Blessed With Love (The Sisters of Rosefield Series Book 6)

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Blessed With Love (The Sisters of Rosefield Series Book 6) Page 1

by Emma Easter

  Blessed With Love

  Book Six

  The Sisters of Rosefield Series

  Emma Easter

  © 2019 Emma Easter

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

  Table of Contents

  Thank You – Free Bonus

  The Sisters of Rosefield Series

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Also by Emma Easter

  About the Author

  Thank You – Free Bonus

  Thank you for picking up your copy of Blessed With Love. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  As a token of appreciation, I’d like to offer you a complimentary copy of the prequel to this book series. A Rosefield Christmas is an entertaining short story that tells of a memorable holiday when the sisters were much younger.

  You can get your free gift by going to

  Thanks again, Emma

  The Sisters of Rosefield Series

  Book One: Love Is Enough

  Book Two: Quest For Love

  Book Three: Love Means Everything

  Book Four: Falling In Love

  Book Five: Love Will Prevail

  Book Six: Blessed With Love


  To my devoted readers who made this book series a reality

  Chapter One

  Trisha stooped down and kissed Molly on her chubby cheeks. She straightened again and smiled tenderly at her younger daughter. Molly looked just like her older sister, Ruby, and acted like her too. They had both been a handful today. Trisha loved how they were always exuberant and full of life. They had played hard, but, thankfully, were finally asleep.

  Ruby, gregarious and mischievous, had been the first one to pass out from gleeful exhaustion. Molly, who followed her sister about and copied everything she did, had fallen asleep soon after. Frank had put her to bed and read her a bedtime story.

  Trisha smiled with relief as she looked at Molly. Finally, after a long day, she could climb into bed beside Frank and they could cuddle together before they both fell asleep.

  She switched Molly’s bedroom light off and headed toward the room she shared with Frank. Just before she opened the door to their bedroom, the doorbell rang.

  Trisha frowned. She glanced at her wristwatch and saw it was some minutes past ten o’clock. Who could be visiting at this time without calling first?

  She sighed wearily and turned around. Quickly making her way to the living room, she opened the front door. And then her eyes grew wide with astonishment. She screamed and gathered Sienna into a tight hug. She pulled back from Sienna and stared at her sister in disbelief.

  Chuckling, she asked, “What on earth are you doing here?” She looked behind Sienna and saw Bryan with Ethan in his arms. Shaking her head in surprise, she hugged Bryan and kissed Ethan on his cheeks. She stepped back again, looked at Bryan, and giggled. “What are you both doing here? Shouldn’t you still be in Peru?”

  Sienna laughed and said, “Shouldn’t you be letting us into the house, Trish? It’s late.”

  Trisha looked down at their travelling bags on the ground. She picked up one of the bags with her left hand and lifted Ethan out of Frank’s arms with her right. Carrying the bag and Ethan into the living room, she smiled at her little nephew.

  Sienna and Bryan followed her in.

  She sat on the couch and settled Ethan, who was half-asleep, onto her lap. Sienna came and sat next to her while Bryan sat on the sofa facing them. Trisha looked at them and grinned, still in disbelief. How had they kept their coming to America a secret? She looked down at Ethan and ran her fingers gently through his hair. He’d gotten so big. She couldn’t hold back her surprise anymore and said, “You guys, you didn’t tell me, or anyone for that matter, that you were coming. How did you keep it a secret?”

  Sienna chuckled and Bryan smiled.

  “We wanted to surprise everyone, so we simply told no one that we were coming,” Sienna said.

  A sliver of worry ran through Trisha. Was something wrong with their ministry in Peru?

  She shared her concern with both of them, but Bryan shook his head quickly. “Everything is fine,” he said. “Though we both have news to share with everyone.”

  Trisha studied their faces and her worry increased. “There is something wrong, isn’t there?”

  “Nothing is wrong, Trish,” Sienna said. “It’s just that we have some news to share.”

  “What news?” Trisha asked curiously.

  “We will tell everyone once Audrey and Ken come to Rosefield,” Bryan answered.

  “By the way, when will that be?” Sienna asked.

  “They will probably be here before the end of the week,” Trisha said. She reached out and hugged Sienna again, thrilled that she was here. She hadn’t seen Sienna in over a year. She had spoken to her and Bryan, and even baby Ethan, on the phone and chatted with them on video calls numerous times, but she had yearned to physically see them; to hug her sister and hold her nephew. She drew back from Sienna and said, “I’m so glad you guys are here. I am glad I’ve finally met Ethan.” She gently caressed Ethan’s cheek.

  Sienna said, “I’ve been thinking about something.”

  “What is it?” Trisha asked.

  “You know it will be Mom and Dad’s fortieth wedding anniversary soon. I’ve been thinking we should do something special for them. I am not yet sure what, though.”

  Trisha raised her brows. “I’ve been thinking about bringing up the idea of doing something for their anniversary as well, but because we are all in different places, and knowing how emotional it will make us, I wasn’t sure when or if I should even bring up the idea. But since you are here now and Audrey will soon arrive in Rosefield, maybe we can think of something really special to mark the occasion.” She smiled widely and said, “Do you have any ideas about what we should do? I haven’t been able to come up with anything yet.”

  “I haven’t, either,” Sienna answered. “But since Bryan and I have a long leave of absence and a long vacation this time, we will be here. Hopefully, when Audrey arrives, we can all put our heads together and come up with something to mark their fortieth anniversary.”

  “It has to be something really special and meaningful,” Trisha told her.

  “Yes, it definitely has to be,” Sienna replied.

  Trisha nodded and changed the subject. They talked about Bryan and Sienna’s ministry in Peru; about the orphanage and the new church they had planted there. Bryan told Trisha about the unique challenges they were facing running an orphanage, pastoring a church, and also traveling to different parts of Peru, holding evangelistic outreaches and programs. “It is hard, but quite rewarding,” he said.

  Soon, they switched topics again.

  “I can’t wait to see Esther again,” Sienna said and smiled down at Ethan still sleeping in Trisha’s arms. “It’s been a year and a half since Au
drey and Ken adopted her and I miss that girl.”

  Trisha beamed. “Esther is precious. She has won the hearts of everyone in Rosefield.”

  Sienna smiled. “I’m so glad the adoption process went smoothly and Audrey and Ken were able to adopt her in just a few months.”

  Trisha sighed and said, “Audrey and Ken love that girl, but they want another child. They have been trying to get pregnant but haven’t been able to. Audrey has wanted a baby since she and Ken got married. The fact that they still don’t have one has been very hard for them, especially Audrey. Because of that, she has been feeling really gloomy these days. I don’t know if she has told you how she feels.”

  “Whenever we talk on the phone, she does tell me how discouraged she is,” Sienna said. “I think we might need to go on another trip to get her out of her funk so she isn’t constantly thinking about her inability to have a baby now.”

  Trisha perked up. “I think that will be a good idea. Maybe we can also use that trip to mark Mom and Dad’s anniversary. What better way to celebrate their fortieth than a family trip? You know how they always dreamt of taking us all on vacations abroad but were never able to.”

  “I know,” Sienna said. “Of course, Dad could have used his inheritance if he hadn’t abhorred it and his father so much.”

  Trisha smiled sadly. “That is true.”

  “Anyway, it has to be not just a luxury vacation, but a trip that will be truly meaningful,” Sienna said. She turned to look at Bryan and Trisha’s eyes went to him as well. He had been quiet for some time now. His head was against the sofa and his eyes were closed. He was already asleep.

  Sienna yawned and said, “Trish, I think I will go to bed now. I’m really tired after the long trip and both my boys are already sleeping.”

  Trisha nodded and stood up with Ethan in her arms.

  Sienna walked over to Bryan, slowly ran her fingers through his hair to wake him up, and then smiled when he opened his eyes. “Let’s go to bed, baby,” she said to him.

  As they walked to one of the guest rooms with Trisha leading the way, she talked to Sienna about Faizan and the last time she had spoken to him. “You know Zainah is pregnant now,” Trisha said.

  “I know,” Sienna said with an expression of longing on her face. “Audrey told me. I wish I could speak to Faizan on the phone again. I cannot remember the last time I did. At least you and Audrey get to speak with him whenever Ken is able to reach him.”

  “You know it is very hard to reach him. Actually, I also haven’t spoken to him in months.”

  “I wish we could go and see him and Zainah,” Sienna said wistfully.

  They reached the end of the hallway and Trisha opened the door to the guest room. She remembered clearly the last time the guest room had been used — by Sienna and Bryan, actually. They had arrived days before Faizan and Zainah were supposed to get married; before Zainah left for Africa and Faizan went after her fully knowing he would not be able to come back to the United States if he did.

  Trisha switched on the light and Sienna and Bryan walked into the room. “Let me go and get the cot Ruby used when she was about Ethan’s age,” she said. She handed Ethan to Sienna and left the room quickly. She went upstairs into the small storeroom where knick-knacks and lots of small discarded furniture were kept. She carried the cot out to Sienna and Bryan’s room and placed it beside the king-sized bed Sienna and Bryan would be sleeping on.

  Bryan was already stretched out on the bed with his eyes closed, while Sienna slowly walked around the room holding Ethan and singing softly. Trisha left the room again to get clean sheets for the cot. She got one from her bedroom and quickly went back to Sienna and Bryan’s. After making Ethan’s bed, Sienna gently laid him in it and then bent down to plant a kiss on his cheek.

  Trisha said, “You guys really surprised me. Frank will be astonished when he wakes up tomorrow and sees you and Bryan here. I won’t tell him anything. I’ll just let him walk in to you guys.” Trisha chuckled. “So, Audrey doesn’t know that you and Bryan are here?”

  “No, she doesn’t. We spoke on the phone a few days ago, but I didn’t tell her.” Sienna began to shed her jeans and top. She put on a peach lacy nightgown, reached out and hugged Trisha again. Stepping back, she said, “I’ve missed you so much, Trish, and I have missed Rosefield. I’m so glad I’m here.”

  Trisha squeezed her hand and said, “I am glad you are here, too.” She smiled once more and said, “Let me let you guys sleep. We will catch up some more tomorrow.” She stepped out of the room and slowly closed the door behind her. Walking to the living room, she sat on the sofa and smiled. But soon she frowned as she remembered what Sienna had said about having some news to share. Sienna had said it was not bad news, but Trisha was slightly worried. So much had happened in the past year and the last thing she needed was bad news. However, she was excited about the prospect of marking their parents’ anniversary with a family trip. She was excited, but slightly somber.

  She stood up once more and walked to her bedroom. As she climbed into bed beside Frank, she smiled again. The most important thing was that they were all going to be together soon … well, except for Faizan. She had not seen Audrey in months now. Since Audrey adopted Esther, her older sister had understandably reduced the amount of times she came to Rosefield.

  “I miss you so much, Mom and Dad,” she whispered, her heart flooding with sadness. She sighed and finally brushed away her gloominess. Their upcoming anniversary was a time to celebrate, not mourn. She soon fell fast asleep, her dreams filled with exciting ideas for the trip.


  Ken bent down in front of Esther and searched his daughter’s eyes. His heart burned. She looked so sad. He took her hand. Since they’d adopted her from Peru and brought her to America about a year and a half ago, he and Audrey had never been away from her. Once Audrey had quit her job to concentrate on raising Esther and try to get pregnant about a year ago, they’d mostly stopped going to Rosefield, choosing to stay in Miami so Esther could attend school regularly. They had only been to Rosefield twice since she was adopted and that was only for a few days.

  Ken smiled sadly at Esther. Now that he had a long vacation, he and Audrey planned to go to Rosefield and surprise her sisters and their spouses with the good news they had for them. Unfortunately, Esther could not come along as school was still in session and they were planning to go on vacation to somewhere Esther couldn’t go.

  Esther hugged Ken fiercely, drew back again, and held Audrey’s hand. “Why can’t I go with you?” she asked in English. She usually spoke both English and Spanish to them now. She had been learning English in school since she’d arrived in the United States. Ken and Audrey also spoke English to her at home. Now, she spoke English almost as fluently as Spanish.

  Audrey hugged her. When Esther began to cry, tears ran down Audrey’s cheeks.

  Ken pressed his lips together and said, “You won’t be able to come with us to where we are going.” He looked up at his mother, who had come to Miami a few days ago to take Esther to Boise with her. “Grandma will take good care of you, I promise.”

  Esther nodded and wiped her tears away, and Ken sighed in relief. She had spent some time with his parents when they went to visit them months ago. He wished with all his heart he could stay with her, but Audrey and her sisters needed this trip and Audrey would not be able to be apart from him right now. He had to go. And so did Audrey.

  Audrey drew back from Esther and he hugged the little girl again. He clearly remembered how much he had been against adopting her. Now he couldn’t imagine his life without her. At the time they went to Peru to see Bryan and Sienna, his mind had been so far from adopting a child. He had butted heads with Audrey about that, which had led to many fights, adding to the ones they were already having because of his refusal to have a baby. He had come away from it all with a deep sense of repentance and regret for his stubbornness and an equal sense of gratitude.

  His mind traveled back to the
day he’d finally agreed to adopt Esther. It had been the very day they’d left Peru for the States.

  Just before they’d gone to bed the night before, Audrey had been almost inconsolable when she finally realized that he would not budge and that she might never see Esther again. He had turned away from her in order to go to sleep as they had an early flight the next day, but he could not sleep. Before bed, they’d had another fight about the adoption and his decision not to have a baby. He’d instinctively known it was the final straw for Audrey and that he might lose her.

  He’d spent the night praying and asking the Lord what he should do. He knew there was no place for a child in their lives... at least, so he had thought. They were still so busy with their jobs and shuffling constantly between Miami and Rosefield. But Audrey didn’t seem to care. They quarreled all the time because of that. He couldn’t allow his marriage to continue like that and eventually disintegrate. There had to be a solution.

  He’d started in fear when he’d heard an audible voice say, “There is a solution, and you know what it is.”

  His eyes had flown open. Had he just heard the voice of God?


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