in purely athletic disciplines: running, swimming, weightlifting, etc. Anti-racist ideology offers no explanation of this mystery.

  Chapter 9

  Islam and Sex

  The Contradiction of Sexual Permissiveness in the Face of Islam

  They like Muslims and they like sexual permissiveness. But the Muslims do not like sexual permissiveness. How can they escape this clash?

  So-called ‘progressive’ or Left-wing milieus show a generous tolerance of the Islam that is taking up residence in Europe on a mass scale, explicable by their leaning toward ‘anti-racism’ and the cosmopolitan ideology that is so favourable to immigration. This, however, forces them to confront a painful contradiction, since Islam (as the behaviour of Muslims settled in Europe attests) condemn feminism, equality of the sexes, social mixing of the sexes, homosexuality, and practice an often brutal form of machismo as well as defend the practice of ‘arranged’ (in reality forced) marriage against the purely individualistic ‘marriage for love’.

  In other words, the Left-wing propagandists of sexual freedom, feminism, homophilia, and the like, are politically friends but sociologically and ideologically enemies of the Muslims. They will never be able to resolve this contradiction. Feminist movements are in the same impasse: on the Left, therefore anti-racist, therefore pro-Islam. They get out of it by inventing an oxymoron: secular Islam, which is supposed to take effect magically in the near future.

  The (increasingly frequent) sight of veiled and humiliated women in all countries dominated by Islam, and even in a Europe undergoing Islamisation, of all those young women constrained to submission, leaves Left-wing feminists cold. Martine Aubry, the socialist Mayor of Lille, has allowed (with a view to purely electoral considerations) the enforcement of segregation according to sex in municipal swimming pools so as to keep Islamic fundamentalists off her back.

  Even more than the Bible, the Qur’an is loaded with contradictions, from one surah to the next. Contradictory commands can be found twenty pages apart.[1] This explains the abundance of theological debates concerning how it is to be interpreted. Yet the overall tone of Qur’anic instruction is especially hostile to women,[2] who are severely undervalued. This prevents us from believing that Islam could ever be dissolved into a sexually egalitarian society of the Western type.

  The opinion I defend is the following: the confrontation in Europe between Islam and today’s accepted vision of sexuality and femininity — as in other domains — is explosive and will lead to major crises.

  Macho Nervous Schizophrenia

  Islam maintains neurotic relations with women, which may be tied to pre-Islamic[3] ethnic configurations found in the culture of South Mediterranean and Middle Eastern populations. Christianity did not escape this rule; read the unbelievable fulminations of the Berber Saint Augustine against women. Contrary to ancient paganism (patriarchal but paradoxically ‘feminist’), the populations among which both Islam and primitive Christianity developed displayed toward the fairer sex exactly the same macho sentiments as is present today.

  A female sociologist who specialises in Islam and the Arab-speaking world has published a study arguing that Islam in all its forms is dominated by schizophrenia.[4] Sexuality is obviously no exception. This anti-woman neurosis is certainly not peculiar to Islam, but it enjoys a kind of apogee there which goes much farther than the inferiorisation of women one notices in practically all civilisations, though somewhat less so in Celtic, Germanic, and Scandinavian-Nordic traditions.

  Where does this neurotic machismo come from? In the above mentioned, possibly atavistic cultures and mentalities, woman is considered as an object of both jealousy and desire which the male wants to appropriate and dominate without ever really succeeding to do so psychologically. First of all, he is unsure of his mental superiority. Above all, however, he suffers a powerful sexual complex in regard to women. He desires them, he is tormented by sexual fantasies, but always fears not being good enough. He believes he is constantly threatened by impotence. He is confused by what he interprets as woman’s sensual refinement in relation to his own sexuality which is basically frustrated and limits itself to simple, direct copulation, to release.

  Woman’s enjoyment disturbs him because it seems to exceed in intensity his own orgasm, hence the unhealthy practice of clitoridectomy in order to prevent female pleasure. Among Muslims, as formerly among the Church Fathers, sexual obsession struggles with a terrible effort of repression, the principal victims of which are women.

  Among certain Muslim men one notices a strange mixture of prudishness and sexual obsession which is typical of schizophrenic neurosis. This pathology is even more marked among them than among the Christian
Puritans. Statistics on the ethnic origin of rapists and sex criminals in the broad sense would speak for themselves — if they were published honestly.

  Fear and shame of sexual impotence is the psychological root of this type of machismo, thus the fear of women, of their gaze, their spoken or unspoken judgment. The male in this type of cultural configuration unconsciously senses a gap between his own, nearly bestial sexuality — immediate and fragile — and the more complex sexuality of women. He is deeply frustrated by it. At the same time, he is animated by a desire to possess women, both in the sight of other males out of pride and vainglory, and also out of a desire for revenge on women. So machismo uses physical force: women are veiled, closed off, beaten, considered cattle, polygamy is practiced, their legal status is lower, and so on. Machismo can be understood as compensation for a masculine inferiority complex.

  All this perhaps comes from a primitive sexuality of the males of certain cultures, unable to reach the erotic level of physical and psychological fusion of man and woman. It also comes from an inability to understand women and their psychology. This goes even further than the various sexual deficiencies and disturbances among the men of whom I have been speaking: a difference of level between man and woman, the latter rising above in this regard and who must therefore be kept down by force.

  By a sort of genetic mystery which has not yet been revealed, it is possible that the cultural and anthropological areas in which women are devalued, locked away, and oppressed, are those in which the woman proves herself superior to the man, and the latter desires vengeance. On the other hand, the cultural areas in which women are respected perhaps correspond to those where the converse situation prevails.

  Misogyny and Gynophobia

  It is simply extraordinary that no one in public life or among the ‘international community’ bats an eye when countries such as Algeria, Iran, and many others reserve an inferior position for women in their laws as concerns judicial testimony, right of succession, or civil rights in general, and practice countless sorts of discrimination against them not only in fact but in law — not to speak of right of movement or the prohibition on women driving vehicles in Saudi Arabia. Are these countries signatories of the International Convention on the Rights of Man or not?

  Such hypocrisy, such favouritism is hardly credible. Everything happens as if Islam were untouchable. Its obscurantism enjoys the benefit of an incredible tolerance, both on the international level and among immigrants in Europe. For example, the French State winks at polygamy being practiced on its own territory (which allows the men to collect multiple family allowances) as well as at the oppression suffered daily by young girls and women (both of Muslim origin and native French) in majority Muslim neighbourhoods. Imagine for a moment that traditionalist Catholics made the slightest anti-female suggestion: there would be a public outcry. But when Tariq Ramadan[5] implicitly or explicitly justifies the stoning of ‘adulterous’ women, the reaction is very mild.

  * * *

  The inferiorisation of women among the Church Fathers or in Judaism does not amount to much compared with the teaching and practice of Islam. The precepts of the Qur’an and the hadîths, taught in all the madrasas of the world, including those of Europe, are unambiguous: for Muslims,[6] women are inferior beings — ontologically, biologically, socially, and legally. This doctrine is impressed on all Muslims from their earliest years. It is inscribed in the law and social practice of all Muslim societies (and increasingly so with the rise in Muslim fundamentalism) and is now reaching Europe with the demographic colonisation we are enduring.

  Contrary to Christianity, which has gradually abandoned this contempt for women under the influence of the ancestral European mentality, Islam has not changed its attitude. On the contrary, since the 1980s and the renewal of Islamic fundamentalism, it has hardened on this point as on many others.

  Women, for example, are legally and socially more ill-treated today in North Africa and the Middle East than under European colonialism. The condition of women gets harder every year (including in Turkey), from Muslim Africa to Pakistan and Indonesia. The veiling of women is becoming universal where it did not exist (or no longer existed) at the end of the twentieth century: Tunisia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc. We might also mention that women’s right to vote, permitted in some countries, is a masquerade which in no way affects the degradation of the female condition; in Iran, for example, where the decline in the social status and day-to-day tranquility of women has been remarkable since the installation of the Islamic dictatorship, including a fanatical police force which beats ‘incorrectly’ dressed women.

  Under a veneer of hypocrisy, all the fragile regimes of Muslim countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Indonesia, and so on) seem to accord women favours or legal ‘advances’. These regimes, however, are all built on an Islamic powder keg. Concretely, in civil society, the condition of women continues to degrade, and not only because of the increasingly mandatory and humiliating wearing of the veil. We are witnessing the return in force of barbaric behaviour: bullying and punishments inflicted on young women who dare to defy their fathers, brothers, or assigned fiancés; persecution, threats or murders of women who dare resist the Macho-Islamic order, and on and on.

  We may note — and it is simply staggering — that the Leftist defenders of ‘Human Rights and Secularism’ in the West do not protest this situation for one second, no more than do our feminist leagues. The Qur’anic vision of the world is untouchable, entirely off-limits to criticism.

  * * *

  But the most serious consideration regards what is currently happening in Europe, with the massive installation of foreign Muslims who are now in the majority in a number of urban areas, a phenomenon historically unheard-of which would have horrified Jaurès, Clémenceau, or De Gaulle if they were to return today. Far from assimilating the mores of Europeans, from integrating, they are enforcing their own peculiarities and imposing discriminatory practices against women. It means nothing that Fadela Amara, founder (in 2003) of the association Neither Whores Nor Submissive, can demagogically be appointed State Minister of who-knows-what by Nicolas Sarkozy; year after year, Muslim immigration contributes to harming the condition of women, including of course the native French women who live in contact with these new populations. Moreover, the very name of Neither Whores Nor Submissive naïvely tells the truth, namely that in majority Arab-Muslim neighbourhoods in France, young women must either submit to macho obscurantism or be considered sexual objects.

  In France and elsewhere in Europe, young women suffer abuse and arbitrary sequestration at the hands of their families or neighbours, perhaps, for example, because they reject an arranged marriage with a neighbourhood man, or because they are suspected of being adulteresses, or because they have taken a native European boyfriend. Many foreign women as well as many European women who rub shoulders with Muslims are victims of these attacks, the true origins of which the media are at pains to disguise (same old fear of ‘racism’). When the boyfriend of a young Muslim girl is murdered by her family, no one dares speak of racism. Imagine the outcry if the situation were reversed! It gets worse: recently, a German court recognised the right of a Turkish father to sequester, punish, and molest his daughter because he considered her ‘sassy’ and she refused to accept the misogynistic and discriminatory practices of Islam. The court cited ‘cultural respect for the traditions of Islam’. It would be harder to go further in the abdication of responsibility. We are living in a society which has lost all its moorings. On the one hand, it authorises all sorts of sexual deviance and the complete confusion of sex roles; on the other, it tolerates an ever wider field in which the subjection of women and the most obtuse sexism is presenting itself in force thanks to Islam.

  * * *

  There is much concern today in Western Europe about the frightening resurgence in the number of women b
eaten and murdered by their partners — a rate of almost one every day. People entertain themselves by pretending that it is caused by unemployment, the new poverty, insecurity, and who knows what else. It is supposedly a ‘social problem’ affecting all classes. This is all lies and hypocrisy. For the occasion of the anticipated release of her daughter’s killer, Bertrand Cantat, Nadine Trantignant created, with a swarm of celebrated and bien pensant mountebanks, a committee to defend mistreated and persecuted women. It was a sword thrust in the air, for no one dared to speak the truth, namely that before the waves of mass immigration, the number of women beaten and murdered within their own families was extremely small and in steady decline. Today we see that the mistreatment of women (murders, sequestration, beatings, rapes — within the home or outside) correlates quite precisely with the neighbourhoods in which the third world immigrant population, especially Muslim, is strongest.[7] The conclusion is clear and difficult to admit for the ‘politically correct’: in the overwhelming majority of cases, it is not native French who are treating their companions violently, who bully them and push them around (which they often fatalistically accept), they are not the ones who account for the countless crime reports about assaults and rapes of women. Police statistics and the mere reading of newspapers (even though they clumsily strain to hide the ethnic origin of perpetrators) show that they are mostly of immigrant, and especially Muslim, origin. They import their customs to us, and the situation is aggravated by the impunity which they enjoy.


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