The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1)

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The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1) Page 19

by Winter Rose

  Vulcan’s rough fingers pressed against my lips, hot and slick with his blood. I opened my mouth, allowing the tip of his rough index finger to touch the tip of my tongue, and I groaned with pleasure as my taste buds exploded. I bit hard into Vulcan’s finger. He grunted and with such force pulled me tight against his chest. My head was the exact height of his already healed cut, and my frustration quickly turned into anger, an anger which I could physically feel.

  I tensed against Vulcan’s embrace, aware of how close his heart was and how simple it would be to plunge my sword into it. Destruction consumed me once more, and my world narrowed into a clear vision. Kill anyone in my way.

  I lifted my sword and was stopped mid-swing, Vulcan’s embrace suffocating as his hand gripped my wrist so tight, it would leave an imprint. Spinning me around so that my back was pressed against his front, I struggled in an attempt to be free.

  The sword prickled against my skin, and a new wave of power swept over me. Pulling one of Vulcan’s bulging arms toward my mouth, I bit down to free myself. As I bit into his skin, a little of his blood greeted my taste buds, and I lost all intent. I pulled Vulcan’s forearm tighter against my lips and tried to drink like a starved animal.

  Vulcan tore the sword from my grasp. The second it left my grip, the turmoil within me was lifted, and I pulled away from his arm to take a shocked deep breath. It was like being pulled out of a nightmare, the haze lifted away from my eyes, and I spun around now, staring into two dark, anxious ones.

  “I … I,” I choked out, horrified. I stepped out of Vulcan’s embrace, my hand holding back a sob.

  “Luna.” The pity in Vulcan’s voice made looking up from the grass impossible. “Luna, look at me.” His abrasive fingers clutched my chin and lifted it, so my eyes met his own. They were as dark as the night sky.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, swallowing against my burning throat.

  Vulcan ran his thumb down my bottom lip, his gaze entranced with the path it took, before forcing himself to pull away.

  “Luna, the blade was forged by the Moonash in Athena’s sword. Hephaestus himself forged it. Even for the goddess, the willpower it takes to control a blade like that would be immense. We should have warned you that the blade’s only desire is to keep you safe, by any means possible. It has the power to clear your mind and focus your thoughts. If Ehre made you feel threatened enough, the blade would have taken over.”

  All the memories rushed back to me.

  “Ehre!” I gasped, looking around the ring of fire for the Elf. Vulcan sighed, and the flames extinguished with his breath.

  Magnar’s giant form was crouched over the Elf’s. As I crept toward them, I became too aware of his still form. Blood, so much blood surrounded Ehre. It was impossible that he would have survived this much blood loss.

  “He is not waking,” he croaked. “My blood is not helping him heal himself.” Magnar’s arms were laced with gouges where his fangs tore at his porcelain skin. Blood cascaded down his arm like miniature ruby waterfalls, and the smell stoked the flames of my hunger.

  “The gods designed the blade, brother. She meant to kill him; she willed it so.” Eros, who I only just noticed, was leaning back against a tree with his face in his hands. Vulcan’s hand settled against my back,

  “Blood,” Vulcan’s eyes lit up as he bent down to look directly in my own. “Luna, you need to save him,” his voice was steady, it held no sign of defeat.

  “What do I need to do?” From behind me, Vulcan took my wrist in his hand and led me to kneel next to Ehre. With impossible speed, he cut the inside of my forearm and my blood ribboned down toward my elbow.

  “We were made by the goddesses to be indestructible; we cannot die by a mortal’s hand. Only the gods themselves can destroy us. Luna, you are made up of the goddesses’ essence. This blade is a goddess’ weapon; therefore, when wielded by the right hand, it can kill even us.”

  I felt sick.

  “I believe that your blood, blood that contains the goddesses’ magic can save him.” Magnar pulled my wrist so that it was inches away from Ehre’s lips. I did all but breathe, trying to listen for the shallow breaths that indicated I had not killed him yet.

  “Please let this work,” I prayed to the goddesses as I allowed Magnar to bring it over Ehre’s greying lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  We all waited with bated breaths as my blood dripped slowly into Ehre’s parted lips. Each second that passed by felt like an eternity; I had never pleaded with the gods more in my life. When Ehre groaned, it was quite possibly the most amazing sound that my ears had ever encountered. Collectively, we allowed ourselves to take a breath, but we were not yet out of the woods.

  Magnar’s grip tightened around my wrist, allowing more blood to drip into his mouth. He whimpered, and my heart broke into a thousand pieces. I had done this, and I needed to fix it. Placing myself closer to Ehre, I made a deep cut into my neck with my knife. Before the men’s protests began, I draped my body over his chest, sacrificing myself.

  He latched onto my neck, sighing when he was able to pull more into his mouth. As he fed, desperation consumed me, and the emotion invaded my conciseness. I tried to ground my thoughts, willing every drop of blood that touched Ehre’s lips to be filled with life and healing energy. The clamp around my heart loosened slightly—but I clung onto life, I fought as I had done from the day I was born.

  These thoughts and emotions were not my own. Ehre must have been sharing them with me as he drank my blood. I tested the theory as I projected my own. I pictured pouring my sorrow into him. I wanted him to know that I never meant to hurt him this bad. I begged for the forgiveness that I didn’t deserve. I was scared, and I was terrified of what I was becoming. I was tired of being alone, and I didn’t want to be sent away from them.

  Ehre growled below me, as his arms tightened around my waist. He flipped me onto my back, shielding me from the world.

  I tried not to cry out as I realized that he was okay, and another emotion filled me, one that was definitely not mine—a protective possessiveness. It chased away my fears and was angry that I doubted myself. He was angry that I doubted them.

  Ehre drank from me greedily, with a feverish ferocity until it was impossible to distinguish where my thoughts ended and his began. A tangible energy wrapped around us both, and I could feel his heartbeat under the hand on his chest. It strengthened with every passing second. I could feel it beat in time with mine, calling to my own.

  My mouth watered involuntary, as his pulse thrummed below me. I clutched at Ehre’s shirt in frustration, unable to do anything more. His frustration mirrored my own. He was frustrated with my stubbornness; he was frustrated with the way I made him feel. He burned with desire, desire for me. He was also angry. Angry at himself for being the way he was, angry at me for not knowing what I was, for running from them when I found out.

  My heart ached as I felt people leave me. One by one, everyone I loved either died or turned their back on me. I was so frightened that she would leave too, I never dared to hope otherwise. I was still waiting for my brothers to turn me away, to see me for the pretender I am. I cannot hope to love again; I cannot let myself break into a million tiny pieces. Fractured and splintered, pieces of my soul scattered on the floor for all to see. My heart will never be broken again. How can it? When it is already shattered.

  I wanted to cry as so much of his pain surrounded me. He was trapped, caged in his mind. He had built walls so high around him; he would never escape. But the memories still came to haunt him, no matter how strong the walls.

  They would come and whisper things in the night: I am alone, I will never bond with her, I am broken and unworthy.

  I had only known this man for a couple of days, but I felt my soul promising not to leave him. I wanted to bond with him, to fix all that was broken inside of him, because I felt that he was made for me. I pushed my intentions, and he held onto them like a raft. He is drowning in his despair. I could help him s
ave himself, but first, I had to bond with him. I want to bond with him. A soul-consuming need built within me, and I needed to feel him, to show him how I felt.

  Ehre pulled back from my neck to look into my eyes; his were so hauntingly beautiful that they hurt my chest. The look on his face as his eyes drank in my image filled me with heat. He lowered his mouth to mine in the most chaste kiss. It was as light as a feather, and I felt that I would die from the need that coursed through me.

  Too soon, he broke contact, and when he did, I swear a piece of me left with him. I almost growled as I pulled him toward me. I could not let that be all. He needed to feel what I felt. With my hands digging into his back, I pulled him down, taking what was mine. I drank all of him in, his taste, his smell. The pressure of his bruising lips, as they pushed me passed oblivion. I pushed every emotion, every worry and doubt into that kiss, and he returned it tenfold.

  I need to feel him; I need to bond with him.

  Before I could protest, his lips pulled away, and a wrist covered my mouth. I stopped my whimpering as my taste buds exploded. I could faintly hear shouts and protests before Ehre was back at my neck, taking what was rightfully his. His blood further intensified the emotions between us—the joy and ecstasy—and I could no longer distinguish who the emotions belonged to.

  A musical female sigh filled our bond, as heat consumed every inch of me. Pressure built its way up my spine as wave after wave of emotions and sensations crashed into me.

  I could not get enough, and I needed to be closer to Ehre. I opened my legs, and he settled against me; every inch of my body begged to be touched by his. Ehre hissed against my neck with the intensity of this need. I needed to trust him with my mind, body, and soul. I needed to give him everything; everything I have is his and I needed to show it.

  Everything I have is hers. His voice filtered into my mind.

  Frustrated with the cloth that separated my body from his, I pulled at my shirt. The material was slick with blood, and I could not remove it without taking my mouth away from Ehre’s wrist. Not something I intended to do. Feeling my need, Ehre pulled at my top, tearing it open so that I could press my chest against his. Sparks zapped against my skin in thousands of places where our bare skin touched.

  I still needed to be closer to him. I pulled him up so that he was once again facing me. The look in his eyes, so beautiful, so tormented. They could have been a muse to the gods themselves.

  Without a second thought, I pulled him down so that my lips crashed against his own. The kiss was like oxygen to my starved lungs. Pressure began to build within me, causing my legs to tighten around his back, pulling him closer. His need pressed against my own, the hardness stimulating a mess of sensations.

  That is all I was, nerves and sensations. I needed Ehre like my lungs needed oxygen.

  My frustration came out in breathy moans against his lips. I pulled at his trousers and was helped when two rougher, hotter hands reached for his belt. I could feel the cool metal of Ehre’s open belt pressed against the inside of my thigh. His hands roamed up and down my body, and the sensations I felt were sure to drive me crazy. I could feel that he liked the taste of my blood on his tongue, and I groaned when he thought of what else he would like to taste.

  I parted my lips further, allowing Ehre’s tongue explore my mouth. I could feel my pulse in my ears and all over my body. I could feel Ehre’s emotions; I could feel so much I thought that I would shatter into a thousand pieces and be carried away by the wind. He pulled back and ran his eyes over my face, committing every inch of me to memory.

  Are you ready to accept this man as your Guardian, daughter? Ehre tensed, meaning he too had just heard the goddesses’ voice. He didn’t breathe as he gazed into my soul. His fair brow twitched as he waited with bated breath for me to answer.

  If I said yes, he would never be alone. I would never be alone. I took him into my mouth once more. He smelled like a spring morning and clean linen, and I couldn’t get enough.

  Musical laughter filled my mind, and the detached voices spoke once again.

  Ehre, son of Hera, your time has come to fulfill your fated purpose. Do you accept the bond that will tie you to Luna, the goddesses’ last Vessel and the Realm’s last hope?

  Ehre’s decision was instant. He bit into my bicep, the nearest available skin, and a wave of power forced into me.

  Finally! I give myself over freely, Ehre’s steadfast voice sounded in my mind. I thought I would die from the ecstasy of being filled by Ehre’s energy.

  Daughter, decide now. Your mate has given over to you his life force. If you chose not to grant the bond, he would cease to exist. The rational side of my brain was startled by this revelation, but the magic was more powerful. The second I decided to bond with the Elf, a bright blinding light consumed my vision.

  My back arched as Ehre pressed closer against me, our hearts beating simultaneously as one. Energy coursed through us, transferring from one another. The pressure rose every hair on my body to the point of agony, and the air around us crackled with the magic we held. Suddenly the built-up tension within me released, taking away my reason, my inhibitions, and my anxiety. At that moment, I saw stars, and I saw the six goddesses laughing before peaceful oblivion.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  We both technically knew that Luna had to give her blood to our brother so he may live. My Dragon had retreated far enough for me to be able to shift back and reason with her. When she took my blood within her mouth, moaning like it was the greatest thing she had ever tasted, he had almost forgiven me.

  Her eyes ablaze with the goddesses’ magic, her hair unrestrained by the bond that once held it. She had never been more beautiful before that moment, wild, thirsting for blood—my blood. Her desire for death called to my beast, and he reveled in the violence that she craved.

  In those few moments, surrounded by the fires of the Underworld, she was mine. When I looked through my Dragon’s eyes into her energy signal, I saw my mate, my true partner. Magic crackled around her; her hisses my Siren’s call. Even my hair rose to worship her. She followed my blood with her eyes like it was the only thing that mattered to her.

  My dick was as hard as my Dragon’s teeth, and I was aroused by the danger her nearness brought. I knew right then that Luna was my perfect match, not the delicate flower I originally thought her to be. She was dangerous; her inner beast craving the power that ending a life held. She was a fucking goddess.

  As she straddled Ehre now, every inch of her exquisite body pressed against his, I could no longer reason with my beast. He was touching what was mine, and he would die for this.

  “Brother, you need to reason with him. She is saving Ehre’s life; he nearly died,” Magnar pleaded as he edged closer to my giant form. The world was clearer through my Dragon’s eyes. I could see every single detail.

  I could see the bead of sweat that rolled down Eros’ forehead, the veins that pulsed under Magnar’s skin. They were worried. They had every fucking reason to be.

  I roared as Ehre pulled himself on top of her, growling his possession. I wanted to kill him, to burn him alive and bask in his torched cries. With every drink of her essence, he was claiming my mate. He pressed his lips against her own, stealing her breath, before yeilding his blood to her.

  He was bonding himself to her! My roar was joined by the cries of the others. Luna took his blood within her; every drink was like a lance to my heart. Fire spilled out of my mouth, destroying everything in my path. As their bond grew, my heart broke. My Dragon plunged into a fit of maddening rage.

  Their lips crashed against one another; my world burned. Their energy joined in the air, weaving between one another like a taunting tapestry; my anger scorched hotter than the torturing flames of Tartarus.

  I was losing my grasp on the worlds. My beast took control over every fiber of my being. I retreated further into my mind, unable to pluck up the will to fight. I was losing her. I could feel her giving herself o
ver; mind, body, and soul.

  “Vulcan! Don’t let him win. Remember the prophecy, have faith in us.” They were just words, like the ones the Oracles spoke many moons ago. Luna had denied our mating; she was our only hope … and she refused us.

  Suddenly, everything had changed. Time ceased to exist. When Ehre’s energy left this plane of existence, so too did a piece of my soul. Something had happened in the last few seconds, but one thing was for sure; Ehre was no longer alive.

  Pain sliced through my heart, the air I breathed felt like ice, puncturing my lungs. Ehre was gone, and without him, I would never be whole again. My control slipped, my desire to fight gone, gone like Ehre.

  “Luna, no!” It took me a few moments to hear what was happening around me. My brothers cry allowed me to gain some control over my conciseness. A giant energy field surrounded Luna and Ehre, barricading them from Magnar’s and Eros’ attempts to intervene.

  “She’s gone!” Magnar cried the most haunting sound. He was right; I could no longer feel Luna’s energy either. Both of their spirits were no longer part of this realm. Luna was gone.

  I threw everything that I had at that energy shield. Letting loose all my pent-up frustration. My beast took control, and I allowed it.

  She can’t leave me. I refused to allow it; I will journey to the Underworld and fight Hades himself for her. A life for a life and I will give mine freely. I will kill anyone to have her back with me even the god of fucking death.


  There was no point to anything anymore. Why did I even bother to think that things could have changed, that I could have been happy? My mother would be ecstatic, her chosen son returning to his rightful place. I may as well go back to Ignis and accept the betrothal, a wife my Dragon will surely reject. It no longer mattered, nothing did … we failed. I failed my mate.


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