The Secret of the Golden Gods Omnibus Edition

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The Secret of the Golden Gods Omnibus Edition Page 100

by Pedro Urvi

  Ikai took a step back and fell to the floor. His hands were on his face. The pain was horrible, the wound appalling.

  Oskas came to stand over him. “Join me, Ikai. I can feel your blood. It has Power, a Power you haven’t yet discovered.”


  “Come with me, serve the Golden Gods and attain the Power that is yours by virtue of my blood.”

  “I’d sooner die!”

  “The Power cannot be denied in you. I can feel it. I can make you into someone Powerful, into someone who could rival the Gods.”

  “I don’t want your bloody Power. I don’t want to become an aberration like you!”

  Oskas seemed to be reconsidering. It was as though Ikai’s denial had had an effect on him in some way.

  “If you don’t join me you’ll die, you know that.”

  Kyra, in desperation, tried to use the disc’s Power on Oskas, but he countered by raising a wall of utter darkness between them. She could see nothing behind that wall. It was impossible for her to grasp his aura to attack him.

  “If I must die, so be it,” Ikai said, staring into his eyes. His face was soaked in blood from the terrible wound.

  Oskas readied his dagger to kill him. He held his gaze. In Ikai’s eyes he saw his own, identical: one blue, the other green. Then the blood. And he hesitated.

  And at that moment of hesitation a silhouette leapt on to him.

  It was Liriana, sword in hand.

  There was a muffled moan and Liriana collapsed on Ikai. He held her in his arms and saw Oskas’ dagger embedded in her breast.

  “Noooooooo!” he cried, beside himself.

  Oskas looked at her, shaking his head. “She sacrificed herself trying to save you.”

  Ikai took the dagger out of Liriana’s chest, but there was nothing to be done. She was dying.

  “Murderer!” Kyra cried helplessly. With all her rage she used her Power again on Oskas’ wall, seeking to destroy it. The defense trembled and nearly fell at her attack. Oskas became aware of this, stretched out his hand, and used his Power to reinforce it.

  Ikai, on his knees, saw his opportunity. With all his strength he stabbed Oskas in the groin with his own dagger.

  Taken by surprise, Oskas took a couple of steps back, and without meaning to he passed the threshold of the darkness he had created.

  At that moment Kyra was able to catch his aura. Without hesitation she locked him, and threw him against the lofty domed ceiling with all the strength and rage her Power allowed her to use. The blow was brutal. There was a sickening crack, as if his back had broken. Then she let him drop heavily to the floor. The impact was tremendous. He lay there motionless, with blood all around his body.

  “Ikai!” Kyra ran to her brother.

  She held his bloody face between her hands. “You’ll get better, you’ll live,” she said, with moist eyes and broken voice at the sight of her brother’s wounds.

  “Liriana…” Ikai said, as he gathered her in his arms. The captain was dying.

  A moment later the rebels reached them. They had managed to take the palace.

  “Look for Idana and Maruk,” he said, “and tell them to come at once.”

  Kyra stood up, retrieved her dagger and took a deep breath. “There’s still one thing to do. And it has to be done, for everybody’s sake.”

  She stroked Ikai’s head, took her last farewell of Liriana, and went to the passage in the wall.

  Chapter 39

  Kyra went along the corridors with a single thought in her mind: he’s not getting away. This comes to an end here today, with his death. I’ll find him and hand his head over to the people.

  Rage burnt inside her. It was almost completely dark in most of the passage, so that she was prevented from moving as fast as she would have liked. She used the disc’s Power to give out flashes of light to help her see what was in front of her. The hidden corridor ended in an interminable spiral staircase which led her to what she guessed must be the cellars, although all she could see were rock walls. Below, the secret passage became a narrow tunnel. She guessed she was leaving the palace. The tunnel was made of earth, supported by wooden beams. Where’s it going to lead to? Never mind, I’ll soon find out.

  A strong, unpleasant smell reached her and made her turn. Straight away she knew where she was going. You won’t escape, you swine! Fury took over, and she clenched her fists so tightly she felt a cramp in them. The tunnel ended in a trapdoor which in his hurry Sesmok had left open. Kyra peered through. The stables! Damn! The smell was unmistakable.

  She heard shouting. Noise of fighting. Six riders on their horses were fighting against a dozen rebels as they tried to make their escape. The rebels were being slaughtered. She looked around for Sesmok and saw him securing the saddlebags to a white stallion. Half a dozen rebels lay dead around him. The swine! Rage prevented her from swallowing.

  She got to her feet, grasping her throwing dagger in her right hand and Adamis’s disc in the left.

  Sesmok mounted his horse, ready to escape.

  Kyra came out into the open in front of the stables.

  “It’s time to bring this to an end,” she said. The coolness in her own voice surprised her.

  Sesmok turned to her. “Kill the bitch!” he ordered his riders.

  Kyra breathed in deeply and managed to hold back the fury burning in her. This is no time to let my rage out. It’s time to act coolly, the way Ikai would.

  The riders turned to her. They had finished with the rebels. The first two of them spurred their mounts.

  Kyra concentrated. She raised her left hand with the disc in it and fixed the aura of both riders in her mind. Up to the sky! she ordered the disc. There was a golden flash and both riders flew straight into the sky. The other two horses reared, and she took advantage of that. She sent the first rider crashing against the stable wall, then dropped the second on the roof. He went through this and ended up on the ground. He did not get up.

  “Kill her, quick!” Sesmok cried, beside himself with rage.

  Kyra stayed calm. The last two riders charged. She did not have time to use the Power. She rolled to one side, dodging the swords that brushed her head in passing. While they turned their horses, she concentrated on the disc. She lifted both riders off their saddles and hurled them against each other in midair with all the strength the disc gave her. There was a horrible crunch, and they fell to the ground dead.

  “Die!” shouted Sesmok. Taking advantage of the fact that her back was turned to him, he charged to stab her.

  She spun around like lightning. She saw the treacherous attack and let all her fury out in a whiplash movement of her right arm.

  Her dagger buried itself in Sesmok’s left eye as far as the hilt. There was so much force in the blow that his head was thrown all the way back and his sword missed her.

  She saw him fall off his horse as it passed beside her. “It’s over!” she shouted.

  Several rebels came running from the palace.

  “Freedom!” shouted Kyra with her fist in the air.

  “Freedom!” they cried in response.

  “The Regent is dead. Victory is ours. Take him with you, so that everybody can see him. Proclaim it to the four winds. Let all the Senoca know of it.”

  “Victory!” they shouted.

  “Victory” she repeated, and fell on her knees.

  In the throne hall, Ikai was looking into Liriana’s great turquoise eyes, trying to hold back his own tears. He was pressing with both hands on the chest wound to stop her from bleeding to death, even though he knew it was no use. There was a knot in his throat, as though a giant’s hands were trying to strangle him.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “I couldn’t … let you both… die…” she replied brokenly.

  “We owe you our lives. It breaks my heart to see you like this, when it’s my fault.”

  “It’s not... your fault… You would’ve done the same… without a second thought… I know you well�

  Ikai noticed the blood at the corner of her mouth and had to look away so as not to burst into tears.

  “Stop… looking at… my legs…”

  He took a deep breath. For a moment he felt as though they were back in the past, when they had first met.

  “They’re too muscular,” he said, trying to smile.

  “You’ve always… loved them… don’t deny it.”

  He nodded, and a tear he could not hold back trickled down his cheek.

  She stroked his cheek. “I want you to know… what happened between us… it did mean something to me…”

  “You don’t need to say anything.”

  “Let me… if things had been otherwise…”

  “But they weren’t, and you did the right thing going back to him.”

  “It’s to your credit… that you don’t hold it against me.”

  “I could never do that.”

  “Did it mean anything to you?”

  He nodded. “You know it did.”

  Liriana smiled, and a shiver ran through her body.

  “Don’t talk, save your strength. Idana will arrive any moment now, and with her care you’ll get better.”

  She coughed blood. “No… we both know I won’t… my life ends here.”

  “You’re a fighter, you’ll come out of this one.”

  “No… and that’s why… I need you to promise me something…”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “No… I want you to think about it… what I’m going to ask you involves responsibility …”

  Ikai breathed deeply. The knot would not go away, and he felt a growing anxiety which gnawed at his chest like acid.

  “So, what is it?”

  “Gedrel isn’t here any longer … and when I’m gone too… there won’t be anyone to lead the people… Promise me you’ll guide them… be their leader. You’re the only one I trust … to bear that load…”

  “You’ll get well and you’ll guide them.”

  “Promise me…”

  Ikai looked into those pleading eyes. He knew the responsibility was tremendous, that a mountain was about to fall on his shoulders and crush him. His cool, analytic mind told him not to accept, that it was a terrible choice which would consume his life. But his heart told him not to refuse: for her sake, for the sake of all the Senoca. He thought about it, decided and did not refuse.

  “I promise. I’ll lead them.”

  “Thank you… from the bottom of my heart…”

  At that moment Idana and Maruk came in and saw the devastating scene.

  “Liri!” cried Maruk, eyes wide and filled with horror. Ikai moved back and left her with him.

  “Maruk… my sweet Maruk…

  “By Oxatsi! What have they done to you?” he cried when he saw how severe the wound was.

  Ikai stepped a few paces further away. Idana tried to help Liriana, but it was useless. The brave leader of the Senoca died in Maruk’s arms.

  When the Healer examined Ikai, her face shadowed.

  “I’ll have to suture your face and the rest of the cuts. It’ll hurt, but if I don’t you’ll die.”

  “Don’t worry. Do what you have to do, but first take a look at Albana.”

  “I won’t be able to do much for your face…”

  “That doesn’t matter. Go and take care of Albana.”

  The room started to fill with rebels, who came to pay their respects in silence. With faces wet with tears and trembling voices they bade their leader goodbye, singing the ancient Ode to the Senoca Braves. They took their last farewell of her, wishing her final voyage down the river into the arms of Mother Sea to be one of peace and rest.

  “Sail, Liriana, in the arms of Mother Sea, forever, on her eternal blue calm, with the winds of freedom caressing your face, toward an infinite joy.”

  Chapter 40

  Kyra got to her feet, shaking her head. We did it. I can’t believe what we did. It’s crazy, but we did it. The cheers of the Senoca rose to the sky with uncontrollable joy. She breathed in deeply, and the air tasted like something new to her, something she had never felt before, something immensely sweet and pleasant: it tasted of freedom. Several groups of rebels passed before her, leaping and shouting with glee. All over the city the news of the victory spread like wildfire. Soon the good news would pass beyond the walls and spread throughout the six counties, through valleys, fields, and hills, reaching every Senoca, and they would know they were no longer slaves, that they had gained their freedom.

  In the distance Kyra made out two figures. They seemed to be keeping on the sidelines of what was going on. They stood face to face, apparently talking, surrounded by a white mist. Thinking this was strange, she started in their direction. A few steps away she recognized one of the figures, and her heart leapt inside her. It’s Adamis! He’s all right! The other was also a God, though his features were hidden by a hooded cloak. By his size and build he was a God-Warrior, a champion most probably. His lips were not moving, but Kyra knew they were talking in the way the Gods did. She did not want to interfere, but curiosity ate at her. Then she remembered the bracelet Notaplo had given her. She thought twice: it was something she should not really do… but she had to know what was going on with Adamis, even more after what he had done for her… and she decided. She tapped the jewel twice and the conversation reached her mind.

  My Lord… you must hand yourself over.

  Are you sent by my father?

  Yes, my Prince.

  It has not taken him long to find out.

  The Master Spy Oskas told Lord Asu what happened, and the House of Aureb immediately demanded your head.

  The Prince nodded. I have given them the excuse they needed. My father cannot refuse, I have interfered. If he should refuse, there would be war.

  The situation worsens by the moment, my Lord Prince. Lord Asu has demanded that the Five High Kings should be summoned at once.

  Adamis was thoughtful. It is most unfortunate that the Master of the Shadows was here. Although I suppose it was Asu who sent him in the first place, to ensure his plans were carried out. I have fallen into a trap. Now I see it. Asu’s interest in Kyra was wider-reaching. He wanted to provoke me into making a mistake, and he has succeeded. And of course, his minion was in the right place at the right time.

  He registered it on a disc, my lord. There is no right of appeal.

  I knew the risk I was taking. What is done is done. I have no regrets.

  Kyra could not hold back her tears. It was all my fault. Mine.

  You must come back with me at once.

  I know, Teslo, but that I am unable to do…

  Pardon my frankness, your Highness, but they are your father’s orders. His Majesty the High King expects you to hand yourself over.

  Kyra’s heart froze.

  And he has sent the Champion of the House of Eret to make sure I return with him?

  My Prince, I owe my loyalty to my House, to my King…

  Indeed. I am not judging you, Teslo, you owe your loyalty to the High King of the House of Eret, and that is as it should be. His orders come before mine.

  Then will you come with me, my lord?

  No, Teslo, I will stay here with them, Adamis said, and turned towards the cheering. As he did so he saw Kyra and smiled. His face radiated the happiness he felt at his love for her.

  Is that your last word?

  It is. I will not go.

  In that case, Teslo said, I must carry out the sentence.

  When he heard that, Adamis started to turn towards the Champion with a puzzled look.

  The greenish, ethereal dagger took him in the stomach.

  I am so sorry, my Prince.

  Adamis felt an overwhelming pain. He tried to use his Power, but before he could manage to do so the pain exploded in his mind.

  A dagger… for the murder… of kings…

  Yes, my Prince, I regret it profoundly, Teslo said, and taking hold of Adamis, who was falling, bent dou
ble with pain, he laid him delicately on the ground.

  Kyra cried out with all her being. They had torn her heart out.

  Teslo showed Adamis the hidden disc he carried.

  At your father’s request, I have recorded the execution of the sentence. It will prevent a war among the Houses.

  Adamis nodded between spasms.

  Teslo saluted the Prince, and without a glance at Kyra vanished in the mist.

  With her heart broken, unable to breathe, Kyra ran to Adamis and knelt beside him. She put his head on her lap. His skin, usually warm, was cold as ice and its golden sheen turning a putrid green around the deadly wound.

  “Adamis!” she cried.

  But he could no longer hear her.

  “Noooooooo!” she cried to the sky, overwhelmed by an abysmal woe. “Noooooooo!”

  A copper sun was beginning to set when Ikai and Idana found Kyra beside Adamis’ body.

  “What happened?” Ikai asked in confusion.

  “They’ve killed him!” she said. Her eyes were full of tears, her pain unfathomable.

  Her brother shook his head in bafflement. “It can’t be. He’s a God. Who could have done it? How?”

  “His own people. They condemned him for helping me.”

  Idana examined Adamis’s body. He was turning greener by the moment, the color spreading throughout his body as if it were corrupting all the organs. He did not seem to be breathing, nor did his heart seem to be beating. Idana was puzzled.

  “I’m sorry… really sorry...” she said to Kyra, not knowing how to comfort her.

  Kyra burst into tears of grief and rage. “They’ll pay with their hateful lives! I swear I’ll kill them all!”

  “Isn’t there anything you could do?” Ikai asked Idana in a whisper while his sister gave in to her pain.

  Idana shook her head slowly. “There’s nothing I’d like more. But he’s a God, and I don’t know the workings of his body. I can see the wound, yes, but I know nothing about the poison that’s corrupting his body.”

  “Is he really dead?” Ikai asked, even more softly.

  She lowered her eyes. “From my ignorance about the Gods, I should think so,”


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