The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1)

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The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1) Page 24

by Winter Rose

  He bowed his giant head toward me; my fingertips traced the outlines of his scales. They were both smooth and strong. Standing before Vulcan’s magnificent beast, it was easy to see why Dragons were the most feared creatures in all the realms. But I didn’t fear this Dragon.

  “You are so beautiful,” I whispered, choking on a tear that broke free. He made a humming sound that reminded me of a purring cat, and I laughed through the overwhelming feeling in my heart.

  His Dragon lowered his head down so that I could hold onto it.

  “You actually want me to ride you?” I squeaked. The reality of this situation finally dawned on me, and I was terrified. He responded with another purr, and I shook my head. “But you’re huge,” I whispered. He made a sound that could have been a laugh, and my face heated.

  Come on, Luna; it’s time to ovary up. I took a step onto a spike that jutted out the side of his head. The spikes acted as steppingstones, allowing me to climb high enough to reach the joint at the base of his neck. There was a slight Luna-sized dip, allowing me to sit comfortably. Even with my legs draped over either side, I could not even attempt to grip; he was that big. So, I held onto a spike instead and made myself relax.

  “Don’t let me fall,” I whispered. Vulcan’s Dragon responded with an offended chirp, which made me laugh again. I couldn’t remember a time when I had felt so carefree.

  The wind shifted as his powerful wings beat against it, gaining momentum as we rose higher and higher. From where I sat, the scales around me shielded me from most of the wind but the already low temperature dropped the higher we rose.

  Once we lifted above the tree canopy, Vulcan’s wings spread out as he caught a wind current, and we began to glide along it.

  “Oh, my gods,” I breathed, the world below me shrinking. The forest gave way to a mountain range, its untouched beauty awe-inspiring.

  We turned back around toward the castle. From here, I could see it as the impenetrable fortress that it was. Its ancient walls looked impregnable protruding from the mountainside. The mountains sprawled as far as the eyes could see, and I realized how impossible the task that I was set had been. The castle was alight with life, the torches casting a haunting glow against the ancient stones. The maze below was impossibly complex. As we flew over its enormous circumference, I began to question how I was able to navigate it so easily.

  There was no warning of the sheer drop that suddenly gave way to the rough sea. In my twenty years, I had never seen the ocean. I had always dreamed of what it would look like from the stories I had read in books and from the pictures Sarah kept. Never in my life had I imagined the rough, foreboding, grey waters that lay below me.

  The moon lit up the night sky, its fullness calling to my soul. As if he could feel my yearning, Vulcan raised us toward it. I couldn’t hold back the shout of pure delight that came with the thrill of flying. The freeing feeling, I felt running, was nothing compared to this.

  We descended toward the crashing waves that smelled both fresh and salty … Eros’ scent.

  “I have never seen the ocean,” I told Vulcan, doing my best to hold on. We lowered again, so low his giant claws cut across its surface spraying water either side. I squealed, laughing as small droplets of water sprayed my face. Vulcan rumbled beneath me, and the thought of a Dragon laughing caused me to laugh even harder.

  The further we flew the freer I felt. I tilted my head back and threw my arms outstretched. It was almost as if I was flying myself, and I never wanted the feeling to end. I was surprised how comfortable and safe I felt on Vulcan’s back, even when he dove.

  We circled the mountainside once more before the familiar forest stretched below us. As we reached the opening, Vulcan’s wings stretched out, making for a smooth landing. All I could do was laugh; my face ached from smiling like a damned fool.

  I attempted to stand; my legs wobbled beneath me. My whole body vibrated with adrenalin, and it took a few attempts for me to get back to the ground. I felt Vulcan change the second it happened; the familiar wave of power washed over me. I couldn’t stop smiling, my face absolutely ached, and I was soaking wet. My hair was so tangled and knotted that it probably resembled a bird’s nest. I must have looked terrible.

  My legs wobbled once more, and I sat on the ground, laughing.

  “What do you think of running now?” Vulcan was close enough that I could feel his heat.

  “It doesn’t even come close to flying.” I spun around to find him fully dressed.

  He scowled then, which confused me.

  “Luna, you’re shaking. Why didn’t you tell me you were cold?” He took off his jacket and passed it to me. Just then, my body realized how cold I actually was, and my limbs began to stiffen. My teeth chattered, and I couldn’t move to cover myself with the jacket.

  “Luna, may I touch you?” Vulcan asked, looking completely terrified.

  “Y … yes,” I forced my icy lips to speak. He wrapped his jacket around me and began to rub my arms, but all I could feel were numb tingles.

  “Shit, Luna, don’t go to sleep! Fuck!”

  He picked me up, pressing me against his warm body and started to run, holding me firmly against his chest.

  “There is a cave nearby. I don’t think you’ll make it to the castle.” My eyes began to close. I was no longer cold; I just wanted to sleep. “Luna, stay awake for me. Beautiful, just a few minutes okay?” Vulcan sounded so scared, and I didn’t like that, so I forced myself to stay awake.

  We entered the cave, and he put me on its floor. Once I was away from his heat, my teeth started to rattle. He began to snap logs against his leg. I wonder where he had gotten the wood?

  “I’m such a fucking idiot,” he cursed. I tried really hard to tell him that he wasn’t. That the past twenty minutes had been the best of my life, but I couldn’t force my numb lips to move.

  Once he had a roaring fire, he came toward me.

  “I need to get you out of those wet clothes, Luna. I promise I won’t look, okay?” I was past caring, painful tingles began to spread along my legs, and I wanted it to stop. I attempted a nod; he didn’t need any more convincing.

  In one clean movement, Vulcan tore the dress’ bodice. He shed my solid corset and undergarments with such ease. My limbs were so stiff that I couldn’t help him if I tried. Keeping his promise not to look, he covered me in his own shirt and jacket.

  Picking me up, he walked us over to the fire and sat with me facing his chest. His heat enveloped me, but I was still so cold; the only thing I could feel was pain. He surrounded me as he began to rub my arms, attempting to get my blood flowing. I could hear my teeth chattering, and I knew that if I were in those clothes a second longer, I would have probably died of hypothermia.

  Vulcan hummed nervously as he ran his hands up and down my back. Slowly, I began to feel something. Until abruptly, sensations painfully pierced my skin, I hissed.

  “S-s-sorry,” I stuttered as a thousand invisible needles pricked my skin.

  “You’re sorry?” Vulcan laughed humorlessly, rubbing harder at my stung flesh.

  “You have not yet bonded to us all. I could have killed you! Twice I have failed you, Luna, in such a short space of time. I … I am not worthy of this… of you.”

  “N-n-no! Vulcan, don’t do that.” I pulled myself up straighter and faced him, stretching my legs out either side. “Don’t you dare beat yourself up about showing me something so amazing. It was my fault for not telling you I was cold.” Vulcan lifted his head so that our eyes met.

  “I should have known, I wasn’t thinking … I could have lost you … again.” I pressed my hand against his chest; my fingers splayed wide.

  “Those were the best moments of my life, Vulcan; don’t you dare say sorry.” I moved closer and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek; I needed him to feel my gratitude. I couldn’t bear to see him beating himself up like this. “Thank you.”

  His breath caught; his Dragon’s eyes flickered to the surface.

Don’t leave me, Luna. Not when I have just found you.” Those eyes homed in on my lips, and I became very aware of our position—I was dressed only in a shirt, straddling a shirtless god.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  I moved my hand across his chest, mesmerized by scale tattoos that came alive under my touch. The painful pricks in my body changed to warm tingles, and my skin stood on end.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “Better,” I whispered.

  “Are you still cold?”

  Was I? The heat from the fire was nothing compared to the heat Vulcan radiated, and I was pressed against that heat. I shook my head, not trusting in my voice.

  “Are you hungry?” My stomach panged, and Vulcan stiffened.

  “Sort of.” I realized what he meant as I replied. Did I want to feed from him? Did he want me to feed from him? I took a shaky breath as he lifted his hand that now held a blade.

  “If you would like, I could feed you now. You are safe with me, Luna; remember my oath. I will never touch you without your permission. It will just be eating.” I swallowed as he rested the blade against his throat. “Just say the words, and I will take you back to the castle to find one of the … others.” He tripped over the words like their very existence was causing him pain, stuck in his throat.

  I couldn’t speak. It was as if all rational thoughts had left my mind, and I was just running on instinct alone. I touched his hand, closing mine around his and pressed the knife harder against his neck. His eyes never left my own, his gaze so intense, patiently waiting while I cut his throat. The smell of his blood consumed me; the power it held was entrancing. The small scarlet line that formed was deep and smoky, and I was a woman possessed. I moved his hand with the blade out of the way. He sat perfectly still, at my mercy.

  The blood dripped down to his pectoral, and not wanting to miss a drop of the liquid ecstasy, I started there. Like Magnar did to me in the armory, I flattened my tongue, lapping up Vulcan’s essence. He grunted as my tongue connected with his burning flesh. Once I reached the cut, wrapping my mouth around the base of his throat, simultaneous groans left our lips as stars exploded.

  The cut was shallow, not nearly deep enough for me to drink my fill. I was greedy. I wanted all of him. This small trickle could never quench my thirst. He pulled me back by his shirt; I refrained from hissing like a crazed woman.

  His eyes were all Dragon as he pressed the knife to his throat once again, this time deep enough that the blood escaped like a dam had broken. I should have been horrified; I should have been concerned about his safety. I definitely should not have been aroused.

  Drinking the blood of a being as powerful as Vulcan was the most euphoric thing that I had ever experienced. The amount of power that his lifeblood held felt like a million fireworks exploding in my mind. Each nerve ending, each cell in my body was alive and humming with Vulcan’s ancient magic.

  Vulcan was having a hard time keeping his thoughts clean as I pressed against him. He was reinforcing the barriers around him, taming the beast within, chastising himself when his Dragon filled his mind with visions of us kissing. His was caging in his beast that had given me so much joy only moments ago. I didn’t like that.

  I pulled away—the hardest thing I had ever done. Vulcan was as still as stone, his eyes closed tight, completely at war with himself and his beast. I pressed my hand against his cheek, and he opened them. They were so beautiful; they held the fire of his Dragon and the soul of the man.

  “Stop fighting him,” I whispered as his eyes flickered, from man to Dragon.

  “I have to,” his voice was strained, pained even. “I made a promise.”

  “You made an oath not to hurt me; I trust you. I trust you both.” His brow furrowed with focus; he still fought his beast.

  “He wants more … he will always want more. I made a promise to …”

  “Not touch me unless I ask?” I questioned, he nodded as beads of sweat broke across his brow.

  I didn’t want it to be like this. I could not take something from him that would cause him pain. I raised myself slightly on my knees so that my face was level with his. I touched his cheek again and was greeted by his human eyes.

  “This is me asking for you … to touch me … please, Vulcan. Kiss me.” His mouth was on mine in an instant, his chest rumbling with the pleasure we both felt thanks to me tasting his blood. His huge hands never moved from where they were placed on my lower back as he kissed my lips softly. He was still holding back.

  I groaned, pulling his hands so that they held the bottom of my back.

  “Let go,” I begged as I pulled myself closer to him. Where did this confidence come from?

  He grunted, “I can’t; I must keep you safe.”

  “I trust you,” I whispered, pulling his lips down to meet my own, “I trust you both.” His Dragon growled as he pulled me close, the sound vibrated across my body.

  “This is my blood talking; my Dragon’s desires are making you want this. You don’t really want …”

  “I. Want. You,” through a lust filled haze, I forced out the words. His fingers dug into my sides, and I arched my back so that my breasts pressed against his chest. He took a deep whiff of the air, smelling my emotions. Smelling my soul consuming need.

  Lips crashed against my own; the hands that held my back dug in. His tongue parted my lips, and I moaned, knowing that he would be able to taste himself. He kissed me like he was dying of thirst, and I was fresh spring water. He kissed me like it was the only thing connecting him to this world.

  His hands roamed around my body; their sheer size made me feel so small. I pulled him closer, to lay back on the cave’s floor, my chest heaving. He moved with me so that he was hovering over me, his solid body trapping me against the cold stone.

  His lips were bruising; then they would break and softly caress my mouth. The changes in rhythm and tempo were enough to make me feel as though I was about to combust. The shirt that I wore rode up my thighs, leaving only a scrap of material between us. His hard length pressed against me, the pressure sending shockwaves to my very core.

  Strong fingers bit into my hips as I tried to pull the shirt up further.

  “Stop,” he murmured. I pulled him closer, my nails digging into his back.

  “I need more,” I whimpered as my thighs clenched and heat pooled to my core. It was true. My entire nervous system had come alive; my hair stood on end, my nipples had pebbled. Every time his hard chest brushed up against them, I tensed with sensation. Something deep within me was pushing me to do this, to claim him as my own.

  “Luna, we need to stop,” he pleaded as he managed to pull away from my greedy embrace. My heart beat wildly in my chest as I pulled several deep breaths into my overworked lungs.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked, slightly self-conscious, rejected. He just growled and pulled me into another mind-blowing, earth-shattering, realms-combusting kiss.

  I moved his hands to cup my heavy breasts through the fabric of his shirt, and he groaned once more.

  “You are perfect. So fucking perfect,” he whispered against my lips. Vulcan peppered kisses along my jaw, across my ear, all the while kneading my breasts. The kisses moved to my neck, sending thousands of sparks running down my right side. It was as though he was kissing every inch of me. His lips opened; those teeth grazed against the sensitive flesh in the crook of my neck. As his fingers rolled my nipples, my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

  “Please,” I whimpered, pressing my neck against his teeth, “please.”

  “Tell me what you want, Luna,” Vulcan’s gruff voice sent shivers down my spine.

  “Taste me … please.” His chest that was pressed against my own rumbled, I looked at him through hooded eyes.

  “I cannot just yet,” his strained voice, juxtaposed his wandering hands. “I can only push myself too far.” He continued to traced kisses across my exposed neck, I pulled open the strings that restrained m
y breasts, so that he was able to worship them too. “Luna,” his voice sound strained before he took my right nipple in his mouth.

  “Ahh,” I cried as a million sparks flew straight to my throbbing core. He lifted me slightly so that he was able to pull his shirt from under my ass and up to my ribs. He somehow placed his own jacket on the floor under me, shielding me from the cold stone. He continued to torture me with his soft lips and grazing teeth.

  I pulled the shirt over my head, wanting to be free of everything that separated me from Vulcan. He hesitated for a moment, his human eyes flickering back as he searched my face.

  “I’m okay,” I breathed as I felt his worry that he was pushing me too far. “Please.” I needed him to touch me. I have never needed anything more; my skin literally ached for his attention. I needed to mark him. Mark him as my own.

  He lay me back against his jacket. Hovering above me, his eyes followed the curve of my body. The reverence that filled me was not my own; he was literally worshiping me with his mind, body, and soul. He brushed his fingers over my cheek.

  “So beautiful,” his voice thick with emotion. I tried not to choke on the lump in my throat. His fingers lightly brushed my bottom lip, moving down my neck, and across my collarbone. Those eyes never left my own as the rough padded fingers continued their descent, tracing the valley in between my breasts, their touch so light, it drove me wild.

  They moved down one rib and then the other, tracing the shape of my body. Then he followed the line of my hip toward the middle of my stomach. As he reached the spot just above my pubic bone, my body bucked. Never breaking his gaze, he continued from that spot, diagonally up my other hip.

  I was melting.

  He traced random circles across the lower part of my stomach before he reached the part just below my navel, and I bucked once more. His eyes blazed as he lowered his fingers slowly until they reached the line of my underwear.

  “Please,” I whimpered. “Please don’t stop, Vulcan.” His name ended on a moan. Lightly with his thumb, he grazed down my pubic bone over my underwear. Heat pooled between my legs as I panted, my body almost vibrating with the sensation. His large thumb brushed down my seam in one quick movement; I cried out as I saw stars.


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