Loving Raylynn

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Loving Raylynn Page 26

by C. R. Marcum

  “So, not that I am complaining or anything, but what are you doing punching guys in the parking lot?” Jax asked, pulling her away from her thoughts.

  “Not much, just teaching lessons, ya know.” She said, turning to face him.

  “How’s your hand?” he asked, lifting her right hand towards his face.

  “It’s fine right now. I’ll probably feel it later tonight though.” She replied, before pulling her hand back and running her thumb over her knuckles.

  “Make sure you ice it when you get home, or you won’t be able to move your fingers in the morning.” He said with a thoughtful expression written on his face.

  “So you’re the nurse now huh?” she asked, a small grin playing on her lips.

  “Only for you babe, I’d even wear the naughty nurse costume and everything.” He replied, smiling himself.

  “I’d love to see that. Just remember, the string on the underwear goes in the back.”

  “ I won’t even wear underwear, as short as those skirts are, you’re gonna be able to see everything.” He said, pulling her in close.

  “You sure about that?”

  “Hey, what are you saying?” he asked feigning offence.

  She couldn’t hold it in any longer. She let out a laugh, long and loud. Jax had a knack for making her laugh. He didn’t even have to try, it just came natural.

  “Damn Ray, remind me not to piss you off.” Ty said as he came to a stop next to her.

  “To late jackass, I’m already pissed at you.” She said, shoving him hard in the chest.

  “I’m sorry.” He said, taking a step backwards.

  “Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Pais. She’s the one you hurt.” Ray said, her tone softening a bit.

  “I’m lost, what are ya’ll talking about?” Jax interjected, looking towards Ray.

  “Ask Ty, he’ll tell you what happened. I have to get home anyway and check on Pais, ya know since she went home early and all.” She said, her focus turning towards Ty.

  “Wait, are you still coming over tonight?” Jax asked.

  “Yeah, I plan on it, but I have to talk to Pais first.” She said before giving him a quick kiss. “I’ll see you later kay.” She finished before turning on her heel and heading towards her car.

  She had to tell Pais what had happened, she needed to know that it would all blow over in a day or two. As soon as the word spread that Brian had lied about getting into a fight with the guys, they would all realize that what had been said about Pais was a lie too. She allowed herself to feel relief as she threw her car in drive. She let her favorite song drown out any negative thoughts, and as she pulled onto the street she felt herself genuinely smile for the first time all day.

  Ray made it home in record time. She found Paisley’s car in the driveway, but Katrina’s was gone. She allowed herself a sigh of relief at the sight before climbing out of the car and making her way inside. She didn’t need to look around, she knew where Pais would be, so she turned herself towards the stairs and began the climb.

  “Pais, you’re not gonna believe this.” She said, turning the knob on Paisley’s door.


  “Pais, open the door, I need to tell you something important.” She said, knocking.

  “Go away Ray, I’m trying to sleep.” Paisley yelled from deep inside the room.

  “Paisley Jo, I’m not going away until you talk to me. I let you have yesterday, but I am not going away today. So, either open the door or I’m just gonna have to annoy the shit outta you until you do, your choice.” Ray called, forehead pressed against the door.

  “Jesus Ray, cant you take a hint? I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to feel, I just want to fucking sleep!” Paisley yelled, opening the door.

  “I don’t understand why you won’t talk to me Pais. I mean, god, we’ve always been there for one another.” Ray pleaded.

  “I don’t want to talk about it Ray, god, I don’t need you to fix me, or coddle me, I need you to leave me the fuck alone!” she yelled, slamming the door closed once again.

  Raylynn stood staring at the closed door in front of her. Paisley had literally and figuratively slammed the door in her face. She had tried to be there, and tried to talk, but Pais had wanted neither. Ray stood a moment longer before hanging her head and walking away.

  Ray climbed from the car and made the short walk to Jax’s front door. She had a bag slung over her shoulder, and without a second thought, reached out and opened the front door. She knew without a doubt that someone would greet her with a smile, even if they did have their hand resting on the piece tucked into their waistband. This time, it was Lucas.

  “Hey Ray, heard you got that one hitter quitter.” He said smiling, his hand behind his back.

  “You heard right, so watch yourself, I might have to show you.” She said laughing. “Where’s the rest of the fam?”

  “Aw, Ty and Jax went to the store, Syn and Drake are at the shop.” He said, turning his attention back to the T.V.

  “Kay.” She said, making herself comfortable on the oversized chair. “What we watchin?” she asked as she threw her legs over the arm.

  “Vice, you ever seen it?” he asked over his shoulder.

  “Yeah, Jax is always watching it.”

  “It’s old school, but it’s kinda what we grew up watchin.” He replied, pulling himself to stand. “I’m getting a beer, you want one?”

  “Are they cold?” she asked.

  “We aren’t savages Ray, of course they’re cold.” He chuckled.

  “Then yeah, bring me one. Ya’ll got any chips or something? I’m starving.” She called towards the kitchen.

  “Damn, actin like I’m a butler or some shit.”

  “Naw, you’re too tall to be a butler, maybe a glorified servant though.” She replied.

  “Shut up, and take your damn beer. Only chips we got are these, and they kinda suck ass so here ya go, enjoy.” He said, tossing the chips into her lap.

  “Thanks Lucas, you might graduate to a butler after all.” She said, laughing.

  This is what she had needed. An actual family, people that would understand her humor, get all her jokes, and love her anyway. She felt wanted and understood here. This was her home.

  She felt a pang of sadness at that realization. She just wished that Paisley would understand that she would always be safe here. That nobody here would ever treat her badly, or allow her to be treated that way by anyone else. Paisley should have been with Ty, or Lucas or even Drake. She never should have been with Brian. Raylynn shook off the thoughts, and opened the bag of chips. Tossing one in her mouth before quickly spitting it out again. She opened her beer and took a long swig, thankful that it washed away the taste of the chips.

  After some time, Ray excused herself to the bathroom and drew herself a hot bath. It had been a very long day, and her hand was throbbing. She had hit Brian’s jaw at an awkward angle, and her knuckles were swollen as a result. She stripped off her clothes and climbed in tentatively. She lowered herself into the scalding water and lay back, letting the water do its job. She could feel her muscles relaxing instantly. She had only been in the tub for five minutes when she heard the footsteps heading towards Jax’s room. She smiled to herself, knowing he wouldn’t come in and bother her, he never did.

  She lay for awhile longer before letting the water out. She climbed from the tub and reached for a towel. She had forgotten to grab clothes before removing the old ones, so she had no choice but to walk the hall in only her towel. She was eager to see Jax, she needed to forget the day, and he knew just how to make her forget everything.

  She was only two steps away from the bedroom door when Syn stepped out of his room. She stopped, standing in only a towel, her shoulders still glistening from the bath. She watched as Syn looked at her, and she felt herself flush under his gaze. She could see it on his face, and in his eyes. Hunger. Lust. Need. They were all there, but only for a moment. The look changed to anger almost as quick as the o
thers had appeared.

  “Do you ever wear clothes?” he snapped.

  “Fuck you Syn, don’t like it, don’t look.” She snapped back, before pushing her way past him and entering Jax’s room. She slammed the door harder than necessary and stood, steaming in the middle of the room. She was still there when Jax opened the door.

  She dropped her towel once the door was closed and made her way towards him. She found his mouth with hers, and her fingers found his belt at the same time. This was not a time for foreplay, she needed to feel him inside her. That was the only way to forget the day’s events.

  Jax smiled against her lips as his hand found its way between her legs, the evidence of her arousal slick on his fingers. He felt her need, and knew what she wanted, and without a warning, he thrust his fingers inside her and rubbed her sweet spot. Her moan was loud and long, and it made his jeans feel tighter than usual.

  His fingers found her spot with ease, and the feeling was enough to make her moan out loud. She unbuckled his belt, never taking her mouth off of his, and beneath the fabric of his jeans she could feel his erection. With deft fingers, she reached behind him and pulled the gun from his waistband and sat it roughly on the bedside table before popping the button of his jeans.

  He felt the jeans pool at his feet, and without stopping, he removed his shoes and kicked his jeans to the side. He used his free hand to reach behind him and pull his shirt up. He pulled away from the kiss long enough to remove it, but found her lips again before the shirt hit the floor. There was a need in her kiss that he had never felt before. Without another thought, he slowly slid his fingers out from between her legs and in one swift motion, picked her up and pinned her back against the door.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist as soon as her feet left the floor, his mouth still on hers. She felt the door hard against her back, and felt her need intensify. She needed him badly.

  Her hands pulled at his hair, and scratched at his back. There were so many sensations that his cock ached to be inside her. He wanted to feel the warmth of her wet pussy tighten around him as he fucked her against the door. He needed her to come undone around him and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Her wet pussy was only inches above his hard cock and in one swift motion, he buried it inside her.

  Her scream came as a shock to her. One second she was panting, empty, and needing and the next she was screaming, full, and coming. She loved the way Jax filled her. He stretched her to fit him, and the way he entered her was enough to pull the first orgasm out of her.

  He knew as soon as he filled her that she had come. He felt her pussy pulsing around his cock and it was almost too much to handle. He slowed his pace, not wanting to come so soon. He let her ride out her orgasm before plunging himself deeper and harder than before. He watched her face, full of pleasure, as he fucked her against his door. She was moaning louder than she ever had before, and the sound resonated in his cock, driving him deeper and harder with every thrust.


  Why did she have to drive him so crazy? Why did he ache to feel her wrapped around him? Why did she have to open her smart mouth? He could think of better things for her to do with her mouth, and very few of them involved talking. He thought. She’s always around. I can’t get away from her, but I can’t be around her either. It’s too hard to control myself. I want her. I want to bend her over and…he stopped. He couldn’t think about that. She was his brother’s girl, and he wouldn’t hurt his brother like that. He just had to stay away from her. He would just have to leave when she was over, or stay on the other side of the house at least. I could stay in my room, that way I can hear her when she moans…he groaned out loud. Why was it so hard to keep from fantasizing about her. She wasn’t Aphrodite, she was just some girl. Yeah fucking right dumbass. She is sex on legs. Legs that you want wrapped around your neck, while you taste her sweet…STOP! He had to stop thinking about her. It wasn’t doing anything but making his jeans uncomfortable. She could help with that, she could wrap her lips around you and suck you until you bust. It wouldn’t take long, not the way you feel right now. Fuck, he couldn’t stop. She was taking over his thoughts while he was awake, just like she had his dreams. Raylynn was off limits, he knew that, but he still couldn’t stop.

  “The fuck you thinkin about big brother? Lookin all pissed and shit.” Jax said as he climbed the steps to the porch.

  “Mind you’re fuckin business and don’t worry about it.” He replied.

  “Damn, somebody needs to get laid.” Jax said with a laugh before making his way in the house.

  If only you knew little brother. I do need to get laid, but I can’t, not with who I want anyway. He thought, sitting on the porch alone. He couldn’t be inside right now. Somehow just knowing that on the other side of the door she was naked and still wet from the bath made his cock hard. He had forgotten where he was and from somewhere behind him he heard a loud and long moan that sent a shockwave down his spine. He had been sitting by the window on the porch, the window that belonged to Jax’s room. He turned and looked and realized that he could see in through the cracks in the blinds. Jax had Ray pinned against the door, her legs wrapped around him. He heard her scream when Jax pushed into her, and watched for only a moment longer. He watched her ride her orgasm, and wished that it had belonged to him. With one last look, Syn turned around and walked towards the car. He had to get out of there, and fast.


  “Don’t you ever go home?” Ty asked jokingly, tossing Ray her coffee mug.

  “Only when I get sick of seeing your face.” She teased back, catching her mug with ease.

  “You must love my face then cause you’ve been here for a straight two weeks.” He replied, taking a seat at the table.

  “Trust me, it aint your face she loves.” Jax said sneaking up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her backwards against his chest.

  “He’s not wrong.” She teased.

  Mornings here were so much different than they were at home. Everyone bustling in and out, grabbing coffee or toast, yelling for one another, and laughing, so much laughing. At home mornings were very structured. Breakfast was a family sit down, and the plans for the day laid out. She hadn’t hated it, but this was more her style. Easy and carefree.

  “Yeah yeah, that’s what she wants you to think.” Ty retorted.

  “It’s what I know.” Jax said, lifting his lips from her neck.

  “Jeez you two, can’t y’all keep it in the bedroom, nobody needs to see all that this early in the morning.” Lucas groaned, walking into the kitchen.

  “Gotta get my fill before she leaves.” Jax said, popping Lucas on the shoulder.

  Lucas shook his head and laughed before giving Jax a shove. Ray just smiled. They were brothers for sure. Always giving each other shit. Ray snuck out of Jax’s hold while he was occupied with Lucas and found her own seat at the table. She had just sat down when Aspen made her appearance.

  “Whose house did you stay at this time?” Ray asked her with a knowing grin.

  “Yours, don’t you remember. We had a study session that ran late, so I just crashed there. God Ray, sometimes I wonder about your memory. One too many knocks on the headboard huh.” Aspen said with a smile.

  “Speaking of headboards knockin, have you figured out where to put it in at Ty? I haven’t heard any moanin comin out ya room.” Lucas asked with a huge grin.

  Ty didn’t hesitate in his retort.

  “I haven’t heard any comin outta Syn’s room either, but you don’t see me callin him out do ya?” he said looking to Syn who had just made his way into the kitchen.

  “Ty, worry about your own dick and keep mine outta your mouth.” Syn replied, punching Ty in his arm.

  Drake had chosen this moment to enter the kitchen. He came to a stop just inside the door.

  “Can we keep the dick talk to a minimum this early, I haven’t even had my coffee.” He said, pouring himself a cup.

  “Can I just say one more
thing? Real quick, Syn are you sure Ty even has a dick? Cause Aspen been here every night lookin fine as hell and he hasn’t got it in yet.” Lucas said.

  Ty jumped up and chased him out of the kitchen, leaving everyone else laughing, well everyone except Drake. It had only been a second before everyone heard Ty yelling.

  “OW, get off me!”

  “Damn it Lucas, don’t hurt him, he has school.” Drake yelled.

  “Oh, that reminds me, I’ve got to go. Pais has us squeezing in an early practice today. Last game of the season and all.” Aspen said standing and gathering her things.

  “Speaking of Pais, how is she? Haven’t seen her in a while.” Drake asked, leaning against the counter.

  Raylynn eyed him suspiciously. She knew that Drake cared about Paisley, but she saw more than friendship in his eyes. She wondered what it would look like, Paisley and Drake. She would never go for it, but she wondered anyway.

  “She’s okay I guess, she’s been pushing us really hard at practice lately, but yeah, she’s okay.” Aspen replied, glancing towards Ray.

  “Good.” He replied.

  A silence fell over the room, and all eyes fell on Drake.

  “Well, this has been fun, but Pais won’t hesitate to make me run laps if I’m late, so I’ve got to go.” Aspen said quickly before all but running out of the kitchen.

  All of a sudden, the room came back to life. Jax and Syn were discussing the next pick up, Ty and Lucas were laughing from somewhere in the living room and Ray was still looking at Drake. She knew what she saw, it was written all over his face. She could have chalked it up to wishful thinking had it not been for Drake avoiding her gaze. She was so caught up in watching him that she hadn’t heard Jax call her name.

  “Babe, hello, earth to Ray.” He said, waving his hands in front of her.

  “Sorry, I guess I zoned out. What did you say?” she asked.


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