Blood of the Shayde: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Vampires' Blood Mate Book 2)

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Blood of the Shayde: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Vampires' Blood Mate Book 2) Page 12

by Lili Zander

  Her gaze moves to me, and she gives me a bright, welcoming smile. “Colonel Saber Hafsson.” She steps up right to me, her fangs descending. Fuck me, she’s obvious. She’s practically thrusting her boobs into my chest. “I’m Amara Zuboff. I’ve heard so much about you. Welcome to Merin.” Her voice is breathy. “If there’s anything I can do for you, anything at all, please let me know.”

  The sexual invitation couldn’t be more blatant. Or more unwelcome. I murmur something polite, my tone distant. Amara is a vampire; she can smell our scent all over Raven. It’s perfectly obvious that Raven is our lover, and yet, the vampire is pretending like she doesn’t exist.

  Amara moves onto Zeke. “Captain Ulrich,” she purrs. “Such a pleasure. Family Zuboff owes you a debt. One of our members was imprisoned in Duyk until you intervened. I will be happy to repay it.”

  Her gaze passes over Raven as if she’s not even there. I see red. Before I can react, Raven straightens her shoulders. Her eyes flash dangerously. “My name is Raven,” she says, her voice coated with frost. “I want there to be no accidental misunderstandings. Nero, Saber, and Zeke are mine, and I’m not sharing them.”

  Shock runs through me, and then my chest tightens with joy. She’s claimed us. In front of other people, she called us hers.

  Nero laughs quietly and puts his arm around Raven’s waist. “You heard her, Amara.”

  Zeke looks thrilled.

  Amara looks like she’s been slapped. “A human in your bô,” she spits. “You always had strange tastes, Nero.” She pivots on her heel. “Come. We have an apartment for you.”

  I fall into step with Raven as we walk to a waiting skimmer. “Why are you looking so smug?” she asks me. “What did I do?”

  I can’t stop smiling. “You claimed us. You said we were yours. It’s the first time you’ve done that.”

  “Oh.” Her cheeks heat. “That was presumptuous of me.”

  Not at all. A bô is more than a group of people who sleep with each other. A bô is a team. It’s a promise and a commitment, one I’m more than ready to make. An insult to Raven is an insult to me. A threat against her is one I respond to. She is a part of me, and I am a part of her.

  But if I tell her that, she’ll back away. She doesn’t see herself the way I see her. She still doesn’t understand why I can’t get enough of her. “And you call me arrogant.” I lace my fingers in hers, and bring her hand up to my lips, brushing a kiss against her skin. “I’m glad you did. Welcome to my bô, Raven Peace Unnuk.”

  “That’s it? I just have to say it, and now we’re in a bô? There no ceremony, no public declarations of alliances?”

  “That’s mostly it.”

  She’s no fool; she hears the split-second hesitation in my voice, and she immediately understands why. We’re vampires. Everything is tied to blood. To formalize our bond, we’ll need to drink from each other.

  For an instant, her expression darkens, and then she takes a deep breath and forces a determined smile on her face. “Soon, right? Ivar Karlsson will be here soon, and then I won’t have to live in terror of accidentally killing you with my blood.”

  Soon. I can’t wait. I’ve already sent for what will be my betrothal gift to her. All we need is Ivar Karling to perform the blood transfusion. Then Raven will finally be safe.



  Merin is a trader planet. On the edge of the Shayde Empire, abutting the Uncharted Reaches, the world bustles with merchants from all across the galaxy. Every square mile of the planet’s surface is covered with factories and warehouses and markets. Residential hutongs nestle between the industrial buildings. Some are showy and opulent, with arched entryways and quiet, tree-lined courtyards. Others are narrow and squalid.

  Our safe house is in the Fourth Quadrant, in the middle of a maze of curved streets. Nero’s contacts, Corvan Tofegaard, Marcus Riljor, and Amara Zuboff lead us to it. “We have drones patrolling the skies,” Corvan says. “We’ve positioned snipers at the outer walls of the hutong. Nobody will be able to sneak up on you.”

  I’m grateful for the precautions, though I have my doubts about how much they’ll slow Marya Revit down. Our best hope is to wipe the virus from Raven’s blood. Once Raven’s blood is clear, Harek Levitan will stop targeting her. Not from any altruistic reasons; the General doesn’t have a kind bone in his body. But he’s a creature of logic. If Raven is free of the virus, he has nothing to gain by killing her.

  Amara gives Raven one parting glare before she goes. Once we’re alone, I turn to Raven. Saber told me to tell her the truth days ago, but I’ve been avoiding it because it’s bound to change the way she sees me.

  But she claimed us in front of witnesses, and I won’t enter our relationship on a lie. “Can I talk to you privately?”

  “Of course.”

  I escort Raven into a sitting room. She settles on a couch and pats the seat next to her. “You going to tell me why you’ve been avoiding me?”

  I sit down by her side. “I thought I was being subtle about it. I hoped you’d be distracted by Nero and Saber.”

  She puts her hand on my thigh. “Call me greedy, but I want all three of you. What’s wrong? Did I do something?”

  “No, this is me. My past. My demons.” I force myself to unclench my jaw. “Back on Boarus 4, you asked me how I joined Saber’s unit.”

  “Yes.” She wrinkles her forehead in thought. “You said you were a hacker on Zola Prime. The Overlord’s brother-in-law had killed a pair of children in a skimmer accident, and it was going to be covered up. You made the incident public.”

  “That’s the story I tell people. It’s not the whole truth. The man who killed the children was my father, Ben Leyva. My mother, Paris Levya, was Overlord Riordan’s sister.”

  Her expression softens. “Oh, Zeke. I’m so sorry.”

  “Family Hafsson has a long and honorable history. Nero’s mother genuinely loves her son and wanted nothing but the best for him. Your parents brought you up to be a kind, empathetic person.” My lips twist. “Then there’s my family. The Leyvas are scum, and so are the Riordans. They raped, pillaged, robbed, and stole their way across Zola Prime. My father killed his father over a gambling debt. My mother ran a gladiator ring. She’d import wild animals from all over the galaxy, and force humans to fight them in an arena for sport.” The words tumble out. “When I was six, my family discovered my gift for hacking. They had me steal funds from the bank accounts of several of their business rivals. I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought it was a game.”

  “You were a child.” Raven’s voice is threaded with anger. “They exploited you.”

  “I caused the ruin of three vampire families. I emptied Family Tohen accounts, and the Oensi killed Bruno Tohen when he couldn’t pay his debts. My father bought Tohen assets on the cheap. As I got older, I started asking questions. I realized what I was doing, and I stopped hacking for them. My parents weren’t happy. They locked me up in their dungeons. If I wanted my freedom, I knew what I had to do.”

  She moves closer to me and takes my hand in hers. “Your family is awful.”

  “That’s putting it mildly. Anyway, the rest of the story is true enough. My father ran over two kids, and they were going to cover it up. I made it public, and Saber rescued me and took me away. Ulrich isn’t my real last name. It’s a name I chose when I left Zola Prime. I wanted to be free of them forever.”

  I take a deep breath. “Everyone in my family is a criminal. I spend every waking moment being vigilant. Always doing the right thing, because I know how easy it would be for me to slip up. It’s in my blood.”

  I meet her gaze. If I see pity on her face, I don’t think I could bear it. But there’s no pity in the look she gives me. “I was sent to the re-education camps when I was ten because my parents had conspired against the Empire. Was I guilty of conspiracy?”

  “It’s not the same thing. I stole from those families.”

  “You were a child. You didn’t know what y
ou were doing. Your parents were supposed to teach you right from wrong. They failed in their role.” She kisses my cheek. “Zeke, you’ve been making amends since you were nineteen. You made sure your father was held responsible for what he did. You’re not your family, Zeke. You are so much better.”

  Raven has every reason to hate vampires, but there’s no hesitation in her voice. There’s no doubt on her face. Her faith in me is absolute.

  Maybe she’s right. Maybe it’s time I forgave myself.

  She tips her face up to me. “It’s not your family that defines you,” she whispers. “It’s your actions.”

  Her lips find mine. I hold her close, and I kiss her back, and I let her touch heal every broken bit of me. I could do this forever.

  She pulls back, and a smile curling her lips. “Are you done avoiding me?”

  I can smell her arousal. I can see the need on her face, and it is every bit as hot and as intense as mine. I narrow my eyes. “Are you tired?”

  She looks puzzled by the sudden change in topic. “No.”

  “Want a shower? Something to eat? Want to be left alone for a while?”

  “No, no, and hell no. Why?”

  A weight I didn’t realize I was carrying is lifted off my shoulders, and I feel free. “Because I want you naked. Take off your clothes, Raven.”



  Heat throbs through me. Who knew that sweet, nice, mild-mannered Zeke has a dominant side?

  Not me. I can’t wait to see where this is going. “Is that an order?”

  The only word for his expression is smoldering. He walks a slow circle around me. “What did it sound like?” he asks, a hint of amusement in his tone.

  “It sounded like an order.” My voice feels oddly breathless. Underneath my clothes, my nipples are hard, and my pussy dampens in anticipation.

  “Then why are your clothes still on?”

  I’m dressed in one of the outfits I bought in the night market on Antaras Seven. A blue shirt, fastened with ties, and a pair of pants that comes to my ankles. I start untying the knots with shaky fingers. Zeke’s gaze runs up and down my body, and I feel it like a physical touch.

  Goosebumps break out on my skin as the shirt slips to the floor. My nipples pucker as the cool air wafts over them.

  Zeke growls in his throat. “Very nice.” He pulls his shirt over his head, and my throat goes dry. Blood rushes from my brain. His dark chest is corded with muscle, and I want to lick every inch of him. Who needs slenti when you could have this?

  His eyes gleam. He sits down on the couch, knees apart, one hand resting on his thigh, the other draped over the back of the seat. “The pants too, Raven.”

  I take off my pants, and then my undergarment. The clothes drop to the floor, and Zeke shakes his head in mild rebuke. “Pick them up.”

  The muscles in my core clench at the edge in his tone. This is new, and it’s unexpected, and hot excitement rages through my blood.

  I bend at the waist and reach for my clothes. As I pick them up, I catch a glimpse of myself. Ahh. I’ve barely noticed the furnishings in the room, but there’s a mirror on the wall behind me. Bent as I am, my pussy and ass are on display for Zeke, and judging from the bulge in his trousers, he really likes the view.

  He frees his erection. “Stay bent,” he says, closing his fist around his thick, hard shaft. “Part your legs for me.”

  A fog of lust fills my brain. Dominant-Zeke is so incredibly sexy.

  I stay in the position he wants me, bent at the waist, my legs spread shoulder-wide, my hands on my knees. Zeke looks in the mirror as he pumps himself, raw hunger on his face. “Are you turned on, Raven?”

  Yes. I’m so turned on that I could scream in frustration. I can see him in the mirror, his legs splayed apart, his hand lazily stroking his erect cock. I want to whimper in protest. I don’t want him to touch himself. I want him to touch me. I want him to dig his hands into my hips and thrust into me. I want to cry out in mingled pain and pleasure as he pounds me, hard and deep.

  He watches me, a glimmer of laughter in his eyes. He can feel my frustration, and it’s amusing him.

  “Meh.” I force myself to sound bored. “You think all you need to do is whip out your cock?”

  “So you’re not turned on?” The laughter in his voice deepens. “Come here.”

  I straighten and walk to him on shaky legs. He holds my gaze in his and swipes a finger between my legs. “Soaked,” he growls. “Bad girl. Do you know what happens to bad girls, Raven?”

  Oh wow. This is straight out of my dirtiest fantasies. I know exactly where this is going, and I am so ready for it. Need claws my insides like a wild animal. “They get punished,” I whisper.

  “That’s right.” He pats his thighs, and I drape myself across his lap. He pulls my hands behind my back. “Do you want to be punished, Raven?”

  “I really do.” My voice is fervent, needy. Desperate.

  He chuckles. “If it’s too much, tell me to stop.”

  Zeke’s a vampire. If he hits me with his full strength, I won’t be sitting down for weeks. Somehow, this doesn’t frighten me in the slightest. I know Zeke. I trust Zeke. He’s not going to hurt me.

  I turn my head to the mirror. His hand strokes the curve of my ass, his dark hand a vivid contrast to my paler hue. “Keep your hands out of the way, or I’ll tie them up,” he warns me.

  I nod wordlessly. He’s touching me so intimately. Pushing my cheeks together and spreading them apart, teasing my tight hole with a fingertip before drawing it away… Sensations batter me, each one more pleasurable than the next.

  The first sharp blow falls on my ass, and I hiss in surprise and arch off his lap. “Too much?” he asks, gently rubbing his palm over my bare skin.

  The stinging radiates through me like the warmth from a cozy fire. “No. Don’t stop.”

  Smack. Another blow, this time on the other cheek. His fingers swipe through my slit and come away wet. “Tell me, Raven. Are you turned on?”

  I’m not ready for him to stop spanking me. “Maybe just a little,” I say, my voice muffled against the couch cushions. “I’m not sure.”

  “You aren’t?” His voice is dangerously silky. “Open your mouth.”

  His fingers, glistening with my juices, nudge my lips. I suck them into my mouth, and he pushes them deeper than I expect. A fresh gush of heat trickles through me.

  “Tell me, Raven. Would you like to revise your answer?”

  A hard smack takes my breath away, and I involuntarily reach for the spot to rub the sting away. Zeke stops me, holding my wrists with one hand. “Yes,” I cry out.

  He strokes the sore spot gently, and the stinging fades into pleasure. I sigh in utter bliss. “I’m turned on,” I admit.

  “Yes, you are.” His fingers part my folds, and his thumb presses my clitoris. I watch in the mirror as his fingers disappear in the cleft between my legs, and a full body shudder runs through me.

  Zeke’s eyes are glazed with lust. His hand strokes my ass, and his fingers slide in and out of me with excruciating slowness. Pressure builds inside me, but I need more. “Zeke,” I whine. “Harder.”

  He lifts an eyebrow. “Good girls get rewards,” he says. “Bad girls, on the other hand…”

  “I’ll be good,” I whimper. “I promise.”

  He kisses the back of my neck. His fingers keep moving in and out, never wavering from their slow, deliberate pace. His thumb brushes my clitoris, and my breath catches. My arousal builds higher. My muscles clench as I race to my orgasm, but when I’m almost there, he stops what he’s doing.

  I groan out loud.

  “How long can we do this, do you think?”

  I twist my head around and stare at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  A smile ghosts over his face. “You sound so sure.” He sucks my juices from his fingers, his expression filled with pleasure. “If I were you, I’d be less certain.”

  A retort is at the tip of my tongue, but I
bite it back. This is a side of Zeke I’ve never seen before. There’s a part of me that wants to see how far he’ll push me.

  Pretty far. Three more times, he brings me to the edge. Each time, he denies me my orgasm. I grit my teeth and sink into the sea of sensation. When he finally makes me come, the release is going to be glorious.

  “Get up.”

  Relief crashes through me. Zeke steadies me as I get to my feet. He positions me in front of him, and his gaze drinks me in. “You are so beautiful.”

  I feel myself blush at the compliment. “So are you.” His muscles flex as he sheds his trousers, and I ogle him shamelessly. His cock juts toward me, hard and firm, and another pulse-wave of desire swamps me.

  He notices me looking, and his lips curve into a smug smile. He pats his lap again. “Turn around and lower yourself on me.”

  It’s an order I’m happy to obey. I sink onto his cock, inch by inch, shivering around his girth, my nerve endings screaming with pleasure. My eyes close, and Zeke’s grip tightens around my waist. “I want you to watch yourself.”

  I look in the mirror as I bounce on him. I watch his cock disappear into my pussy. I watch one of his large hands cup my breast and squeeze my aching flesh. His other hand makes its unerring way to my clit.

  The girl in the mirror throws her head back. Her face—my face—contorts with a need that refuses to be held back any longer. I shudder and writhe on his hard cock as I erupt.

  “Keep moving,” he orders. He holds my gaze captive. His fingers dig into my flesh, urging me on. His fingers tease me to another searing orgasm, and this time, when I come apart, he comes apart with me.

  I slump on the couch, drained and sated. Zeke takes my hand in his. “Too much?”

  “Are you kidding?” I snuggle into his warm body, and he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. “That was great. You can do that to me anytime.”


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