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Seduce Page 20

by Marie Tuhart

  “I’ll give her until the end of this weekend, then it’s gloves off.”

  * * * *

  “Son of a bitch.” The words slipped out of Damon’s mouth when he opened Sunday’s paper to the local scene page. That damn gossip reporter was at it again, but this time, she actually put it together.

  Damon Kline is the mystery man in Tessa Ruthledge’s life. As you know, Ms. Ruthledge is the daughter of prominent congressman, Rep. Russell Chesterton, I-MD2. This reporter smelled a story when she took a picture of the couple with their friends a few weeks ago. Now that I’ve been able to do some digging, Mr. Kline owns Klineman’s, a local adult store. Although this reporter will tell you that it’s a very tasteful looking store.

  Mr. Kline has also purchased the empty store front next to his adult store. Maybe he’s going to expand. A little further digging and I found out that Mr. Kline designs and manufactures adult toys. One has to wonder what else Mr. Kline does.

  And does Ms. Ruthledge know about his peculiar activities? Keep watch on this column because there will be more to come.

  The paper crinkled under Damon’s fingers. Damn nosy reporter. He picked up his cell and called Destiny to warn her. She laughed and asked him if he minded if she had a little fun. Tasteful fun. He told her to go for it.

  He knew Destiny wouldn’t do anything to harm him or the business, but maybe it was time to shake things up a little bit more. His next call was to Max and Jordan to warn them. They both laughed and said at least he got better press than Jordan did.

  Leave it to his friends to yank him out of his anger. He called Tessa. It went directly to voicemail. “Tessa, sweetheart, I know you don’t read the paper, but you might need to look at today’s local scene page. I don’t want you to worry. Call me.”

  The second he hung up, his phone rang. “Hello.”

  “Destiny here. You better get to the store.”

  “What happened?” Damon was already crossing the room to grab his keys and wallet.

  “Reporters everywhere.”

  “Keep the store closed.” Thank goodness they had a rear entrance. “I’ll be there in thirty.”

  Damon jumped into his car. Destiny wasn’t kidding. He pulled into the parking lot, figuring it would be better if he confronted this head on.

  “Mr. Kline,” reporters shouted as he climbed out of his vehicle.

  Damon held his hands up, and they quieted. “Listen folks, it’s Sunday morning. You’re trespassing. I’m asking all of you to leave.”

  “Freedom of the press,” someone yelled.

  “I agree, but only so long as it doesn’t hinder my business.” Damon pushed his way through them to the storefront. Destiny opened the door for him, then shut and locked it.

  Damon started laughing when he saw her. She was wearing a corset, black skirt, fishnet stockings, and sneakers.

  “Hey, it’s comfortable.”

  “Destiny, you need a raise.” He gave her a hug. Flashes went off. Damon groaned, and Destiny stuck her tongue out at the reporters.

  Damon pulled out his cell and made a call. “Officer Wolfe.”

  “Hey, Logan, it’s Damon.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  “I’ve got a bunch of reporters in front of the store. Anything you can do?”

  “Let me send a couple of patrol cars around. Are they blocking the entrance and sidewalk?”


  “Okay, we have ordinances against that.”

  “Thanks, Logan.” He hung up and looked at Destiny. “The police should be here to get rid of this unruly bunch. I’m going to take inventory.”

  “Taking my job?”

  Damon laughed. “Nope, but I might as well be helpful while I’m here.” It would help take his mind off of Tessa and the fact she hadn’t called him back.

  Forty minutes later, the sidewalk and the front of the store had been cleared. Not that the reporters had left; now they were across the street. Destiny unlocked the front door. Two officers walked in.

  “Thank you,” Damon said striding up to them.

  “You’re welcome. Is it okay if we look around? We are on our lunch break.”

  “Fine with me.”

  Destiny wiggled her eyebrows, and Damon shook his head. Now that the reporters had been forced away, customers entered the shop. Damon was glad to help Destiny as they got busy for a while, then it settled down.

  Even after the police left, the reporters kept their distance. Damon was glad for that. He finished up inventory, then grabbed a couple of chairs and took them to the front of the store. “Come sit down for a minute, Destiny.”

  Destiny stared at him as she took a seat. “Am I fired?”

  “Hell, no. I can’t fire you.” He was honest. Destiny helped him so much. “I wanted to clue you in on my plans for the store.”

  “Are you going to sell it?”

  Damon blinked. “Where is this coming from?”

  “Well, between the stuff I read in the paper and the reporters, I wouldn’t blame you.”

  “I’m not selling it. Far from it.” He spread his hands out. “I bought the empty store next door.”

  “I read about that.”

  “The book club has become very popular, and we don’t have the room here for the amount of books I know you’d like us to carry.”

  “True. I really want to carry more on the lifestyle. People are always asking, and we have to order them.”

  “Right.” He’d seen the uptick in book sales. “So I figured the next door space could be used for the book club and as a book store. And I want you to run it as my manager.”

  Destiny’s jaw dropped open. “This is the last thing I expected.”

  “You’re a great employee. I’ll be hiring more people since we seem to be getting busier.”

  “I bet we will after all this press.”

  “You think so?”

  “Look at this morning. Sundays are slow, which is why I do inventory then. Not today. Damon, people aren’t as prudish as we think.” She looked up. “Speaking of which…”

  Damon glanced up. “Mr. Mayor and the town council,” he greeted them as he stood up.

  “Damon,” the mayor said, shaking his hand. “We thought we’d stop by and offer our support.”

  “I really appreciate it.” Maybe Destiny was right.

  “Yes, and I’d love to hear more about your book club?” one of the female council members said.

  “I’d love to chat about it,” Destiny said. “Anyone else?” Several members followed Destiny.

  * * * *

  Tessa closed her eyes when someone pounded on her apartment door Monday night. Work had been a challenge today. At least the reporters had stopped hanging around, though this new gossip column was sure to bring them back to her doorstep.

  “Tessa, you open this door right now.”

  Shit. She jumped up, unlocked the door, and opened it. Her father swept by her along with his chief of staff. “What are you doing here, Father?”

  “I’ve come to save you.”

  “What?” She barely prevented herself from rolling her eyes.

  “I saw the article about that man you’re dating.”

  “It’s old news.” At least she hoped it was, but the article yesterday made her doubt it.

  “I’m not talking about the one with your brother. I’m taking the one that was in yesterday’s paper. What are you thinking, dating someone like that?”

  “Like what?” She put her hands on her hips. “Damon is a good man.” He was. He was the man she loved. Tessa froze. When had she’d fallen in love with Damon? She almost laughed out loud. Loving him had snuck up on her, and for the first time in a very long time, she trusted in that love and in Damon.

  “You told me there wasn’t anything between you.”

  Her father’s voice brought her out of her musings. She had, but the relationship had been so new. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “It does. Pack a bag.”
/>   “What?” Her head was spinning.

  “I’m taking you to my hotel where I can protect you. Tomorrow, at my press conference, you will denounce this man and his business.”

  “Like hell.” She wasn’t going to leave her apartment with her father.

  “Don’t talk like that.” He grabbed her arm. “Let’s go. Perry can pack your clothes.”

  “No.” She pulled away. There was a knock at her door. “Now who?” This time, she looked out the peephole and opened the door.

  “Tessa.” Sierra enveloped her in a hug.

  “Inside, honey,” Max said.

  Sierra shifted so they were inside, and Max closed the door.

  “Who are these people?” her father demanded.

  Max’s eyebrows rose at her father’s tone. “Max Preston, Mr. Chesterton.”

  “How does he know?” Tessa whispered to Sierra. There was no way they decided dropped by.

  “Max has spies.”

  While Tessa should have been surprised, she wasn’t. Max was good at knowing what was going on. Tessa almost giggled.

  “This is Tessa’s best friend and my girlfriend, Sierra.”

  Tessa’s father huffed out a breath. “Tessa, a moment alone.”

  “It’s okay,” she told Sierra. “The spare bedroom will have to do.” She wasn’t letting her father in her bedroom. He followed her down the short hall and into the room.

  “I’m having a press conference tomorrow at city hall. You will be there and denounce this Damon person.”

  “We’ve been over this.”

  “Be there or I’ll ruin his life.” With that, her father stormed out of the room—the slamming of the door telling her they were gone.

  “Tessa,” Sierra called.

  Tessa walked back into the family room and stared at her friends. “I need help,” she said. She had a plan in mind, but she was going to need to talk to Damon first.

  “Tell us what we can do,” Max said.

  “Not here.” She felt like the walls had ears. She was also sure reporters were going to be camped on her doorstep once again. “Can I come crash at your place for a day or two?” She’d go over everything that had happened with them first.

  “Let’s pack you a bag.” Sierra took her by the arm and led her into her bedroom.

  * * * *

  Two hours later, she’d explained everything not only to Max and Sierra, but to Crystal and Jordan as well.

  “Well, damn. I thought my family was messed up,” Crystal said.

  “I think mine takes top place.” Tessa felt better than she had a few hours ago. Being here with her friends, talking things out. She had some very big decisions to make.

  “Any legal options?” Max asked Jordan.

  “Coercion, but hard to prove,” Jordan said.

  “Can we stop the press conference?” Sierra asked.

  “Not a chance,” Tessa muttered.

  “Might be an unpopular opinion at the moment,” Max said. “Tessa, you need to talk to Damon.”

  “I do.” She stared at her feet. She wanted to see him so badly, but she had decided to wait. He’d called her yesterday to warn her about the article. Who knew a tiny gossip article could create such a stir? Now, her father was going to make an even bigger spectacle of her life. Yeah, she needed to talk to Damon.

  “I’ll call him to come over,” Max said.

  “No offense, but I really need privacy to talk to him,” Tessa said. “I have some ideas how I might fix this, but Damon will play a big part in it.”

  “We’ll go over to the club while you talk,” Sierra said.

  “I can’t kick you out of your house.” No, if she was going to do this. She was going to do it right. “Max, would you drive me to Damon’s house?”

  “Sure. Do I warn Damon?”

  “I’d rather surprise him.”

  “Works for me.”

  Tessa stood and grabbed her overnight bag. She could always bring it back with her if things didn’t work out with Damon.

  Tessa ran every option over in her head as Max drove her to Damon’s. There were far too few choices. She wanted to make the right one. What if Damon didn’t want to talk to her? She tangled her fingers together. He was the one who’d called her about the article and kept calling and texting her. He’d talk to her. She blinked when she realized Max had stopped in front of Damon’s house.

  “Call when you’re ready for us to come over. If Damon refuses, I’ll come over and kick his dumb ass,” Max said as Tessa climbed out of his SUV.

  “Thanks, Max. I don’t think kicking him will be necessary.” Tessa shut the door. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to the house and rang the bell.

  A minute later, the door was pulled open. “Tessa, oh thank god.” He pulled her into his arms.

  “Damon, what’s going on?” The panic in his voice made her heart pound.

  He pulled her into the house and pushed the door closed with his foot.

  “Where is your phone?”

  “Right here.” She opened her purse and pulled it out, then groaned at the missed calls from Damon. “I’m sorry I’ve had it on silent. Things have been crazy.”

  “You could say that.” He framed her face with his hands. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  “I am now.” And that was the truth. His embrace did more for her than her friends’ hugs.

  “Let me take that.” He took her bag from her hand and set it on the floor. “Come on into the family room.”

  Tessa slipped off her shoes, left her purse next to her bag, and took her phone with her. Damon sat down on the sofa and pulled her into his lap.

  “I need to hold you,” he said.

  “I’m sorry I worried you.” She was. It was the last thing she wanted to do.

  “I was about to call Sierra and Crystal.”

  “I wished you would have. I was with them.” She brushed the hair away from his face. “So much has happened.”

  “No matter what, I’m here for you. I mean that.”

  “I know.” She blew out a breath. “Thanks for the heads up on the article. I hope it didn’t cause you any issues.”

  “More business, actually.”

  “Oh that’s good.” She was happy for him. Now came the hard part. “My father showed up at my apartment tonight.”

  Damon stiffened. “I take it he wasn’t happy.”

  “No.” She laid her hand on his cheek. “He wants me to denounce you at a press conference tomorrow.”

  Damon held her gaze. “I know you’ll handle it.”

  His trust in her hit her in the gut. So much trust. “I love you so much.” The words flowed out of her. This man would never betray her, only support her and keep her safe.

  “Tessa?” His eyes grew bright with need.

  “I mean it, Damon. I love you. I have no intention of denouncing you. No matter what my father says. But he’s vowed to ruin you. I can’t allow that. We’re stuck. I don’t know how to stop him from trying to ruin you, and I refuse to give you up.”

  Damon leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers.

  “So we’re going to beat him at his own game.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Let me call Max, Sierra, Crystal, and Jordan and see if they’re willing to burn the midnight oil with us. I have an idea, but we’ll need help. Would you mind getting coffee going and some snacks?”

  “Anything for you.” He moved her onto the sofa, leaned down, and brushed his lips over hers. “It will be fine.”

  “I hope so, because I’m tired of this limbo.” She called Sierra. She had a feeling it was going to be a long night, but she was hopeful Damon and her friends were on her side. They would help her.


  “This is crazy,” Tessa said the next afternoon as they parked at city hall. They’d discussed her plan last night. Her gut tightened at what she had to do. And she had an ace in the hole if her father persisted.

  “It’s perfect
.” Damon turned to her. “Never forget that I love you, and your father can’t ruin me.”

  Tessa’s jaw dropped open. “You love me?” Even though he hadn’t said it back last night, she didn’t expect him to.

  “I do.” He got out and opened her door, taking her hand. “Together?” Tessa nodded.

  Hand in hand, they walked to the front steps of city hall where the press was already gathered, a podium set up with microphones attached to it. Her father was talking about Damon and his businesses.

  “Damn him,” Tessa muttered.

  “You can do this,” Damon whispered.

  “As long as you’re by my side, I can do anything.” Her father frowned when he saw them approach. Damon let go of Tessa’s hand and stayed off to the side, but close enough that he could get to her if she needed him.

  “And here is my daughter,” her father announced holding out his hand.

  Breathe, Tessa reminded herself. She walked up to the podium. “Hello. I’m sorry you all wasted your afternoon. But there is really nothing for me to say.” Tessa squinted as the sun hit her in the eyes, and she saw her friends off to the side. Turning her head slightly, she saw Damon. “Damon is a good man who runs two very legitimate businesses, both approved by the town council and, frankly, both thriving. I’m sorry my father can’t see through his own prejudice. That’s all I have to say.”

  She stepped away. Her father started sputtering. “He’s brainwashed my daughter. The man is nothing but a pornographer.”

  “Excuse me,” another strong male voice spoke out.

  Tessa watched as a young man walked up to the podium. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Congressman Potts. I represent this district, and I’m here to show my support for Damon Kline.”

  The reporters erupted along with her father. Potts held his hands up. “I understand Congressman Chesterton wants to sully Mr. Kline’s reputation, so I want to inform you of some facts.” He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. “Mr. Kline’s business not only brings in tax revenue, but he is a well-liked businessman. Many people don’t know this about him, but Mr. Kline is our top donor for the city parks, our local kids center, and he’s also part of Friends of the Library.”

  Tessa squeezed Damon’s hand, and he glanced down at her. “You are?” she whispered.


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