Chicago Leo (Femme Fatale Book 1)

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Chicago Leo (Femme Fatale Book 1) Page 5

by Laikyn Meng

“Rou, why must you embarrass me in front of the underlings?” His whisper is sharp as he believes he is dangerous. But I am the one who taught him how danger could be useful once you become it.

  “Do I sense your pride has been hurt, Dante? What would Mother and Father think of your confession of feelings?” But he does not answer because we do not bring up the parents who abandoned us for their own amusement.

  I couldn’t find the humor in their decision, not even as a mother myself.

  “Empress.” Someone calls from the entryway as the man beneath my claws begins to widen his eyes with a scream only angels can hear.


  “True Mourningdove is here.” I remember her name because I scanned her footage after the security team took her away.

  When he says her last name, I flash my heated eyes to Dante, who stares at me and nods. The minute the messenger quotes her name, I pretend to see my hands shake as I rise and smooth out my dress.

  “Bring her to the thirteenth floor. I need to change.” The elevator ride is uneventful, and when I reach my suite, a new set of clothes is laid out for me.

  As Marley and I make our way to the office, I greet the staff and welcome the guests. True doesn’t turn around to watch me; she waits until I sit behind my throne.

  “Sorry it took me so long; you understand running a hotel can be time-consuming.”

  “No need for apologies; torturing the human body must weigh heavily on your conscience.” Her hands are wrapped in clean white gauze, a faded bruise blemishes her eye. She holds her head high, so strong and courageous.

  “Well, being tortured must be equally displeasing.” I lean back into the chair, waiting.

  We hold our cards close to our hearts. Minutes are quiet, but slowly, a small smile wins over True’s face.

  “Do you not feel bad for the crimes you commit?”

  “No.” Honestly, I don’t have time to feel guilty for any reason other than accepting my power when others do not take the same opportunity to do the same.

  “For good things to happen, bad things also must occur. If, in fact, I am responsible for the bad things, then I can expect the good somewhere else. This is a balance I learned a long time ago.”

  “Buy them and send them home.” I guess we are over with the pleasantries and on to a more pressing issue.

  “You want me to buy over two thousand prostitutes? Say you save ten; another twenty are on the next bus down. These women are in bad shape; they have changed. Some have been missing for years, True. Do you not understand how adjusting will be difficult?”

  “I know damn well what adjustments need to be made. But you see, I have gone through them. I will show them.” For a few seconds, I consider being intimidated by her.

  “You'll lose over a hundred million this month alone.” True doesn’t even bat an eye. “Right, I forgot, for you it is not about the money.”

  “It's about doing what's right.”

  “We are in the wrong skin to be doing right.”

  “There need to be consequences for their actions. Retribution for the time served.” True is calm, always so collected with her pain and purpose. Every scar on her perfect body, first marked by greedy intent, now is faded into a symbol of survival.

  “It is not my cause.” Giving myself space between the matter she wants me to invest.

  “But you have the connections to make it so.”

  “True, you want me to make it my pledge, but those men didn’t do anything to me.” Tilting my head, following the rim of my glass as I taunt her.

  “They may not have done anything to you. But the traffickers forced entrance on your territory. Where I come from, a man can be killed for coming when he was not invited.” Her small steps bring her two feet closer.

  “Calm down; you must remove yourself from the situation.” My fingers smooth a piece of hair away from my face.

  “This is not business; this is personal. Every woman, young girl, or boy whose skin cells are lost on another buyer. It becomes more personal when your breath turns into theirs. At what point do you become just like the monsters who cage you, Roulette?”

  It’s a challenge.

  My first name, a card to strike a deal. Listen up and listen well; I’m all ears, darling.

  “You want me to replace these victims with willing participants?”

  “I do not want you to replace anything. I am willing to sacrifice more than I have if it replaces their fear with new power.”


  “Have you ever been hurt by those that steal your choices?” She leans in too close, and I shift my shoulder, indicating Marley to grab her.

  “Don’t you dare touch her.” Denver, whose father was our doctor at one time, speaks. But even though you have a tongue doesn’t mean it should be used.

  “See, that was my emotions; you cannot lead a life trusting them. True, you used to be such a good pretender. Put on a good face and go meet your next appointment. People pay good money to watch the tulip bloom.” As I walk past her, she grabs my wrist, and before I can counteract, she holds the other. “Demons are paid in sins, darling. I am sure you have enough in the bank.” I tease her as her face remains neutral.

  True pushes me until my back lays flat on the desk. Marley is on his knees as Denver holds a gun to his head. At this moment, I know we only have seconds before one of the guards notices the silence.

  I am not scared; I have welcomed death many times before in my life.

  “Please, I can’t go home until I settle the score.” The only thing I sense behind those brown eyes is desperation. She holds herself so well; I blink, confused she would ever ask for help.

  Before I can think, I see an opportunity. I headbutt her, and she releases me. I pull my gun out from my thigh. But True remains on the floor, rubbing her forehead, and waits for me to make a decision.

  “I need you to get up and stop crying. So you got raped a few times. True, you’ve got to move on. If you don’t, then why do you continue to live in the first place? Why didn’t you make those insignificant slobs suffer for your pain, princess? Get off your knees, sister, stop bowing down to those who do not deserve your peace of mind.” My hand lightens as I place the gun down and hold it out to help her stand.

  “It was more than a few times.”

  “They will account for their sins, but you first have to decide.”

  “Decide what?”

  Poking a finger in her gut. “Find that place deep down inside yourself—a place where you won’t feel bad for killing a living being. I know your people are big on treating everything as equals, one with nature or some shit. But honestly, it’s more fun to play goddess than it is to play creation. True, decide if you can live with sending these individuals back into Mother Earth for a final time.” I am the first one to move back. Her eyes take their time rising to meet mine.

  “For several years, I have made myself live in a place that does not feel anything. The survival you said before, well Roulette, I’ve become the master of it.” One hand comes up, and she unwraps the gauze, giving me full rawness to shake.

  “True, your wounds need to heal properly before being exposed.” Her male friend stands with strict shoulders.

  “Hush, hush, nurse, the women are talking.” And I place my pure shea buttered hand into hers, and we make a deal.

  After they leave, Marley strolls over next to my desk. So close I inhale his sweet musk of scent.

  “You don’t like anybody; why were you nice to her?”

  “I like Carmen.” My head concierge at the front desk. We have had under 20 conversations, and it is a glamorous relationship.

  “Carmen works for you.”


  “Loyalty is expected.” Marley is not subtle, but he is right, so I change the subject.

  “Why are the restaurants not open? The delivery should have happened at six this morning.” I flip through the screens to find the loading docks. Men are sitting around while the truck bur
ns fuel, while they waste my money.

  “I’ll handle it.” Looking over my shoulder at the scene.

  “Pretty boy, if you were going to handle it, it should have been already. I love you, Marley; I think you are really great. It will be a shame when you betray me one day, and I will have to take back that beautiful tux.” I pat him on the chest as we head for the elevators.

  “I would never betray you,” he says, pushing the service elevator to the kitchens.

  “Every man has said something similar to those lines.” When I greet the chefs, they are equally frustrated with the workers in the back not doing their jobs.

  I apologize and make my way to the docks; no one notices me, and it’s a blessing. Because when I fire my gun, at least a few of the men piss themselves.

  “If those trucks are not unloaded in ten minutes, every one of you will know what the bad side of Chicago Leo teaches.” They scurry and hurry their asses off. I load boxes onto the crates, bring fresh produce to the sous-chefs and line cooks to prep.

  Make no mistake, I humble myself every day, knowing if I want my business to thrive, sometimes I will have to do the hard work.

  Chapter 9


  “Charvi, how is Seattle treating you?” I roam over the documents in front of me.

  “It’s cloudy.” She is hesitant as she speaks.

  “Will the development on the reservations be approved?”

  “Yes.” She takes a step back, hoping the conversation is done.

  “Running off so soon?”

  “I—I, I—” She gets stuck in a moment. Her eyes start to get glassy, and I wait for her to come back to the present. But as it continues, she begins to cry, and there is no place for the men to think we are weak.

  “Will you excuse us, gentlemen?” Charvi doesn’t even sense them as they move past her. She is locked in horror, in a nightmare. I bring inside my female security; they stand around her.


  It’s then she flinches, her eyes blink, tipping out the rest of her hurt.

  “Excuse me, I’m sorry.” Moving her head from side to side. This gracious woman needs a minute, and I am not qualified to give comfort.

  They bow their heads and start to pray softly for her.

  “No, please not this prayer.” Again she begs, and I try to understand. I set the part of me aside that wants to slap her, tell her to shape up, and move on. But this isn’t an episode I am familiar with; the pain is not from an outside source. It is one poisoned by her mind.

  Instead, they start singing, and she keeps her head lowered, and I fear touching her. But I don’t need to worry any longer, because she starts to sway and hums along with them.

  I leave the room, needing some air.

  “What was that about?” Dante strolls up, looking a little on edge.

  “Do you assume that everything that happens in my office is your business?”

  “Poe wants to know where the new planting grounds will be located.” He folds his arms, and I don’t like his tone.

  “I’ll give her a call; since when does Poe call you for action? Thought we made it clear that you aren’t to be taking any more supplements?”

  “I was in the neighborhood; thought I would stop by and say hello. See if Poe needed anything.” He shrugs, avoiding eye contact with me.

  “You thought wrong, Dante.” There is an itch that forms, something that goes against my senses.

  “You can’t do everything yourself, Roulette.” He smirks and waves; the asshole doesn’t even care who he disrespects. But I’ve had enough of his bullshit.

  So I take my blade and slam the butt end right to the tip of his nose.

  “Bitch!” Blood sprays as his broken nose collapses.

  “Very original; I haven’t heard that one before. Sounds just like how Father said it to Mother.” I elbow him so hard in the gut he throws up.

  “Made your point yet?” Heaving out a breath. His leg collides with my upper thigh, and the damn thing goes dead. He backhands me, splitting my lip with his stupid collectible Superbowl ring. When he raises a fist to deal another blow, Marley steps in and threatens him.

  “Another mark on her, and a strike will be done across your throat.” Pushing his fist back into his busted face.

  I straighten my bruised leg and wipe at my face. The strikes of knife-inflicted stripes we got were a way to keep order, deal out punishment, and acquire a new form of loyalty.

  “I do not need Marley to contain you because, if it happens again, I will personally bury you alive next to the corpses of our parents.” I spit at him, my jaw clenched in a fury.

  Marley tries to assist me, but I wave him off. These men in the hallway witness more than a sibling spat. A struggle of power between their bosses, but make no mistake, when I leave the arena, I stare all of them in the eye to make them aware of who commands this war.

  “Carmen,” I say into the elevator phone.

  “Yes, Miss Roulette?” Her voice is iconic, so poised with passion.

  “I need you to come to the thirteenth floor; it seems there has been an incident with some staining on the carpet.”

  “Right away, ma’am.” My concierge is the best at not batting an eye at our tactics.

  “Marley, we need to find a replacement singer for the Curious.” We walk through the double doors, and in the light, it is nothing special. When the lights turn down, and the spotlight hits the stage, magic happens.

  “I think we have a few recruits. Carmen sent over some resumes. They are on the table; I’ll grab our lunch.” He walks away with so much confidence. If I had friends, Marley would be close to my best friend, I mean, if I wasn’t paying him.

  “Who are you, and why are you on my stage?” I see the small-framed woman turn with a great big smile.

  “Sippie, ma’am. I want to audition.”

  “We aren’t looking for immature singers.”

  “I could sing backup.” Anything to get a chance.

  “Darling, unless you plan on stripping off your clothes, then that stage isn’t the place for you. Because that is the only thing it is good for.” I focus on the sandwich in front of me, but Marley keeps staring at her.

  “Curious is an elevation of thought. It consists of the freedom and empowerment of individuals being able to express their bodies. It’s not like any other show you’ll encounter in our area.”

  Moving around the chips on my plate.

  “Curious allows the beauty to be viewed in a way that is controlled and carefree. The ladies and gentlemen who frequent our establishment are welcomed with a chance to witness something truly amazing. An event like none other.” Giving her the reason I have a reputation to uphold.

  “What?” When he doesn’t start to eat with me. The sandwich and my lip are having a flavor contest, and the fat lip is winning.

  “I can do both.” Offering up yet another moral to please me.

  Apparently, I am in too kind of a mood that I actually don’t think of killing her first.

  “Prove it.” I flick my fingers to the DJ to start a song. She starts to move her hips, but I take one bite and then another. Whoever made this sandwich is getting a goddamn raise.

  Her song ends, and I guess it was acceptable because our small audience is fascinated.

  “Did I miss something? Also, who made this sandwich?”

  Marley stares at me wide-eyed. “I made them; the kitchen staff was busy preparing for tonight’s festival.”

  “This is very good; do you want a raise?”

  “You already pay me too much.”

  “I know, so you don’t get tempted to leave me for another, maybe someone with a beautiful singing voice and doe eyes.” I tilt my head toward the stage, and he rolls his eyes at my joke. “That’s what I thought; you would miss me too much if you left.”

  “I don’t think my wife would ever let me leave your side, Empress.” There is the rare smile that grows from our giddiness.

ippie, sweetie, you’ve got the job. Get with Carmen to go over the contract. As far as you are concerned, you are now under agreement with us. If anyone offers you a deal outside these walls, and you accept, well, let us pretend you’ll still have those pipes.” She doesn’t seem scared, determined even. Hey, she walked into our place of business and asked for a favor.

  I give, but obviously expect more in return.

  MY ELBOWS REST ON MY thighs as I lean forward to get a better view of the game on the football field.

  Killian took his helmet off and started cursing at the opponent. The ref getting between them, the guy should know better; let the boys have their brawl.

  It wasn't until Syron made her way up with two sidekicks that made it clear it wasn't just the football game getting to his head. Or at least maybe it was getting to his manhood.

  They came up giggling. "So, Rou, we were just wondering if we could head to Sarah's house, her parents are there, and maybe we could have a sleepover."

  "Hi, girls." I flicked two fingers toward me; Syron leaned in closer. "If you lie to me again, you will be imprisoned in the cauldron until you turn twenty-one, darling. Now, I expect you to return home right before midnight or you will be found. What do your good little Christian friends say; nothing good happens after midnight." My left hand releases the back of her neck,

  Syron leans back to her friends, who are still smiling, and she smiles too; the girl has learned well.

  "Perfect, see you around."

  She scampers off a few rows down.


  "Yeah?" She turns, eyes suspicious.

  "What did you do to Killian?"

  She looks back at the field and pulls her eyes down with shame. Back up to meet mine, not entirely backing down.


  I smile because the chick lies with every syllable these days.

  I cock my head back and laugh.

  "Word of warning, either let him fuck you and move on with your virginity code of conduct. Or give him back his balls, can't be losing his head when the scouts come to take our baby boy away to the big leagues." Turns out Razer isn’t worthless, and he is a half-decent fighter. His older brother played pro and got some scouts to come to watch Killian play.


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