Demon Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 3)

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Demon Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 3) Page 5

by Rae Hendricks

  But then I look into those piercing eyes, the first eyes I ever looked at and fell for immediately, even if we were just dancing, and even if his intentions were entirely sinister at the time.

  A chill runs through me remembering how he has been watching me for a long time, years even, to decide that I am the one he wanted to give his blood to. It is a special kind of secret that makes me buzz inside, makes me want to show him what he might have been missing out on by waiting so long to show up in my life.

  So, instead of gong off on him, I blink and smile, trying hard not to look like a dumb school girl, and my uniform is not helping.

  “Adriel,” I breathe. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “You know I did,” is all he says, and I have a million questions for him and almost no time or space to ask them. I want to know about why Jake got to come back to school, what he’s been doing with the Magistrate, and if he has seen Kagan lately.

  And I want to know how soon we are going to have to enact whatever plan he had for me – him and the angels that is.

  “You don't look angry,” he notices, cocking his head to the side like a cat studying its future prey.

  “What am I supposed to be angry about?”

  “Everything you learned.” His tone is neutral, especially as others pass us by. I walk around to the side of the campus, the same place I found him and Kagan fighting about their love for me, though that seems ages ago.

  “No, I have no reason to be angry. The worst if it, I already knew. You were told to do what you did. You couldn’t go back on your word. And as much as I don't like the burden that’s on my shoulders, I am glad you chose me.”

  His hand lingers in the air between us. I can almost feel it brushing up against my cheek, moving my hair back away off my shoulder. He wants to be able to touch me in public, to let everyone know how he feels about me.

  I can sense this, but the most contact and pleasure I get from him is him then reaching down to stroke Ursula’s fur with his incredibly soft hands.

  The hands of an angel.

  “Adriel, are you going to be training me today?” I ask hopefully.

  “Yes, I volunteered to fill in for Kagan, though he promises to see you on Sunday.”

  I chuckle, though there is a searing anger inside of me as well, over Kagan and his frequent absences.

  I still find it strangely amusing that not only can I date three men at once, but they can get along so well. Telling each other to fill in for them. Sure, it isn’t in a date setting, but still, it’s not something I think I could handle if the roles were reversed.

  I would not look good jealous.

  “Then, I’ll see you after classes.” I raise my eyebrow at him meaningfully, partially so he knows there will be questions, but there’s so much more than answers I want from him.

  Adriel is sorely missed for his special brand of romance. He never seeks to say the right things but always does, always making me feel like the most special woman on the planet.

  In his arms, I am, and he brings this undying love out of me that burns inside and feels cold without him. I don't know how I could be so infatuated with three different men at once, and even if they stay with me forever, I will always be curious at how it happened. But I wouldn’t take it for granted or trade it for the world.

  I barely step foot inside my first class when I am summoned to the office.

  I stand outside of it, wondering what I might encounter inside. I think back to the first time I was called in here and how I was more than shocked to find Adriel, angel member of the Magistrate, waiting for me on the other side of that door.

  The recently de-virginized side of me hopes that it's just some game, some way to get me alone in there and relive the memory. But there is an ominous feeling I can’t shake.

  I don't think Adriel is behind those doors, and it scares me as to why I would be called in there. Our administration is lax with direct contact. I have seen more of the Magistrate than I have of them, and I think that’s what makes me hesitate as I approach the door.

  Knowing I can’t delay forever, I open it, trying to take on a neutral expression for who is on the other side. Playing good and ignorant has kept me alive so far, and it may be the only thing to continue to do so until the last possible moment.

  Sure enough, I find a member of the Magistrate at the desk, though I am glad it is not Reyes.

  It is Daniel, of all people.

  I have always seen him as a man of very little words. He is tall and dark, menacing in appearance, always in large coats no matter the weather outside, but I have barely heard him speak a word before.

  Why is he here?

  “Miss Graywood,” he says, his voice more flowery than I recall. He sounds like he is trying to woo me rather than be an authority figure. “Reyes is busy and sends his regards. I also know Adriel will be on campus today, but the matter of your enrollment here is not under his jurisdiction.”

  The demon in me wants to ask him if the big word made him feel good about himself. Even Ursula snorts by my side, and I send her a mental message to chill out here. This could be dangerous.

  “Is there something wrong with my enrollment here?”

  “No, of course not. It is the opposite.” He holds something in his hand, some slip of paper, and I stand here awkwardly, wondering what it is. He seems to be all about the dramatics.

  He passes the paper to me across the desk, and I take it tentatively. Ursula practically glues herself to the side of my leg at this point. I look at it and see it's a certificate – for passing my first year at the academy.

  “So, I’m done with double duty then?” I ask, trying to make light of all of this. Part of me feels great about it and the other wonders how in the world I will continue the intense training I need right under their noses if I am being told I can stop it, that I no longer need to do it.

  “Only if you want to be,” he counters mysteriously. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to figure him out. I don't like talking to Daniel; that’s about all I glean. He is too mysterious in everything he says, but he does it with so much seriousness. It feels completely nefarious and in some ways even worse than being around Reyes.

  “I don't understand.”

  “We have heard from your teachers and your tutors that you are a very powerful witch, as I would suspect considering you are an Aurora Witch. We have so many opportunities for someone like you. You could even land yourself as one of us someday.” He grins, like I would want to be a part of the Magistrate. As long as Reyes and his experimentations are at the helm, I’ll stay off that path completely. “And there are more demons and vampires to face daily. Not many know because we don't want to panic them, but there has been a 25% increase in demon activity in the last year alone.”

  “What does any of this have to do with me and my schoolwork?” I interrupt him, not liking the chill that fills the air. It could be my paranoia. In fact, I am most certain that it is, but I don't want to be in here any longer than I have to be.

  “The Magistrate has sent me to offer you an opportunity. You could have a break until after your birthday, but then we would continue with the same plan as before, intense training outside of class as well as doubling up on classes, being dually enrolled in second and third year. You could graduate a semester or even more early and come join our ranks. You could be great like your father.”

  The fact that he even tries to mention my father makes my blood boil. I need to get out of here before I do something everyone involved will regret.

  “I accept,” I say not knowing what else to do. I doubt he will give me time to think on it, so I won’t get any help along in the decision.

  “Well then, congratulations, Riley Graywood. Enjoy your break while you can. I hear the third year is intense. It has been so long for me.” He winks and stands, and taking this as my dismissal, I rush out of the room, hoping it is not too suspicious.

  I book it down the hall and as far away from Daniel as possib
le. I’m not sure if I can go back to class right now. I don't even know if I should, or if I should feign illness and get a note from the infirmary. Then go home and get a hold of everyone so I can fill them in on this.

  It can’t mean anything good that they want me to graduate sooner.

  “I can’t believe they think you could do this in the next year. If anything, with your angel abilities alone, you need extra time,” Ursula hisses.

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I tell her sarcastically.

  “No! You know what I mean. I believe in you…I believe in our abilities, but they know that you couldn’t possibly learn in such short a time. They either want you to fail, or they want to get you out in the field and have you making stupid mistakes.”

  I frown at that and know my decision is made.

  I go to the bathroom, making sure by kicking all the stalls in that nobody is there. Then, I lock the door.

  “What are you doing?” Ursula questions.

  “I’m about to get very sick.”

  When I come out of the bathroom, I almost get sick for real because of the bang up job I’ve done. After all, I am a Demon Witch; simply using magic to appear ill should be a piece of cake.

  My hair sticks to my head in places like I’ve been sweating, and I smell like puke. It could be seen as embarrassing if anyone catches me this way, even a puke stain on my shirt, but I don’t care right now. In no way am I prepared to face classes today after that shake up with Daniel in the office. I need to see my men as soon as possible, even if Kagan has to come over on his lunch break.

  Assuming he even still wants to see me.

  My head feeling like I have a high fever, I stumble my way into the infirmary, hoping I haven’t overdone it.

  “Oh, my goodness,” the nurse says when she sees me. “I don't think I’ve ever seen you sick. It must be a bad one. Go ahead and have a seat.” I hop up onto one of the cots and groan as she pulls a curtain around me for privacy. There are three other beds with curtains like this in the room, and they are now obscured from view.

  I throw Ursula the pillow from the bed down to the floor so she has somewhere to lay in case this takes longer than I would like to get sent home.

  The nurse goes away and comes back with the typical supplies, very human ones. I am sure magic would make her job simpler, but unless it is healing an injury, most nurses stick to the typical stuff. Something about it being unfair or that nursing is a lost art.

  My temperature is checked, which does come up a little high, my heart and lungs listened to. She makes a comment about the gurgling in my stomach and suspects some kind of stomach bug.

  “I would stay home tomorrow too for good measure, but these things usually pass as quickly as they come on,” she says, waving me out the door.

  When I make it back out into the hall, Dru is there waiting for me.

  “Stalker much?” I ask him.

  “You look like you could use some help getting home, but now that I see you I’m not so sure. You might be catching.”

  “Do demons even get sick?” I hiss at him as I still play up the illness until we are to the gates. Looking back and seeing no one is near us, everyone still in their respective classes, I counter the spells I used on myself, even the stain on my shirt clearing up.

  “Not really, and it looks like you aren’t sick either.”

  I shake my head as we maintain a normal pace heading back to my apartment. “No, and I need you to use whatever method you have of contacting Adriel and Kagan to let them know we need to talk.”

  He looks like he is about to ask more questions, but I give him a look to let him know that this is not the time.

  We get inside my place, and I flop down into the couch. “Look, I can see that whatever this is serious, but I am warning you now, Adriel and Kagan may not be able to come, even this afternoon.”

  “Why? Adriel is already on campus today, and the Magistrate knows.”

  “They know everything right now, which means they would know if he came for a visit when he wasn’t assigned. You know what that would look like.”

  “And what about Kagan?” I counter. “It’s not like he has the same excuse. People know we are together.”

  “Kagan is an ass, and people don't know you’re still together.”

  I look at him, noticing his sudden disdain for Kagan. “I thought you didn’t get jealous.”

  “I can handle you liking other guys. I’m aware that our relationship is totally different than with those two. That’s fine. What I don't like is this bull he’s pulling with his duty to his father and the Magistrate like it's actually helping. And even if it did, I know for a fact you asked him not to do it anymore. I heard you, but he is still doing it. I don't play like that, and neither should he.”

  “Fair enough, but what makes it okay for you to come around? You’re the experimental demon at Paranormal Hunter Academy, why is that not fishy?”

  “Because, Riley, I’m the safest there is. The most trusted. I betrayed my own kind by spying on them and taking them out this summer. I haven’t said a word to you about what I know about your bestie being jacked up by them as far as they know, and I was already hanging out with you, the other outsider at the school. Plus, if either of us were a problem, we could destroy each other for them.”

  “Then, you’ll be my cover,” I say, the brilliant idea just now coming to me.

  “Your what?”

  “My cover. You’re the one I will be with publicly. That way, there is no reason for anyone to suspect.” He runs his hand through his hair and looks away. “Don’t tell me you have an issue being seen with me in public.”

  “Not at all, but I’m not a hand holding type of guy, and I certainly don't want to just be some cover.”

  I stand up long enough to pull him down on the couch with me, climbing on top of him as my lips meet his before pulling away but not too far. “Trust me, you’re not.”

  “Well, then I’ll see if I can at least get you Jake over here, and I’ll relay any message I need to the others. Will you be okay here for a couple hours?”

  I pat the couch so Ursula jumps up on it, her body covering my lap protectively. “I think so.”

  Chapter Seven

  "Jake, I really don’t want this burden on you. Are you sure you can handle any more information right now?"

  I look at my audience - which is only Jake and Dru, and I feel like I am more than a burden on them, especially Jake. He should be learning to handle what he is now and reconnecting with those he loves. He should not be dealing with oncoming danger and my drama, but he is one of only two available to see me.

  I want to ask if Dru even went and asked Kagan to come, but even if Dru doesn’t agree with Kagan’s behavior and he is a demon, he wouldn’t do that to me. Which means that Kagan has chosen to keep up with his excuses for not being around. I just hope we can solve it over the weekend. Adriel says he will be here on Sunday, so hopefully, Kagan doesn't bow out on that too.

  "I can handle it," Jake says, sitting next to me, puffing up his chest a little. "Just because they tried to break me doesn’t mean they succeeded. I need to pull myself out of this. I have a family to keep safe, maybe even a mother to free if all this is true. I have just as much reason to be in this fight as you, so please, don’t discount me because you think I need time and space after what happened. What I need is to triumph and to get back to normal."

  "Normal?" I snort, and Dru winks at me from across the room where he is playing - yes, playing - with Ursula. Good thing all the men are growing on her. Though, the idea of us all living in the same place one day as much as I would like it also seems comical.

  "Yeah, I suppose normalcy has pretty much gone out the window, but you know what I mean," Jake offers, a laugh dancing on his lips.

  "I've never known normalcy," Dru pipes in, and I glare him, but I can’t hold the look long.

  "Okay, the suspense is killing us. You faked being sick to get out of classes b
ecause something spooked you, and I know you by now. You don’t get easily spooked. I mean, you're dating a demon. Openly now it seems." Dru comes up and bats his eyes at me playfully, but I sense the tension behind it. Very little scares Dru. He was brave enough to betray his own kind and then go back to them over the summer just to protect Jake. But I know from the story he told me about my father, how he was saved by him, that he is afraid of some things. He is afraid of what the Magistrate can have the hunters do to him and the innocents like he was. Not all demons were bad, as it turned out.

  "I was called into the office today, and Daniel was there."

  "Daniel?" Dru asks his brow furrowing as he sits down with the two of us on the couch. The mention of the name makes Ursula bark.

  "Yeah, and he was there to tell me that Reyes was too busy but that everyone had reported I was doing so well they consider me graduated from year one completely now. And then he offered me to dual enroll in third year after my birthday. He says they have a place for me to do great things like my dad, like they are in a hurry to use me. And he gave me this weird vibe, even worse than I get from Reyes. What does it all mean?"

  Dru shakes his head. "I don’t pretend to understand the Magistrate and their games, but I know Adriel won’t like this, assuming he doesn’t already know. He told you he’d be on campus today to take Kagan’s pace, but maybe this is really why he’s here."

  I hadn’t even thought of that. He did seem like he had more to say to me.

  A scratching sound invades my ears, and Ursula goes to the door, an animal whimper coming from her throat. She whines and scratches back, making me wonder what or who is on the other side, yet nothing comes through our bond right now. She’s too focused.

  Jake is the one who moves to answer the door. It should be me...or maybe Dru, but Jake does it, risking himself. Maybe he thinks since he has hellfire he is the most dangerous to those who could come and get at me here rather than out there in the world.


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