Loving Raylynn

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Loving Raylynn Page 37

by C. R. Marcum

  After what seemed like hours, but in reality a few moments, Raylynn sighed.

  “I’m okay guys, really. You can let me go now.” She said, sadness saturating her tone.

  “Listen Ray, its just gonna take some more time. Some people handle trauma better than others. She’ll come around.” Drake said, wiping a single tear off her cheek.

  “I know, but we’ve always been so close, and I feel like I’m losing her and that can’t happen.” She said, looking towards Drake.

  “We won’t lose her Ray. I don’t care what we have to do, we will not lose her over this.” Ty promised, wrapping her in a hug as Jax took a step backwards.

  “Pais is the only family I have left, and its killing me that she won’t talk to me.” She said, against Ty’s shoulder.

  “No. Look, I get what you’re trying to say, but you’re dead fuckin wrong. You have a boyfriend and four brothers, not to mention Aspen. I’m not saying that girl scout isn’t important, but you have more family than you realize.” Syn said firmly, the others nodding in agreement.

  “I just need a minute. I’m gonna go see if Uncle Richard needs any help. Just make yourselves comfortable and I’ll be back in a sec.” She stated calmly as she waited for Ty to move. Once he did, she calmly made her way out of the room and into the hall.

  Raylynn rounded the corner and found her aunt and uncle alone in the kitchen. She had hoped that Katrina would be elsewhere, but that had never been her luck. She had just opened her mouth to announce her arrival but stopped short when she heard Katrina.

  “I don’t know dear; I just wonder if she is a good role model for Paisley. She was raised around nothing but criminals, and frankly the fact that she moved into a house with five men that she barely knows speaks volumes about her morals.”

  Raylynn tucked herself closer to the wall so as not to be seen from the kitchen as she waited silently for Richard’s reply.

  “I understand your concerns dear; I really do and while I wasn’t exactly happy with Raylynn’s choice to move I trust her instincts. Not to mention, she is our family. She has become a remarkable young woman in spite of her upbringing.”

  “I’m not saying that she isn’t, I am however saying that she made an extremely rash decision without thinking about how it would make her look.”

  “My love, I wasn’t the biggest supporter of this living arrangement, but Ray is a smart girl, and I’m sure she knew what the more narrow-minded people in this town would think once the news came out, but she did it anyway so honestly she is exactly the type of role model I want for Paisley.”

  “Richard, I know how much you care for her, but the rumors floating around about her arrangement are horrible. Most people believe she is sleeping with the lot of them.” Katrina whisper yelled.

  “I don’t believe that for even a second.” Richard laughed.

  “People are also saying that those five young men are into some very dangerous and illegal activities.”

  Raylynn pulled herself away from the wall and stepped into the kitchen before Richard had a chance to reply.

  “Who’s into dangerous and illegal activities and how do you know them?” She asked with a smile.

  “Nobody sweetheart, just pea brained people gossiping about people they don’t really know. You know how people are.” Richard replied as she came to a stop at his side.

  “People should really mind their own business. I will never understand talking about people behind their back. I bet those same pea brains would never say those things in front of whoever they were talking about. It’s just plain hatred and cowardice if you ask me.” Raylynn quipped shooting Katrina a sickly-sweet smile.

  “I couldn’t agree more sweetie,” Richard replied before kissing Raylynn on her forehead. “Now, you wouldn’t mind doing your favorite uncle a favor would you?” He asked.

  “Anything for you Uncle Richard.”

  “Would you please watch the green beans while I go change this shirt? I somehow ended up with more yams on my shirt than I did in the pan.”

  “No problem.” She replied taking the spoon out of his hand.

  “I’ll be quick, and then we can eat.” He said before making his leave.

  Raylynn waited until she was sure Richard was far enough away before spinning on her heel and stepping nose to nose with her Aunt.

  “I don’t care how you feel about me, but don’t you ever go outta your way to make my uncle feel some type of way about me, and never insinuate to him or anyone else that I am some type of whore.” She spat.

  “Listen here little girl, I will tell my husband whatever I want to tell him, lest we forget how much worse I can make Paisley’s life.” Katrina seethed.

  “Try me bitch, and those dangerous men that you mentioned may have to pay you a little visit. Lest we forget that I know Uncle Richard’s schedule so it wouldn’t be difficult to get you alone.” She replied through gritted teeth.

  “You really think you can come into my home and threaten me? You aren’t prepared to deal with me sweetheart, I can end your perfect little life.”

  “Go ahead and try, but don’t forget where I grew up and who I grew up with.” Raylynn replied picking a piece of lint off Katrina’s shoulder and smiling.

  “How are my beans?” Richards voice boomed from just outside the kitchen, effectively pulling the two women apart and ending their showdown.

  “Well, they smell delicious, so hopefully done. I’m starving.” Raylynn replied, spinning back towards the stove.

  “They will be in about five minutes. Would you set the table sweetie?” he asked her.

  “Sure thing uncle Richard.” She replied before turning around and leaving them alone in the kitchen.

  “That was uncomfortable.” Ty said as they made their way out to the car. Dinner had been awkward to say the least.

  “Yeah it was, I almost couldn’t even eat my dessert.” Lucas replied.

  “We all know it would take more than a little awkward tension to keep you away from dessert.” Drake tossed as he opened the door to the suburban.

  “Why is your aunt such a bitch? She kept staring like we were gonna shoot up the fuckin place or something.” Syn asked as he pulled open the passenger door to Ray’s car and climbed in the backseat.

  “She hates everyone, especially me so there ya go.” Raylynn replied flatly, her mind going over the events that had taken place over the day. Richard had been nice enough, trying to pull the guys into conversation. He and Drake had seemed to get along well, not that she was surprised. Drake may be a bit rough around the edges, but he wasn’t all that different from Richard. They both loved their families above all else and would do anything possible to make them happy. Richard had seemed genuinely interested in them all. He seemed glad to have them all there. Katrina on the other hand had been a bitch all day.

  “Pais didn’t seem like she was even there. She isn’t okay is she?” Ty asked sliding in behind Syn.

  “I don’t think so Ty. Katrina has her head so screwed up that she actually believes that she deserves to be treated like shit.” She replied solemnly.

  “Your uncle seems like good people, why the fuck is he with someone like that?” Jax asked.

  “She hides it all from him. She should have been an actress I swear. She pretends to be this loving stepmom and aunt, but as soon as uncle Richard turns his back she makes her true feelings known.”

  “Pais looked like a stranger. No makeup, hair a mess, in sweats. That’s not like her at all.” Ty croaked, pushing the words past the lump in his throat.

  Raylynn caught his eyes in the rearview. She could see the unshed tears dying to break free. Seeing Paisley so broken was taking its toll on them both. She had been distant at dinner, not speaking much. When she did speak, her words came out unsure and unsteady. She had barely eaten, instead she had pushed her food around her plate paying little attention to the conversations around her. Raylynn had tried to talk to her, but Paisley had only given the bare minimum. Raylyn
n couldn’t deny that it hurt. She took one last look at the house before pulling out of the driveway and heading home.


  “We’ve got everything we need right?” Aspen asked as they stepped out of the store, their arms loaded with bags.

  “Would you relax, everything is taken care of for god sakes.” Raylynn groaned.

  “I can’t help it; I just want his party to be perfect. You only turn 18 once ya know.”

  “Yeah, I know, but Ty would honestly be happy with just hanging out. He doesn’t care about the party nearly as much as you do.” She replied, dropping her bags into the trunk with a thud.

  Aspen had planned a huge blowout for Ty’s birthday, and she had recruited Raylynn to help with the shopping. So far, they had been able to find everything on the list, the only thing left was decorating the house and making sure Paisley was there. Raylynn had put it off long enough.

  “So, have you talked to her since Thanksgiving?” Aspen asked once they were driving again.

  “No, I tried to call but she never answered and never called back. I honestly don’t know if I can pull off getting her here.”

  “You have to Ray. Ty needs her there. It won’t be the same if she doesn’t show up.”

  “You don’t think I know that.”

  “I just wish she’d let us in. I know it would help if she would just talk about it.” Aspen said with a sigh.

  “She’s dealing with a lot.” Raylynn replied as her mind drifted to the fresh cuts she had caught a glimpse of on Thanksgiving.

  “Well, lets just hope we can get her there and past all this bullshit soon. I’m afraid if we don’t she is gonna do something she will regret.”

  “I hope so.” Was all she managed before they pulled up to the house.

  Raylynn stood before the mirror Jax had hung for her and stared at her reflection. Her black jeans hugged her curves like a second skin, and the purple crop fell just below her breasts. Her lacy bralette was the only thing that kept modesty intact. She felt fierce, and sexy. Her long hair fell in curls around her shoulders and the purple heels she wore tied the whole look together. Jax would lose his mind when he saw her, she thought to herself before applying a quick swipe of gloss to her bottom lip. With one last look at herself, she smiled and made her way out to the living room.

  The party was in full swing by the time she found herself at the drink table. People were everywhere, most of whom she had seen around the neighborhood. She scanned the crowd, looking for her boys, however it wasn’t her boys that caught her attention. Paisley stood against the wall next to the front door wearing a scowl. Raylynn took in her appearance and couldn’t help but feel sad. Paisley looked uncomfortable and out of place among the rest of the crowd. Her hair had been pulled back into a messy pony, and instead of party clothes, she wore jeans and a t-shirt Raylynn recognized as a pj shirt.

  Raylynn grabbed two prefilled solo cups from the table and started towards Paisley when strong hands pulled her backwards.

  “You look good enough to eat.” Jax whispered against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

  “Is that so?” she asked with a smirk.

  “Baby, you could be wearing a fuckin trash bag and I’d still think you’re the sexiest thing in the room.” He said pulling her flush against him.

  “Uh huh, sure you would. Ya know you don’t need to lie to get me alone right?” she said as she turned to face him.

  “Does it feel like I’m lying?” he asked before pulling her against him again, this time close enough for her to feel his erection straining against his pants.

  Raylynn snaked her arms up and around his neck, still holding the cups in her hands. The music was loud and she knew Lucas was picking the music thanks to the early 2000’s hip hop that was blasting. Jax’s strong hands held her in place and his knee found its way between her legs.

  Jax looked like every girls wet dream. His wife beater hugged his muscles in the most delicious way, and his jeans hung low on his hips. His black ball cap was turned backwards and his blue eyes sparkled. She could still see the faint scar above his eye from the night she had cleaned up his battle wounds. As she stared up at him she could feel the all to familiar pull in her stomach, the need to feel him against her, to feel his body move with hers. The need to have him fill and stretch her to fit him, all while giving her the control she so desperately needed. She craved him.

  Movement over his shoulder snapped her out of her dirty thoughts.

  “Bro, what the fuck? Drake is waiting.” Syn yelled over the music.

  “Shit, alright,” he called over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving Ray’s face. “I gotta go do a drop real quick. It won’t take long.” He said before pressing his lips against hers.

  “Really? Why can’t Lucas go?” she asked holding him a bit tighter.

  “Because baby girl, it’s my turn.” He replied. “But I’m sure Syn will keep you company while I’m gone, right bro?” He called out loudly.

  “Yeah, Ray can hang with me.” Syn called back slapping him on his shoulder.

  “See, no harm no foul. I’ll be back before you even know I’m gone.” He said with his cocky grin.

  “Fine go, but you better make it up to me later.” She replied with a wink before turning on her heel and cutting through the crowd.

  She found herself by the couch staring down at a very intoxicated Paisley. What in the actual fuck is she doing? She doesn’t drink, ever.

  “Pais, what are you doing?” she asked a bit to loudly.

  “Why do you care?” Paisley replied with a sneer before standing and pushing past her.

  “Pais wait!” she shouted reaching out and grabbing her arm to stop her movement.

  “Don’t. Fucking. Touch. Me.” Paisley screamed before jerking her arm free and storming away.

  “Paisley just talk to me!” Raylynn shouted above the music, but Paisley never turned around.

  Raylynn stood defeated as everyone around her enjoyed the party.

  “You okay?” Ty asked stepping beside her.

  “No I’m not. Pais is drinking Ty! Fucking drinking!”

  “So let her! I’m sorry Ray, but I’ve tried and tried to talk to her, she won’t talk. I’m tired of putting my life and happiness on the backburner because of her. It wasn’t our fault Brian did what he did! Shit, we got her outta there and kept her safe, but ever since that day she has acted like we held her down and watched it happen! I’m done with her shit!” he exclaimed turning Raylynn to face him.

  “Ty’s right Ray. I love Pais, but she has to figure this out on her own.” Aspen added meekly.

  “You guys don’t understand! Pais was there for me when I had nobody!” Ray choked out, her emotions causing a lump in her throat.

  “The fuck is goin on, and why do you look like you’re gonna cry?” Syn’s voice boomed from over Ty’s shoulder.

  “Paisley is bein a bitch and Ray just can’t let it be.” Aspen answered.

  “Ah, I see.” He replied wryly. “Well, I got it from here. Y’all should enjoy the party, baby boy here only turns 18 once.” He said, clapping Ty on the shoulder.

  “Yeah, okay.” Ty said before turning his attention back to Ray. “She’ll figure it out or she won’t. Nothing you say or do will change that.” He said solemnly.

  “Come on Ty, let’s dance.” Aspen said gently pulling him away.

  “Let’s get you a drink, Jax’ll kill me if he comes back and you’re crying.” Syn said draping his arm over her shoulders and leading her to the drink table.

  “Lucas! Two shots of tequila!” he called out before looking down at Raylynn. “Actually, make it three!”

  “You don’t have to babysit me Syn. I’m fine.” She said sternly.

  “First, I don’t babysit. Second, I know you’re fine, and third, you’re still gonna take a fuckin shot with me. Now here.” He said, handing her the shot glass and the salt.

  “God you’re fuckin bossy, Has anyone ever told you that?” She
asked taking the glass.

  “Yeah, what the fuck ever, just take the damn shot would ya.” He replied before tipping his own shot back.

  Raylynn watched as the amber liquid spilled into Syn’s open mouth. She swore she heard a moan when his tongue slipped through his lips to remove the tiny drop that was left behind. It took a split second for her to realize that the sound had come from her. She felt her cheeks flush and the butterflies in her stomach were going haywire. His blue eyes were usually so clear, but in that moment she saw something else too. It was the same look Jax got right before he claimed her.

  “Are you gonna drink that or are you just gone stand there and stare?” He asked, breaking her concentration.

  “I…I need a lemon.” She stammered. “I mean I’m a badass, but the lemon is a must.” She finished with a smirk.

  Syn bit down on his bottom lip before letting a sly grin spread across his face. Raylynn couldn’t help but to cock her eyebrow and watch as he reached across the table and plucked a lemon wedge out of the bowl.

  “Here’s your damn lemon, now no more excuses, take the shot.” He said, still grinning.

  “Hold it for me, my hands are kinda full.” She said before slamming the drink back.

  Syn slid the lemon between her lips and she could swear she heard his breath catch when her teeth sank into it. The butterflies in her stomach came back with a vengeance and she had to fight the urge to press her thighs together.

  “Here, one more chicka!” Lucas called out from somewhere beside them.

  Raylynn forced herself to turn her attention to Lucas. She found a mostly naked girl on either side of him. Lucas was very attractive if you were into the surfer look, which apparently they were. He wore a blue snapback and his blonde hair had grown enough that it was now peaking out from the sides. His green eyes were now bloodshot from the amount of liquor and weed flowing through his system, and his goofy grin had her smiling as well.

  “Chicka? Really? How high are you exactly?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Um…yup!” was his reply.

  “Okay then.” Was all she could say before downing the shot he had offered.


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