No clamour of mourning broke the spell of silence that lay uponBaronmead. Those who wept hid their grief behind closed doors. But thoseto whom Lucas was dearest shed the fewest tears. His mother went aboutwith a calmness of aspect that never faltered. She and Anne were veryclose to each other in those days though but few words passed betweenthem. A hush that was like a benediction brooded upon the silent house.They could not weep.
Once, standing in the hallowed stillness beside her dead, Mrs. Errolturned to Anne, saying softly: "The dear Lord knows best, dear. Wewouldn't call him back. He wouldn't want to come."
And later she told her gently that she had known ever since the operationthat the end was near.
"It was in his eyes," she said. "I know that look so well. Dr. Capperknew it too. And so, I'm sure, did the dear boy himself. That waiting,far-off look as if the soul were listening, didn't you see it, dear? Ionly wondered that he stayed so long."
Yes, Anne had seen it. She knew it now. Though he had smiled upon her,though he had held her hand, she knew that all human longing had died inLucas Errol's soul on the night that he had gone down to the Gate ofDeath and Nap had drawn him back. He had slackened his hold upon thingsearthly that night, and though he had come back a little way, it had beenas a spectator only that he lingered, no more as one who took an activepart in the drama of mortal life. His _role_ was played; she realised nowthat he must have known it, and that he had not wished it otherwise. Hehad not died with that kingly smile upon his lips if he had not beencontent to die. That was why grief seemed to her impossible. That was whythe peace in which he lay, wrapped tenderly around her tired heart alsoand gave her rest.
Of Nap during those days of silence she saw nothing whatever. He hadrisen from his brother's death-bed with a face of stony aloofness, andhad gone swiftly out, she knew not whither. Since that moment she hadscarcely seen him. He spent his time out of the house, somewhere away inthe woods she believed, out of reach of any human observation, not evenreturning at night. Once only in the early morning she saw him cross thestretch of lawn in front of the lake and enter by a side door. But herglimpse of him was of the briefest. She did not see his face.
Upon Bertie devolved all the duties of the head of the household, buthis mother was ready at every turn to help him. She was more to himduring those few days than she had ever been before. Capper also,remaining for the funeral, placed himself at his disposal and did much tolighten the burden.
Capper indeed helped everyone, and Anne always remembered with gratitudea few moments that she had alone with him on the evening before thefuneral, when he laid a fatherly hand upon her shoulder to say: "My dear,I don't know if you're fretting any, but you've no cause to fret. I knownow that it couldn't have been otherwise. If you'd been his wife youcouldn't have kept him."
She thanked him with a look. She believed that Capper understood, and shewas glad that it should be so. She fancied also that his opinionregarding Nap had undergone a change, but she hesitated to touch upon thesubject, and the moment passed.
Up to the last minute she was doubtful as to whether Nap would attend hisbrother's funeral. She herself went because Mrs. Errol desired to go. Shewalked with Capper immediately behind Bertie and his mother. Neither ofthem seemed to expect Nap, or even to think of him. His movements werealways sudden and generally unaccountable. But she knew that his absencewould cause comment in the neighbourhood, and though she also knew thatNap would care nothing for that, she earnestly hoped that he would notgive occasion for it.
Nevertheless the procession started without him, and she had almostceased to hope when he suddenly appeared from nowhere as it seemed toher, and walked on her other side.
She heard Capper give a grunt, whether of approval or otherwise she didnot know, but not a word was said. She glanced once at Nap, but his facewas sphinx-like, utterly unresponsive. He stared straight ahead, witheyes that never varied, at the coffin that was being borne upon men'sshoulders to its quiet resting-place in the village churchyard, andthroughout the journey thither his expression remained unaltered.
At the gate Bertie suddenly turned and motioned him forward, and theyentered the church together. Later, by the open grave, Anne saw thatBertie was leaning on Nap's shoulder, while his mother stood apart withher face to the sky; and she knew that the feud between them had beenlaid at last and for ever by the man who had ruled supreme in the heartsof all who knew him.
When all was over, Nap disappeared, and she saw no more of him till theevening when for the first time he came to the dinner-table. Capper wasleaving early on the following day, and it was to this fact that Anneattributed his appearance.
Bertie dined at home, but he walked over later to take leave of Capper.They sat together in the hall, with the door wide open, for the nightwas as warm as summer.
Mrs. Errol had gone to her room immediately after dinner, but Anneremained at Capper's request.
"I shan't see much more of you," he said.
They talked but little however. Nap sat smoking in a corner and hardlyopened his lips. Bertie came in late, looking worn and miserable.
"I wish you would tell me what to do with Tawny Hudson," he said. "Ibelieve the fellow's crazy; and he's pining too. I don't believe he haseaten anything for days."
Since Lucas's death Tawny Hudson had attached himself to Bertie,following him to and fro like a lost dog, somewhat to Dot's dismay; for,deeply though she pitied the great half-breed, there was something abouthim that frightened her.
"I don't know what to do with him," Bertie said. "He's as gaunt as awolf. He's hanging about somewhere outside now. Wish you'd take him alongto America with you, Doctor."
"Call him in," said Capper, "and let me have a look at him."
Bertie went to the door and whistled.
There was no reply.
"Hudson!" he called. "Tawny! where are you?"
But there came no answer out of the shadows. The only voice which Tawnywould obey was still.
Bertie came back baffled. "Confound the fellow! I know he'swithin hail."
"Leave the brute alone!" said Nap. "He isn't worth much anyway."
"But I can't let him die," said Bertie.
Nap looked contemptuous, and relapsed into silence.
"I'll take him back with me if you're wanting to be rid of him," saidCapper. "Tell him so if you get the chance."
"Thanks!" said Bertie. "But I don't believe he'll budge. Nap will becrossing next week. P'r'aps I shall persuade him to go then." He lookedacross at Nap. "I know you don't like the fellow, but it wouldn't befor long."
"Probably not," said Nap, staring fixedly at the end of his cigar.
Something in his tone made Anne glance at him, but as usual his face toldher nothing. She saw only that his eyes were drawn as if with longwatching, and that the cynical lines about his mouth were more grimlypronounced than she had ever seen them before.
Not long after, Bertie got up to go. His farewell to Capper was spokenalmost in a whisper, and Anne saw that his self-control was precarious.When he shook hands with her he was beyond speech. She was glad to seeNap rise and accompany him, with a friendly hand pushed through his arm.
For nearly half an hour longer she sat on with Capper; then at lengthshe rose to go.
"I shall see you in the morning," she said, pausing.
"I am making an early start," said Capper.
She smiled. "I shall see you all the same. Good-night."
Capper kept her hand in his, his green eyes running over her with elusiveintentness. "Wonder what you'll do," he said abruptly.
She met his look quite simply. "For the present," she said, "I must bewith Mrs. Errol. Later on--next month--she will no doubt go to the DowerHouse, and I shall go back to the Manor."
"Don't mope!" he said.
She smiled again with a short sigh. "I shall be too busy for that."
"That so?" Capper drew his brows together. "Lady Carfax, at risk ofoffen
ding you, I've something to say."
"You will not offend me," she answered. "And I think I know what it is."
"Very possibly you do, but I guess I'd better say it all the same. Youmay remember a talk we had at the commencement of our acquaintance,regarding Nap. I told you he was just a wild animal, untamable,untrustworthy. Well, you have proved me wrong. You have worked amiracle, and you have tamed him. Lucas himself told me about it the daybefore he died."
"Oh, no!" Anne said quickly and earnestly. "It was Lucas who worked themiracle, Doctor. The magic was his."
"Guess he wouldn't have done it single-handed," said Capper. "He'dbeen trying as long as I had known him, and he hadn't succeeded." Hepaused, looking at her with great kindness. Then: "My dear," he said,"you needn't be afraid to trust yourself to him. He will never let youdown again."
Anne stood silent, but under his look a deep flush rose and overspreadher face. She turned her eyes away.
Very gently Capper patted her shoulder. "You've made a man of him betweenyou," he said. "Lucas has left the developing process to you."
"Ah!" she said wistfully, and that was all, for her eyes were suddenlyfull of tears.
She went to the door and stood there for several seconds. The voice of anightingale thrilled through the silence. Was it only a year--only ayear--since the veil had been rent from her eyes? Only a year since firsther heart had throbbed to "the everlasting Wonder Song"? She felt as ifeons had passed over her, as if the solitude of ages wrapped her round;and yet afar off, like dream music in her soul, she still heard itsechoes pulsing across the desert. It held her like a charm.
Slowly her tears passed. There came again to her that curious sense ofsomething drawing her, almost as of a voice that called. The garden laystill and mysterious in the moonlight. She caught its gleam upon acorner of the lake where it shone like a wedge of silver.
A few seconds she stood irresolute; then without word or backward glanceshe stepped down into the magic silence.
The Knave of Diamonds Page 55