Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2)

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Twisted Fate (Watch Me Burn Book 2) Page 22

by R. E. Bond

  “Yeah, wouldn’t the Soldiers have a fucking field day if a woman was in charge?” I snorted, but Skeeter gave me a dirty look, not finding me funny in the slightest.

  “You have no idea. Did you even want a vote put in for you?”

  I shrugged casually, despite my insides twisting with panic at the thought of that much responsibility.

  “Look, it would be an honour to lead this crew, but you guys have been in this game a long time now, so it’s your call. As long as I get to kill some Soldiers, I’m good if you decide to leave me in the background to play with my gun.”

  He nodded, seeming relieved that I wasn’t going to argue with him, then he continued on about other things that needed to be brought to attention.

  I was officially a member of the Bloody Psychos by the end of the meeting.

  I snuck outside for a cigarette in peace, not being able to believe that everyone agreed to make me a member without argument.

  I was only halfway through my cigarette when Skeeter suddenly moved in front of me with worry all over his face.

  “There you are. You okay?”

  I gave him a brisk nod, having a drag before blowing the smoke out as I spoke.

  “Yeah, just thinking. Do you mind if I take off?”

  He frowned, leaning against the wall beside me and crossing his arms against his chest. “Where to?”

  “I need to see Hunter, then I’ll probably go home to bed. It’s been a long fucking day, you wore me out.”

  “Why do you need to see Hunter?” He asked lightly, but I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

  I finished my cigarette, flicking the butt onto the ground and squashing it with my shoe as I let out a sigh.

  “Diesel said he was looking for me before, so I really don’t know. Please don’t fight with me tonight, Skeet. I just want to find out what he wants so I can go to bed and sleep.”

  “Be careful?” He asked gently, surprising me completely.

  I hesitated, stepping forwards and giving him a tight hug, grateful that he trusted me to be fine on my own.

  “I will.”

  “Take the McLaren, I’ll get Diesel to drop me home later.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled, kissing his cheek as I took his keys and wandered over to his car.

  Psycho by Post Malone and Ty Dolla $ign played through the speakers as I drove to the warehouse, and I wasn’t surprised to find Hunter in the back room with some of his crew when I arrived.

  He glanced up, giving me his famous panty-dropping grin.

  “Hey, hot shot. I was just wondering if I was going to have to track your sweet ass down.”

  I rolled my eyes as I approached him and moved behind his desk, perching my ass on the edge.

  “You know we had a meeting.”

  “You’re here now, so that’s all that matters,” he shrugged, handing me a bottle of whisky from the drawer before motioning to his crew and speaking to them. “I think we’re done here tonight guys. Clear out so I can talk to Donovan.”

  They all mumbled goodbyes, but once they were gone, I gave him a frown as he checked his phone.

  “So, what’s so important? I want to get home to bed.”

  “Who hurt you?” He asked without looking up at me.

  What a weird fucking question.

  “Heaps of people, why?”

  “I’m talking about your arm, it’s bandaged,” he sighed impatiently, finally glancing up and meeting my gaze.

  I smirked, pointing at my arm.

  “Oh, this? Nah, that was consensual. You know what Skeet’s like.”

  “Come here,” he asked bluntly, making me scoff at the tone he was using on me.

  It was the same no-nonsense tone that Skeeter used on a regular basis.

  “I am here.”

  “Rory, now,” he warned, growing more impatient as he waited for me to slowly stand.

  I didn’t bother fighting him as he yanked me down to straddle his lap so that I was facing him.

  He met my gaze again before unwrapping the bandage, his fingertips moving along the heated skin close to the wound.

  “He’s getting meaner with it.”

  “Yeah, well. The more he does it, the more I want it,” I shrugged, moving to stand but he firmly took my waist, holding me still.

  “You really need some tape or something to keep it together or they’ll heal badly. Why didn’t anyone tape you?”

  “Because, usually Slash sorts me out when I’m bleeding,” I mumbled, his thumbs moving up and down on my hips affectionately.

  Despite him being the apparent enemy, we understood each other.

  Having traumatic pasts did that to people, I guessed.

  “He always looked after you, didn’t he? Well, I guess I’d better sort you out. I’m surprised your crew didn’t insist on being here with you.”

  “Skeet wasn’t happy about it, but he trusts me to stay out of trouble. I think. Do you think I could lead the Psychos?” I asked curiously, making him frown hard.

  “You’re an easy target for other crews, and you aren’t very good at holding back when your feelings get involved. You have to run things past the others before just shooting at people, you know? Why do you ask? Did you want to put your name forwards?”

  “Diesel put my name in for vote today. I told them I was happy just being in the background, so they made me an official member. I was just curious because Diesel thought I could lead,” I shrugged, making him chuckle.

  “No shit? Congrats on making it official, and for becoming the first woman ever to become a member. That’s huge. Want some advice on what leading a crew is like?”

  I nodded, sitting still as he rifled through his desk drawer and pulled out some medical tape to start taping the cuts up while we talked.

  “Alright, you already have the important shit trained into you, like having your crews back and dying for them, but a lot of shit happens behind the scenes for leaders. They do the paperwork, they organize the fights and events that go on whether its legal or not, they figure out who works best with who for runs and jobs, while making sure everything goes to plan. I think you’d be a great leader, babe, but you’re always going to be a target because you’re a woman. The things they’d do to you if they got their hands on you would be fucking horrific.”

  “Diesel wants me to help Skeet. Kind of like a fill in right-hand, I think. Do you think I’d be good at that?” I asked softly, not seeming to bother him at all with my nagging questions.

  “Like I said, you’d be a great leader. I think he’d be grateful for your help,” he smiled, putting the tape down once he was finished and running his fingers through my hair tenderly. “You’re badass, Donovan, but it’s about to get hectic as fuck for your crew. It’s going to get messy, and people are going to die. You need to be prepared for that. Maybe ask Diesel or Skeet to show you how some shit works so you have some idea on what goes on when you aren’t around?”

  “Yeah, I guess I could talk to them. Thanks,” I smiled, curling up against him and relaxing as his arms went around me.

  It felt good to have friends to talk to, even if Hunter was technically the enemy.

  I knew he had my back.


  I knew Lukas would be pissed off.

  Skeeter had called me when his meeting had finished, dropping it on me that the Psychos had voted our fucking girl in as a member.

  I knew she wasn’t really my girl, but I had every intention of changing that.

  Problem was, I wasn’t sure it could go back to being the same as before.

  I stood in the kitchen as Lukas glared at me while waving a hand at my phone with false anger in his eyes.

  I knew him better than he realized.

  He was scared.

  “See? She’s doing dumb shit again without even thinking of consulting us first. She’s just signed her fucking life over to a notorious gang!”

  I rolled my eyes, struggling to keep my voice level with him.

  We’d spent so much time arguing over her lately.

  “It’s not a gang, it’s a crew. Also…”

  “It’s the same fucking thing! They kill people, they run shit through the underground, and as we discovered the other night, they die! I don’t want a girlfriend who’s going to get kidnapped or murdered. I don’t want to be sitting in class and wondering if she’s being shoved into a stranger’s car or being stabbed in the bathroom!”

  I didn’t hesitate as I shoved him back against the wall, pressing my front against his to box him in.

  I kept my voice low, but I put more bite into it than I intended, causing him to flinch.

  “I don’t give a fuck about what lifestyle she chooses for herself. I just want her, Lukas. I’ll take her any way I can have her, because at least she’ll still be mine. I love her, you need to fucking accept that. You don’t have to love her, and I can’t make you, but I know for a fact that you don’t hate her and this act is a lie. I’m not going to push her away for you, despite how much you might hate me for it. Lose the fucking attitude, or you’ll lose me.”

  A pained sound bubbled up from his throat as he stared at me with his almond eyes, his body relaxing against mine as I placed my hands on his waist. “I want to see where this goes, Luke, but you have to work with me. I can’t just be someone you kiss behind the curtains, just for the sake of having someone. No one’s going to leave you, unless you force their hand. Rory loves you even though you’ve treated her like absolute shit, remember that. You’re your own worst enemy, you really are.”

  “I’ll lose her,” he whispered, the anger subsiding inside me as I watched his face contort into sadness.

  I gave his hips a small squeeze, leaning forwards so that my nose gently brushed his.

  “Don’t you see? You lost her anyway,” then I stepped back, his face morphing into anger again.

  “I can’t deal with her breaking us, Jense.”

  “Are you asking me to fucking choose?” I choked out with surprise, his face falling before he hardened it again, giving me a brisk nod.

  “Yes. Me or her?”

  I didn’t hesitate as my fingers wrapped around his throat firmly, tugging him closer so that our foreheads nearly touched, my voice bitter.

  “Get the fuck out of my house. Hate yourself elsewhere,” then I pushed him back and stormed up to my room, slamming the door behind me so I could fall apart in private.

  This was on him.


  “Can I talk to you?”

  The stern voice pulled me from my peaceful sleep as Hunter moved behind me, his voice rough from sleep.

  “Can you come back later? It’s too fucking early for this shit, man.”

  I glanced up and met eyes with Diesel, giving him an unimpressed glare.

  He knew better than to wake me up early.

  “Right now? How the fuck did you even get in here? I locked up.”

  “One thing I need to talk to you about,” he grunted, keeping his eyes on Hunter who gave him a sly smirk because he was a tormenting bastard.

  “Something on your mind, Mr Maverick?”

  “You’re lucky it wasn’t Skeet who came over to find you like this. Don’t get too cocky, asshole,” Diesel warned, making me scowl.

  I needed coffee.

  “Sit down and talk, D. Leave Hunter alone.”

  “Can’t we do this downstairs?” He muttered, and I gave him a snort of annoyance.

  I wasn’t getting out of bed for fucking anyone.

  “No. Climb in if you feel like it, but I’m not getting out of bed yet. What did you want to talk about?”

  He sat on top of the covers, pressing his back against the headboard with his arms crossed tightly.

  “You need training. I know you’re a great shot, so that’s half the work done already, but you need to…”

  “Keep your hat on, I told her all this last night when we were talking,” Hunter cut in, causing Diesel to narrow his eyes on me as if I was Satan.

  “You know he’s part of a rival crew, right? What the fuck have you been telling him?”

  I let out a sound of frustration.

  Did he think I told him the codes to the safe or some shit?

  “Only his opinion on if I’d make a good leader and that Slash usually sorts me out when I bleed.”

  “Be careful. Everyone’s already on edge with the Soldiers,” he warned as if I wasn’t aware of our current situation.

  “Yeah, and the Devils are on our side,” I argued as he levelled me with an angry look.

  He never got seriously mad at me.

  I knew the Psychos would hate me hanging out with Hunter alone, but it wasn’t like I was giving him the blueprints to our buildings or the codes to the safe.

  “Babe, rival crews, remember?” He finally said dryly, but I raised an eyebrow, tired of the same old conversation.

  “Only because you dick heads can’t let shit go. You guys would be great allies for each other, but you’re all too stubborn. You need to come together as one crew but under separate names to keep your independence. Make peace, for fuck’s sake.”

  Hunter chuckled, pulling me against him to kiss my shoulder.

  His lips would feel good on my…

  “It isn’t that simple babe,” he cut into my filthy thoughts, but Diesel scowled, apparently not done arguing about who’s dick was bigger.

  “No, because some crews can’t keep their dicks away from other crew’s women. You wonder why Skeet’s always so pissed at you? Jumping in bed with the woman he loves is a good way to get fucking shot at.”

  “We aren’t sleeping together,” Hunter mumbled before giving me a sly grin. “Yet.”

  “You know Skeet better than anyone, Hunter. You’re asking for trouble. Everyone’s on edge about Slash, so don’t fucking add to it,” Diesel replied sharply, patting my shoulder gently as he stood back up. “I’m heading to the shed, we’ll talk more later. Stay out of trouble.”

  I yawned, the chance of going back to sleep pretty slim.

  “Yeah, I will. I’m going to school anyway.”

  He muttered about me being crazy on his way out, leaving me to get ready for the day without any more whining.

  Hunter stayed in bed as I climbed out and stripped down to my bra and panties to get dressed, a groan leaving him as he shamelessly checked me out.

  “Play fair, Donovan.”

  I glanced over my shoulder, smiling sweetly.

  “Don’t look then, pretty boy.”

  “You know you’re fucking hot,” he grumbled, eyeing me as I pulled my shorts over my ass, before I wriggled into a tank top.


  “So you keep saying, but you stick around anyway. What will you be up to today?” I asked, running my fingers through my tangled hair to tame the big black pile of knots.

  He looked at me like I was stupid.

  “Coming with you, obviously.”


  “Your leader was murdered and you’re still not safe. They came to town to kill you, remember? I’m going with you,” he said firmly, finally climbing from the bed and moving towards me to tug me against his bare chest.

  I rested my forehead against his hot skin and sighed.

  “Thanks for keeping an eye out for me.”

  “Any time. You want breakfast?” He asked, making me cringe.

  It was too early for breakfast, considering we’d drank a lot of whisky before bed.

  We’d sat up most of the night just talking and drinking.

  “Nah, I’ll grab us some coffee on the way though.”

  He let me finish getting ready as he yanked on his jeans and shirt, then we headed out to his car and drove to the diner for coffee.

  Once we had a hot coffee in hand, we parked at school and climbed out, and I was almost bowled over by Tyler as he threw his arms around me and held on tightly.

  “Morning, Ty. Watch my coffee or I’ll gut you,” I warned with all seriousness as his ey
es roamed my face to look me over for damage.

  His eyes lingering on the tape on my shoulder, but he didn’t mention it as he spoke gently.

  “How are you? I haven’t heard from you since you left my place the other morning.”

  “Sorry, I’ve been at the shed, trying to figure the mess out. Where are the others?”

  He winced, which meant something was wrong.


  “Uh, Holloway’s here.”

  “Where’s Jense and Lukas?” I frowned with confusion as I glanced around.

  It was rare that they weren’t all there, ruling the school.

  He sighed and leaned back, his steel grey eyes clashing with my worried blue ones.

  “They had a pretty big fight last night. You know how Lukas is acting about you at the moment. He asked Jense to choose between you and him. Jense kicked him out and told him to fuck off, so I don’t know if they’re coming today.”

  Fucking hell.

  Jensen and I had fucking talked about that shit.

  “I told him to stick by Lukas,” I growled, but Tyler raised an eyebrow, his lip twitching with amusement.

  “Like you ever do as your told?”


  “He needs Lukas. Everything’s a mess at the moment, and…”

  “And you’re still hanging around with Hunter,” Tyler shrugged, but his voice was flat.

  For fuck’s sake.

  I couldn’t even make it to lunch without someone starting shit with me.

  “I’m still not safe, so Hunter offered to come with me.”

  He appeared to be relaxed, but his voice was filled with sarcasm.

  “You guys talk early in the day.”

  “He stayed over,” I replied honestly, a snort of annoyance leaving him.

  His eyes flickered over to Hunter before his lip curled up in a sneer.

  “Yeah, alright. I’ll see you later,” then he stalked off without another word.

  Hunter chuckled, slinging an arm around my shoulders casually.


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