Her Arrogant Boss (The Wright Kind of Wrong Book 1)

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Her Arrogant Boss (The Wright Kind of Wrong Book 1) Page 10

by S. E. Roberts

“Yeah, he sure likes to screw a lot of shit up for me.”

  I grab his arm, not sure how well he’ll receive my next words. “Ian.” He looks over at me. “This might sound shitty, but you’re letting him have way too much control of your happiness.” When he arches an eyebrow at me, I continue, “I know that him leaving tore you, your mom, and your sister up, and I know that you all needed him. But maybe you need to let him explain.”

  “I don’t want to hear his excuses.”

  “I know, but if for nothing else, maybe it’ll give you some peace about the situation. I’m not saying that it will make everything better, but at least you’ll know you tried.”

  He stands to his feet, retrieving his boxers off the floor before sliding them on, and I know the conversation is over.

  “I’ll think about it, okay?”

  He reaches his hand out to me. “Come on. I need to feed my woman.”

  “Isn’t that what you just did?” He covers my body with one of his T-shirts. I breathe in his scent and I make a mental note to make sure I throw it in my purse before I leave, so I can smell him anytime I want once I go home.

  “So naughty.” He swats my ass as I head out of his bedroom and I sprint down the hallway like a child, wanting him to chase me.

  “You love it!” I holler behind me, and in the next instant, he pulls me into his arms from behind.

  “Yes, I do. But I love you even more.”

  This man has me wanting things I never knew I wanted until I met him.



  “Mmm.” Maddison moans around a forkful of French toast that I gave her, causing my dick to stir in my boxers. I had plans for us today, but I’m seriously considering throwing them out the window. “Good in the kitchen and in bed.” She sips on her coffee. “I could marry you, Mr. Wright.”

  As soon as the words leave her mouth, her cheeks tinge in pink and it’s adorable.

  She slaps a hand over her mouth. “Oh, my God. Ignore me. I was kidding.” She turns away, looking anywhere but at me.

  “Hey.” I move closer to her on the bed and grab her hand. “I know we’ve only been together for a short time, but that doesn’t mean I can’t imagine a future with you.” And it’s the truth. A year ago, I would have freaked at the idea of ever settling down again, but with Maddison, I find myself wanting things I never have before.

  She finally turns back to me and grabs my face with her free hand and rubs at the day-old scruff on my face before leaning in to peck my lips.

  “What do you want to do today?” Apparently, we’re done with the conversation of any kind of future for now.

  I stand from the bed gathering our plates, piling them on top of one of the bedside tables before settling next to her again. I fidget with a loose string on one of the throw pillows. My sister insisted that I needed them to make my penthouse homey, whatever the fuck that means.

  “Are you okay?” She once again strokes at my face. “You look like you’re about to puke.”

  I throw my head back against the headboard. “How do you feel about meeting my mother?”

  Her eyes widen, and I can tell I’ve shocked her.

  “Are you serious? She wants to meet me?” Now it’s her who looks like she’s about to puke. I hope I didn’t just make her want to run for the hills. I clearly suck ass at trying to get back into the dating game, because I seem to have scared her away, when I only just got her back.

  “It’s fine. I’ll tell her we already have plans.” I grab my phone, getting ready to shoot my mom a text. She’ll be disappointed, but I’ll risk that if it means keeping my woman by my side for the day.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” She takes my phone out of my hand and tosses it back to the table. “I’m sorry.” She looks away shyly. “I’ve just never met a guy’s parents before, and it kind of freaked me out for a second.”

  I pull her into my arms. “Don’t be sorry. I probably should have asked you before I agreed to go.”

  She shakes her head. “No, that’s okay. I want to meet her.” She gives me a genuine smile, and I know she’s telling the truth. “But I thought she said you couldn’t come back until you made things right?”

  I forgot to tell her I called her early this morning to apologize for the way I acted. When I told her Maddison was here, she insisted we both come for lunch.

  “I apologized to her this morning, and she told me that she’s dying to meet you.”

  She turns the same color the rest of her body gets when I have her under me, writhing in passion. I’m reconsidering my mother’s offer.

  “I’m proud of you.” She kisses my cheek before standing from the bed. “Shall we shower before we go, Mr. Wright?”

  She doesn’t have to ask me twice. Although showering with her causes us to be late for lunch at my mom’s.

  An hour later, we walk into my childhood home, my hand gripping Maddison’s.

  I can tell she’s in awe of the place as she takes in every square inch she can see.

  “I was wondering when you’d get here!” My mother comes down the hallway, pulling me into a tight hug before turning toward my girlfriend. “Oh! You must be Maddison!”

  She pulls her into an even tighter hug than she did me, and my girl quickly melts into her. I’m an asshole a lot of times, but seeing two of the most important women in my life together makes my heart swell.

  After they finally pull apart, we head to the kitchen for an extravagant lunch of turkey clubs, fruit salad, and my favorite chocolate cake she always made for us growing up. Nothing is ever simple when it comes to my mother entertaining, but you won’t hear me complain.

  We finish eating, and then Maddison stands from the table. “I’ll do the dishes, Mrs. Wright.” She starts gathering our plates, but my mother stops her when she grabs her hand.

  “Goodness, no! You’re our guest. And please, call me Mona.”

  “Well, I’m happy to help, Mona.”

  Mom pats the chair Maddison had been occupying. “Thank you sweet girl, but sit back down. My son will do the dishes while we talk.” She winks at me this time and I groan under my breath, but know arguing won’t get me anywhere with the woman.

  Maddie giggles and then sits back down at her request.

  I stand and kiss my girl on the top of the head before making my way into the kitchen. I hear both ladies talking away, about what I don’t know, as I fill the sink with water.

  After everything went to hell with Destiny, I never thought I’d bring another woman here. It’s honestly surreal, but I’m thankful that Maddison seems to be comfortable. I’m not sure what I’d do if she wasn’t accepting of my family, not that I ever worried about that. But family is everything to me.

  Once I put the last plate in the dishwasher, I pull the chocolate cake out of the fridge. Mom always kept it in there because it tastes better cold. One day I’ll pry the recipe out of her. Although I’ve never been good at baking, only cooking. Maddison seems to enjoy everything I’ve made for her, so I have my mother to thank for that. I’m glad that despite having the means to hire people to do things such as cook or clean, my parents found it important to teach us how to do them on our own. Edward was my dad’s driver, and I didn’t want to put him out of work, so I kept him around. But I don’t ever want to rely fully on others to do things for me, as cocky as I can be. Plus, I would hate having people in my house all the time.

  I cut three slices of the mouth-watering cake and then carry them into the dinning room. Both women are laughing at something, and I have a feeling it’s at my expense, but I can’t bring myself to care. I’d do anything to see that smile on Maddison’s face every day.

  The three of us dig into our dessert in silence. The stuff is that amazing. Until my mother interrupts us.

  “Ian, have you talked to Seth?”

  I look toward Maddison to see worry etched on her gorgeous face, so I give her leg a reassuring squeeze underneath the table.

  I cough into my hand. “
Not yet, Mom.”

  “I know you probably don’t want to talk about this with your girlfriend here, but please just make this right, okay?”

  I decide against telling her that my brother is the one who needs to make things right.

  After visiting for a little while longer, I’m ready to leave to get my girlfriend back home, under the sheets.

  We say our goodbyes to my mother, and I grab Maddison’s hand in mine, making our way out of the house.

  “I hope she didn’t tell you too many embarrassing stories about me.” I smirk as I open the passenger side door for her. I lean down to kiss her cheek before she gets in.

  She looks up at me. “Not too many.” She winks. “I wish my mom was more like her.” I can tell she’s embarrassed as she looks straight ahead through the windshield.

  I decide against asking what she means and close her door before walking around to get in my seat.

  Most of the drive back to my penthouse is uncomfortably silent, so I take my chance and ask what I’ve been wanting to.

  “What did you mean about wishing your mom was more like mine?”

  “She just hasn’t cared much for me or Chloe in years.” She shakes her head as I look over at her. “Our biological dad died when I was only a year old, so it was just the three of us for many years. We didn’t have a lot, but I remember we were always happy. Then she met Hank.”

  “Your stepfather?”

  “Yeah. He seemed nice enough at first, until they got married.” She looks out the window. “Don’t get me wrong. He’s never been physical with any of us or anything like that, but he’s very wealthy, and that wealth quickly went to my mother’s head. I think that’s why she puts up with his cheating.”

  “Is that why you came back to Chicago?” I never quite understood why she moved away from her parents.

  “Yeah, I just never felt welcome in their home. But when I questioned my mom about why she stays with him, Hank overheard and told me I had to leave. Basically, I was twenty-three-years-old, living under mommy and daddy’s thumb.”

  I reach for her hand over the console.

  “I’m sorry you had to deal with that. They clearly don’t realize how amazing you are. You’re nothing like that.” I give her hand a squeeze and she snorts out a laugh.

  “Well, I make nowhere near the money they do, and never will. But I’m not with you because of your money, Ian,” she rushes out.

  I pull into the parking garage and quickly find my spot before shutting the car off and then turn toward her.

  I push a stray hair out of her eyes and grab her face, forcing her to look at me.

  “I’ve never once thought that.” I lean down and kiss her cheek.

  I wrap my arms around her, and she melts into my embrace. I’m so in love with this woman, I don’t know what I’d do if I was ever forced to be away from her.



  After the weekend I had with Ian, I didn’t want to leave our happy little bubble this morning. But he had an early morning, so I rode into the office with him at seven. Nellie and I have plenty to do, and the day passes by in a whirlwind. I promised Chloe I’d be home tonight for dinner and she wants to watch a chick flick once she gets Taylor to bed. As much as I want to spend more time with my boyfriend, I do miss my sister.

  “How was your weekend?” Nellie asks as she turns from her computer, a mischievous look on her face.

  I smile shyly, knowing she won’t want to know exactly how good my weekend was with her boss.

  “It was good. I met Ian’s mom.”

  “And what did you think of Mona?”

  I shut down my computer and toss my phone in my purse.

  “She’s wonderful. I felt so relaxed around her, and she was nothing but sweet the entire time we were there.”

  She clicks her tongue, seeming to be deep in thought. “She was worried about him after Destiny screwed him over. I’m sure she’s glad to see him happy.”

  The mention of his ex makes me cringe.

  “You about ready to go?” Ian asks me as he walks down the hallway, headed toward my desk.

  My face automatically lights up and I wonder if he’ll ever stop having this effect on me. I sure hope not.

  “Yep, let me just grab my stuff.”

  As soon as I grab my purse out of my desk drawer, I hear my phone go off inside of it. I pull it out to see a text from Chloe. She’s probably wanting to make sure I don’t bail on her tonight.

  “Hold on. I just need to see what my sister needs.” Ian walks over to Nellie’s desk, asking her about her day.

  Chloe: FYI Mother Dearest will probably be calling you soon. I just got off the phone with her.

  “Fuck,” I mumble under my breath, and before I can even respond, my phone is ringing in my hand.

  I see Ian look over at me in question, but instead of saying anything, I stare at my phone as if it’s a ticking time bomb, about to go off in my hand.

  “Maddie, what’s wrong?”

  “I need to take this call.” I stand from my desk, not sure where I’m headed, but don’t want to talk to my mother around him or Nellie. I have no clue what she wants after all this time. Why is she calling me now?

  “My office is open if you want to go in there.”

  I give him a weak smile and make my way down the hall before pushing the door shut behind me. By the time I’m settled behind his desk, the call has ended. I lay it on the hard wooden top, waiting for it to ring again, because I know she won’t give up until I answer.

  Sure enough, she calls again, and this time I have to pick up. Chloe did it. I can too.

  “H-Hello,” my voice cracks, and I hate that she’s hearing what she does to me.

  “Well, it’s about time you picked up,” she says in way of greeting, but I’m not the least bit surprised. Marta hasn’t been pleasant since she met Hank. Unlike Ian’s mother, my mom didn’t know how to handle the wealth and immediately started treating everyone else like they were the scum of the earth. Then throw in the fact that I called her out for staying with a cheating asshole, and yeah, I’m right at the top of her shit list.

  “I’m working. What do you need?” I’m proud of myself for not giving into her bullshit.

  “Now, Maddison. You haven’t bothered to call one time since you left Detroit. Don’t you think you should be a little nicer to your mother?”

  “I’m sorry. It’s just I really do have a lot of work to do.” It’s a lie, but at this point I’ll do anything to get off the phone with her.

  “Well, I won’t keep you, but you need to be home on Saturday for Hank’s retirement party.”

  What the actual hell?

  “I’m sorry, what?” I had no idea he was even retiring, although I guess I wouldn’t when they wanted nothing to do with me anymore. Yes, my stepfather gave me a job for the last few years, but I was completely under his control. They didn’t care that I’m an adult and held way too much power over me, considering.

  “Yes, be here by eleven.”

  She’s not even asking if I can be there. It’s that exact same control she had for the last twenty-three years of my life. Chloe was married at a young age, and I always thought she was crazy, but at the same time, I was jealous she got away from them so soon.

  “All right, darling. I’ll see you Saturday.”

  And without another word, she ends the call.

  I stare at the wall in front of Ian’s desk for God knows how long until I hear the door push open.

  “You okay?” he walks toward me slowly.

  I give him a forced smile.

  “Who was that? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “That was my mother.” I clear my throat. “Apparently, my stepfather is having a retirement party this weekend that they want me and Chloe at.”

  “That makes sense. You are their daughters.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I push up from his desk. “Anyway, I’m ready to go. If you don’t want to
give me a ride home, I can just take an Uber.” I’m being completely bitchy, but that’s what happens just about every time I talk to my mom.

  “Oh, no you don’t.” He grabs me before I make it to the door, and pulls me into his chest. “Don’t shut me out,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I’m sorry. I just haven’t seen them since I left Michigan and now, I’m expected to spend the whole weekend with them.”

  He strokes at my cheek. “Why don’t I go with you?”

  “You have no idea what you’re offering.” I pull away from him.

  “They can’t be that bad.” He walks behind his desk and grabs his suit jacket from his chair.

  I sigh heavily. “They are. I promise.”

  “Well, then I’ll be there if they give you any shit.” He winks and pulls me into his arms again.

  I lean my head against his chest, inhaling his scent. A scent that I could never get tired of smelling.

  “Really, you don’t have to. Chloe will be there anyway.”

  He lifts my chin and I look into his eyes and I can tell that he’s serious.

  “I know I don’t have to, but I want to be there for you.”

  I know that having him there will make me feel a hell of a lot better.

  “Thank you,” I whisper up at him. “You’re too good to me.”

  He shakes his head. “No, Maddison. I’m not, but you make me want to be a better man.”



  After I dropped Maddison off at home, I called in dinner from her favorite Chinese restaurant. I wasn’t planning on spending the evening with her, since I had her to myself all weekend, but once I heard that her brother-in-law would be home all night, I didn’t feel so bad.

  I’ve only met the guy one other time, but when he shook my hand at the door, I told him not to make dinner plans and he smiled in agreement and handed me a wad of cash. I don’t need the guy’s money, but took it out of respect. I don’t need her family thinking I’m a bigger asshole than I am.


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