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Seduce Page 11

by Marie Tuhart

  “Sure.” He’d warned her this could happen. Damon was part-owner and worked the floor as well. The music was soft tonight, but she knew that would change later. It was early, barely after eight.

  Damon escorted her to the green area where some of the club subs waited, then with a kiss, he sauntered away.

  “Hi, Tessa,” a female voice said.

  Tessa turned her head. “Mistress Sage, how very nice to see you again.” She’d helped Sage’s sub, Brady during the court case when Jordan and Crystal had defended Sage.

  “So those still waters really do hide secrets.” Sage looked up and down.

  Tessa’s face flushed. “In a way. It’s a long explanation.”

  “I have time. Brady won’t be here for a bit. Let’s sit down and you can tell me all about it.” Sage gestured to an empty sofa. Tessa padded over and sat. This was going to be a different experience.

  * * * *

  Damon walked around the club, taking in all the scenes going on. Listening and watching. Not that they’d had any trouble, but it was part of his job. Every so often he’d look over to the green area. He was surprised to see Sage talking with Tessa. He shouldn’t have been.

  Sage was known to befriend subs and help them navigate the club protocols. But this seemed different, as if Tessa and Sage had met before. “Austin, that rope looks a little too tight,” Damon said quietly.

  “Damn,” the Dom muttered. “I can’t seem to get it right.”

  “May I?”


  Damon stepped up onto the small stage and approached Austin and his sub. “May I touch her to show you how to get the rope tight without hurting her?”

  “Yes, Master Damon.”

  “Roni, I’m going to touch your arm and wrist,” Damon said. He liked to warn a sub when he was working with another Dom.

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice was a bit shaky.

  Damon released the rope, noting the red marks around her wrist. “Austin, her wrists are friction burned. You need to stop the scene and take care of her.”

  Austin swore when he saw his sub’s wrists. “Honey, why didn’t you say anything?” He knelt down in front of Roni so he could look in her face.

  “I didn’t want to stop the scene, Sir.” Her voice wobbled.

  “If you’re hurting, even the tiniest bit, I want to know.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay, my love, but we’re going to discuss this.” Austin rose to his feet. “Thank you for letting me know, Master Damon.”

  “You’re welcome.” Damon brushed his hand over Roni’s head before standing. “I’ll have one of the club subs bring you the first aid kit and some cold cloths to wrap around her wrists. They don’t look bad but should be treated.”

  “Thank you again, Master Damon.” Austin began undoing the rope around Roni’s middle and her legs. Those had been done correctly.

  “Austin, I’ll talk with Master Max about having a bondage class. I think some of the Doms could benefit from it.”

  “That would be helpful.”

  Damon stepped off the stage and spied Max a few stations down. He leisurely made his way toward Max, keeping an eye out as he walked. He stopped in his tracks when he saw a Dom approach Tessa.

  Even from this distance, he could see Tessa stiffen, shake her head, and hold up her wrist. The Dom nodded, then backed away. Damon released the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. Even with Sage sitting there, it still bothered him that the man had approached.

  “He backed right off,” Max said.

  “I know.”

  “Then get that murderous look off your face before you scare everyone.”

  Damon took a breath. “I didn’t realize I had a murderous look.” Tessa was talking with Sage once again, her face glowing.

  “Is everything okay with Austin and his sub?” Max asked.

  “Yes. Friction burns from the rope.” Damon shook his head. “Listen, would you be willing to teach a bondage class? I’m thinking some of the newer players could benefit.”

  “Not a bad idea. I’ve been thinking about how we might be able to expand our education classes.”

  Damon groaned. “More work for us.”

  “You’re not one to shy away from more work. Are you available for a business meeting tomorrow?”

  “I don’t see why not, but I figured you’d be spending time with the lovely Sierra. In fact, where is she?”

  “She went to help one of the subs in the ladies’ room. And usually, yes, Sundays are for Sierra and me, but she’s having a girls’ get-together.”

  “Tessa didn’t mention it.” He wondered why. “If they’re getting together, then we can do our meeting at the same time.”

  “I believe they’re getting together at Sierra’s old apartment.”

  “I thought you’d convinced her to give it up and move in with you.”

  “I did, but the rent was paid through the end of the month, so she wanted to have one last girls’ get-together there, before they have to figure out a new spot.”

  “Your house has room.”

  “Sierra wants it to be just the girls, no men. And no place where the men can overhear what the women are saying.”

  Damon rubbed his chin. “Sounds reasonable.”

  “I can’t say I blame them. We all need to let off steam at one time or another.”

  “Yeah.” Damon’s mind went over something he’d read about Dom and sub groups. He needed to find that article again. Maybe this was something they could add to the growing list of things they wanted to do at the club.

  Squeals of female voices floated through the club. Max and Damon looked to the green area. Crystal and Tessa were hugging, then Crystal hugged Sage, and Sierra jogged over to all of them.

  “Damn, that’s a beautiful sight,” Jordan said, joining them.

  “It is,” Max said.

  Damon nodded. He had to agree, seeing the four women was a sight to behold.

  “Thanks for covering for me.” Jordan clapped him on the back.

  “No problem.”

  “Jordan, Masters meeting tomorrow since the girls are going to be together,” Max said.

  “Works for me.” Jordan adjusted his wristband.

  “That reminds me,” Damon said. “I talked with Colby. He’s positive he can make something for us. He said he should have some mock-ups in a few weeks.”

  “Great,” Max said. “We’ve had two incidents tonight with the bands. One snapped and went flying; the other got caught in the bondage system somehow, and we had to cut it off.”

  “Something more durable and less likely to snag will be great,” Jordan said. “Now I’ll take my turn as DM for a while.”

  “I’ll be around if you need help,” Damon said.

  “So will I,” Max echoed.

  Jordan strolled off, and Max and Damon went to the green area. The women looked up as they arrived.

  “Ladies.” Max inclined his head.

  “Sir,” they all said.

  “Master Max,” Sage said.

  “Let’s go, love. I want to see if we can get a little bondage fun in tonight.” Max took Sierra’s hand, and off they went.

  “No Brady tonight?” Damon asked Sage.

  “He’ll be here soon. He had an emergency at his job. But it worked out; I got to learn more about Tessa.”

  “It looked like you two already knew each other.” Damon glanced from Sage to Tessa.

  “In a way.” Tessa glanced at Crystal.

  “The case is over, so you can talk,” Crystal said.

  “How were you involved with Sage’s case?” Damon was well aware of the case, but didn’t know Tessa had been involved.

  “I wasn’t really involved. I allowed Brady to stay at my apartment for a few days.” Tessa looked down at her feet.

  “She was a godsend,” Sage said. “She provided a safe place for Brady.”

  “It was really nothing.” Tessa’s voice was quiet.

  Damon sensed she was uncomfortable with the praise and wondered why. “Well, if you two will excuse us. I would like Tessa to watch some scenes tonight.” He cupped her elbow and led her out of the green area.

  “Damon, are you angry?” she asked as they walked.

  “No. Why?” He glanced down at her and realized she was taking twice the number of steps he was. “Sorry. I didn’t realize I was walking so fast.”

  “I thought maybe you were mad because I was talking with Sage.”

  “Of course not.” He realized he hadn’t gone over protocols with Tessa. While she was in the lifestyle, each club had their own protocols. Some were the same in every club, but it was always wise to review them. “My fault,” he said, drawing her off to the side away from the people walking.

  “Sir?” Her voice was soft as he pressed her up against the wall.

  “I forgot to go over our protocols.” He drew his finger over her cheek, enjoying the way her eyes grew soft at his touch. “Sir or Master in the club or bedroom. Talking to other subs is fine. Talking to anyone in the green area is fine as it’s usually subs or Mistress Sage.” He shifted his body closer. “Doms should respect the wristband, but you always have the final word. No is always acceptable. Even to me.”

  Her eyes widened. “I can say no to you in the club?”

  “Yes. Just because I’m your Dom doesn’t mean you’re a doormat.” He slipped his hand behind her neck. “I mean that, Tessa. I don’t expect you to say yes to me because you think I expect it. I want you to say yes because you want it. Standard club safe words apply.”

  She tilted her head a tiny bit and stared at him. “Yes, Sir.”

  The way she said Sir made his cock harden to the point of pain. If this continued, he’d need to find different pants to wear. Right now, anyone could see how aroused he was.

  “Little Tessa.” He leaned down. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  “Probably the same thing you do to me, Sir.” Her hands came up to his shoulders.

  “Oh?” His fingers shifted on her neck to tangle in her hair. Her body sagged against his. “So I see. That is a very interesting trigger.” He braced his body against hers.

  “I don’t know what it is, Sir,” she whispered. “Having your hand in my hair with a little bit of pressure makes my knees turn to jelly. That only happens with you.”

  “Good to know.” He released her hair. “I’d like you to watch a couple of scenes with me.”

  “I’d like that too, Sir.” Her breathing was a little choppy.

  Damon slipped his hands to her waist. “I know we talked, and you were okay with nudity in the club.”

  “I am, but not tonight, please, Sir.”

  “Not tonight. I like how you’re dressed too much. I was thinking of others. The scenes I’d like us to observe will have partial to full nudity.”

  “I’ll be fine, Sir.”

  “I hope so.” Her breathing was normal, so Damon stepped away from her. “Let’s go.” He kept his hand around her waist as they approached the first scene.

  “Oh crap,” she muttered.

  “Do we need to go?” He’d deliberately picked Max and Sierra’s bondage scene. If they were all going to play in the club together, she would have to get used to seeing her friends like this.

  She shook her head. “I’ll deal, Sir.”

  Pride in her swelled inside Damon. She was willing to try. He found an empty seat, so he sat down and pulled her into his lap.

  * * * *

  Tessa bit her lower lip so she didn’t make a sound. This was all so unexpected. Yes, she knew she’d eventually see her friends playing in the club. But not what was essentially her fourth visit.

  She glanced up at the stage. Oh my. Sierra was in a bondage chair, and Max was doing some intricate bondage around her breasts. Tessa swallowed.

  “Is this too much for you?” Damon whispered against her ear.

  “No, Sir. Those ties are quite intricate.” She watched as Max wound the rope around, making Sierra’s breasts more prominent, but not cutting into her skin. Sierra’s expression was calm.

  Max stopped and talked to her. She smiled and replied. Max continued down her torso. “It’s not Shibari, is it, Sir?” It didn’t look like it to her.

  “Yes and no. Max doesn’t do the really intricate Shibari, but he enjoys rope play and is very good at it.”

  “So I see, Sir.” Max stopped frequently to check in with Sierra.

  “Notice how intimate he is with her. Not only talking, but the way his fingers skim over her skin as he wraps the rope around her.”

  “Making sure it isn’t too tight, Sir?”

  “Correct.” His arms tightened around her waist. “Max is super careful because Sierra’s skin is soft, and he doesn’t want to harm her.”

  “I would think no Dom wants to harm their sub, Sir.” Tessa shivered. She’d seen a sadist once at a DC club. She’d run out of the room, but the images still stayed with her.

  “What is that shiver about?” Damon lifted his hand and caressed her cheek.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I don’t understand sadists or masochists either. But my kink isn’t their kink and as long as it’s consensual, to each their own.”

  “The pain that sadist inflict on a masochists is not harm in the widely understood sense of the word. The pain is satisfying to both. We may not understand other’s needs, but it’s theirs and theirs alone. That’s why the lifestyle is freeing. We’re able to express our sensuality and sexuality anyway we want.”

  A soft cry came from the stage, and Tessa’s attention was pulled back to Max and Sierra. Max was now lightly swatting Sierra’s breasts with a rabbit flogger. Tessa’s nipples tightened in response.

  “Red! Fuck it! Red.” The yell came from across the room. Max looked over with a frown on his face.

  “Be right back, sweetie.” Damon stood and placed her in the chair. “Stay there, do not move.” Then he left.

  Tessa was tempted to stand up to see what was going on, but Damon had told her not to, and she was going to obey, even if her curiosity was aroused.

  Max was still staring across the room, then his features lightened. “All is well, folks,” he said to the audience watching him and Sierra. But the mood was broken, Sierra was talking to Max and shaking her head. Crystal stood nearby.

  The crowd started to disperse. Tessa turned in her chair in the direction Max had been looking. She saw Harper, one of the club subs, shaking her head and gesturing with her hands. Jordan was standing with another man. His face was red, and he was obviously angry.

  “I did not agree to that.” Harper’s words carried across the room. It was then Tessa saw she was crying. Orders or no orders. Harper needed another sub to comfort her.

  Before she realized she’d moved, Tessa was out of the chair and across the room. Damon frowned at her when she came up to Harper and put her arm around the woman’s shoulders. “It will be okay,” Tessa whispered.

  Harper leaned against her. Tessa spoke to Damon. “Sir, I’m going to take her over to the aftercare area.”

  He nodded, and Tessa led Harper over to a sofa and sat down beside her. “I’m here for you, Harper.”

  “I don’t understand,” Harper said sniffling.

  “Here.” Crystal thrust tissues into Harper’s hands. “Tell us what happened?”

  “I’ve played with Peter before.” Harper wiped away her tears. “We’ve always been compatible.”

  “What changed tonight?” Tessa kept her arm around Harper’s shoulders, giving her a light squeeze.

  “I don’t know. We discussed the scene, and then—wham—he wanted to change it. He wanted to use the bullwhip on me.” A shudder shook her frame.

  “Is the bullwhip a hard limit?” Crystal asked.

  “Yes. It’s one thing I do refuse. Yes, I like pain but not that kind of pain.” Another tremor racked Harper’s body. “I tried it once, and I had bruises for a week and several small cuts that
healed, thankfully.”

  Crystal’s eyes narrowed. “Okay. You stay here with Tessa. I’m going to go talk with Jordan.”

  “Crystal…” Tessa didn’t want her friend to get into trouble, but she was already moving away.

  “Thank you for being so kind. Not that Master Damon wasn’t, but…” Her voice trailed off.

  “But he’s a man.” Tessa finished for her. “I understand.” Sometimes a woman needs another woman, or in this case another sub, to fully understand the issues. “Close your eyes and relax.” Tessa lowered her arm as Harper scooted down and rested her head against the back of the sofa.

  Tessa suddenly realized the club was quiet. She glanced around the room. It was empty except for Max, Jordan, Damon, Sierra, Crystal, Peter, Harper, and herself. When had that happened?

  Music still played, but it was turned down so low she could barely hear it. Damon waved at her, and she nodded. “I’ll be right back, Harper. No one will bother you.” She didn’t mention that it looked like everyone had left.

  Tessa strode over to Damon.

  “How is she?” he asked.

  “Okay. The bullwhip is a hard limit.”

  “I know.” Damon ran his hand through his hair. “Did she say anything about why Peter would do this?”

  Tessa shook her head. “Harper said they talked about the scene before starting, but when they got ready to start, he wanted to use the bullwhip, and she said no.”

  “She called out her safe word,” Damon said.

  Tessa nodded. “I suspect Peter was arguing with her, and she knew that was a way to get him to listen. She really didn’t say.”

  Damon pulled in a harsh breath through his teeth. “This is a mess. Peter is saying she agreed, then backed out.”

  “So?” Tessa put her hands on her hips. “That’s her right.”

  “I agree.” Damon grinned. “Don’t get all prissy on me.”

  Tessa’s hackles rose. “I’ll show you prissy.”

  “Later. After you’ve been punished for not doing as I told you.”

  Tessa lifted her chin. “Harper needed another sub, not a Dominant.”

  “That may be, but you were told to stay in that chair.” Damon kept his voice low.

  “We can’t leave her alone,” Sierra’s voice carried over to them.


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