Bishop: Part One

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Bishop: Part One Page 5

by Elisa Leigh

  Bishop pastes a smile on his face. “You’re right.”

  Looking at the time, I see that it’s almost ten o’clock. “Oh my goodness, I can’t believe we talked for almost two hours. I need to get to bed if I plan on getting up early to ride in with Uncle Greg.”

  “No need. I’ll pick you up in the morning. I’ll text you when I’m on my way. Around 8:30, sound okay?”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can catch a ride in, I don’t want to put you out.”

  “Trust me. You aren’t. It is as much for my benefit as it is yours. I need to see you before I start my day.”

  Struggling for a minute, I figure if he wants to pick me up, I’m not going stop him. “Okay then. See you in the morning.” I open my door and try and figure out the best way to get down, but Bishop is there before I try to maneuver myself out of it.

  “Come here baby, let’s get you down.” He smiles lazily at me. When he moves his hand to grab me, I feel it graze my back where my shirt has ridden up. I can’t help the shiver that breaks through me or the heat radiating in my stomach and moving to my core. He must sense my shift because he doesn’t remove his hands, but turns me in my seat, so I’m facing him. He steps between my legs, and at this height, he’s about an inch shorter than me.

  I gaze into his deep blue eyes and want to swim in their warmth. For only knowing him a few hours, I feel such a strong connection to him. I feel safe in his presence, and know he’d stop at nothing to protect me from harm. Without thinking I clutch his shoulders and drag my hands up his warm skin at his neck. I can’t stop myself from touching this beautiful man, can’t refrain from skimming my palm over his jaw.

  Bishops tips his face into my touch and places a kiss on my palm, then my wrist. Clutching my hips, he drags me to the edge of the seat, so our bodies are mere inches from touching. Stepping in the last few inches, he puts his arms around me and holds me to him in the sweetest hug that I’ve ever experienced. Inhaling his scent, I get lost in his masculine essence. I know it will stay with me for a long time.

  Leaning his head into my neck, he plunges his hands into my hair and pulls my neck to the side. Skimming his nose up my neck he whispers to me. “Cara, my beautiful Cara. I feel connected to you in ways that I can’t even begin to explain. My soul’s vibrating with longing for yours. I know we just met, but God, Princess, tell me you’re feeling this. Tell me I’m not alone in this.”

  Shoring up my courage, I reveal what I’m feeling, hoping I can convey what my heart is beating a rhythm to. “I don’t understand this Bishop.” He stiffens, and I rub his back slowly, down to the edge of his shirt, feeling the tiniest bit of skin at my fingertips, my hand's journey back up to his shoulders and I squeeze him tighter to me. He melts into me completely, erasing whatever remaining space there was between us. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before Bishop. I don’t understand how I can feel such a consuming desire to know someone, touch someone, to entwine with you completely.”

  He lets out a big sigh “Thank God.”

  After a few minutes of holding each other, Bishop pulls back and kisses my forehead. “Princess, as much as I would love to keep holding you, you need to get some sleep.”

  I nod, and he helps me down from his truck and walks me to the door, his hand around mine, fingers laced together. Pulling our entwined hands to his mouth, he kisses my hand and puts them down releasing me. Opening the door, he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head before pushing me in. “Go in and text me before you go to sleep Princess.” Then he closes my door and walks away. I stand there in shock until I hear his Escalade pull out and drive away.

  Walking toward my room, I pass Uncle Greg sprawled out on the couch watching something on tv. “Good night Uncle Greg.”

  He smirks at me “Good night, Princess,” and laughs.

  “Oh, shut up. Why does he even call me that?”

  His smile turns from jovial to affectionate. “You’re a wonderful person. I’m sure he sees your value and is coming to treasure it. I don’t think he does it to be condescending. He probably calls you that to show you how much you mean to him.”

  What do you say to that? I sure don’t have any words for how warm what he said made me feel. How I hope that what he said is true. So I shrug my shoulder. “He’s driving me to school tomorrow, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

  Looking remorseful he sits up and pats the couch next to where he’s sitting. “Come talk with me a minute Cara.”

  I sit and face him. “I’m sorry about tonight Cara. Sorry, that when you called, I blew you off.”

  Dad and I never talked about feelings. We showed them through actions. Discussing them isn’t something I’m accustomed to.

  “I wasn’t blowing you off because I didn’t care. I feel bad that I’m screwing up this guardian thing. I didn’t want to hear the disappointment in your voice for being out so late.”

  I nod, and those stupid tears that keep pricking my eyes today are back. “It’s okay Uncle Greg” I manage to get out before a tear escapes, and I quickly wipe it away.

  “Come here, pretty girl.” He pulls me in and gives me a side hug. “I promise to listen to you in the future. It kills me that I wasn’t here for you. Please don’t ever hesitate to call me in the future. I’m your family, and I love you.”

  “Love you too Uncle Greg. I’m not used to relying on people, but I’ll try. We’ll figure this out together.”

  After our short talk, I hug him and go grab a shower before going to bed. I’m lying in bed wondering if I should text Bishop. I’ve never had a boyfriend before, but after tonight I’m pretty sure that’s where this is going. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to say good night. Why am I such a chicken about this? Right, because you’ve never texted a boy you liked before, never attempted a relationship like this. It’s new, and you don’t want to screw it up. I need some girlfriends to talk to, thank God for Mandy. Oh shit, I can’t give Mandy a ride. Checking my phone, I see that she messaged me a couple of hours ago.

  Mandy: OMG I just heard about your car. Dad doesn’t want me riding with you until we figure out who is messing with your car. Oh, and my parents want to meet you.

  I text her back, that crazy girl.

  Me: It needs a paint job, and it will be good as new. I understand why your dad doesn’t want you riding with me. Of course, I’d love to meet your family if they are as awesome as you! I’ll see you at school tomorrow.

  Mandy: I have a surprise for you in the morning. YAY! Night girly.

  Me: Goodnight.

  I sigh knowing I need to text him. I pull up his number and press the message button. What should I say? Maybe he’s already asleep. He looked tired when he left. I’ll just talk to him in the morning, but my conscience gets the better of me, do it you damn chicken.

  Me: You’re probably asleep, in case you aren’t, good night.

  Bishop: I’m not, I’ve been waiting for you.

  Me: You didn’t have to do that.

  Bishop: I couldn’t sleep, kept hoping to get to talk to you one more time.

  Me: I liked talking to you tonight.

  Bishop: I did too, but that wasn’t my favorite part.

  Me: What was?

  Bishop: When I got to hold you.

  Me: Me too.

  Bishop: Sweet dreams Princess.

  Me: Goodnight Bishop.

  Chapter 6


  I wake to the constant sound of my alarm dinging. Grr, I fumble for my phone and swipe across the screen to activate snooze on my alarm. I jar awake when I hear someone pounding on the front door. Shit, what time is it? When I check my phone, I realize I didn’t hit snooze but turned off my alarm instead. And, oh yeah, Bishop texted me fifteen minutes ago to let me know he’d be here soon. That sound must have been the doorbell.

  The pounding on the door continues, and I rush to get to the door. In my mad dash, I trip over a box in my room and end up stubbing my toe. “Son of a bitch!” I yell. Limping t
o the door, I unlock and open it to a pissed off Bishop muttering at the door. “Jesus Christ Cara, open the damn d-” He stands there speechless for a full minute, at least, staring down at me.

  “Fuuuck.” He groans closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath, and when he opens his eyes, he is calmer. I open the door wide enough for him to pass. I gesture for him to come in and he walks inside and waits for me to close the door. “Cara don’t ever fucking open the door looking like that again. Do you understand?” Shocked, I look at myself and see that I’m in a threadbare t-shirt that is tight across my boobs and short, skin-tight boxer shorts.

  Crowding me against the door, he tips my chin up, so I meet his eyes, and I see fury, as well as desire. “I am the only person who gets to see you like this Princess.” He says softer this time.

  “I didn’t even think about it. I overslept. Then I heard you pounding on the door. I tripped over some damn box in my room, rushing to the door, and ended up stubbing my toe. My clothes were the least of my worries Bishop.” I say roughly, pissed that my morning has started so shitty.

  “Princess you look so damn good dressed like this. I got jealous. I’m sorry, I don’t want anyone seeing what belongs to me.”

  “Belongs to you?”

  He rolls his eyes, like what I said is immature. Rubbing his nose along my jaw up to my ear, the heat of his breath on my ear soothes me. “You’re mine, Princess. No one else can have you ever again.” He sucks my earlobe into his mouth and drags his teeth across it making me shiver with this small intimate act. “Go get ready Princess. I’ll wait."

  He backs away so I can pass and swats my butt when I walk by him. I turn my head to glare at him, and he gives me a boyish smile. That’s when I see them, freaking dimples, two of them, one on each cheek, disarming, melt my panties off, turn my insides to mush, dimples, that I swear an old lady would sigh over. He is going to get away with too much with those puppies, and combined with his sweet words. I’m not going to have a prayer to save myself from falling for him.

  I go and get ready as quick as I can. I pull on some dark skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a plum cardigan, and my white converse sneakers. I put my hair into a messy bun, and spray on Angel by Victoria Secret. I put on light eyeshadow and mascara, and I gloss my lips. I look at myself in the mirror and shrug, this is as good as it’s going to get today.

  Grabbing my bag and my phone I head to the living room to see Bishop on the couch looking at something on his phone. “You ready?” I ask.

  He looks at me and smiles, “I’m always ready for you, my Princess. Let’s get to school. We should make it by second period if we leave now.” Walking behind Bishop, I close and lock the door. He waits, then walks to my side and helps me into his Escalade.

  When I get situated, I notice two cups of what I’m assuming is coffee from the diner. “Please tell me I get one of these.” He smiles. “It might not be as warm as it could have been thirty minutes ago, but I'm sure you could still drink it.”

  Wow, that’s sweet of him. He would have had to get up extra early to go and get this. I can respect a man who gives up his sleep to do something for someone else. I love my sleep and don’t part with it willingly. “That’s sweet of you Bishop. Thank you.” He beams at me and shrugs his shoulders like it’s no big deal.

  Grabbing my coffee, I take a sip, and it’s made perfect with cream and sugar, just the way I like it. “Mmm, Bishop, you made it perfect. And it’s still nice and warm.” God, I love coffee. I would have been one grouchy girl if I didn’t get any before school. “I’m sorry we’re late Bishop. It was hard to get to sleep last night. When my alarm went off, I thought I hit snooze, but I guess I turned it off.”

  “I’m not worried about it.” He smiles at me and continues driving, watching the road, scanning the area.

  I hear a ding on my phone and see that Mandy has texted me.

  Mandy: Where are you?

  Mandy: Is everything okay?

  Mandy: If I don’t hear from you soon, I’m sending out a search party.

  I laugh and catch Bishop’s attention. “What’s up with you?” He asks.

  “Mandy is freaking out because I’m not at school yet.”

  “About school…”

  I look at him after I text Mandy, letting her know I overslept and will be there soon. “What about school?” I ask, distracted by reading her response. When I finally realize he hasn’t answered my question I look up, and he’s staring at me nervously. “School?”

  “You and Mandy were taking the same classes just at different times, so I had them change your schedule around. You’re now in the same classes as Mandy. I thought it would be easier, than switching hers, since you started yesterday.”

  I take a minute to get my thoughts together. “Why do I need to be in the same classes as Mandy?”

  Bishop parks in the student parking lot and unbuckles his seatbelt before turning to me. “It makes me feel better to have you with people I can trust. Mandy is part of our group, and she’s like a little sister to me. I trust her completely, and I like the idea of you two being able to look out for each other, in case someone isn’t able to.”

  I take it in, and although it was somewhat high-handed of him, I don’t mind what he did or the reason behind it. It’s nice that someone wants to look out for me.

  I unbuckle my seatbelt and gather my things getting ready to attempt to get out of his vehicle without twisting an ankle. “Wait, Cara, aren’t you going to say something?”

  Biting my lip, I look at him, really take him in, and I can see the concern of my reaction to what he told me, written all over his face.

  “Bishop, I’m going to assume, correct me if I’m wrong here, that we’re starting a relationship.” He nods, so I continue. “This relationship, from what we’ve shared, does not seem like it will be a casual one.” He shakes his head no. “I know we need to talk more, about us, what we are to each other, but I need you to know that I’ve never dated, had a boyfriend, uh nothing.” I blush at what I admitted, hoping he understands that he will be my first with whatever happens between us.

  “No one?”

  When I shake my head no, his eyes get big, and he smiles like he’s won the lottery.

  I roll my eyes and continue, telling him the most crucial part. “If you want this relationship to last, we need to talk about things. I appreciate what you did and your reasons, but it bothers me that you do things without getting my opinion first.”

  He studies me for a minute, opens his mouth and then closes it again. He’s floundering here, I can see it in his inability to respond immediately. For a guy like Bishop, that must bother him. He looks out the window for a few beats, then back at me. “I’m not used to checking with people when making decisions. I make them definitively. When I do make them, I have the highest regard for you and what will make you happiest. I will try my best to get your opinion on things that affect you in the future. That being said, my position in this town sometimes requires me to make quick decisions that I will not be able to discuss with you before making them.”

  “You seem like a great guy who has himself together quite well for someone as young as you are. You told me last night that your family runs the town and that you took over when your dad passed, help me understand.”

  He regards me for a minute, “I will explain this all to you later, we have a lot to talk about, but now is not the time.”

  “You’re right, we’re late, and I still need to get a new schedule before I can get to class.”

  Bishop comes around and helps me out of his vehicle, grabbing my bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Holding out his hand for me to hold, I lace my fingers through his and carry my coffee in my other hand.

  “Wait.” Coming to a stop a few yards from the door, Bishop brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses it. He holds our hands between us and wraps his other arm around my waist, bringing us closer together, our fronts touching. “Cara, I know we’ve known each other a day, but that means
nothing in regards to my feelings for you. Please don’t let what others might say tear us apart. Promise me we’ll talk through whatever it is that comes up.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I see how worried he is about whatever might happen once we enter the school. It kills me to see him this upset. “I promise my prince.”

  Leaning down, he captures my lips in a soft kiss, my first kiss, and lingers there. He kisses my bottom lip, lightly sucking it into his mouth and skimming his teeth against it, and again at the corner of my mouth. Leaning his forehead against mine, he sighs. “We better get in there baby. I might run the show, but Mrs. Oberly will give us a good old-fashioned tongue lashing if we’re too late.”

  Releasing me he walks ahead to open the door and follow me into the building. We walk to the office to get our tardy passes and my new schedule. Looking it over, I see that it’s the same teachers and classes, like Bishop said, only at different times. I’m happy I get to be with Mandy all day, she’s already turning into a great friend. Bishop walks me to my second period. At the door, he hands me my bag and pulls me in for a hug. “Text me if you need anything. I’ll see you at lunch Princess.” He kisses the top of my head and opens the door to the classroom, and I walk in.

  Finding Mandy, I make my way over to her where she has a seat saved for me. Looking back to the door I see Bishop closing it, and then he waves goodbye to me. I give him a slight wave and get adjusted and take out what I need for class. I know from the day before that we have a few minutes before he gets started.

  Mandy stares at me with a giant grin spread across her face. “What is going on with you two?”

  I shrug and smile at myself.

  “Don’t shrug your shoulders at me, missy. I saw the way he was looking at you yesterday, and the way he looked at you now. Bishop is never like this with girls, like ever.”

  “Mandy, he’s a nice guy, we’re uh, seeing how things go. He drove me to school this morning.”

  A wide awe-filled grin covers her face. “It sure looks like a little more than that.” I bite my lip and shrug again, not knowing what I should be telling people about us, especially after what he said before we walked into school.


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