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Seduce Page 2

by Marie Tuhart

  “You must have self-identified when you first joined the club.” Tessa nodded. “I suspect you haven’t been through any of the classes if it’s been more than a few years.”

  “I haven’t. Ralph mentioned them.”

  “They’re held on Thursday nights. Master Max will tell you all about them.” Regina led Tessa away from the bar. “Around the room, you’ll see all the stations.”

  “It’s a lot larger than I remember,” Tessa said.

  Regina nodded. “When I came to the club, Master Max had just finished expanding.”

  Tessa took note of two stations. One with a metal wheel on it and another with a big wooden contraption. Of course there were flogging stations, spanking benches, and massage tables.

  “The aftercare area.” Regina pointed to a cluster of sofas. “There’s lots of seating around the stations, plus, in the back, there’s a table with food if you’re hungry.”

  “Thank you, Regina, this has been very helpful.”

  “You’re welcome.” A man approached them. “Evening, Master,” Regina said.


  Tessa turned her head at the sound of the husky voice and froze. She knew that voice. Those vibrant, gleaming blue eyes she’d know anywhere, even behind the wolf mask he wore.

  Oh shit, Damon was a member of the club.

  “Who is this tasty morsel?”

  “I don’t know. Remember we’re supposed to guess who the other person is, Sir,” Regina replied.

  He didn’t recognize her. That was interesting. Her gaze took in his black pants, no shirt, loafers, and a gold wolf mask. He was the total package, and he took her breath away and made her heart pound.

  “That is correct.” Damon studied her, and Tessa fought not to squirm. She was dressed perfectly fine for the club. A short black skirt and dark blue crop top to match her blue feathered mask. She wasn’t quite ready for fetwear. “I feel like I should know you, but no one comes to mind.”

  Tessa smiled and batted her lashes. She wasn’t sure if her voice would give her away or not.

  “If you’ll excuse me…” Regina scampered off.

  “May I?” Damon asked, reaching for her hand.

  “Yes.” He’d asked. Consent. Safe, sane, and consensual was part of the club’s rules.

  Damon took her hand. Awareness flowed through her veins. This was Damon, she reminded herself. The man she’d called an ass on more than one occasion, but also the man who made sure she was safe when driving her home. Yes, he made her skin tingle and her pussy clench, but was she ready for such a dominant man?

  “Experienced sub. Interesting. Tonight’s party is for members and their one guest only. So you belong to someone?”

  “I belong to no one.” Tessa wanted to clamp her hand over her mouth. “I’m a member.

  Damon stared at her. “I still don’t recognize you, and I know all the members who are here tonight. Who are you?”

  Tessa grinned. “You’ll have to guess.” She dropped her voice slightly.

  “Will you allow me to escort you around the party?” he asked.

  “Are you going to eat me, wolf?” Where were these words coming from? Tessa wasn’t a flirt, but when it came to Damon, she couldn’t seem to control her mouth or her desire.

  “Now that is an interesting question.” He leaned over. “It depends on what you want me to eat. Pussy or crow?”

  Tessa burst out laughing. Only Damon. “You are a flirt.”

  “I’m a wolf.” He growled. “Shall we?” He drew her arm through his.

  “This probably isn’t a good idea.” She would be crazy to hang out with him.

  Damon tilted his head. “Are you attached? Were you given the wrong color?”

  “I’m not attached, and no, I wasn’t given the wrong color.” How could she phrase this without giving anything away?

  “Excuse me,” a male voice intruded. Tessa’s attention was pulled away from Damon to see Max wearing a black mask. “One of the Doms would like your help in the bondage area.”

  “All right.” Damon slid his hand down to her wrist and lifted her hand to his lips. “I’ll find you later, my sweet.” He kissed her knuckles, released her hand, and walked away.

  Tessa couldn’t breathe. His warm lips on her hand had taken the breath right out of her.

  “Now that he’s gone, tell me what you’re doing here, Tessa?” Max asked.


  Tessa’s mouth dropped open. “How did you know it was me?” she asked as Max took her elbow and escorted her toward an area that was curtained off from the club.

  “I wasn’t sure until Sierra told me.” He led her behind the curtain, out a door, and through yet another doorway. It was obviously an office. Max shut the door, and Tessa turned to find Sierra and Crystal standing there.

  “Hi.” Tessa swallowed.

  “Oh my God, Tessa. You gate-crashed the party?” Sierra put her hands on her hips.


  “This is where I leave.” Max leaned over and kissed Sierra’s cheek. “No blood.” He smiled at Tessa before leaving the room.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” Crystal said.

  “I can explain.” Could she? Yes, but this wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have right now.

  “You better,” Sierra said.

  Tessa dipped her head. “I’ve been a member of Wicked Sanctuary since right after it opened.”

  “What?” Crystal’s eyes widened behind her green mask.

  “I knew it.” The purple feathers on Sierra’s mask shook with her laughter. “How could you keep that from us?”

  “I’m sorry.” Tessa held out her hands. “It wasn’t something I was ready to share.” There was so much she needed to tell them.

  “Even though you knew Sierra and I were part of the club?” Crystal crossed her arms.

  “Yes.” Tessa’s hand dropped. “You can be mad at me. I deserve it. But can we wait until next girls’ night, and I’ll explain everything.”

  “Tessa, are you sure about this?” Sierra walked over to her and placed her hands on Tessa’s shoulders. “You were always concerned about the two of us with our Doms.”

  “I was concerned about the two of you, but you both went in with your eyes open, and you had good men to teach you. It’s not always like that.” A shiver ran up her spine. She’d seen too much in DC.

  “Right.” Crystal strode over. “Girls’ meeting tomorrow. Tessa’s place.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Sierra said.

  “Thank you.” The three hugged.

  “But I want every single detail,” Sierra said.

  “I can do that.” She would tell her friends everything. It was time she let go of the past.

  “You do know who the Dom is who approached you?” Crystal asked.

  “It’s Damon.” Her nipples went tight. Damn it, he wasn’t supposed to affect her like that. She thought she had trained herself to be immune to men like him.

  “She figured it out. Does he know who you are?” Sierra asked.

  “No. He thinks I look familiar.”

  “Hell, I barely recognized you in the outfit you’re wearing,” Crystal said.

  “It’s always the quiet ones,” Sierra muttered.

  Tessa hid a grin. “Should I leave?”


  “Absolutely not.”

  Those words from her friends warmed her heart.

  “Let’s head back into the club like we’ve been in the ladies’ room. No one will be suspicious,” Sierra said.

  “Will Max tell Damon?” Tessa didn’t want Damon to find out that she was a member—yet.

  “He won’t. I’ll make sure of it,” Sierra said.

  “Jordan won’t say anything either, if he wants any time with me,” Crystal said.

  “Thank you both.”

  “Let’s go. I can’t wait to see how long it takes Damon to figure out it’s you,” Sierra said.

  “He’ll find out a
t midnight. Remember, we reveal ourselves then,” Crystal said as they walked out of Max’s office.

  I’ll be gone before then. Tess had no plans to stay until everyone took off their masks.

  “Game faces on,” Sierra said as they walked back into the club.

  * * * *

  Damon glanced around the scene area as he exited. He didn’t see the woman with the blue feathered mask. Or should he say Tessa. His cock had come to attention the minute he saw her talking to Regina. He hadn’t had a reaction like that since the last time he saw Tessa.

  Damon stopped when he found her sitting and talking with Regina and a couple of the other club subs. He studied her. Her expression was animated as she talked. What was she doing here? How did she get in? Wait, she said she was a member? He shook his head. Why didn’t he remember her being in the club before? Nothing made sense.

  The last time he saw her, he’d taken her home after the book club meeting. The woman had sass but damned if he minded. She was smart, sexy, gave as good as she got, and made his dick hard.

  Damon kept his gaze on the women as confusion filled him. Tessa’s musical laughter reached his ears in the momentary silence as the music changed. They’d decided to add a makeshift dance floor for tonight, and that meant different music. Tonight wasn’t about BDSM play. Tonight was simply a party. Yes, members could play if they wanted.

  What he wanted was Tessa in his arms. He strode over to the green area where she sat. The subs went quiet when he stepped into the area. Damon had to fight against taking her hand and pulling her into his arms.

  “May I have this dance?” He held out his hand.

  Regina nudged Tessa.

  “Very well.” She slipped her hand into his. He eased her to her feet and led her out to the small dance floor. There were a few couples using it. Damon swung her into his arms.

  “So, my beautiful blue lady, tell me more about yourself.” Damon kept a respectable distance between their bodies even if he wanted her closer. He needed to play this cool, or she’d figure out he knew who she was and run for the hills.

  “Blue lady?” Her voice was light.

  “Blue top and blue feathers. Unless you want to tell me your name?”

  “Now that wouldn’t be fair.”

  “Unfortunately you’re right.” He pulled her closer as another couple brushed against them.

  “Sorry, Master,” the man said, before moving away.

  “Master?” Her brown eyes were focused on him. He liked her scrutiny.

  “A club title.” If she was a member, she should know what it meant. Had she come with someone else? If so, why had they left her alone? “You said you’re a member.”

  “Yes. I haven’t been here in a couple of years.”

  “Why not?” Most here were regulars. Yeah, some went months between visits, but Tessa said years.

  “Life.” Her voice carried a tinge of sadness, and her brown eyes dulled.

  “Did you lose your Dom?” It was possible.

  She shook her head. “Nothing that dramatic.” The music changed, and he pulled her closer. She didn’t hesitate and even laid her head on his shoulder.

  Damon took a deep breath and inhaled the scent of vanilla. He wanted to taste her. “Are you looking for a Dom?”

  “Are you offering?” There was amusement in her voice.

  “If I was?”

  Her head came up, and she stared at him. “Not tonight.”

  His cock pulsed. “Are you saying yes to a later date?”

  “Maybe.” Her lips tilted up. “Let’s not rush.”

  Her words were soft, but there was a hint of something, not sadness, almost like fear, maybe apprehension. What had Tessa gone through that made her so skittish?

  He kept up the pretense. “Agreed. No rushing.” He bent his head. “At least not until I find out who you are. After that, all bets are off.” A tremor went through her body. “I mean that in a good way, my blue lady. If you tell me no, I’ll back off. I don’t believe in force.” He didn’t. While he and Tessa didn’t quite see eye to eye on things, she was a little spitfire, and he respected that.

  “I didn’t think you did.”

  “The shiver?” She might be dancing with him, but there was tension in her body. Was he really doing the right thing? There was attraction between him and Tessa, but maybe she didn’t feel the same way.


  He was about to question her more when the music stopped, and Max stepped up on one of the stages with a microphone.

  “All right everyone. We’ve got fifteen minutes until midnight,” Max announced.

  Damon smiled. “Soon I’ll know who you are, my beautiful lady.”

  “Yes.” She stepped back out of his hold. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go freshen my make-up.”

  “You don’t need to.” His words were sincere. She was beautiful.

  “You are a sweet man.” She went up on her toes and brushed a kiss over his cheek.

  Damon watched her stride away, her butt swaying, and his dick pushed against his pants. Fifteen minutes. Then he could claim Tessa as his.

  * * * *

  Tessa retrieved her things from the locker, then checked the hallway. Clear. She slipped out to the reception area.

  “Leaving before the great reveal?” Ralph said.

  “Yes.” She hesitated. She couldn’t let Damon know who she was, but she didn’t want to leave him hanging. “Do you have a pen and paper I could borrow?”

  Ralph handed her the items, and she wrote a quick message, folded it, and wrote Damon’s name on the outside of it. “If you would give this to Master Damon after midnight, I would appreciate it.” She handed everything to Ralph.

  “Of course. Have a good evening.”

  Tessa stepped outside and shivered. She hadn’t bothered to slip her coat on. The wind had kicked up while she was inside, and now, a freezing breeze slid over her skin. She hurried to her car and got in, throwing her purse and coat into the passenger seat. She didn’t pull off her mask until she was at the main road.

  Her body still hummed with need. What was she going to do? At least Damon didn’t know it was her, but damn, that man got her engines going and fast. Tonight wasn’t for decision-making. She needed to pay attention to the road. The temps had dropped; the roads could be icy, and the last thing she needed to do was slide off the road into a ditch.

  * * * *

  Damon watched for Tessa to return. It was almost midnight. He walked out to the hallway and over to the ladies’ room. “Anyone in there?” No answer. Damon walked through the door.

  It was empty. Disappointment flowed through him. Had she fled? Damon marched to the reception desk. “Ralph, did a woman in a blue feather mask leave?”

  “Yes, Master Damon. About ten minutes ago.” Ralph picked up a piece of paper. “She left this for you.”

  “Thank you.” Damon stepped away from desk and opened the paper.

  Forgive me for leaving. I wasn’t ready to reveal who I am to you. Not yet anyway. I’ll be in touch, Master Damon.

  Lady in Blue

  So she did know who he was. Why not reveal herself? Did she think he would be angry?

  Damon fought against the disappointment. Why had she run? Tessa was a mystery he intended to solve. A shout went out as he made his way back into the club. Midnight. He removed his mask, but it was anticlimactic. The woman he wanted was gone.

  “Hey, where did you go?” Max asked as Damon wandered up to him.

  “Did you see the woman with the blue feather mask?”

  “Which one?” Jordan asked. Pointing out four women.

  “None of them. The one I’m looking for had royal blue feathers, and her top matched her mask. The one I was talking to earlier.” He wanted to see if his friend had recognized her.

  Max looked at Sierra. “I saw her leave,” Sierra said. “Sorry, Damon.”

  “Anyone know who she is?” Why was it so important to him to hear confirmation fro
m his friends? He knew it was Tessa. Tessa with her fiery words and determined attitude not to take crap from anyone.

  No one spoke. “It’s okay. I’m going to head out. Max I’ll give you a call tomorrow.” Damon left the club. The entire drive home, Tessa’s masked face haunted him.


  Sunday afternoon, Tessa opened the door to her two friends. Sierra and Crystal tumbled in with the bags in their arms.

  “We brought provisions,” Sierra announced, going into the kitchen.

  “I have food.” Tessa shook her head.

  “We brought all our favorite chips, ice cream, and cookies,” Crystal said. “We need them.”

  “I brought wine if we need something stronger than soda.” Sierra unloaded the bags.

  Tessa took the extra food into the kitchen, opened the cabinet, and pulled out bowls and glasses. “I’ll forgo the wine for now.” She might need it later. Talking about last night and the club wasn’t going to be easy, but she’d do it.

  “All right. Soda it is.” Crystal opened the bottle and poured. Each one grabbed a glass and a bowl. Tessa also picked up the package of cookies.

  In the family room, everything was set on the coffee table before they took their seats. Tessa curled her legs under her as she sat on her sofa, Sierra at the other end, and Crystal on the love seat.

  “We’ve been patient. Now spill about being a member of the club,” Sierra said.

  “I joined Wicked Sanctuary four years ago, right after I moved here.” Her life had been so different then.

  “And you never told us?” Crystal’s voice carried a tinge of hurt.

  “I’m sorry. I only went twice right after I became a member, and I stopped.” Tessa gave them a little smile. “It was nothing Max or the club had done.”

  “Why didn’t you say something when I first started dating Max?” Crystal asked.

  “Mainly because, from what you were describing, I wasn’t sure it was the same place. It wasn’t until I met Max that I knew.” Tessa had played her cards very close to her chest for certain reasons. She trusted her friends, and up until now, she hadn’t known how to broach the subject of her being a club member.

  “Why?” Crystal asked. “There has to be some reason you kept quiet.”


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