Wolf of Sight

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Wolf of Sight Page 27

by Quinn Loftis

  “Volcan, I will stand in the place of the healers. My power is beyond anything they will ever have. My blood is yours. You need not seek to have theirs any longer.”

  Volcan’s eyes widened. “You’re giving me your blood? How much?” His words were greedy, and the look in his eyes even more so.

  “All of it,” the Great Luna said clearly. She turned and faced the field and then knelt. Volcan walked around her and taunted her.

  “Some goddess you are. The great and powerful is now kneeling at my feet. Your blood will join with my own, and I will be untouchable.” He slashed a blade across his palm and then quick as lightening he plunged the same blade into the heart of the Great Luna.

  Jewel’s stomach clenched as she watched the powerful goddess take the blow that she didn’t deserve.

  As soon as her blood began to flow, Volcan pressed his cut hand to her chest so her blood would flow into him. The wind began to pick up, and lightning streaked across the sky that had been silent. Thunder clapped and boomed, and Jewel’s voice wasn’t the only one that rang out as she screamed, “NO!”

  The Great Luna’s eyes ran over each of them as the wind picked up as if all of nature was outraged at what was unfolding. Volcan threw back his head and laughed, but Jewel was too focused on the goddess to be concerned with the lunatic fae.

  Within minutes the storm stilled and the Great Luna spoke. Her voice filled every empty place of the field. “It is finished.” Her head fell forward, and her body collapsed to the earth.

  Everyone fell to their knees. Jewel felt the darkness inside of her gathering, the taint that Volcan had put inside of her pooling into one place. Her focus was lost as she heard Volcan’s maniacal laughter.

  Jewel opened her eyes and looked at the high fae who had allowed his own need for power to fully corrupt him. He looked gleeful, but that only lasted for a minute. Then the laughter stopped and his eyes widened.

  “What’s, what…” he stuttered. “What’s happening? What!” He roared and his arms flung out to his sides, his back bowed, and his chin pointed up to the sky. Suddenly light shot out from his body, his arms, hands, legs, everywhere. It just radiated off of him. It grew more and more powerful until finally the ground shook and the light fractured, right along with Volcan himself.

  Jewel felt herself fall forward, and when she rose up again, the light was dissipating, and it was no longer so bright she couldn’t see. Volcan was gone, and in his place, the Great Luna stood in all her glory. Her white gown shone like the sun, and love radiated off of her.

  “My blood has been shed to cover the darkness that lives inside of you,” the Great Luna said. “As long as you live in this world, there will be evil and it will tempt you. But I have shed my blood to cover your darkness. Only my light can destroy darkness and evil. The light lives in each of you, if you so choose to accept it. There will be more battles to come. There will be more evil to stand against. Some will be external battles, and some you will fight within your own flesh. Through them all, I am with you.

  “Go now and rest for a time. Strengthen your bonds, your packs, and yourselves because soon you all will need to join together across the world to stand as one. My beloved children, I will be with you always.”

  When she was gone Jewel climbed to her feet with the help of Dalton, who’d phased back to his human form. Thanks to one of the fae, he was at least wearing pants, as were all the other men who’d phased back into their human forms.

  “JEWEL,” Kara bellowed from across the field and came barreling toward her. The other healers followed, and Peri snagged Heather’s hand, dragging her along as she headed for Jewel. Dalton got behind her and placed his hands on her hips, as if he felt like he needed to brace her for impact and maybe he did.

  Arms wrapped around her and bodies crashed into her, causing her to be pressed into Dalton’s stomach and chest. Jewel felt tears sliding down her cheeks as she held onto the girls who’d become family to her.

  “Not to take away from this kick-ass moment,” Heather’s voice broke through the tears. “But to recap things, Jewel’s alive, Volcan killed the Great Luna and then was obliterated, and then said killed goddess came back to life and destroyed the hold Volcan had over us, and boom, here we are? Kale was trying to keep me filled in on things, but it was difficult to hear him at times.”

  “It sounds so simple and anticlimactic when you put it like that,” Stella said. “It really was much more impressive than just ‘boom here we are’.”

  “Of that, I’ve no doubt,” Heather said. “I’m just glad it ended with ‘boom here we are’, rather than ‘damn, there we went’.”

  Jewel laughed and felt Dalton’s arms tighten on her. She was laughing. She was alive and so were all of those that she loved. They’d won. They’d defeated Volcan because of the Great Luna and her love for her creation.

  The End


  “Yes, it was worth it.”


  The battle was done. The enemy, or at least one of them, was defeated. And though there was much to be thankful for, the losses we suffered were painful. Tonight, only hours after Volcan was defeated, we lay Bannan’s body to rest.

  “I figured you all didn’t have anything to wear for such an occasion,” Peri said as she flashed into the room. She was holding an armful of black garments.

  Jewel walked over and grabbed one for herself and one for Heather. “Here, Heather,” she said, touching the blind healer’s hand and placing the material against it. “It’s a black dress.”

  “Thank you, Peri,” Heather said as she raised the dress in both hands.

  “It just slips over your head,” Peri told her.

  They each dressed in silence and Peri waited, her eyes glassy and staring off into space. It was the most subdued Jewel had ever seen the high fae.

  “I think we’re ready,” Jewel said as she looked at each of her sister healers. They all nodded.

  Peri held out her arms. “I don’t feel like walking any more than I have to. Touch some skin I’ll flash us to the location.”

  They did as she asked and, in the blink of an eye they were on a beach. It was dark. The night sky was filled with a thousand stars, and the ocean breeze blew warmly across Jewel’s face.

  Dalton was by her side a minute later. He wrapped an arm around her waist. “You look lovely, Little Dove,” he said, his deep voice a gentle caress against her frazzled nerves. Neither of them had wanted to be separated from each other for even a second, but Jewel had needed a few minutes with her friends, who she now considered sisters.

  “I missed you,” she told him as she looked up into his eyes.

  Dalton leaned down and pressed his lips tenderly to hers. “I could feel that through the bond,” he said, concern marring his handsome face. “I would have come to you. But I wanted to respect your desire to spend some time with the other girls.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I know it was hard for you to be away from me as well.”

  “And now that we are together, forgive me if I don’t release you for even a second.” He ran the back of his fingers across her cheek, staring at her so reverently Jewel had to remind herself to breathe.

  “I won’t be leaving your side, so no worries,” she replied shamelessly.

  “If everyone could please join me and my mate.” Kale’s voice filled the dark night.

  Jewel and her mate headed toward the couple, who were standing beside the still body of Bannan. The former pack member lay on a funeral pyre ready to be sent off into the ocean.

  Kale’s tightly controlled emotions began to unravel. His heart was heavy as he looked down at his fallen packmate. Their alpha had already called to verify what he’d felt in the pack bonds when Bannan had died. The pack would be morning right along with Kale, Heather, and the group of people who had come to mean so very much to him.

  Once every one had created a half circle around the pyre, Kale looked a
t each of the members of their unconventional pack. Thad stood next to Jezebel with his arm wrapped tightly around her. Next to them, Elle and Sorin, as well as Adam and Crina, stood hand in hand. Peri and Lucian held the next spot and then the healers were lined one after the other with their mates standing behind each of them, their arms wrapped tightly around the girls’ waists. The unmated males came after the mated ones and each stood proud as they met Kale’s gaze and bowed their heads briefly to him, in respect for his fallen packmate. The only ones not present were Z, Sly, Evanora, and Adira. The warlocks had felt it was important that they get Evanora home to begin to heal. Adira had expressed her condolences and then told them that she’d had all she could handle of other people for quite a while. But she’d told Peri if the fae needed her help, Peri need only call. Heather stood beside him holding his hand tightly, letting him know she would help comfort him through the pain. She wouldn’t leave his side.

  “Not going anywhere, my mate,” she whispered through the bond. “I love you and I’m so sorry for your loss, for the loss to all of the Canis lupus by the death of Bannan.”

  “Thank you, my beloved mate,” he said softly and mentally caressed her face.

  “Thank you for coming to honor the life of Bannan McNair, third to the Irish Pack, friend and loyal protector,” Kale said, raising his voice above the ocean waves rolling in. “His time in this life is over. Now, he will travel on to be with the Great Luna. He will be rewarded for the selfless life he has led. Tonight, we light a fire and add our light to his pyre so he can be sent out into the ocean burning as bright in death as he did in life.”

  Kale stepped forward and took a match from a match box, lit it, and dropped it into the straw that made up the pyre. Heather took the matches and did the same and then one by one each of them lit a match and added it to the pyre. The fae didn’t need the matches, the simply used their magic to add their own fire. When it was finished, the males stepped forward and helped Kale push the pyre and Bannan out into the ocean.

  The fire blazed bright and Kale threw his head back and howled, sending his friend off with the battle cry of his wolf, and the other wolves joined with him. Peri, Elle, and Adam all three lifted their hands and balls of light shot from their palms straight for Bannan and the glow magnified.

  “Rest easy my friend,” Kales whispered. “You did well in this life.”


  For a matter of days I, who have been blind from the day I was born, had been able to see. I witnessed the incredible beauty of nature, the joy of a smile on the face of people I cared for, and the colors that have been described to me my whole life, but I’ve never truly understood. I saw the man I loved, I saw myself, and I saw the differences in humans that many choose to curse instead of celebrate. What an incredible gift I was given, even if it was just for a short time.

  I gave that gift up because I didn’t want to be a wicked witch, and I didn’t want my friends to be, either. I’d rather be blind than allow evil to rule, no matter the promises of power that were given to us. I’d rather be blind and know that light exists than to have sight and live filled with darkness.

  Besides, I don’t really need to see. I have a wolf-mate and his sight works just fine. He sees what I cannot. And I see, in my own way, what he cannot. We’re a pretty great team. In fact, I offered to put him through my seeing-eye dog training program, but I’m pretty sure his answer was “no thank you.” Or at least that’s how I interpreted his very rumbly growl.


  “How mad are you?” Kara asked Nick as they sat on Peri’s back porch. Two days had passed since Volcan was obliterated, Jewel had died and come back to life, the Great Luna had shed her blood to save them, and Bannan had been sent off for his time in eternity. They’d all slept for nearly a day and a half and now were taking some time to process everything that had happened.

  “You mean about the whole giving up children thing?”

  She nodded.

  “Children are never a guaranteed outcome in a relationship, Kara,” he said as he took her hand in his. “Would I have loved to have had children with you? Yes. But if giving up children means I get to keep you, then I’m more than okay with that.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “Hey.” He placed a finger under her chin, raising her face so he could look her in her eyes. “I’m excited about our future, babe. Kids or not, I am in awe of you as my mate. Don’t buy into that lie that we have to have kids to be a real family. We’re already a family. And we always have the option of adoption. That would be a wonderful way to bring a child into our lives. That would make me just as happy as if we’d had a biological child. Okay?”

  Kara nodded. “Okay.”

  Nick leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. “Very soon we will be bound and married and with our pack, which is the rest of our family. We will face everything together, side by side.”

  “I love you,” Kara told him.

  “It’s a good thing or it might get really awkward if I was following you everywhere and trying to sleep in your bed.”

  She laughed. “Awkward is putting it lightly.”

  “I love you too, baby.”


  “Are you alright with your decision?” Gustavo asked Anna. When he’d sat down on the couch, he’d pulled her into his lap and began running his fingertips up and down her arm. She loved his touch and craved it.

  She nodded. “I am. I’m sad, but it was the right sacrifice and I knew it the moment it came to me.”

  Gustavo pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I know that wasn’t easy for you.”

  “Sacrifices aren’t supposed to be easy. If they were, then they wouldn’t be sacrifices.”

  “Very true,” Gustavo said with a small smile.

  “So what’s next?” Anna asked as she laid her head on his shoulder. She took a deep breath and let his scent fill her.

  He tilted his head so she could get closer and then nuzzled her back. “Next we go home and see what’s happening with our pack and the other packs in the world.”

  “Home to Spain?”

  “Yes. I can’t wait to show you my country and introduce you to our pack. They are going to love you,” he said, his voice filled with pride as he spoke of his home.

  “It will be your home as well, mi amor,” he told her, having picked up on her thoughts.

  “I’m excited, too,” Anna admitted. “I’ve been stuck in the same town all my life, and now the whole world has been opened to me. I’ve been alone and, honestly, a little lost. And any place you are, that is where my home is.”

  “You’re not lost anymore. I’ve found you and I’m not letting you go. You are my world, my sweet Anna. You hold not only the other half of my soul, you also hold my whole heart.”

  She looked up into his eyes and smiled. “Same,” she said, pointing at herself. Then she reached up and cupped his face with her hand. She ran her thumb across his lips, leaned up, and quickly nipped them. “Then take me home, mate. Let’s start our life together.”


  Stella was wrapped in Ciro’s arms as they stared up at the moon through the window in the room they were sharing. All the males insisted on sleeping in the same room as their mates, which the girls found hilarious because they were still sleeping on the floor, just not out in a hallway anymore.

  “We can stay with one of the other healers if that would make you more comfortable,” Ciro said. “I don’t want to rush you.”

  Stella turned to look up at him. “You’re not rushing me, Ciro, and I’m ready. I’m not going to let my past keep me from having an amazing present and future. I’m ready to be with you, to be your mate, and to go with you to your pack.”

  Ciro pressed his lips to her forehead. “You have no idea how much that means to me. You are so incredibly strong, and I am honored to be your mate.”

  “I’m pretty fond of you myself,” she teased. “I am looking forward to getti
ng to spend time with you that maybe doesn’t include us fighting off evil or chasing bad guys, at least for a little while.”

  “I could do with some uninterrupted mate time as well,” he agreed. “I will show you my home, and I hope you will love it as much as I do.”

  “As long as you’re there, I know I will love it.”


  There was a knock on the door of the bedroom Dalton was sharing with his mate. He pulled it open and reached out his hand to shake Lucian’s. Peri stood next to him, and smiled at Dalton.

  “We are honored you would ask this of us,” Lucian said as they stepped inside.

  “Even you?” Dalton asked the high fae. They’d had some pretty tense moments over the past months.

  “I’ve never disliked you, Dalton,” Peri told him. “I did what was necessary at the time for the safety and wellbeing of our pack. I would have done it to anyone else that had been in your shoes. Please don’t take it personally. I am very happy for you and Jewel and as my mate said, honored you would ask us to be here for you both.” She looked around the room. “Speak of your other half, where is she?”

  “She’s in the bathroom. She doesn’t know I planned this.”

  Peri chuckled. “It’s going to suck if she tells you to go pound sand.”

  Dalton felt a twinge of fear at the thought of his mate denying him.

  “Oh man, the look on your face is bad enough to make me want to shoot myself. I was teasing, wolf. She adores you. You have nothing to worry about.” Peri reached into her pocket and pulled out something. She held out her hand to him and opened the closed fist. There on her palm was a beautiful golden ring.

  “Whoa,” Dalton said slowly.

  “I figured you hadn’t exactly had time to go out and get one, considering what we’ve been dealing with, the killing and dying and anguish and what not. So I made one for your healer.”


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