Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set

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Sanctuary, Texas Complete Series Box Set Page 43

by Krystal Shannan

  “You are more than enough, my love,” I drawled out slowly. “But I would really like a tour of your Dungeon this evening.”

  Heat filled the air in the washroom, creating a thick steam around the tub. His eyes widened in surprise, and I heard a pleased rumble deep in his throat, rolling upward until the air around us vibrated with a sound that could only be likened to a purr.

  “Do you know what the dungeon is for? Who told y—” He paused for a second. “Never mind, I know a pretty siren who likes to gossip.”

  “So you’ll show me?”

  “You would be required to follow our commands … explicitly,” Miles’ voice sliced through the steamy air. My skin tingled from head to foot with excitement as he stepped into the bathroom.

  I turned toward him in the doorway and nodded. “I will.”

  The tone of his voice made my legs feel like pudding. I couldn’t wait to see what else he might have in store for me.

  “Stand,” Miles said, using the same commanding tone. His eyes darkened as flecks of brilliant orange flashed in his honey-brown pupils.

  I did as he asked without hesitation, only somewhat aware that I was stark naked and dripping wet. It wasn’t like they hadn’t seen every inch of me before.

  “Good girl,” Miles said.

  There was something about the way he praised me that sent heat searing through my body, flushing me pink from head to foot for sure.

  “I think she likes your Dom voice,” Eli chuckled, rising from the ledge of the tub. He held out a hand.

  I took Eli’s outstretched hand and climbed the stairs out of the sunken tub back to the marble floor of the washroom. Water was still running down my body from my hair, and I was making quite the mess.

  Miles walked forward, grabbing a towel from a rack near the doorway. Eli stepped back and I reached out to take the towel, but Miles shook his head. Dropping my arms back to my sides, I stood still as Miles dabbed and rubbed my body from head to toe, paying special attention to both breasts and the bits between my legs.

  “Your pussy smells so sweet. Let’s see if you taste as good as you smell.” He tossed the damp towel to Eli and ran a hand over my shivering stomach. His fingers splayed wide over my hip and slid lower and lower until he dipped a finger between my legs. I sucked in a quick breath as he entered me and rubbed across that tender bud at the top of my slit. He pulled his finger back and I could see my juices glistening on it. A moment later his finger was in his mouth and he was growling, a look of pleasure covering his face.

  “How does she taste?” Eli’s voice interrupted my trance-like focus on the top of Miles’ head.

  “Sweeter than Rose’s sticky buns.”

  Pleasure rose through me like a rushing wave at his approval. I knew how to have sex—really well. But this was different. The tone of voice. The command. It was a high I could become addicted to.

  Eli disappeared into a closet I’d not noticed yet. He came back with a satin robe and handed it to me. “Put this on. Say, “yes Master” when we command you.”

  “Y-yes, Master.” The formality was strange, but I was willing to play along.

  “Good girl.” Eli’s voice was warmer than Miles, but still held the same raw power that made every bit of me tingle with excitement like I had when Miles first told me to stand.

  I slipped on the robe and tied the attached sash around my waist. The silky fabric fluttered around my thighs, barely long enough to cover my knees. I was covered, but as transparent as the piece of clothing was, I might as well have still been naked. Surely they planned to allow me to dress. This couldn’t be the only thing they were going to let me wear?

  Miles moved first, exiting the bathroom with an eagerness that was contagious. Eli gestured for me to follow and then he walked behind me. The marble floors were cold beneath my bare feet—not that it bothered me. I liked the cold. I couldn’t feel much of anything except the energy building inside me and the heat rolling off both of my mates in waves. Warmth pooled between my legs as we walked and my nipples pebbled against the slight brush of the satin.

  I smiled as we turned and left Miles’ room and entered the grand hallway. They really weren’t going to let me put anything else on.

  Chapter 36


  The sun was setting as we walked down a set of stairs to the ground level of the fortress. It was dim, but not difficult to see with my Drakonae vision. I wondered how hard it was for the Sisters to get around in the low light, but for the most part, I hadn’t seen much of them. Though after the attack, Miles and Eli had probably asked them to stay hidden.

  “Too many questions in your mind, Diana. Don’t think right now,” Eli said, his voice deep and smooth as the satin fabric of the tiny robe I wore.

  “What am I supposed to do?”

  “Feel,” Miles replied, his voice carrying clearly over his shoulder.

  We walked past a lush courtyard, filled with waving flowers and shrubs. Several small buildings sat amongst the pathways that curled through the garden. The sweet scent of jasmine floated on the evening air and I took a deep breath. Trying to let everything fall away, just as they were asking.

  We came to a set of solid double doors and Miles knocked four times and then stepped back. I wanted to ask why he was knocking on a door in his own home, but thought better of it and bit my bottom lip instead. A small partition in the top of the door opened, no bigger than an egg. A few words were exchanged with a woman on the other side before the door on the right swung open.

  A tall woman with blue hair the color of Eira’s eyes opened the door. She wore the tightest leather pants I’d ever seen and a top that had been cut to cover only the necessary parts. It too was made from black leather. A riding crop hung from a latch at her waist and she held some sort of paper pad in her arms.

  “Good evening.” She stepped aside, bowing slightly as she gestured for us to enter.

  I followed Miles and paused at his side in a well-lit entry. The floors and walls were stone, but the ceilings were beautifully carved wood beams and arched to make the room appear larger.

  “Evening, Seely. How is the crowd tonight? Any hiccups we need to address before we disappear with our sub.”

  The word sub made my heart do a pitter-patter and I did my best to keep from smiling from ear to ear. It was difficult. I loved the idea of giving up control. Letting them tell me exactly how our lovemaking would progress. Just the idea of it put my mind at ease. Everything else around me was a mess, but I knew that sex with my husbands would be good, no matter how they chose to go about it. I liked that I didn’t have to make any choices. I could just … let go … and do as they said.

  “Nope, everything is running smoother than molasses. We have four guests in the main hall tonight running scenes, three in the lower dungeon, and two in private rooms. All are repeat visitors and well-loved by the Sisters. We do have one contract completion this evening and it’s her first, so I’ve got several Sisters in the wings to take her afterward and make sure she is settled once he checks out for the night.”

  I listened. Fascinated and confused by the entire conversation. Now wasn’t the time to ask questions. Eli had already warned me to let everything go and to try to just feel. I tried to honor that request. There would be plenty of time to pick their brains about the Sisters and the club later.

  “You run a tight ship, Seely. Thank you,” said Miles.

  Eli closed the door behind him and turned. “Have you had to whip anyone lately?”

  The woman’s face split into a stunning smile and she flashed bright white teeth. Her blue hair rippled in the soft light and she patted the crop hanging from her waist. “Not for a while. But, I’ve been propositioned by more than one man, begging for punishment. Did you know Master Carter was a switch? Nearly turned my hair pink when he offered to bend over and let me whip his ass.”

  Eli laughed and shook his head. “That actually doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “Is the black room ava
ilable tonight?” Miles asked.

  The woman they’d called Seely looked down at her pad. “Yes, black is open.” She reached into the pouch hanging next to the crop and withdrew a small key attached to a shiny black disk. She placed the key into his outstretched hand and bowed subtly before sauntering off to attend to something else.

  My mates turned to face me and Eli crooked a finger, motioning me to follow.

  I took a deep breath and followed him, this time Miles followed behind me. He was so close, I could feel his warm breath on my shoulder.

  “Are you ready to have your mind blown?” he whispered over my shoulder. “This is how Eli and I have learned to cope with the cage of being unable to shift. I think you will like it, Love.”

  My heart raced in my chest and my legs threatened to give way. I was so wet between my legs, even I could smell my arousal. If he’d asked me to turn around right here in the hall and suck him off, I would’ve.

  “Answer him, subbie,” Eli said from ahead of me.

  “Yes, Master.” I spoke the words, but they were no louder than a whisper.

  “Speak clearly,” Miles commanded.

  “Yes, Master,” I repeated, this time louder and clearer.

  “Good girl,” Miles praised.

  They were two words that should’ve made me feel irritated. I wasn’t a pet or a child, but the tone of voice used to speak those two words to me made every difference. Instead of resentment, I felt desire, pleasure, and excitement. Heat coursed through me, warming my body from head to foot. I was so pale. The slightest blush would show on my skin. I knew I had to be pink from my bare legs to my face.

  We walked quietly through a large hall with several couples engaging in a variety of activities, from spanking to rope bindings. People were having sex out in the open, in view of whomever walked by. It was a strange atmosphere. Dark floors, dark walls, and music unlike anything I’d ever heard, pumped from the ceilings of the room—a hard beat, animalistic and sensual at the same time.

  Everything was controlled, though. Discipline and decisiveness were like perfume in the air. Every move by the people around me was made with precision. Every breath. Every stroke of whatever implement they were using was being done with the utmost care and concern. Even those persons causing a great deal of pain to their partner, never lost focus.

  It was amazing to see the couples going through various activities together. I could understand the appeal it held for my husbands. Without the ability to shift and allow our dragon some space, we would become restless and angry. This exchange of power and of restraint would be essential to maintaining control over the beast within.

  Eli stopped at a black door, inserted the key, and opened it. He walked in first and I followed, not quite prepared for everything I saw.

  My feet stopped moving and I stared. Strange contraptions I’d never seen before were spread around the edges of the room. Whips and paddles and other instruments I had no names for decorated the walls like art. The floor was padded black carpet and at the back of the room a large bed wrapped in black sheets looked inviting.

  A tap on my shoulder reminded me Miles was still behind me.

  “Inside, love. We’ll not be putting on a show for anyone.”

  I took a few more steps and he closed the door behind us.

  Eli moved around the room, pulling several items from the wall and then pushed some lighted spots on the wall. An unfamiliar grinding noise echoed through the space as several different chains and bars lowered from the ceiling.

  Fascination wouldn’t let me look away. He attached some leather straps to several places on the bars and I shivered as a bolt of excitement skittered down my spine. It looked like a harness that would suspend me in the air.

  “Take off the robe, fold it, and place it on the table behind you,” Miles said, walking around me to join Eli at the contraption in the center of the room.

  I did as told, keeping my eyes on both men the entire time. Cool air rushed over my naked body, raising gooseflesh on my skin from head to foot. I shivered and flipped my long white-blond hair over my shoulder. My chest heaved up and down as excitement built within me. I wanted them so badly; my arousal was dripping down the inside of my thighs. Licking my lips, I took a step toward them, then paused, not sure what they wanted me to do next.

  “Come.” Miles’ voice was deep and commanding. It was just one word, but I knew it was just the beginning of the experience.

  Moving swiftly across the room, I stopped and stood between Miles and Eli.

  “Any time you feel uncomfortable, say the word “yellow”. We will slow down and talk about the experience before proceeding. If something completely overwhelms you use the safe word “red”. Everything stops if you say “red” so be very sure before using it. Do you understand?” Eli asked, using a finger to lift my chin. He held eye contact with me until I answered.

  “Yes,” I answered, nodding.

  Miles and Eli guided my arms between several loose straps and made sure my breasts fit between two thicker straps that would support my chest and torso once suspended.

  I stepped below the apparatus of metal bars above me and they fastened chains and straps into place. Each man was ever so careful to make sure nothing pinched or rubbed as they raised me up.

  I faced the floor as each of them picked up each of my legs simultaneously and threaded them through another set of straps, sliding them to the tops of my thighs. Another set of straps was fixed around my lower thighs, just above the knee. I couldn’t see what they were doing, but something was attached to those straps and my legs were pulled apart and fastened tautly, pussy wide for them to see or do as they pleased. Cuffs were placed around my ankles and attached by a short chain to something above me, rendering me almost completely immobile.

  My breasts swayed freely below me and I arched my back, feeling strain between my shoulders and my hips.

  “Here, love,” Eli cooed, sliding his hands around my waist. Another strap followed, supporting my stomach and taking the strain from my back.

  I sunk into the support and sighed. It was strange to be so confined and so relaxed at the same time. I completely trusted Miles and Eli. Being restrained during lovemaking was nothing new to me. There wasn’t much the three of us hadn’t done together in previous years, but these toys were new and the more formal dominant attitude was different. I liked it, but it was a new experience. For once they had me wondering what was coming next.

  “I’m tying your hair back with a scarf to keep it from your face. Then you’re wearing this blindfold,” Eli said. I appreciated the warning and craned my neck to look up at him. He knelt in front of me, a wide smile on his face. “You’re so beautiful, Diana. I’m glad you wanted to explore the club with us.”

  I started to speak, but then considered if it was appropriate.

  Eli caught my uncertainty. “You don’t have to speak when we complement you, love. I know this is more formal than how we’ve played in the past. You are doing excellent.”

  His explanation and extra compliment made my heart swell. I knew at that point, I’d try anything they wanted me to. The title of “Master” was formal and unfamiliar to my tongue, but I liked it. Their domination of me soothed my soul and I released a contented sigh.

  Miles grabbed a strap above me and tugged me closer. My body swung in the air. He held me forward and pressed his lips hard to mine, sweeping his tongue through my mouth before letting go. I swung backward and forward several times before my body came to a balanced stop. The free movement of the harness was exciting. I realized how fun this could be as infinite possibilities sprouted in my lustful mind.

  I kneaded my breasts and let out a groan of pleasure.

  “No one said you could touch yourself. Hands off, subbie,” Miles growled. “Those breasts are only for us to play with.”

  A second later he slipped a blindfold over my eyes, making me feel everything through my other senses.

  Chapter 37


  I took each of her hands and fastened it to a special latch hanging from the corners of the steel frame. She’d no longer be able to touch herself. Now that her feet and hands were secured, she was completely at our mercy. The knowledge that she trusted us explicitly after so many years had passed, after we’d lost her that one fateful day made my heart swell with gratefulness.

  Caressing her face, I leaned down to her ear. “You’re an amazing woman, Diana.”

  Her mouth curved into a smile and she leaned into my hand. “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  A grin pulled at my mouth. “Say “thank you, Master”.

  Her cheeks scrunched as her full red lips parted in a large smile. “Yes, Master. Thank you.” Her voice was like honey and it made my dick rock hard.

  Gods, I loved her so much. There weren’t enough words in the world to tell her how much she meant to me. I glanced up and caught Eli’s gaze. He nodded and stepped back.

  I shucked out of my pants and took his place between her opened legs. Her thighs trembled under my touch, but it was the scent of her arousal that had my dick standing at attention. Gods, she was so wet and ready.

  Eli moved to her face and knelt to the floor. Something chrome flashed in his hands and I knew he was about to test out some clover clamps on her pebbled nipples.

  He pinched and pulled a few times, making her squirm and moan in the harness. There was no escape and she hissed when he put the first clamp into place, swearing under her breath. Eli just laughed.

  I swatted her ass with my bare hand. “Take the next one without complaint, sub.”

  “Yes Master.”

  I ran my hand over the curve of her ass up her lower back, loving the feel of her ragged breathing so early into the session. She was a natural submissive, always had been, and the endorphins from the bondage were hitting her quickly, amping her arousal further.


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