repeatedly, 2.26
self-realization via, 9.1–2 (11)
soul understood via, 2.25
from spiritual master, 16.1 (14)
taste for, 4.10
unmotivated, 1.1
worship to Lord inspired by, 13.26
Lord in. See: Supersoul
See also: Body (bodies), material, heart of
of digestion, 7.9
Kṛṣṇa as, 7.9
See also: Fire
Heavenly planet(s), 2.31, 2.42, 8.17, 10.24, 11.55 (3), 18.71
compared with spiritual world, 9.21
demoniac attempt to reach, 16.16
devotees elevated through, 8.16
devotional service on, 8.16
elevation from, 8.16
elevation to, 2.8, 2.31, 2.42, 7.23, 9.20, 9.25, 14.14, 14.18
for Arjuna, 3.37
charity for, 17.21
for kṣatriyas, 2.31, 2.32, 2.37
sacrifice for, 8.16
examples of, 9.20
falldown from, 8.16, 8.19, 9.21
via hearing Bhagavad-gītā, 18.71
Kṛṣṇa consciousness on, 8.16
sacrifice for reaching, 2.42, 8.3, 18.71
sense gratification on, 2.42, 9.20, 9.21
soma-rasa on, 2.42, 9.20
suffering also on, 8.16, 8.17
temporary residence on, 7.23, 8.16, 8.19, 9.21
transmigration to, 8.17, 9.20
in universal form, 4.3
Vedic study for reaching, 9.20–21
Hellish planet(s), 1.43, 16.10, 16.16, 16.21–22
degradation to, 1.43
demons bound for, 16.16
falldown to, 14.18
protection from, 1.43
Heroism, 18.43
Hiḍimba, 1.15
Himālayas, 6.47
compared with Mount Meru, 10.25
Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.25
Hiraṇyakaśipu, 4.8, 7.15 (4), 16.20, 17.19
Historical literature. See: Bhagavad-gītā; Purāṇa(s); Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam
History, Introduction
Hitler, 17.4
Holy days, 18.75
Holy place(s), 1.1, 2.61, 3.40, 6.12, 8.14, 17.20
Kurukṣetra as, 1.1
Honesty, 4.22, 18.42, 18.78 (1)
See also: Truth
Honor, 14.22, 16.1, 16.1 (15), 17.18
Arjuna’s, 2.2–3, 2.33–36
Horses, Kṛṣṇa’s representation among, 10.27
Householder life. See: Family (Family life)
Hṛṣīkeśa, Kṛṣṇa as, 1.15, 1.21–22, 1.24–25, 3.27, 6.26, 11.36, 13.3, 18.1, 18.46
Hṛṣīkeśa (place), 6.12
Human being(s), Introduction, Introduction, Introduction, 2.20, 2.54, 3.20–21, 3.27, 7.10, 7.11, 7.15 (2, 7, 11), 7.16–16, 7.21, 8.17, 9.7, 9.8, 9.32, 11.48, 11.55 (5), 13.21, 15.2, 18.5, 18.63
ability in, Kṛṣṇa as, 7.8
act per their own nature, 3.33
animallike, 4.40, 7.3, 14.17
Arjuna questions Lord on behalf of, 10.16–17
attachments of. See: Attachment
birth as, 2.40, 14.15
See also: Birth
classes of, 4.3, 4.15, 7.13, 9.32–33, 16.6
See also: Varṇāśrama-dharma system
with animals, Introduction
to fire covered by smoke, 3.38
to moths, 11.29–30
creation of, 9.8
death for. See: Death
demigods &, cooperation between, 3.11, 3.24
demoniac. See: Demon(s)
dependent upon Lord, 15.13
detached. See: Detachment; Renunciation
devoured by universal form, 11.26–30, 11.32
direction & knowledge for, 18.59–61, 18.64–66
distinguishing characteristics of, 7.15 (7)
distressed, 7.16
divine, 16.5–6
See also: Devotee(s); Transcendentalist(s); Yogī(s)
duty for. See: Duty (duties)
education for. See: Education; Knowledge
elevation for, 4.28
evolution of. See: Evolution; Transmigration of soul(s)
falldown of, 16.1 (1), 16.24
to demoniac species, 16.19–20
via faithlessness, 4.40
to hellish life, 14.18, 16.21
from Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 2.40–41, 2.67, 3.5, 4.29, 5.7, 8.22, 9.3, 9.30–31, 15.20
through material desire, 6.5
via materialistic association, 7.28
to material life, 6.23, 6.26, 9.3
via offending Lord, 9.12
foods forbidden & suitable for, 9.26
See also: Eating; Food; Prasādam
foolish, 7.15, 7.15 (5–7)
good qualities in, 10.4 (11)
See also: Virtue(s)
Government for. See: Government(s)
grossly foolish, 7.15, 7.15 (5–7)
happiness for. See: Happiness
impious, who never surrender to Kṛṣṇa, 7.15, 9.31
insane, 14.8, 14.13
kinds of, two, 6.40
king among, Kṛṣṇa represented by, 10.27
See also: Kṣatriya(s)
knowledge for
Kṛṣṇa’s arrangement for, Introduction
See also: Knowledge
known by specific symptoms, 2.54
appears as, Introduction, 9.11
form of, like, 9.11, 11.51
manifestations of, unknown by, 11.6
representation of, among, 10.27
as well-wisher of, 3.24, 14.16
leaders among
followed, 3.21
irresponsible, 1.42
See also: Government(s); Kṣatriya(s)
learned, definition of, 7.15 (9)
life span of, 7.9, 17.8, 17.10
lowest of, 7.15, 7.15 (5–7), 16.19
mad (insane), 14.8, 14.13
married. See: Family (Family life)
materialistic. See: Attachment; Materialist(s)
miscreant, 7.15, 9.31
See also: Demon(s); Materialist(s)
miserly, 2.7
modes of nature &, 18.19–41
See also: Modes of nature
necessities of, 3.9–12, 3.14, 3.34, 4.21–22, 6.23, 12.20, 18.66
opulence of, cause for, 16.13–16
perfection for, 4.26, 7.3, 18.45
See also: Pure devotee(s); Liberated soul(s); Perfected being(s); Perfection
pious, who approach Kṛṣṇa, 7.16–17, 7.30, 8.14
powerful, Kṛṣṇa source of prowess of, 7.10
principles for. See: Human being(s), regulation for
problems of, Gītā meant to solve, 7
protection for, 4.1 (1)
purificatory processes &, 18.5–6
qualities & characteristics of
per modes of nature, 18.19–41
per symptoms, 2.54
regulation for, 2.64, 3.15, 6.40, 16.1 (1–18), 16.7, 16.22, 16.23–24, 17.5, 18.25, 18.78 (3)
See also: Regulative principles
rulers of, governmental. See: Government(s)
scriptural regulations for. See: Regulative principles
self-knowledge for, Introduction
See also: Self-realization
senses of. See: Senses
sinful, 1.11, 1.36–1.44
See also: Demon(s); Materialist(s)
society of, 1.42, 2.4, 2.21, 3.20–21, 14.16
See also: Human life; Society
species of
demoniac, 16.19–20
speech of, importance of, 2.54
strength of, 7.11
Kṛṣṇa as, 7.11, 10.36
sufferings of. See: Suffering
types of. See: Human being(s), classes of
unborn, 7.15 (7)
unwanted population among, 1.40–42, 3.24
violence by.
See: Animal slaughter; Murder; Violence; War
violence inevitable among, 2.27
virtues of. See: Virtue(s); specific virtues
wealth for. See: Wealth
working in modes of nature, 18.26–28
See also: Devotional service; Worship
See also: Human life; Living entity (entities); Society
Human life, Introduction, Introduction, 2.7, 2.31, 3.12, 3.16, 3.35, 3.42, 6.23, 7.15 (7), 11.34
advantages & opportunity of, 2.7, 3.38, 4.31, 7.30, 14.15
arranged for remembering Kṛṣṇa, 18.64–65
austerity required in, 16.1 (11)
beginning of, Introduction
meant for Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 3.41
civilized, purpose of, 7.15 (7)
compared with animal & plant life, 3.38
conditions of, devotional service independent of, 9.2 (6–9), 9.14, 9.32
divisions in
according to modes, 4.13
varṇāśrama. See: Varṇāśrama-dharma system
duration of, 7.9, 8.17–19, 17.8, 17.10
duty in. See: Duty (duties)
elevation to, 14.15
See also: Transmigration of soul(s)
end of, devotional service at, Introduction, 7.30, 8.2, 8.5–7, 8.10, 8.13
goal of. See: Human life, purpose of
happiness in. See: Happiness
Kṛṣṇa to be remembered in, 18.64–65
See also: Human life, purpose of
morality in, 2.40
See also: Kṛṣṇa consciousness; Purification; Religion(s); Virtue(s)
necessities in, 3.9–12, 3.14, 3.34, 4.21–22, 6.23, 12.20, 18.66
origin of, 10.6
perfection of, Introduction, 2.15, 8.15
disobedience to Lord destroys chance of, 3.32
disobedience to scripture destroys chance of, 16.22
as Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 11.34
rarely tried for, 7.3
via spiritual orders of varṇāśrama, 8.28
See also: Perfection
purification of, 9.2 (4–11), 18.5–6
See also: Purification
purpose of, Introduction, Introduction, 2.2 (6), 2.7, 3.12, 3.38, 4.26, 7.15 (7), 9.27, 10.4 (6, 9), 14.15, 16.23–24, 18.1
devotional service as, 18.1
ignorance about, 7.15
Kṛṣṇa as, 9.18, 10.10
Kṛṣṇa consciousness as, 3.27, 3.28, 4.1 (1), 11.34, 16.23, 18.65–66
Lord in heart as, 6.13
materialists lack, 3.12
self-realization as, 3.16
varṇāśrama for reaching, 4.26
regulation in, 6.16–17, 16.6, 16.22, 16.23–24
for remembering Kṛṣṇa, 18.64–65
of self-realization
See also: Self-realization
sense gratification &, 4.26–27
See also: Sense gratification
stages of, in Vedic civilization. See: Varṇāśrama-dharma system
suffering in. See: Suffering
thoughts during, result of, 8.6
transmigration to, 2.40–41, 14.15
See also: Transmigration of soul(s)
varṇāśrama &. See: Varṇāśrama-dharma system
See also: Human being(s); Society
Human society, 1.40, 1.42, 2.21, 3.19–21, 14.16
See also: Human life; Society; Varṇāśrama-dharma system
Humility, 8.28, 10.34, 13.8, 13.8 (15), 16.1 (6), 18.57
defined, 13.8 (2)
necessity of, 13.8 (15)
of sannyāsī, 16.1 (6)
vision of one in, 5.18
See also: Modesty
Hunting, 16.19
See also: Animal slaughter
Hymns in Sāma Veda, Kṛṣṇa’s representation among, 10.35
Ignorance, Introduction, Introduction, 1.24, 2.1, 2.23, 2.32, 2.50, 2.54, 2.61, 4.14, 5.4, 7.4, 7.15 (15), 7.20–23, 7.24, 9.2 (2), 9.11, 9.12, 9.15, 9.23–24, 9.26, 11.33, 13.23, 14.16, 16.7, 15.20, 18.58
about actions, proper & improper, 16.7
about animal-killing, 14.16
bewilderment via, 5.15
bodily identification due to, 3.29
to darkness, 10.11
to nighttime, 5.16
about constitutional position of living entity, 2.50
defined, 13.8, 13.8 (1)
of demons, 16.4, 16.7–8, 16.11, 16.18
about devotional progress, Lord rectifies, 10.10
about devotional service, 5.4
devotional service removes, 15.20
in disobedience to Lord, 3.32
& doubts removed by knowledge, 4.42
about factors of action, 18.16
of faithless persons, 4.40
fruitive work due to, 2.42, 3.25–26
hearing from authorities counters, 13.26
about identity. See: Ignorance, about soul
about Kṛṣṇa, Introduction, 2.22, 2.51, 4.3–4, 4.9, 4.10, 4.14, 4.35, 7.3, 7.4, 7.8, 7.13, 7.15 (15–16), 7.24–26, 7.27, 8.9, 9.1, 9.11–12, 9.18, 9.21, 9.26, 9.34, 10.3, 10.8, 10.14–15, 11.6, 11.43, 11.51, 11.52–54, 13.23, 18.67
Kṛṣṇa arranged for Arjuna’s, Introduction
about Kṛṣṇa consciousness, 2.63, 10.10
of “learned” men, 7.15, 7.15 (11–13)
about life’s purpose, Introduction, 7.15
about living entities’ identity & purpose, 4.35, 5.2
See also: Ignorance, about soul
about Lord. See: Ignorance, about Kṛṣṇa
lust &, 3.39–41
of materialists, 3.29, 4.12
about Kṛṣṇa, 7.4, 7.24, 9.11–12, 9.26, 10.14–15, 18.67
& pseudo transcendentalists, 15.11
about material world’s miseries & dangers, 2.51
mode of. See: Ignorance, mode of
of nondevotees about Lord, 7.23–24
about past, present, & future, 7.26
reincarnation &, 2.22, 2.51
about religion, 4.16
of Sāṅkhya philosophers, 7.4
about sāṅkhya-yoga, 2.39 (3–4)
of scientists, 2.23, 11.33, 13.33
sleep as, 1.24
about soul, 2.19, 2.20, 2.23, 2.26, 2.29, 3.32, 4.35, 5.2, 9.2 (3), 13.23, 13.33, 18.21
classes of persons doomed to, 13.25
about spiritual existence, 4.10
suffering because of, 5.14, 13.8 (3)
about transmigration of soul, 15.10
about wealth’s utility, 2.49
without disciplic succession, 18.75
See also: Ignorance, mode of; Illusion
Ignorance, mode of, Introduction
action in, 14.15–16, 18.25
anger in, 3.37
birth resulting from, 14.15, 14.16, 14.18
charity in, 16.1 (7), 17.22, 17.23
compared with
goodness mode, 14.8
other modes, 14.6–18
passion mode, 14.8
conditioning by, 14.5, 14.8–9
demons in, 16.24
determination in, 18.35
dreaming &, 18.35
duty renounced out of, 18.7
eating in, 6.16, 17.8, 17.10
effects & manifestations of, on living entity, 6.16, 14.5, 14.8–10, 14.13, 14.16, 14.17–18, 18.28, 18.39, 18.40
faith in, 17.2–4
fasting in, 10.4 (8)
faults of, 14.8, 14.13, 14.18
food in, 17.10, 17.23
happiness in, 18.39
ignorance about Kṛṣṇa as, 4.9
illusion in, 18.32, 18.35, 18.39
intelligence in, 13.6, 18.32
intoxication in, 14.17
knowledge in, 18.22
laziness &, 14.8, 14.13
Lord Śiva &, 7.14
material energies in, Introduction
mind in, 15.7
passion mode vs., 14.10
penance in, 17.1
9, 17.23
prominence of, 14.10
renunciation in, 18.7
ruler of, 10.23
sacrifice in, 17.13, 17.23
sleep in, 6.16, 10.20, 14.8
understanding in, 18.32
varṇāśrama division in, 9.32
worker in, 18.28
See also: Ignorance; Modes of nature
Ikṣvāku, Introduction, 4.1, 4.1 (4), 4.16
Ilāvṛta-varṣa, 6.43
Illicit sex. See: Sex, illicit
Illusion, Introduction, Introduction, Introduction, Introduction, 2.1–2, 2.13, 2.30, 3.1, 3.40, 4.10, 4.12, 4.24, 4.35, 6.8, 7.13, 7.14, 7.15, 7.15 (5, 11–13), 7.21, 8.3, 10.42, 14.8, 14.8, 14.13, 15.1, 18.32, 18.73
action in, 18.25
via anger, 2.63, 3.37
as apart from Kṛṣṇa, 4.35
of Arjuna, Introduction, 11.1, 18.72–73
of atheistic opinions about God, 7.15 (15)
of atheists, 9.12
birth into, 7.27
of bodily concept of life. See: Bodily concept of life
of bodily designations, Introduction, Introduction, 2.1, 2.12, 2.26, 2.30, 2.71, 3.29, 3.40, 5.2, 5.13–14, 5.19, 5.20, 7.5, 8.3, 13.1, 13.8 (8), 13.31–32, 16.8, 18.21
cause(s) of, 1.30, 3.40, 7.5
of demons, 9.12, 16.10–18
devotees’ association removes, 7.28
of disobeying Lord, 3.32, 18.60
of dualities of life, 5.12, 7.27–28
of false ego. See: False ego
of false proprietorship, Introduction, 2.48, 2.71, 3.30, 4.21, 5.2, 10.3, 12.13, 15.5, 18.51
of familial identification, 3.29, 15.5
of forgetfulness, Introduction
of identity & purpose, 4.35, 7.5
of Kṛṣṇa 2.22, 3.27, 4.35, 6.32, 7.15 (7)
of Kṛṣṇa’s proprietorship, 5.29
of Kṛṣṇa’s supremacy, 5.25
of past, 7.26
of relationship with Lord, Introduction, 4.35
of spiritual life, 2.69
of suffering, 7.15 (7)
happiness from, 18.39
of happiness in material world, 1.30–31, 2.14, 2.51, 5.22
ignorance about Kṛṣṇa from, 7.8, 7.27, 10.8
ignorance mode &, 14.8, 18.32, 18.35, 18.39
impersonalism as, 2.63, 7.24, 7.27
intelligence freed from, 2.52
knowledge removes, 4.35, 5.16
knowledge stolen by, 7.15, 7.15 (11–13)
Kṛṣṇa consciousness removes, 4.24, 4.35
Kṛṣṇa dispels for Arjuna, 11.1
about Kṛṣṇa’s form, 7.24
about Kṛṣṇa’s position, 4.4, 9.11–12, 10.8, 10.42
liberation from. See: Liberation
of living entity
as creator & enjoyer, Introduction
as doer, 3.27, 18.16, 18.17
as God, 2.17, 2.39 (1), 5.16, 9.12, 9.15, 13.8 (15), 13.14, 16.16, 18.73
as master, 5.14, 13.22, 18.73
as material, Introduction, 7.5
as proprietor, 5.14, 5.29, 7.27
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