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Seduce Page 17

by Marie Tuhart


  “What’s going on? This overprotective male persona is getting old fast.”

  “I want you to be safe.” His voice was strained.

  Tessa put her hand on his tense arm. “It’s more than that. What has you so worried?” It was more than her accident. There was something else there.

  “If you want to go home, I can’t stop you.” He shook off her touch.

  “You can. You’re my ride.”

  He stared at her. Tessa stepped up to him and put her arms around his waist and hugged him. “Damon, I’m fine. I swear it. Please, talk to me.” She didn’t want him worrying about her.

  He stood in her embrace, stiff, then his arms went around her, and his muscles relaxed. “Remember I told you I lost my parents the day after my college graduation?”


  “An accident took them too.”

  “The plane accident.” She remembered his story.

  “Yes. I don’t want to lose you to an accident too. To anything.”

  “Oh, Damon.” She tightened her hold on him. “These things happen; we can’t always predict them. But I promise to be more careful. Can you accept that?”

  “For now,” he said softly.

  Tessa would take it. “So will you drive me home, please? I need to get ready for work tomorrow.”

  “Before I do that, there is something you should see.” He stepped out of her embrace and picked up the morning paper. She’d been surprised that he still received a physical newspaper. “This came out today.” He handed her a folded over page.

  Tessa took it and looked down. Her heart dropped. “Oh crap.” She quickly read the article the reporter had written about them at the coffee shop along with a grainy picture of them. How many people had seen this picture? Would it get back to DC? It shouldn’t. Her stomach turned over.

  “It’s pure gossip and innuendo.”

  “Yes.” What could she do about it? Nothing. The odds of someone who knew her and showing it to her father were slim to none.

  “Are you upset?”

  “A little,” she lied. “But I’m sure this will all blow over.” She hoped.

  By Tuesday night, Tessa wasn’t so sure. Damn it, somehow the picture had been brought to her father’s attention.

  “Dad, it’s nothing.”

  “Who is this man with his arm around you?” her father demanded.

  “He’s a friend, like the others in the picture are friends.” Oh, but he was so much more. Damon meant a lot to her, and they were in a relationship, but she wasn’t going to tell her father that. “Really, Dad,” she continued as he kept ranting. “It was a casual date, and I probably won’t see him again.”

  She hated lying, but she didn’t want her father blowing any more of a gasket than he already was.

  “Well, it’s a good thing your brother will be out there next week to check up on you.”

  Damn, she’d forgotten that. “I don’t need to be checked up on. I’m fine.”

  “Be nice to your brother, and no more pictures in the paper.” The line went dead.

  Tessa huffed and flopped down on her sofa. Ouch. Damn it. Bruised tailbone, remember. How was she going to explain to Damon why she didn’t want to be seen in public with him?

  * * * *

  Damon had a spring in his step as he walked into Wicked Sanctuary Friday afternoon. They hadn’t been able to get together with Zeke and Colby until today, but that was okay. After going to the bank on Monday, and signing all the paperwork, progress was being made on buying the building next door.

  The real estate agent was rushing everything through. The owners were happy to have a buyer, and Damon was happy to get the building as soon as possible. He walked down the hall to the classroom. Tessa would meet him there later.

  Tessa. She’d been very quiet this week. She didn’t mind eating dinner at her apartment or his place. But she wouldn’t meet him for lunch. He’d been in town quite a bit, and each time, she had an excuse. He planned on asking her about it this weekend.

  Max and Jordan were already in the room. “Zeke and Colby going to make it?”

  “Yeah,” Max said. “I told them six to give us time to chat.”

  “Has something happened?” Damon asked taking a seat.

  “No. I wanted you to know Zeke hired an architect to draw up plans for the club. I’ll be meeting with the architect next week, and I wasn’t sure if you two wanted to be involved.”

  “I’m fine with you handling it,” Jordan said.

  “Me too. I’ve got enough on my plate.”

  “So I hear. Congrats on buying the new storefront,” Max said.

  “How did you know?” Damon shook his head.

  “You know our women share everything,” Jordan said.

  “Maybe I should talk to one of them about Tessa,” Damon mused.

  “What’s going on? Tessa still mad at you for last weekend?” Max asked.

  “No, she got over my protectiveness.” Could he talk to his friends about this? Why not? “She’s been very quiet this week. Won’t go to lunch with me but no problem with dinner at her place or mine.”

  “She’s coming tonight, right? I reserved the bondage chair for you at nine,” Max said.

  “She’ll be here. I’m wondering why it feels like she’s pulling back.”

  Max looked up. “We’ll talk more later.”

  Zeke and Colby walked in. “Come sit down,” Max said. “The reason I asked you here today is that we were wondering if you two would like to be dungeon monitors in the club.”

  “What would it entail?” Colby asked.

  “I know what a DM is, but what exactly do you want us to do?” Zeke asked.

  “It would be a paid position,” Max said.

  Damon nodded. He, Max, and Jordan had covered this in the earlier meeting.

  “Ideally, we’d like one of you available from eight to midnight on Friday and Saturday nights.”

  “Two of us would take the midnight to four shift,” Damon added.

  “We’re looking at a hundred-fifty each weekend you work,” Max said.

  Colby leaned back in his chair. “I don’t know about Zeke, but I’d rather have my yearly membership comped.”

  “I like that idea,” Zeke said.

  “So you two are on board?” Jordan asked.

  “Hell, yeah,” Colby said.

  “What do we need to sign? And when do we start?” Zeke asked.

  Jordan laughed. “Give me time to create a new contract stating you’re working for membership fees.”

  “If you both could come here next Thursday night, we can go over exactly what we need from both of you,” Max said.

  “Not a problem. We can play when we’re not working, right?” Colby asked.

  “Yes, you’re not restricted in that manner.” Max grinned.

  “All right.” Zeke stood. “We have a deal.” He held out his hand. They all shook.

  “I got your message, Damon,” Zeke said. “Sorry. It’s been crazy at work.”

  “No problem. I bought the store next to mine. I wanted you to come over and look at what needs to be done,” Damon said.

  “Do you have the keys?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Once you get them, call me, and we’ll set up a time.” Zeke waved as he walked out of the room.

  “That reminds me. I’ll have the prototype for the wristbands you wanted ready by next week,” Colby announced and followed Zeke out the door.

  “That went well,” Max said.

  “It did, but you know, once we expand, we’re going to need more help,” Damon said.

  “I do. I already have ideas, but those are for another day. Let’s go get ready for our women.”

  * * * *

  Tessa walked into the club with a heavy heart. Not because she was going to play with Damon tonight, but because her brother was due to arrive Monday. She so didn’t want to deal with him.

  “Hey, why the sad fa
ce?” Crystal asked as Tessa walked into the women’s room.

  “Sorry, thinking about a problem.” While her friends knew about her father being a politician, they didn’t know the whole story. She forced herself to smile. Tessa really didn’t want anything to intrude on her time with Damon tonight. This would be their last weekend together until her brother left. She didn’t plan on having her brother meet Damon, but anything could happen. Maybe she should tell Damon about her brother’s visit. Ugh, why couldn’t she get this figured out.

  She slipped off her coat and removed the gloves from her bag. She pulled them on, smoothed her hands down over the corset and turned to face her friends.

  “Holy shit,” Sierra exclaimed.

  “Too much?” She stared at her friend. The outfit was one of her favorites, and she wanted Damon to be proud of her in the club tonight.

  “I bet Damon strips those gloves off the second you get into the scene,” Crystal said. The black evening gloves extended up her arms.

  “Turn around,” Sierra commanded.

  Tessa did a little spin, enjoying the way the skirt flared.

  “That’s perfect. I love how the skirt is sewn into the corset,” Sierra said.

  “The red and black is going to drive Damon crazy,” Crystal said.

  Tessa smiled. She hoped so. This was a daring outfit for her. Well, sort of. The corset itself barely covered her breasts but ended right below them, pushing her boobs up.

  “Come on. I want to watch our Doms’ reactions before everyone gets here.” Sierra took her arm.

  The three made their way into the club. The music was already on. Damon, Max, and Jordan were standing near the bar. Tessa took a deep breath and started toward them.

  Damon saw her first, and his mouth dropped open.

  * * * *

  Damon caught movement from the corner of his eye and turned. He couldn’t stop himself from gaping.

  Tessa was a vision. The black corset had red stripes going through it. The corset ended below her breasts, pushing them up until they threatened to spill out of the black satin bra she wore.

  The black skirt fell below her ass and was edged with a red trimmed ruffle. Her legs and feet were encased in black heels. And the black satin gloves. His skin itched to feel that satin against his skin.

  Damon was barely aware of Max and Jordan turning as he made his way to Tessa. “You look fantastic,” he said, taking those gloved hands in his. Who knew gloves could be so sexy?

  “You like?”

  “I love the outfit.” Damon leaned forward. “You in it is sexy as hell. You’ll be even sexier out of it,” he whispered.

  Tessa flushed.

  “Tessa, dear, you are a vision of loveliness,” Max said.

  “Sexy as hell,” Jordan commented.

  “Down, boys,” Sierra said.

  The men laughed. Damon drew Tessa to the side. “Are you ready for our scene tonight?”

  “Yes.” Her voice had a little tremble to it.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Just nervous.”

  “I understand. I’ve got the first hour on DM duty. Jordan will take over so we can scene, then I’ll pick up at midnight so Crystal and Jordan can play.”

  “What about Sierra and Max?”

  “Oh, they’ll play too.” Damon smiled. It was the first night all three of them were going to play in the club together.

  Later, after Damon’s duty, Tessa’s breath caught in her throat when Damon walked into the green area. He held out his hand to her. Taking a deep breath, she allowed him to pull her to her feet.

  “Tonight we’re going to play in the bondage area,” he said.

  “Yes, Sir.” They’d talked about it on the phone the other night. She was as prepared as she could be.

  Damon’s bag already sat on the stage with the bondage chair. Tessa swallowed. Okay, she hadn’t expected that. He helped her up on the stage.

  “All right, my sweet. Can we get rid of the corset?”

  She hesitated, and Damon stepped up to her and cupped her cheeks.

  “What do you have on underneath?”

  “A thong and, of course, the bra, as you can see, Sir.”

  “Then why the hesitation.”

  “The corset and skirt are one piece, Sir.”

  “I see. Are you okay being revealed?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She wasn’t feeding him a line. She reached for the zipper hidden in the side of the corset.

  “Let me.” Damon brushed her hands away. A small tremor swept through her body as his fingers guided the zipper down. He peeled the corset away, then swept it and the skirt down her body. “Hands on my shoulders, then step out of your clothing.”

  Tessa did as he asked. Now she was in high-heeled black shoes, a thong, bra, and gloves.

  “How the hell did I get so lucky?” Damon muttered after he put her corset and skirt on the straight-back chair.

  His hands closed over her shoulders. “Let’s get you into the bondage chair.”

  She swallowed as he guided her over. He’d said bondage but never mentioned the chair. Sneaky man. There was a cushion on the seat and against the back.

  “I haven’t forgotten you bruised your tailbone,” Damon whispered in her ear.

  Heat filled her as she sat down on the wooden contraption, the cushions protecting her. It was like any other chair, but something told her it wasn’t a normal chair.

  “As we discussed, if your arms or legs go numb, you tell me right away.”

  “Yes, Sir.” He hadn’t been happy that night in her apartment when she didn’t tell him the second it happened, but she wasn’t going to interrupt him mid stroke to undo the restraints. He’d forgiven her when she promised not to let it happen again.

  He adjusted the arms on the chair. “I’m going to keep these pretty level so your arms don’t go to sleep.” He patted the armrests.

  Tessa placed her arms where Damon directed, and he started buckling the restraints over her wrists and upper arms.

  “Is this a front clasping bra?”

  “Yes, Sir. As you requested.” It had taken her several days to find one without underwires.

  “Good. Now for your legs.”

  The chair split between her legs. Wait a second? She hadn’t noticed that. There was now enough room for Damon to restrain her upper thighs and ankles.

  “I forgot to ask before I did your legs. I’m going to cut the thong off, so I hope it’s not your favorite.”

  “No, Sir. I have others.” Her heart sped up at his words. She was going to be pretty much fully nude for this scene. Excitement with a tiny bit of apprehension filled her. But she trusted Damon. He wouldn’t betray her.

  “Good. I’m going to use my toys.”

  Tessa groaned, and he grinned at her.

  “Don’t worry; I have new toys for tonight.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of, Sir.” He was close enough; she shifted her head forward and gave him a kiss.

  “Cheeky.” Damon tweaked her nipple and backed away.

  Tessa took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let her other senses take over. Her muscles relaxed. She was aware people were starting to gather around.

  A warm earthy scent tickled her nose. Damon. She’d know him anywhere. “Do you want a blindfold?”

  “No, Sir. I want to be able to see what you’re doing to me.” Later, she’d open her eyes and watch, but right now, she wanted to absorb his touch, his words.

  The sound of her bra being snapped open was loud to her ears. “Your breasts are perfect, just like you.” His fingers played with her nipples. “Pale globes, yet your nipples turn a deep pink when I play with them and deepen to a rose color as I pinch and use clamps on them.”

  Tessa tried to shift her hips, but she was restrained too well. His words made her pussy clench with need.

  “Let’s start with some clamps and work our way from there.” Damon’s warm breath caressed her skin as he played with her nipples. “I’m usi
ng tweezer clamps, as we discussed. I won’t keep them on for long.”

  A pinch and the first one was attached, then the second one. Tessa waited and moaned as Damon tightened them. “Yellow, Sir.” It took her a few minutes to catch her breath. The clamps weren’t too tight but tight enough.

  “Good girl.” Damon brushed a kiss over her lips, then he was gone.

  Tessa took several deep breaths, feeling the clamps move with her breathing. The crowd murmured as Damon’s heat reached her.

  “Time for the thong to go.” Cool metal touched her hip, followed by a slight tightening of the fabric before it fell away. When he moved to her other hip, all she felt was the coolness of the scissors. “I’m going to pull the fabric out from under you.”

  Bracing her feet on the floor, Tessa lifted her butt up to help. Not that there was much leeway the way she was restrained, but the change of position gave him a little bit of room to remove the fabric.

  “Now, my sweet.” His hands were on her inner thighs, and he pushed. The legs of the chair moved outward along with her bound legs.

  Oh brother. The air caressed her pussy as she was exposed. Tessa bit her lower lip as she tried to catch her breath. He did say he was going to play with her.

  “Your body is flushed. Is it from excitement or embarrassment?”

  “Both, Sir.” Her eyes were still closed. Did she dare open them to see if her friends were watching? No, she couldn’t think about that, or she’d be calling out her safe word. They were all adults, and nudity was a natural thing, but she still couldn’t look.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  His voice was now next to her ear. He’d moved, and she hadn’t noticed. Oh damn, that meant everyone could see her without obstruction. Her breath hiccupped.

  “Easy.” His voice was soft. “It’s just you and me. I love how flushed you are with excitement. Your nipples are hard little pebbles. I bet your clit is pulsing.”

  “Yes, Sir.” It was, and her muscles were clenching and unclenching.

  “Very good.” His voice dropped to a deeper, huskier tone.

  Oh damn. Her pussy moistened, and her bones weakened. That Dom voice. It got to her every time.

  “I’m going to tease you and bring you to climax.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her words were soft and dreamy. Tessa shivered when Damon moved away, but she refused to open her eyes to see what he was doing. No, this is where she wanted to be. To allow him to take control.


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