Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set

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Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set Page 14

by Krystal Shannan

  “What does Rose taste like?”

  The bell rang, announcing our arrival into the dining room. “Her blood is rich and potent, like a perfectly aged scotch. A very little will go a long way.”

  “So you need more of my blood to be satisfied than hers?” My jealousy surprised me.

  His hand guided me forward and toward an empty booth. I sat, sliding to the center and adjusting my dress so it fell neatly over my legs. “So many questions, kjaere.” He smiled at me from across the table. “And, yes. I do require a larger dose of your blood than Rose’s to be sated. It would be the same if I drank from most any supernatural. Human blood is sweeter, but not as potent.”

  The delightful scent of baking bread and sugar wafted from the window behind the breakfast bar. The food coming out to others in the dining room made my mouth water and my brain forget about what I’d asked. A large plate of what looked like a cross between a cinnamon bun and some type of bread loaf was delivered to the table just across from us.


  I glanced back at Erick’s laughing, blue eyes. A smirk curved his mouth and pulled up the corners of his eyes.

  “Sorry. The food distracted me. You were saying how sweet I tasted and then I saw a mutant cinnamon roll slash pound cake.” I gave him a quick wink and sat back against the cushion of my seat.

  He waved at Raven and pointed to the concoction on the table next to us. Minutes later, I was devouring my own plate of sticky, sweet cinnamon goodness and washing it down with a glass of OJ. She’d also brought me a small plate of eggs and bacon, which Erick insisted I consume as well. There’s no way I would have been able to eat everything, but his regular feedings kept my body in a constant state of hunger, besides the unnatural libido I’d developed. I polished off the sweetbread and the plate of protein in record time.

  When I looked up, he sat quietly, watching. His bright blue irises caressed my face with a glance and heated my skin as his gaze traveled down to my cleavage, which I had to say looked quite nice, thanks to Calliope’s designs.

  Now she was a woman who knew how to pick the perfect fabric and weave an amazing enchantment. I’d never worn anything so amazing. Between the attention Erick lavished on me and the confidence the new clothes provided, I started to believe Sanctuary might be just that—a safe haven for me. Somewhere I could stay. Make friends. Build some semblance of a life.

  It almost felt like it could be a home … almost.

  “I need to speak to Rose for a minute before we leave. Will you wait for me here?”

  “Sure.” I nodded and took a sip from my water glass. I took a quick glance at his fine ass as he moved quickly to the counter and then disappeared into the kitchen. Shaking my head, I sighed. It was strange. I never thought I could enjoy sex again or even want it, for that matter. But with Erick, lustful thoughts were never far from the front of my mind.

  An old jukebox on the far wall caught my eye. I’d seen pictures of them before, but I had never seen one in person. Music with words, like literature, was now government-controlled in most places. Most of it was dry and boring. Instrumental music was mostly what I’d grown up listening to. I couldn’t believe they’d been able to keep this from being confiscated.

  My curiosity got the better of me and I rose from my seat and walked over to it. There was a list of songs, none familiar. Titles like I Walk the Line, Your Cheatin‘ Heart, Coal Miner’s Daughter, I Fall to Pieces and dozens more. Some of them sounded terrible. Why would anyone sing about a cheating heart or falling to pieces?

  “Rose always liked classic country.” Raven’s voice piped up beside me. “You can pick one. She has it fixed to play without putting in money. Just push the button for the corresponding song number.” She pointed to a row of silver buttons below the glass display area.

  “No one will mind?”

  “Course not.”

  I stared back at the list and looked for a title that sounded pleasant, finally deciding on I Can’t Stop Loving You by Kitty Wells. Arms and levers moved inside the jukebox. I watched, fascinated, as a circular black disk was placed on a tray and began to spin. A raspy woman’s voice rolled out from the machine slowly. The soft lilting sound made me want to rock back and forth. I’d never heard music like this before. I’d heard about concerts and singers in the newspapers, but unless you were rich and part of the elite or well-versed in black-market trading, you never got to hear them.

  “Ahh, pretty girl, you can’t play a song like that and not dance,” an unfamiliar, deep bass voice rumbled next to me.

  I turned toward the man and took a step back. Where the hell had he come from? Before I could squeak out a response, he grabbed my hand and twirled me around. A moment later I was flush to his hard, cool body, held in place with his other arm. I recognized his plaid shirt and long black hair. He was one of the vampires I’d seen outside Erick’s apartment that morning.

  I looked across the dining room and gave Raven a pleading glance. She stood frozen by the counter with her mouth hanging open. Everyone was staring.

  “Please let me go.” I spoke firmly, but quietly, not wanting to make a scene. He wasn’t hurting me. I just didn’t really want to dance with him. I especially didn’t want to be this close to his body. Unlike Erick, this giant of a vampire made me nervous. “I don’t want to dance.”

  “By the way Erick’s scent coats your sweet skin, I’d say you’re more than comfortable in a man’s arms.”

  What a nerve! I reeled backward, pushing against his chest. He dropped his arm from where it was wrapped around my waist and cocked an arrogant eyebrow, which only served to further infuriate me. My palm connected with his face. The terrifying crack echoed through the already silent dining room.

  Fear shot through my body, freezing me in place. What had I done? What kind of stupid human slaps a vampire across the face? Me, apparently. I’d only been here a couple of days and already my brain had gone to mush.

  I waited for him to snarl and attack. His lip curled a bit, but he made no move to retaliate.

  “Your chica packs a bit of a temper, no?” He grinned and glanced toward the counter.

  Erick stood next to the counter, his eyes black as night and his fangs fully descended. His body strained against a hand wrapped around his wrist. Rose held him with one hand. There was a bit more to this Sentinel than anyone had shared with me. I’d seen what a vampire was capable of doing. One woman didn’t have a shot in hell of holding back an angry vampire, yet she stood calmly, holding his wrist, without appearing to exert much effort.

  “Javier, you shame yourself with such behavior,” Rose’s soft voice broke the silence. “You know very well Erick has claimed Bailey.”

  He licked his fangs and took a step toward me, making a crude gesture toward my groin. “Maybe she likes a little variety between her legs. I bet a good smack or two in the right place would get her all hot and bothered.”

  Air rushed from my lungs and anger simmered beneath my skin, mixing with terror. His comment brought old memories rushing forward. Tears burned down my cheeks and a scream tore from my throat as I lunged toward the giant vampire.

  Seconds later I was surrounded by Raven, Maven, and Rose. A blur of bodies exited the café. The door closed behind them with an ominous thud. I squeezed my hands into fists and winced in pain. I opened my palm, surprised to find a steak knife in my right hand. Somewhere in the rush of the moment, I’d grabbed the utensil from one of the tables next to me. Blood flowed from a deep gash where I’d gripped the blade. Damn.

  “What the hell?” I dropped the knife and swallowed nervously as it clattered to the floor.

  “That, my dear, was a bit of a brawl,” Rose said, patting my shoulder. “Just give them a few minutes, they’ll work it out or I’ll do it for them. Let’s get your hand tended to before they come back.”

  “They’ll both come in? Together?” Shock didn’t even begin to describe my feelings.

  “Javier is several hundred years Erick’s seni
or. In fact, he is the eldest Protector in Sanctuary. I did not think he would try to take you from Erick, though. Your very presence in the town was not by chance. The claim was clear.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with Javier. Why would he think I would?”

  She grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the dining room to the kitchen. “You are not marked. To a vampire that means you are available. Erick was foolish to heal all his bite marks.”

  I knew he’d healed them so I wouldn’t have any extra scars. His thoughtfulness had only endeared him to me more.

  Rose dragged me to the sink and started running cold water over the wound on my palm. The water ran red with my blood and slowly became clear again as the bleeding slowed. “I have bandages in my office. Raven, would you fetch the first aid kit from my desk?”

  The colorful pixie dashed off, and I turned back to Rose. “I’m not going anywhere with Javier.”

  “Shhh, I know, darling. Everything will be fine. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself. I know that must’ve been very difficult for you.”

  “How?” The pain in my hand had dulled to a throb under the ice-cold flow of water, and my mind tried to comprehend just exactly how much she knew about my history.

  “How what?”

  “How do you know that was difficult? Did Erick say something?”

  “No, he would never betray your confidence, but the Oracle spoke of your suffering.”

  “The Oracle? Arlea? The woman I’m supposed to meet with today? How does she know anything about me?”

  “She is the Oracle. She sees for the Sisters and those who protect them. And you have been on a path to us for quite some time.”

  The bell above the door in the dining room rang, then the building shuddered as the door slammed closed. I caught Rose’s gaze and she smiled.

  “Erick’s back.”

  Relief washed over me and my tense muscles relaxed. Before I could turn he was next to me, breathing over my shoulder, and whispering apologies in my ear as he nibbled on the bottom of the lobe.

  Rose released my hand and stepped back to the sink to wash her hands. “Do I need to speak to Javier?”

  “No,” Erick growled. “Everything is fine.”

  “Very good.” Rose moved toward the prep counter, slipped on a pair of plastic gloves, and joined two other women rolling out dough.

  “What happened to your hand?”

  “She thought she’d stab Javier,” Raven piped up, returning from Rose’s office. She held up the bright red box. “Found the kit. We’ll get you all fixed up.”

  “No,” Erick growled again. Raven backed away without another word, taking the box with her. He raised his wrist to his mouth and bit down. A trickle of dark red blood ran across his skin. He moved his wrist toward my mouth.

  I raised my hands and blocked. “What are you doing?”

  “Just a little of my blood will heal you quickly. I don’t want you walking around with a gash like that. It will attract—”

  “The other Protectors?” As far as I knew, vampires were the only species of Other that drank blood.

  “Yes. And I do not care to fight again today.”

  “Did he hurt you?”

  A smile broke the stern features of his face. “No, kjaere. I am perfectly well. I will let you check for wounds later.”

  “Oh, really?” I snorted. Sure he would. Like either of us needed a reason to be naked with each other.

  “Please, Bailey.” He pushed his wrist closer again. “Just a little will completely heal you.”

  I relented, dropping my hands to my side. He pressed his wrist to my mouth and closed my mouth over the small puncture wounds he’d made. His blood was cool and metallic. Not pleasant in the least. I swallowed three times before my stomach turned and I pushed his arm away.

  He nodded toward the sink and I watched in amazement as the gash in my hand disappeared in front of my eyes. The water rinsed the last trace of blood from my palm, leaving my skin completely clean. I pulled it from the water. There was no trace of the cut. No scar. Nothing.

  Chapter 11

  The double doors of the Castle loomed ahead—tall and menacing. Dark iron twisted into the outline of a dragon on each. The doors were easily twice my height, probably making them close to twelve feet tall. The curved handles were fashioned from wrought iron as well, and were thicker around than my wrist.

  Erick knocked and a few seconds passed before both doors swung open. A giant of a man barred the opening and it took a moment for me to recognize him as Miles. His body was bare from the waist up, displaying abs and a cut chest that would make any man envious. Except maybe Erick.

  Heat rushed to my face, and I knew my cheeks must be as red as the roses in the Castle gardens we’d passed. From the waist down, he wore black leather pants, tight enough to detail the lines of muscle in his thighs and the bulge in his crotch. My throat went dry. Crap.

  “G-good morning.” I sounded like I’d swallowed a toad. My mind refused to quit daydreaming about how beautiful the men of this town were.

  To my horror, both men chuckled loudly. Miles stepped back and Erick’s hand at my back slipped lower. His fingers pinched my ass before urging me through the open door.

  He knew. Of course he knew. I was flushed and aroused, the damn man could smell it. Could Miles tell, too?

  I tried to take a step back, but trying to move against Erick’s hand was futile. He guided me forward, leaning down to my ear and whispering how beautiful I looked and how delicious I smelled. My knees went weak and my body responded by soaking my panties yet again.

  With only a few faltering steps, I stood speechless in the center of a round room. Three grand staircases spiraled up to a second floor, each appearing to lead into a different hallway. The floors were black marble and the walls were made of multi-colored dark stone. White and gold-colored, crushed velvet drapes hung across several openings on the ground floor. There were more than enough chandeliers and wall sconces to keep the huge place well-lit, even pleasant. Seeing it from the outside, I’d been afraid that without windows, the Castle would be like walking into a cave.

  “It’s beautiful.” The awe in my voice must have pleased Miles.

  His face split into a welcoming grin. “Thank you. The Sisters complain it’s too dark, but we try to brighten it as much as we can during the day. Though, I rather prefer it dark.”


  He leaned down, his face inches from mine. The irises of his eyes elongated and changed colors, from a dark amber to a bright orange gold. I took a step back and leaned against Erick’s chest, my heart pounding so loud in my ears I couldn’t hear anything else.

  “My dragon can see better in the dark.”

  “Miles!” Erick’s growl vibrated through my back, reassuring me of his presence and protection. Though, I didn’t truly believe Miles would hurt me.

  The other man straightened to his full height and scoffed. “Scaring little humans is fun. I don’t get to do it nearly often enough anymore.” He gestured to the opening to our left. “Straight through the courtyard. Arlea is in the garden.”

  “Thanks,” Erick said as he looped his arm through mine and led me away from the smiling dragon of a man. He’d scared me on purpose. Hot or not, I found myself wishing it’d been his brother Eli at the door. Equally built and sexy, Eli had exhibited more compassion toward me than his brother in the few times we’d seen each other. I wasn’t even sure Miles knew the definition of consideration, much less compassion.

  Erick pushed back the drapes and we continued down a hallway brightened by chandeliers that sparkled like diamonds. We reached a set of glass French doors that opened into a stunning garden courtyard. Flagstone paths twisted and turned between lush foliage and flowers, leading to various gazebos and sitting areas.

  Several women waved and passed us on their way out of the garden. They were beautiful, and all were wearing loose, flowing dresses like the one I wore from Calliope’s shop. But th
eirs were all white with a shimmering silver sheen, almost like the fabric was woven with fine silver strands. The two women who passed us were probably in their early twenties, but then I caught sight of several elderly women across the courtyard pruning a purple flowering bush.

  “The Sisters … they age?”

  “Yes, the Sisters are human, sort of, but for their gift of sight.” He gently pressed me toward the center of the garden. He stopped at the steps of a large, white gazebo. “Oracle, I’ve brought Bailey to meet you.”

  “Took you long enough,” an elderly woman quipped.

  Erick chuckled. “Nothing ever goes fast enough for you, Sister.”

  “When you’re my age, people need to hurry a little. I might not be around if they dawdle.”

  I turned to face the woman’s voice and paused. She was ancient. Her skin was wrinkled and sagged on her face. The bones beneath her paper-thin skin were high and she had an elegant nose. She’d been gorgeous in her day, no doubt, but her advanced years had left her bent and worn. Her long, silvery-gray hair fell over her shoulders like a waterfall. She wore a loose, white robe with bell-shaped sleeves over her silver dress.

  “Not quite what you expected, eh?” Her brown eyes flashed and she smiled, waving me to come nearer. “A hundred and two will do a number on a gal.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. I’d never met anyone who’d lived past seventy, much less a hundred. Healthcare was almost nonexistent for most of the U.S. population. Medicine was for the wealthy. No one else could afford it.

  “Fae dust does wonders for your health, among other things.” She gave me a telltale wink and motioned toward the empty chair next to hers. “Please come sit with me, child. I’ve been waiting a long time to meet you.”

  I took a few steps and stopped when I no longer felt Erick’s form behind me. Looking over my shoulder, he shook his head.


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