Pack 2 - The Awakening

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Pack 2 - The Awakening Page 2

by R.A Cullison



  Summer was on, really on; it had to be at least 90 degrees outside.

  I was sitting in my living room under the air conditioner trying to cool off. Whoever says it don’t get hot in Maine don’t know what they are talking about. I was very pregnant; I was a few weeks from my due date and I was really feeling it.

  I heard a familiar roar; I rose up and looked out the window. Matt coming in his big red monster of a car that could be heard miles away.

  I got up and went to the door to unlock it for him. I heard him running up the stairs, sounded like he was taking them two at a time.

  The door flew open, “Get dressed NOW!” he pretty much screamed at me.

  “Whoa, why?” I asked standing back up. He grabbed my bag out of the hall closet and ran back to the bedroom. He started throwing clothes in it, his and mine. “Matt what’s going on?” I asked.

  “I have no time to explain, we have to get you out of town NOW!” he said while grabbing some other stuff off the top of the dresser.

  “I don’t understand, why?” I asked while slipping on my sandals.

  “I’ll explain on the way to your grandpa’s to get your car.” he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stairs into his car.

  The ride to my grandparents was quiet. He pulled into the drive and we went straight for my car.

  “Why my car?” I asked while putting the keys in the ignition.

  “Because it’s more reliable then mine and it gets better gas mileage.” OK that made sense.

  “Where are we going?” I was hoping for some answers.

  “We are heading out of town, down the highway, south.” I took a deep breath and did what he asked.

  After several hours of driving, we had to stop for gas. “Ok Matt I am not going any farther until you tell me what the hell is going on.” I gave him a stern look.

  “OK, Corbin has changed, he isn’t a werewolf anymore, we actually don’t know what he is, but he has turned viscous and deadly…He is coming after you.” He looked at me, “To kill you.”

  My heart sake, the man I was so madly in love with wanted me dead. “Why? What did I do to him? It’s not a good idea for me to be on the road when the baby comes.” I said fighting back tears.

  “We don’t understand what his motives are or why he has been hanging with the vampires, but it can’t be good. Don’t worry about the baby, we will be where we need to be before you have her.” He got out and started pumping gas. I was stunned I just sat there; he went and paid for the gas. He came back with two sodas and a couple of sandwiches. “Ok, let’s go.” he ordered. I put the car in drive and we headed down the highway to God knows where.

  2 am It began to thunder giving hint of a upcoming thunderstorm. I put up the roof to protect from drowning inside the car. I began to get sleepy, so Matt took over driving. I was curled up in the passenger seat shivering, he threw his heavy leather jacket over me. I pressed his jacket to my nose and the smell of him and the warmth of his jack make me fall asleep. The static from the radio being tuned woke me up. I opened my eyes and looked around, “Where are we?” I asked.

  “West Virginia. Do we need to stop at a rest area?” I stretched

  “Yeah, I have to pee like crazy.” I reached over the backseat to get a hoodie.

  “Ok, rest area half a mile.” he pointed to the big green sign.

  “Good, I have to go, like bad!” I folded my legs up on the seat scared I might pee myself. Having the baby down and resting on my bladder didn’t help. Matt was watching me try to get comfortable and was laughing at me.

  We pulled into the rest area; I darted towards ladies room holding my belly swiftly waddled. Matt was laughing at me running into the building. There was no one in the ladies room, thankfully. I walked into the first stall frantically pulling down my shorts and panties, just barely making it.

  I heard the door open then heavy footsteps coming towards my stall. I saw two big feet sticking under the stall door they didn’t look like female shoes. I called out, “Hello?” no answer. “Do you mind?” Still no answer, “This is a ladies room.” I called out.

  “Nora?” it was strange mans voice, then a tap on the stall door.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” I asked while I opened the stall door and there stood a stranger in front of me. “Who are you?” his long dark hair covered his face. He lifted his head to face me. His eyes were milky white color and a scar on his left cheek that reached up to his hairline on his forehead. He was good looking even with his strange eyes.

  “My name is Jessie McGinny.” He had a cane with him, “Matt had me come in and check on you, since I can’t see anything. He is waiting for you outside.” he backed up and let me out. I washed my hands.

  “How did you get here?” I looked around and there was another vehicle parked a few spaces from us.

  “Me and my brother, Chad, have been following you. I am sure Matt will explain more to you once we are back on the road.” I watched him make his way back to his waiting vehicle. I slid in the passenger side of the car.

  “Matt, who is that?” I clicked my seatbelt, and then looked over at him.

  “That is Jessie and Chad McGinny, they are known to the Crows. Jessie is a physic, they use him when things gets really dangerous and his brother Chad is a…witch, that’s not right.” he bit his lip trying to think of the right word.

  “Warlock you mean?” I interrupted his thought.

  “Yeah, a powerful one, you wouldn’t think he was, because he looks so young.” my stomach growled. Matt reached over and handed me a sandwich. “Eat, you will need your strength.” I took the plastic wrap off the sandwich and took a big bite.

  “Thanks, babe, I was really hungry.” I giggled.

  “Yeah I heard your stomach.” he was teasing me.

  “Stop teasing me, Matthew!” I faked puckered. He giggled alittle louder.

  “Its ok hon, I am here to watch out for you, even more now since you’re carrying my baby.” he patted my belly again.

  The sun was bright and we could tell it was going to be another hot day, I dozed off again.

  I felt the car come to a stop, I opened my eyes. We were at another gas station. I got out and stretched. Matt came out with more sodas and food. This time with several Subs from a deli. He smiled at me. “Have a nice nap?” I smiled.

  “Yeah, want me to drive?” I asked.

  “Yeah, if you don’t mind I would like to sleep and eat. We still have alittle ways to go.” I smiled and slid in the driver’s seat.

  We were somewhere in North Carolina. I turned the radio on for something to listen to. Matt ate his sandwich and now was snoring in the passenger seat. I was listening to a local station they talked about the weather then they played a song I knew. I sung to it softly not to wake up the sleeping giant next to me. I looked over at him sleeping so soundly. I had to smile at how peaceful he looked. I looked in my rearview mirror I could still see Jessie and Chad. I had to think, ‘Were things that bad?’ I hoped not, but they must be.

  My lower back began to hurt, I thought I had been sitting for too long I needed to get out and stretch. The back pain then turned into period like cramps. I held my breath waiting for it to pass. “Please don’t come now.” I whispered. Five minutes later another one It hurt so bad I had to pulled over. I knew what was happing I had to wake up Matt. I shook him vigorously. I kept calling his name over and over until he showed some signs of life.

  “What?” he asked barely awake.

  “I think I’m in labor.” I breathed.

  He shot up like a fishing bobber, “What? You sure?” he asked, then another pain.

  “Oh yes.” I rubbed my belly.

  Matt looked around and discovered we were in the middle of nowhere. Deep in my gut I knew we weren’t going to be able to make it to the hospital. We got out of the car. “Shit! Where are we?” Matt asked

  I shrugged, “I was following the GPS.” I answered, another strong contraction, “OW!” I doubled over.

  “Ok, Ok stay calm.” He helped me into the backseat so I could lay down. I felt something wet. Matt looked down. “Did you pee your pants?” Matt asked.

  I looked at him in horror, “No, I think my … my water broke.” I stared at him horrified.

  He threw up his hands, “GREAT! JUST FRIGGIN GREAT!” He got this look on his face and began digging around in his pocket pulling out his cell phone. He flipped it open and held it up towards the sky searching for a signal. “DAMN IT! No signal.”

  “Matt?” I said.

  “Yeah babe?” he answered. Closing his phone and returning it to his pocket.

  “There is a first aid kit in the trunk maybe you should..” I stopped to breath through a contraction. I didn’t need to finish Matt retrieved the keys from the ignition and ran to the back of the car. The contractions were getting closer together and I was becoming more scared. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing and I figured Matt didn’t either.

  I could hear him in the back talking to himself more like cursing to himself. “It sure in the hell figures! Middle of nowhere and what happens? Nora goes into labor. I am no friggin’ doctor. WHY?”

  I felt a lot of pressure going on and then something hard was against my thigh. I slowly reached down to feel what it was, thinking I sat on something. There was a wet head of hair. “MATT!” I screamed. He ran to me with his eyes huge.

  “WHAT?!” he said anxiously.

  “I feel the babies head!” I was scared. I thought I was going to have a heart attack in the middle of giving birth. It took him no time to open the first aid kit and grab a packet of alcohol pads and wipe his hands. He tossed the wipe and the packet in the floor of the car. He had this look of fear on his face.

  A blue rusty truck pulled up with an elder couple it in. “Needin’ help?” the elder man asked as his truck came to a squeaky stop.

  “Yes, my wife is having a baby and our cell phone don’t get service here.” Matt hysterically told the driver. The old woman got out of the passenger seat and climbed in the backseat next to Matt.

  “She sure is.” the woman looked back at her husband, “Harold go call 911 and tell them the baby will be here when they show up and hurry.” She then turned her attention back to us. “Whats your name?” she asked Matt.

  “Matt and this is my wife Nora.” he answered.

  “Nora, honey I am going to need you to push.” she then turned towards Matt. “I’m going to need a clean towel or blanket.” Matt jumped out of the car and ran to the trunk. He returned with 2 towels and a blanket. She slide a towel under my butt and placed another one on my belly. “Nora keep pushing.” I gave one big push and a very loud scream. I felt the pain ease up, I took a deep breath of relief. Then I heard a small whimper then a loud cry.

  Matt was staring at the baby with huge eyes, “it’s a girl!” he announced.

  “Yep, you have yourself a little girl.” she confirmed that Matt and the ultra sound technician was right. She grabbed the blanket and snuggly wrapped the baby up in it then handed me the baby. I held onto her firmly scared of dropping her. Matt was staring at me holding this tiny little person that we made together in my arms. I was exhausted it took all I had to stay awake.

  It took 30 minutes later the ambulance find us. Surrounded by stranger I had this urge to hold her really close. Matt followed in the mustang as we sped through a very small town.





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