The Senator's Son, #1

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The Senator's Son, #1 Page 23

by Anna Albo

  "Oh, yeah? What's that?" he asked, kissing the top of my head.

  "When did you know that you liked me?"

  He chuckled. "When did you know that you liked me?"

  "I asked first."

  He caressed my back and didn't answer right away. I waited, growing a little nervous that he hadn't said anything yet. Was I not going to like his answer?"

  "I'm not a hundred percent sure. Sometime between opening the door at Brett's cabin and sharing a piece of chocolate cake and a beer with you a few hours later."

  I lifted my head and stared at his serene face. I was speechless. For once my mind wasn't analyzing and dissecting. "Really," I finally managed to say.

  "Why do you think I kept coming around?"

  "I thought you were being nice. Or worse, feeling sorry for me."

  "Well, I am nice," he said and winked. "I also liked you a lot."

  "Why didn't you—" I stopped myself. I knew the answer. Jake. "I didn't know right away mostly because I couldn't believe you'd like a girl like me. Sometimes I still don't believe it."

  "Like a girl like you? Em, you're amazing. I'm a lucky guy to have you in my life."

  I kissed him and wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could. I never wanted to let him go.

  HELEN AND I PLAYED our weekly Wednesday evening tennis match. She was getting better and even had me sweating for a while. I tried to keep the matches close because who'd play tennis with me if I beat them all the time?

  In the locker room I could tell she had something to say. She couldn't stop fidgeting.

  "So Marc came and talked to me before you got here," she said, playing with the laces of one of the tennis shoes she'd just taken off. "And we had a chat about you."

  "Only good things, I hope," I said and laughed. Then it hit me. "Is he disqualifying us from our next tournament?"

  "No, nothing like that. I know you're in school and don't live in the city, but he wants to ask you to be an instructor here, perhaps coach some kids he thinks have a little talent. He asked me to poke around for him. By far you're the best tennis player here."

  I smiled at the compliment. "Really?"

  "Come on, you can kick my butt in your sleep."

  "I don't know if I have the time. Between school and my other job..."

  She motioned for me to move closer, out of the earshot of other players. "Marc has some really affluent members here with kids, and they want those kids to learn tennis. They pay well, I'm sure much better than your coffee shop job...not that I'm disparaging it in any way, but wouldn't you love to play a little more tennis? Teach kids?"

  "Not a bunch of rich kids."

  "He has a summer program for low-income youth. You could teach that, too. Marc wants you all over this place. You're a pretty girl who happens to have a killer forehand and backhand that shames us all. And did I mention your serve? You're the perfect role model for everyone here. They all love you."

  "I don't know. Can I think about it?"

  "Of course you can. Can I tell Marc you might be interested?"

  Her eyes were beaming, begging me to say yes. "Sure, but don't make any promises."

  "One last thing. I have something for you," she said, handing me an envelope.

  "What is it?" I asked.

  "Take it. It's a gift for you. I wanted to thank you for being the best tournament partner a middle-aged woman could have."

  I opened the envelope and pulled out the card. Helen had written a few kind words that nearly brought me to tears. "Thank you," I said, fighting the waterworks. "And what's this?" I asked, holding up a gift card that had also been inside the envelope.

  "That's for you. Go buy yourself some nice things. You wouldn't accept my portion of the prize money, so I'm making you accept this gift card. You can't return gift cards. It's a rule."

  I thought to argue with her, but realized I'd be wasting my time. "You're the best partner I've ever had, too."

  I showered, dressed, and pulled out my phone to text Zach on my walk to the bus. It was an unseasonably warm March evening, and I tied my sweater around my waist, one of Genie's old/new sweaters.

  Me: Marc wants me to coach at the club! Rich kids during the year and low-income youth in the summer. Helen asked me for him, and I think I might be interested. And she gave me a two-hundred-and-fifty-dollar gift card. How sweet was that?

  I was about to slip my phone into my pocket when I heard a crack, like a bat hitting a baseball. My phone flew out of my hand and through the air while my body hit the pavement with a thud. Only then did the blinding pain set it.

  "I warned you, bitch." The voice was filled with rage.

  Instinct kicked in as I tried to regain my bearings. I tried pushing myself up to my knees, but arms were all over me, pulling at my clothes and hair, using them to drag me off the sidewalk and into the bushes nearby. I panicked. If they got me to a secluded spot, I was doomed. I flailed my arms and legs, screaming at the top of my lungs as a foot connected with my chest knocking the wind out of me. There had to be at least three of them, all girls by the sounds of their voices. One was on ground, trying to pound my head with her fists, connecting a few times as I tried to shield my face with my hands.

  "Get her in the head," one screamed. It had to be Bianca. "Fuck her up!"

  One peppered blows while another kicked me in the chest and thighs. The last one tried to hold my legs down. I could taste the blood, the metallic tang of it filling my mouth. I coughed a few times, trying to scream, but only muffled sobs came out.

  "Hey! Hey! What the hell?"

  A male voice I didn't know. My attackers bolted, leaving me lying in the grass, partially hidden by the bushes. I started choking from the blood in my mouth, where it came from, I didn't know. I spit it out, relieved there was no more. My chest hurt so much I could barely breathe. I tried to stand but my head spun so much I fell back down.

  "Are you hurt?" the man asked.

  I couldn't speak. I couldn't even find breath. My vision was blurred by tears and searing pain. The man knelt down next to me and pulled out his phone, then dialed three numbers.

  "We need an ambulance. A young woman has been attacked." He gave our location and then sat with me.

  "My phone," I stammered.

  "Who do you want me to call?" he asked, reaching for where it lay on the ground nearby. He was such a nice man, late thirties, his green eyes filled with compassion. That's when I saw his bag and the tennis racket sticking out. I suddenly felt safe with him.

  "Zach. Call Zach." I managed to scroll to Zach’s number and then rested my cheek against the cool, coarse grass. My head felt like it was being hammered with pointy nails.

  "Is this Zach? Hi, my name is Frank and I'm with ..." he turned to me.

  "Emma," I mumbled.

  "I'm with Emma and she was assaulted just outside the Taylor Tennis Club." He paused. Was Zach freaking out? A stabbing pain seared through my side. "Yes, I've already called an ambulance. They should be here shortly. Yes, you can talk to her."

  Frank held the phone to my ear. I didn't think I had the energy to do it myself.

  "Em, are you okay?" Yes, he was freaking out. His voice pitched and I could hear him restraining his rage.

  "I think so. Don't get mad."

  "I'm going to kill her!"

  "No," I said as tears slipped down my cheeks.

  "I'm leaving and I'll be there in a few minutes."

  "Talk to Frank."

  Frank took the phone back. "Zach, I hear the ambulance. You should just meet us at the hospital. I'll stay with her and let you know where they take her."

  I closed my eyes and my mind drifted away.



  Never in my life had I been angrier. The entire drive to the hospital I could have killed anyone who crossed my path. I wanted to smash things, but my steering wheel took the brunt of my frustration.

  I got to the hospital before Emma had even been admitted. It was time
to make calls. The first was to Dad. Sure, it should have been to Emma's dad, but I had an agenda. I told him what happened and asked him to pull a few strings at the hospital. I wanted her to have her own room and I wanted full access to it. No questions asked.

  The second call was the hardest. Mr. Andrews picked up on the second ring.

  "Hello, Mr. Andrews," I said, trying to keep my voice calm. "It's Zach."

  "Well, hello there, Zach, and I insist you call me Paul. I'm surprised to hear from you." His voice dropped off. "Something happen?"

  I took a deep breath. "Paul, Emma was attacked today outside her tennis club. They brought her to the hospital and I'm waiting to hear how she is. I did talk to her, so she's conscious and everything."

  "What? No! I'm on my way. Which hospital?"

  I gave him the details and told him I'd call once I knew more. I went to the emergency station and clearly Dad had already spoken to someone. I only had to say her name and the nurse nodded. "Ms. Andrews was just admitted. Dr. Lewis is in with her now and I will have him come speak with you when he's finished his exam."

  Yes, having a senator for a father had its privileges. I didn’t usually like to call in favors using my dad’s influence, but this was an exception. I left the crowded emergency room to pace a nearby hallway. I had to keep calm for Emma and think things through carefully. My first instinct was to go after Bianca, send out the video, but what would it accomplish? Enraging her further? And what if it was linked to me? I couldn't risk it.

  I took out my phone and made a third call.

  "What do you want?"

  I hated Jake and his attitude didn't help. Had he been standing in front of me I would have crushed him into the wall. "I'd like to say this is a courtesy call, but it's not. It's a warning. Emma was attacked today and I can only assume it was Bianca, or that she got someone to do it. Emma's at University Hospital. I've called her dad and when he gets here, I'm telling him everything. Every last detail, you motherfucker."

  I hung up before he could speak and then made my last call to Genie.

  "Do you want me to come down?"

  "No, not yet. Once I know more I'll call you back."

  "I can come if you need me."

  "I'll let you know. For now, put a few things together for Emma. I'm sure she'll want a change of clothes, especially if they keep her overnight." The nurse came to get me and motioned for me to follow her. "Genie, I’ve got to go. I'll call you back later." I stuffed my phone into a pocket. My heart was pounding. What if she wasn't all right? My stomach flipped. I loved her. Yeah, I could admit it. From that first night at Brett's cabin, I couldn't get her out of my head. I tried to protect her and when I let my guard down, I'd let her down. I’d failed her.

  "She's in here," the nurse said, taking me into a private room. "Dr. Lewis will be in shortly."

  I gasped when I saw her. Her face was swollen, one eye shut, her lip split and scratches all over her face. I quietly pulled up a chair, but she opened her eyes, or what she could of the left one.

  "How are you feeling?" I asked, clasping onto her hand and squeezing.

  "Better now. I got drugs," she said, her voice groggy.

  "What did the doctor say?"

  "Nothing broken, but I have two cracked ribs and a concussion."

  "I called your dad and he's on his way."

  "He's probably upset."

  "He was. I'm going to call him right after the doctor comes in and tell him you'll be back to your usual self in no time."

  "I'm sorry, Zach." A tear spilled down her face and I gently wiped it away.

  "Why are you sorry? Why are you crying?" Seeing her this way killed me. I wanted to scoop her up and take her away.

  "I let this happen."

  I shook my head and kissed her hand. "You didn't do anything wrong."

  "I should have just left her alone from the start."

  "None of this would have happened if she'd behaved like a normal human being. So I don't want to hear you blaming yourself again."

  Dr. Lewis came in, interrupting her rebuttal. He shook my hand and gave Emma a warm smile.

  "And how are you feeling? The medication kicking in?"

  "Yes," she said, every word causing her obvious pain.



  Dr. Lewis turned to me. "We're keeping her overnight as a precaution, but other than a few cracked ribs, a mild concussion, and some scrapes and bruises, she should be fine. Emma's a tough one. I've explained this to her already, and because this was an assault, we've contacted the authorities. They will want to interview her."


  "Next of kin? Have they been contacted?"

  "Her father is on his way."

  "All right. I'll check in again later."

  Once he was gone, I turned back to Emma. "Em, you need to tell the police the truth."

  She let out a halting, tortured breath. Agony was etched on her face. "The truth is that I didn't see anyone. I think it was three girls and one voice sounded like Bianca's. It was dark. I can't lie and say it was her."

  "She's going to pay for this."

  More tears sprang from her eyes. "No! Please, I want it over. Promise me that it's over!"

  "Emma, she can't get away with it."

  "But then what? Tit for tat forever?"

  "For now it's over. I'm going to call your dad and I'll be right back."

  The truth was that I didn't want to argue with her and upset her even more. I went outside and there was Emma's dad, talking to a nurse at the emergency desk. He'd made good time. He'd probably speed the whole way. I jogged over to him and he saw me coming, relief washing over him. I briefed him then told him I had something else to tell him before he went in to see her.

  I persuaded him to join me in the mostly empty cafeteria. I bought us coffees and we took a seat in a quiet corner.

  "Zach, you have me worried. What's going on? Do you know who did this to Emma?"

  "I have an idea, but wouldn't be able to prove it. Mr. Andrews—Paul, there's something Emma has been keeping from you and you have a right to know."

  And so I told him, from the beginning, without holding back. From the day at the cabin when she'd seen all of Bianca and Jake's texts, to Bianca's harassment and Emma breaking her nose. Then I dove into me getting her out of jail and her moving in with me after Jake had kicked her out, to the texts I thought I'd stopped. Paul listened, his mouth gaping open, taking it all in.

  "She didn't want to tell you because she was worried how disappointed you'd be. That it would wreck your friendship with Jake's brother."

  He shook his head, leaned back in his chair, and let out a deep breath. "I knew something wasn't right with her and Jake. I just assumed it had to do with you, I had no idea it was all about this girlfriend of Jake's. I have so many questions, and I don't know where to start."

  "I didn't want to be the one to tell you, but I figured that if it came from me, it would be easier for her."

  "And Jake just kicked her out?"

  "Yes. He called me because he knew we'd formed a friendship. He told me to get her from jail, pick up her stuff, and basically get her out of his life."

  "Ron couldn't possibly know."

  "Jake pressured Emma to keep it a secret."

  Paul's face hardened. "What a piece of shit. I've always been so good to that kid, trusted him, but some girl comes along and he does this to Emma?"

  "I'm afraid so."

  "Thank you, Zach. I'd like to go see Emma now."

  We went back to her floor and that's when I spotted Jake, wandering the halls. I marched towards him and when he saw me, he was about to speak, but he must have seen something in my eyes. He took a few steps back and that's when something came over me, pure rage. It clouded my judgment and when I picked up my pace, Paul came after me and got between us just as I was about to throw a punch.

  "Hey, we don't need this," Paul said. "Zach, you'll get thrown out of here."

re not seeing her!" I yelled.

  Jake's shoulders sank. "Do you think I wanted this to happen?"

  "You didn't do anything to stop it," I seethed.

  "Everyone relax and keep your voices down," Paul said, pushing me back a few steps.

  "She said she didn't do it," Jake said.

  I tried to get at him again, but Paul grabbed me, shaking me for second. "Zach, get it together. Do you need to go outside and cool off?"

  I put up my arms. "I'm fine."

  Paul turned to Jake. "I'm not sure why you came here. I learned today that you turned your back on my daughter months ago when she needed you most. She was all alone here, with no one, and you promised me you'd take care of her. What happened to you? I thought you were a good kid."

  "Paul, it got a little out of hand. I didn't know what was going on. Bianca said she didn't do it, that she had nothing to do with it...I know she's lying." He started to cry. I wanted to laugh, but he was too pathetic. "I'm so sorry. If I’d known...I would have never let this happen to her."

  "What you did was even worse," I said. "The way you treated her. She loved you! She would have done anything for you."

  Jake's bloodshot blue eyes stared at me, defeated. "I guess now you've replaced me. You don't know how lucky you are. I'd do anything to fix this. I would!"

  “No, you wouldn’t!”

  "I think the best thing you can do right now is leave. If she wants to see you, she'll let you know," Paul said. "In the meantime, you might want to tell Ron about this. Now get out of here before I sock you one myself."

  "I'm so sorry," he said one last time before slithering down the hallway and into the elevator.

  Paul turned to me. "I'm going in to see Emma. Let's not tell her about this until we know she's ready."

  "Yes, of course."

  He went in her room and I sat in the waiting area. It was then I saw Emma's text from earlier that night. So happy and full of excitement. I may have told Emma it was over, but Bianca would pay.



  I cried when I saw Dad. He pulled up a chair and gave me a kiss on the cheek. His bottom lip was quivering a bit, but he managed to keep composed.


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