Vonn: The Boundarylands Omegaverse: M/F Alpha Omega Romance

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Vonn: The Boundarylands Omegaverse: M/F Alpha Omega Romance Page 15

by Callie Rhodes

  He forced her knees apart with his own. Stacy resisted—not because she didn't want it—she was desperate for his hard cock pressing against the V of her legs—but because resistance had become part of her body's response to arousal.

  Just as fighting seemed to have become foreplay.

  Vonn didn't fail to notice. He grabbed her wrists and clamped them to the counter hard enough to hurt. "It doesn't matter how many chemicals you pump into your veins," he muttered against her ear, making her squirm. "You can't suppress the truth. You were made for me. Your heart knows it. Your blood knows it." He reached between her legs and ran his fingers along the hot, damp denim that was all that separated him from her pussy. "Your body knows it."

  Stacy gasped. And Vonn ripped her jeans open and yanked them off her legs.

  "You can fight me all you want, Stacy. But you can't fight this."

  His fingers invaded the folds of her pussy, spreading the wetness. Holding up his glistening hand, he showed her the proof of her desire in the candlelight.

  "This is who you are." Vonn made no effort to be quiet now. "This is who you were born to be. An omega who responds to her alphas touch. Who needs it. Who craves it."

  God help her, it was true. Her heart was thundering in her chest, even though he'd barely touched her yet. But he'd left one of her hands unguarded, and without thinking, Stacy jammed it against his chest and shoved him hard. A snarl came from her that sounded a lot like her cat when it was stalking some critter in the garden.

  Vonn caught her wrist again and held it aloft, sparks flying in his eyes. He pressed his body against hers, making it impossible to move.

  "And this is who I am." He shoved down his own pants and freed his swollen cock. He stroked it along her thigh, and her pussy throbbed with need. "The alpha who will worship you. Protect you. Fulfill your every need and desire."

  Stacy could only gape at him as he took a small glass bottle of oil from the shelf above her and upended it over his cock. The scent of oranges filled the air as the oil ran down his shaft and dripped onto the floor.

  "Tell me you're ready for this." His eyes flared dangerously as he eased himself off her slightly. He had released her hand, but the urge to fight had briefly left her. "Tell me you're ready to surrender to what you really are. Who you really are."

  Was she ready? Stacy had no idea. She'd never willingly surrendered anything before, but for the first time, it didn't feel like losing. It felt…inevitable. Destined, just as he'd said.

  She threw her arms around Vonn's neck and kissed him hard, forgetting all about his question. She spread her legs and moaned. The sound urged him on.

  He spread her knees wider still and rubbed the head of his cock against her opening, and her moans turned to something else, something voracious.

  He was impossibly big, but Stacy couldn't survive without it. She whimpered, and Vonn held her firmly in place. Slowly, insistently, he pressed against her, the oil and the warmth of his body easing his way. Her body stretching to take him.

  And then he was inside her, just a little, but the walls of her cunt rejoiced to receive him, swelling around him as little by little he pushed deeper.

  Stacy's breath was shallow. Her heart pounded so hard she thought it might explode. She clung to Vonn, not from pain or fear, but because she needed to feel as much of him as she could.

  Even when it felt like Vonn was pushing her beyond her limits, there wasn't pain. Only a sense of rightness.

  Vonn finally stopped so deep inside her, it felt to Stacy as if he had reached the core of her being. It was too much and not enough. Emotions spilled from her in the tears that stung her eyes, her wordless cries, the quivering of her body.

  "Now you're mine," Vonn roared in triumph.

  And then he started to move for real.

  Chapter Eighteen

  If Vonn thought he'd reached the height of bliss the first time they made love, the next couple of days proved him wrong again and again. He didn't know how it was possible, but it kept getting better.

  True, there were a few logistical issues that needed to be attended to because of Stacy's beta nature, but that was no problem. Vonn had had plenty of practice with the working girls over the years and had become an expert with the bottle of orange-scented oil, adjusting his timing for his partner.

  Every time he touched Stacy, he learned more about what made her moan, what made her cry out, what made her snarl and scratch and fight until, at exactly the right moment, he reminded her of his strength—something that drove them both wild.

  Sex with Stacy was everything he'd imagined, everything he'd been hoping for. When he plunged deep inside her cunt, he lost himself to the feeling of her body stretching and swelling around him, evidence of her hunger for his cock. And then there came the victorious moment of surrender when she started to come, the pulsing pressure of her cunt in time with her cries.

  It was heaven.

  After that first time on the kitchen counter, they made their way through the house, creating memories that would ensure that Vonn would never see his home in the same way again.

  Later that night, he took her on the wool rug in front of the fire. The following day they stayed in bed for hours, exploring and savoring each other. The next evening, as the sunset gave way to twilight and the stars appeared in the sky, he led her up the path to the top of the cliff behind the cabin and spread out a blanket on the granite. There they made love in the light of a luminous moon.

  Each time was better than the last. Each stroke of his cock brought them closer, inside and out. Each shattering orgasm chipped away more and more at Stacy's defenses until she was no longer battling with herself. Any resistance she offered was the kind that worked her into a frenzy, the play fighting that made her so wet she barely needed lubricating.

  And when he finally entered her, she lay back with her legs open ready to accept him. Surrendering didn't extinguish the fire inside her, however. Vonn doubted there was a force on earth capable of putting out an inferno like that.

  On the third day, after forty-eight hours of riding his shaft for hours, bucking and writhing to the point of exhaustion, Stacy finally waved the white flag and asked for a break.

  Three days straight with an alpha—that was a feat no other beta Vonn knew of had managed to pull off. When the prostitutes finished a shift in the Boundarylands, they took several days off to recover.

  For the first time, he wondered what the relationship between the mated alpha/beta lowland couple looked like. Not that it was none of his business—just as his relationship with Stacy was none of theirs.

  Yes…a real relationship. For all the time Vonn had spent wishing for his own omega, he'd given scant consideration to that aspect of the union, but now it was all he thought about. His attraction to Stacy went far beyond merely sexual. Every day, it seemed to be branching out into something more complex.

  Between the bouts of passion, when they took breaks to rest and eat and bathe, they talked. Sometimes about her past. Sometimes about his. She confided how her mother complained over her lack of grandchildren. He told her about hunting with three generations of men in his family, his grandfather's endless patience teaching him and his brother how to track and dress game, his father's quiet pride.

  Eventually, they began to talk about how life had changed for both of them when the beta blockade had closed the borders. Stacy described the relentless propaganda campaign, the flourishing of hate groups on the internet, increased pressure on women to be tested. And Vonn reluctantly described the pall that had fallen over the settlement, the anger and agitation in addition to the shortages and dangers of black market trade.

  Vonn was cautiously heartened by Stacy's receptiveness to the stories he told. He didn't expect her to come around to his point of view right away, but at least she was listening. It had taken years for Stacy to be indoctrinated with her fierce hatred of his world, and it would take time to undo it.

  But this was a good start.

  Vonn decided to take her out for target practice the next morning. Their daily walks had made her more comfortable with the forest, learning his land and how to move through it without disturbing the other creatures who made it their home. This time he would free her from the pressure of bagging their dinner, letting her relax and focus on the feeling of the bow in her arms.

  "Hold the string steady," he murmured against her ear, his hands guiding her body into the proper stance…and enjoying the warmth of her skin underneath an old cotton shirt of his that she'd taken to wearing. "Let it be an extension on your fingers. And when you're ready, simply let go."

  "That's your answer for everything. Let go."

  "It's the only advice you need. Listen to your instincts. They never lie."

  She took her eyes off the target long enough to shoot him a glare. "And if those instincts lead me back across the border to grab my rifle and come back here to shoot you in the foot?"

  "Why go to all that trouble?" Vonn said mildly, taking the opportunity to sneak a hand over the delicious curve of her hip. "Stick with archery practice, and you'll be good enough to shoot me in the foot with an arrow in a couple weeks."

  Instead of replying, Stacy released the bowstring. The arrow whizzed through the air, only to pierce the soft bark of a redwood tree. Unfortunately, it wasn't the redwood she was aiming for—but at least she'd hit something this time.

  "Okay," he chuckled, releasing her. "Maybe more like four or five weeks."

  Stacy blew out a breath in frustration. "If I'm still here in a month."

  The hair on the back of Vonn's neck stood up; it had been days since she'd mentioned leaving. "I thought you were done with talk like that."

  Her frustration over missing her shot vanished, replaced by something like sadness. "It's not that," she said quietly. "I've been here six days now. When we left the roadhouse, Gray said he'd come to check in a week. If I'm still a beta when he gets here—"

  "I won't let him hurt you," Vonn growled, hearing the worry in her voice. The truth was that he, too, had been thinking about that. Not because he was worried about Gray, but because the faint underlying omega scent that he'd detected when he first met her hadn't returned since her last injections.

  But even if it never did, Vonn would never let any harm come to her. He'd die first.

  "That's…sweet," she said, settling on a word they both knew didn't suffice. "But Gray won't come alone. In this scenario, your land is hostile territory, and if he's any kind of leader, he'll bring backup. You might be able to take care of Gray on his own, but you can't fight off a whole pack of alphas."

  Vonn snorted. "Just watch me."

  "It's not that I don't believe in you. I…understand now how strong an alpha's instinct is to protect what's his. But that's the thing." She sighed, as much in defeat as frustration, and didn't meet his gaze. "I'm not yours, and I'm not sure I ever can be. After injecting so many doses of that suppressant, maybe I'm…broken. I haven't been feeling right."

  Alarm jerked Vonn to attention. "What do you mean?"

  "Oh, nothing serious. Just…in the last day or two, I haven't been able to focus. I feel…unsettled. Sensitive. I don't really know how to describe it."

  "That's to be expected," Vonn said, reassuring himself as much as her. He knew betas were vulnerable to all kinds of diseases and conditions that alphas naturally resisted—but she was young and strong and tough. "Besides, do you really think I care about your nature anymore?"

  Her eyelashes fluttered as she darted a look at him. "You wanted an omega of your own," she whispered.

  "I might have wanted an omega more than anything before we met, but now I only want you, Stacy. I don't care if your nature ever awakens—you will always be my mate."

  He cupped her face in his huge, warm hands and kissed her deeply. He would never stop until she truly believed.

  Stacy must have kissed Vonn hundreds of times by now, but it had never felt like this. The underlying desire was there, of course, a low-voltage hum deep inside her that never went away. But this kiss was something else entirely—reassuring, claiming, promising, possessing.

  In it was every emotion each of them had felt in each other's arms, every moment spent thinking of the other.

  Stacy wanted to have faith in a future with Vonn. But not even a kiss like that could change the reality of their situation. She'd come here as an enemy, and no one in their right mind would believe that a few days of rolling around with an alpha could change that.

  Only a change in her nature could.

  When Vonn finally broke the kiss, she was feeling more melancholy than ever.

  "Do you want to leave?" he asked, frowning.

  Stacy shook her head and stepped away to clear her mind. She still had half a dozen arrows in her quiver, more in Vonn's pack, and a thousand thoughts swirling in her head. Training had always been her solace, and maybe it would help now.

  For the next hour, she practiced. She shot until she was out of arrows, went to the hay bale Vonn had set up on a stump to retrieve them, and did it all over again. She gradually improved, occasionally landing one inside the ring, but eventually her arms grew fatigued, and she had to stop.

  She wasn't surprised when Vonn started rounding up the arrows, sensing that she was done without being told. They packed up without talking, lost in their own thoughts, and after he put a tarp over the target, he offered Stacy his hand to lead her back to the cabin.

  But this time, when they touched, it was like being struck by lightning. When Vonn's hand closed over hers, Stacy went rigid, as though a thousand volts were lighting up every nerve ending in her body. Accompanying the physical sensation was a sudden and stark awareness—of every sight, sound, smell, even of the workings of her body's systems and yes, oh God, of Vonn.

  She felt his presence as if they were joined by invisible threads. But, at the same time, it was more than that—the heat deep in her belly that she felt around him swelled and exploded through her body until she felt like she was on fire.

  At first it was terrifying, like a dam breaking and flooding her with incredible force.

  But before she could draw her next breath, everything changed again. The initial jolt gave way to an awakening, a lighting up inside her like nothing she'd ever experienced.

  It felt like…rebirth. Every moment she'd spent with Vonn, every word that had passed between them, suddenly took on layers of meaning that surpassed her prior capacity for understanding. Her desire deepened into an overwhelming yearning at the deepest, most primal level.

  It was a force of nature—her nature—undeniable, inescapable, beyond mortal control.

  Stacy needed to be closer to Vonn. Surrounding and being surrounded. Devouring and being devoured. Feeling all of him at once.

  Before she could tell him, she found herself swept up into his arms, his chest rumbling against her body, and she knew that he felt it too. They were caught up in the same storm.

  "Yes!" The possessive force of Vonn's roar sparked something inside Stacy, an unfurling like the opening of a tight bud into a flower. She gasped as a gush of slick—omega slick—coursed from between her legs, soaking her jeans.

  Vonn responded like a man possessed, ripping her clothes off her body. Then he lifted her as if she were weightless and, holding her aloft in his strong arms, buried his face between her legs and devoured her.

  The sensation of his tongue against Stacy's clit wasn't new, but this time it felt like it had been magnified a hundredfold, wracking her body with waves of pleasure and need. As shockingly intense as the sensations were, they weren't enough. She needed more.

  Stacy clawed at Vonn, raking her hands through his hair, scratching his skin, panting and snarling. But she wasn't fighting him now; she was fighting for more of him.

  If she didn't get what she needed—to be filled by him, to be taken, to be branded by his touch in a way no man could ever deny—Stacy thought she might die.

  "I need you, Vonn," she stammered,
speech a distraction she didn't want. "I need you inside me. Now."

  She howled when he set her down long enough to rip off his clothes and was ready when he lifted her again. He wasn't gentle. The fire in his eyes raged as she wrapped her legs around him, and when he drove inside her in one mighty thrust, she threw back her head and screamed.

  Vonn had never been so deep inside her before. This feeling of being filled completely, of not knowing where one of them ended and the other began, made Stacy understand why Vonn had searched so tirelessly. She could never return to her old life now, not with the knowledge of what she would be missing.

  "More," she demanded.

  Vonn took her at her word, pounding her harder than her beta body would ever have been able to endure.

  Because Stacy was an omega now.

  No one had to tell her that the transition that had been activated was rapidly changing every cell in her body, that she would never be the same again. Her old beliefs and fears shattered and turned into dust. There was no need for them now. No place for them here.

  The sounds they made, the motions of their bodies, all of it fell away as the first orgasm seized Stacy and shook her like an earthquake. There was no time to recover before another approached, and another.

  Soon she lost track, the peaks becoming indistinct in her euphoria, individual moments lost to the cascade of release.

  She was shivering with exhaustion when Vonn finally let loose with a triumphant roar of completion loud enough to shake the ground. Birds escaped from the trees as a final, overwhelming orgasm carried her to the crest of his wave. He stiffened, and Stacy cried out, only to feel a new kind of pressure building.

  Oh God, his knot.

  It filled her past her comprehension of what was possible, locking their bodies together, binding them forever.

  The certainty that this was how it was supposed to be was like the sun melting the darkness from the deepest corners of Stacy's soul. This was her destiny.


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