by Don Marquis
Third Day's Sale,
276 Smollet's Don Quixote, 4 v. history of Lady Frances S----, 2 v.
277 Francis's Horace, 4 v. Sowel's Ovid, 2 v. Trapp's Virgil, 3 v. Prior's poems
278 Harvey's meditations, 2 v. beauties of history, 2 v. Plato's works, 2 v. Telemachus, 2 v. pillars of Priestcraft, 2 v.
279 New duty of man, Fenelon on the existence of God, Balsac's letters, Quarle's emblems, Greenwood's essay, Cotton's visions, Fenny on the globes, letter writer, Rowe's exercises, Webster's arithmetic, Hudson's guide, Coke on Littleton, and 9 others
280 Chinese spy, 6 v. vicar of Wakefield, 2 v.
281 Woodbury, 2 v. Mariamne, 2 v. cuckoldom triumphant, 2 v. portrait of life, 2 v. unhappy wife, 2 v. placid man, 2 v.
282 Les oraisons de Ciceron, par Villifore, 7 t. entretiens de Ciceron, 2 t. Tusculanes de Ciceron, 2 t.
283 Count de Vaux, 4 v. history of Fanny Seymour, Cupid and Hymen, Nicol's poems, epistles to the ladies, 2 v. fault was all his own, 2 v. small friendship, 2 v.
284 World, 4 v. Persian letters, Temple's miscellanies, and 6 others
285 Telemachus, 2 v. Beaumont and Fletcher's select plays, 2 v. dialogues de Platon, 2 t. Voltair's works, 2 v. Hull's letters, 2 v. Quevedo's visions, family instructor
286 Rowe's letters, 2 v. Lyttleton's dialogues of the dead, 2 v. Marmontel's moral tales, 3 v. Churchill's poems, 3 v. Byron's voyage, Scougal's life of God, Steel's Christian hero, Watts's poems, Nettleton on virtue, Charles XII. Guthrie's trial
287 Addison's evidence, Sherlock on death, religious courtship, rule of life, Doddridge's rise and progress, Gordon's young man's companion, Hammouth's works, 4 v. Sherlock's discourses, Sherlock on a future state
288 Addison's works, 4 v. Suckling's works, Mills's agriculture, school of arts, 2 v. play for its interest, Rousseau's remarks, world to come, two rules for bad horsemen, and 4 others
289 Echard's gazetteer, adventures of Pomponius, English connoisseur, 2 v. Gent's history of York, 2 v. Coventry's history, travels into France and Italy, and five others
290 Praelectiones poeticae, 2 t. Luciani dialogus, Erasmus Catullus, Horatius Flaccus, Leusden Graecum Testamentum, Ethices compendium, Berkenhout's pharmacopeia, and nine others
291 Sophoclis tragoediae, 2 t. conciones et orationes, Ovidii, Hieronymus, Sallust, Phaedrus, Euclidis, Bos ellipsis, Horatius, artis logicae, and 7 others
292 Rule of life, economy of human life, Doddridge's rise and progress, Hudibras, gentle shepherd, a testament, principles of the French grammar, Wood's farrier, military dictionary, Greek grammar, Young's centaur not fabulous, heaven opened, and 6 others
293 Ray's wisdom of God, religious courtship, life of Owen Tideric, Watts's hymns, Cicero--Italian, Plinius conciones et orationes, English rudiments, petticoat pensioners, Ranger's progress, Christian manuel, night thoughts, Horatius, and 10 others
294 Last day, a poem, devil on two sticks, introduction to grammar, Thomas's palladium, complete grazier, AEsop's fables, Algorotti's letters, Cyrus's travels and eight others
295 Monro's anatomy, Ewing's synopsis, Gerrard on taste, characteristics of Great Britain, Derham's astro theology, Dilworth's catechism explained, Buck's companion, Henry's discourses, Sophocles, Ward's grammar, Bunyan's holy war, observations on London, Hawking's abridgement of Coke, and 7 others
296 Tacitus, 2 t. Italian, Vertot's revolutions of Portugal, Vertot's revolutions of Sweden, Nelson's devotions, history of masonry, principles of the Christian religion, reflection upon marriage
297 Peyton's French grammar, Porney sur l'education, recueil des oraisons, principles of the French grammar, AEsopi fabulae, Chambaud's themes, Chambaud's exercises, Bell's Latin grammar, logic by question, Freeman's farrier, and 4 others
298 New version, Cooper's sermons, Birche's inquiry, Bishop on the creed, Puffendorf's duty of man, duty of a mother, Templer on the worship of God
299 Lally on the Christian religion, 3 v. Ibbetson's discourses, lay baptism invalid, second part of lay baptism invalid, inquiry into the church of England, Brown on understanding, Ambrose's looking unto Jesus
300 Burnet on religion, 4 v. Coneybeare's defence of the Christian religion, Mayhew's sermons, Hale's golden remains, Hughes's remarks, new duty of man, Hoadly on submission
301 Young on corruption in religion, 2 v. cure of deism, 2 v. a common prayer, Howard's festivals
302 Guyse's paraphrase, 6 v. Abernethy's sermons, v. 2, unity of God, Fleming's discourses, Hammond's catechism, defence of diocesan episcopacy, Lipsiensi's remarks
303 Life of Cellini, 2 v. Chandler's life of David, 2 v. Turnbull on universal law, 2 v.
304 Ben Johnson's plays, v. 4 and 6, Shakespear's works, v. 1, Meilan's works, Balthasar courtier, loves of Othniel and Acsah, 2 v. Medley
305 Treasury, 2 v. universal catalogue, 1775, monthly review, v. 23, 36, grand magazine
306 Shakespear's poems, Rapin of gardens, Rogers's poems, free thoughts on seduction, King Lear, female favourites, Callipaedia, Payne on repentance
307 Young's six months tour, 4 v. Whiston's theory, Whichcote's aphorisms, Voltaire on the English nation, Sharp's pieces, 3 v.
308 Dufresnoy's chronological tables, 2 v. Mair's book-keeping, female favorites, state of the British empire, history of the pyrites, Tull's husbandry, Hill's Theophrastus, Blundeville's exercises
309 Les saisons, a poem
310 Greek Testament, Urie, succession of colonels, exercise of foot, a pocket dictionary
311 Whichcote's aphorisms, 2 v. history of Gustavus, history of the Indian nations, Overley's gauger's instructor, Martyn catalogus, Roofe's book-keeping, fencing familiarized, Hill on fruit trees, parliamentary register 1778, Portal's midwifery, Gent's history of the cathedral of York
312 Observations on Asia, Africa and America, 2 v. city remembrancer, 2 v. Hill's Theophrastus, Guthrie's Cicero's morals, Fitzosborne's letters, Hawksby's experiments, Falk on mercury
*312 Langveti epistolae, Newtonianissimo onaro dialoghi, Ovidii epistolarum, Virgil, Florus, historiarum fabellum, Chrysostomi de sacerdotio, Dionysii geographia
313 Washington's abridgement, trials per Pais, Graecae grammaticae, and 13 others
314 Dictionaire universel de Bomare, 9 t.
315 Brydon's tour, 2 v. Smollett's travels, 2 v.
316 Newton's Milton's Paradise lost and regain'd, 4 v. Cotton's works, pious poems
317 American pocket atlas, American tracts, American charters, Justice and Reason, remembrancer, 4 v.
318 Royal magazine, 6 v. universal magazine, 4 v.
319 Barclay's apology, works of Thomas Chalkley, quaker's testimonies, life of John Fothergill, life of Thomas Ellwood, works of Samuel Bownas
320 Lucas on happiness, 2 v. Burlamaque on law, 2 v. female spectator, 4 v.
321 Hill's arithmetic, Prideaux's life of Mahomet, Miller's gardeners calendar, report of silver coins, American negociator, Smith's history of New York, Law's collection of letters, Ellwood's Davidis, Senex's survey of the roads
322 Eduard's eccl. hist. 2 v. Martin's philosophical grammar microscope made easy 1 v. Boccace's Decameron, Cook's voyage, Coate's heraldry
323 Prideaux's commentaries of the Old and New Testament, 4 v. Edward Davidis, Anguis flagellatus, duty of an apprentice
324 Macpherson's Fingal, 2 v. Hoole's Tasso, 2 v. Chaucer's tales by Ogle, 3 v.
325 Seneca's morals, quaker's testimonies, Ferguson on
civil society, West on the resurrection Sherlock on a future state, Clarke on the attributes, Sherlock on judgment, Sherlock on death, Hale's contemplations
326 Salmon's grammar, Bailey's dictionary, Gordon's geog. grammar, Dyche's dictionary, Clarke's introduction, Egede's description of Greenland
327 Shakespear's works, 6 v.
328 Dryden's Plutarch, 6 v. Norden's travels
329 Guthrie's Cicero's letters, 2 v. Cicero's offices, Melmoth's Pliny, 2 v. Locke on understanding, 2 v.
330 Nature display'd, 4 v. preceptor, 2 v.
331 History of the world, 3, 4, 5, Lyttleton's Henry 2d, v. 5, 6, Shakespeare, vol. 2, 3, 4, 5, Cowley's works, v. 2, 3, Burgh's dignity of human nature, v. 1, history of New England, v. 2.
332 Addison's works, 2, 3, 4, Humphry Clinker, v. 2, Joseph Andrews, v. 2. Bracken's farrier, v. 2, Barrow's voyages, v. 2, 3, reflexions on ridicule, v. 1, tour thro' Great Britain, v. 1, 2, 4, Tom Jones, 1, 2, 3, Plutarch's lives, 4 to 9, and 2 others
333 Dodsley's poems, 6 v. Young's works, 4 v.
334 World, 4 v. spectator, 8 v, guardian, 2 v. play-house dictionary, 2 v.
335 Pope's Homer's Iliad, 6 v. ---- works, v. 2 to 10, Bysshe's art of poetry, 2 v.
336 Mariana historia de Espana, 16 t.
337 Castalio biblia sacra, 4 t. de literis inventis, Socraticas Gr. historiarum delectus, Ovidii metam.
338 L'esprit de loix, 3 t. memoires de Bonneval, 2 tom. Ovidius, 3 v. Horatius, and 3 more
339 Plutarch's lives, 9 v. sm. edition 1749
340 Whiston's works of Josephus, 6 v. 1777
341 Rider's history of England, 50 v. cuts, &c.
342 Baddam's memoirs of the Royal society, 10 v. cuts 1745
343 Rapin's history of England, by Tindal, 28 v. with maps, &c. 1726
344 London magazine, 44 v. 1732, &c.
345 Bible, Oxford, 1713, Wright's travels, 2 v. 1720
346 Anderson's history of Mary Queen of Scots, 4 v. 1727
347 Collection of acts relating to the quakers, Pennington's works, 2 v.
348 Oldenburg's tables of exchange, 1735, Glover's Leonidas, 1737, paraphrase of the notes to St. Paul, 1733
349 Hill's vegetable system, 7 v. Horti Malibarici, distiller of London
*349 Priestley's history and state of electricity, boards 1775
350 Heylyn's cosmography, 1682, a concordance, Usher's body of divinity
351 Stanley's history of philosophy, 1687, Prideaux's connection of the old and new Testament, 2 v. 1718, Fox's journal, 3d edit. 1765
352 Cave's history of the apostles, 1677, Penn's works, v. 1, Cotton's concordance 1631
353 Fox's book of martyrs, 1732, ---- journal, 1694, Elwood's sacred history, 1705, Ripa's iconologia, 1709
354 Bible, bl. let. 1572, Sewel's history of the quakers, 1725, epistles from the yearly meeting of the quakers 1759
355 Le Brun's voyage to the Levant, Snelling's view of the gold coin, 1763, Cowley's works 1678
356 Postlethwayte's dictionary, 2 v. 3d edit. 1766
357 Chambers's dictionary, 7th edit. 2 v. 1751
358 Rapin's history of England, 4 v. 3d edit.
359 Embassys to the Emperor of Japan, 1672, Acherley's Britannic constitution
360 Cradock's harmony of the four evangelists, Limbrochii historia inquisitiones, Turtelliani opera 1580
361 Inventory of the South Sea directors estates, 2 v. Leybourne's mathematics
362 Burton's history of Yorkshire, Dryden's plays, 2 v.
363 Churchill's collection of voyages, v. 2 to 6, Baker's chronicle, 9th edit. 1696
364 Prideaux's connection of the old and new Testament, 2 v. 1724
365 Religious ceremonies, large paper, 6 v. 1733
366 Entick's naval history, cuts 1757
367 Metalick's history of King William, Queen Mary, Queen Anne, and George I.
368 Le nouveau theatre du monde, 2 t. 1661
369 Histoire du Concile de Trente, par Courayer, 2 t. 1736
370 Dictionaire historique & critique, par Bayle, 4 t. Rott. 1697
371 Le grand dictionaire historique, par Moreri, 8 t. Amst. 1740
372 Echard's history of England, v. 1st. Sammes's Bittannia
373 Purcel's Orpheus Britannicus 1698, and 6 more
374 Ld. Clarendon's tracts 1727
375 Scott's history of Scotland 1728
376 Garth's Ovid's metamorphoses, cuts 1717
377 Makenzie's lives and characters of the writers of the Scots Nation, 2 v. 1711
378 Newman's concordance to the Bible, 1643, and 1 more
379 Prideaux's connection of the old and new Testament, 2 v. 1728
380 Keith's history of the church and state of Scotland, 1734, Spotswood's history of the church of Scotland (with his portrait, by Hollar) 1668
381 Dugdale's view of the troubles in England, and 5 more
382 Buchanani opera omnia, 2 v. 1715
383 Huetii demonstratio evangelica, 1669, and 3 more
384 Dion Cassius, Gr. & Lat. Xylandri, ap. H. Step. 1591
385 Herodotus Gr. et Lat. Sylburgii & Jungermanni Franc. 1608
386 Livii. Hist. Rom. cum figs. Franc. 1578
387 Thucydidis Gr. ap H. Step. Franc. 1594, Aristophanes Gr. & Lat. Biseti. 1607
388 Janssonii novus atlas terrarum, t. 4th 1659
389 Architectura di Scamozzi Venet. 1615
390 D'architecture de Vitruve, en Maroquin, Par. 1684
391 Koeheorn's method of fortification, by Savary, 1705, and 5 more
392 Browne's academy of drawing, painting, &c. with 30 copper plates 1669
393 Palladio's architecture, by Leoni 1721
394 Bp. Smalridge's sermons, 1724, ---- Taylor's course of sermons 1678
395 Cudworth's intellectual system of the universe, 1678, Tillotson's works, v. 1st. 1707
396 Hammond on the new Testament, and 2 more
397 Laud's life and trial, 2 v. 1695, book of Homilies, and 1 more
398 Ross's Silius Italicus 1661
399 Scarburgh's elements of Euclid 1705
400 Giannone's history of Naples, v. 2d. boards, 1731, Rymer's foedera, v. 16th
401 Plempii fundamenta medicinae, and 5 more
402 Fousch l'histoire des plantes colorees, Par. 1549
403 Varandaei opera omnia, 1658, and 2 more
404 Gorraei opera medica, Paris 1622, and 1 more
405 Boneti sepulchretum, five anatomia practica, 3 v. 1700
406 Sennerti opera, v. 1 and 3, and 1 more
407 Ditto, and 1 more
408 Foresti opera omnia, and 2 more
409 Avicennae de medicinis cordialibus & cantica, and 3 more
410 Le origini della langua Italiana dal Menagio, 1685, Howell's French and English dictionary 1673
411 Histoire des troubles de la Grande Bretagne 1661, and 1 more
412 Le meme, and 1 more
413 Barlaei panegyrus de laudibus Card. Richelii, cum fig. Amst. 1641
414 Traite de la peinture de L. De Vinci, Par. 1651, in physionomica Aristotelis comment. a Baldo 1621
415 Plinii hist. naturalis, 1599, and 2 more
416 Ortelii theatrum orbis terrarum, and 1 more
417 Rosa Anglica 1495
418 Stokeley on the spleen, sewed, and 3 more
419 Sallustii opera, 1541, and 5 more
420 Voyage d'AEgypt & de Nubie, par Norden, t. 1st, Tallent's chronological tables
421 Bion's construction of mathematical instruments, by Stone 1723
422 Life of the Duke of Espernon, I. p. 1670
425 Spenser's faerie queen 1611
424 A volume of dried plants
425 Atlas par Sanson, colour'd
426 A volume consisting of 28 plates of the Florentine gallery, and some of great estimation