Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology

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Super Daddies: A Naughty Nerdy Romantic Comedy Anthology Page 12

by Smith, Maren

  Melissa turned to the man who’d risked everything to protect her. “You did this?”

  Grinning, he shrugged. “Merry Christmas, sunshine.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispered.

  “Welcome.” With a chuckle, he nudged her away. “I think someone else wants a hug.”

  The second she let go, she found herself wrapped up in her father’s arms. “My little Lainey-bug. God, I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too. I can’t believe you’re here. How long are you staying?”

  “That’s the other part of your present, sunshine.”

  “What?” She pulled back from her father’s embrace, looking between him and a smiling Andrew. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, the official story is, we were killed in a tragic boating accident during our Christmas trip to the Caribbean,” her father explained, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “What’s the real story? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “We’re moving in next door!” Clapping her hands, her mother’s face lit up.

  “What?” Confused, she looked from her parents to Andrew and back again. “There is no next door.”

  “There is about two miles that way.” Andrew gestured to the right of the cabin. “It went up for sale a few months ago, so I snatched it up. Everything’s been taken care of. Took us a few months, but we got it worked out.”

  “You’re moving? Here? Really?”

  “Yes! Your young man asked us to spend Christmas here, but then we’ll be moving over to the cabin down the road.” Her mother’s eyes filled with tears. “I couldn’t stand another minute away from my baby.”

  “Mom.” Melissa pressed her face to her mother’s neck again and held on for all she was worth. “God, I’ve missed you.” She pulled away and grinned. “Come inside and tell me all the gossip from back home. I’ll make cocoa and we can open presents.”

  “One present,” Andrew said, raising an eyebrow at her.

  Rolling her eyes, she looped an arm through her mother’s and turned to go inside. “One present, I know, I know.”

  “Is he always so bossy?” her mother asked.

  “Yeah.” Melissa glanced back and caught her daddy’s eye. He winked and made a shooing motion with his hands. “Yeah, he is.”

  * * *

  With her parents tucked away in the guest bedroom down the hall, Melissa sat on the edge of the bed she shared with her daddy, nervously twisting the ring on her left hand. He’d sent her to their room not long after her parents had gone to bed, to wait for the “talk” he’d mentioned when he’d found her on the front porch by herself.

  Just when she’d decided she’d had enough waiting, the door to the bedroom opened. Daddy stepped inside and shut the door behind him. Pinning her with the look, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Care to explain your thought process this afternoon, little girl?”

  “Umm.” She twisted the ring faster. “Not really?”

  His scowl deepened. “Are you supposed to go outside alone if you see someone coming? Especially if you don’t recognize them?”

  “No, sir.”

  “What are you supposed to do if someone comes to the house?”

  “I’m supposed to get you.” Looking up, she gave him her best puppy dog eyes. “I tried! I called, but you didn’t answer!” Even to her own ears, the excuse rang hollow.

  “Melissa Blaire Parsons,” he intoned using the name Rico had secured for her. “This isn’t a large house. It would have taken you two minutes to come find me.”

  “I’m sorry. But I wasn’t even in danger!”

  “You could have been. And regardless, you broke a rule. What happens to little girls who don’t follow Daddy’s rules?”

  “They get punished,” she answered softly.

  “That’s right. And normally they get their bottoms turned bright red. But since we have company, we’ll have to be a little more creative.”

  “Creative?” The first flutter of unease danced in her tummy. “How?”

  The corner of his lip lifted in a knowing smirk. “Daddy is going to fuck your little bottom until you never even think of breaking that rule again.”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. “No! Daddy, please don’t. I’ll never ever break another rule, I promise!”

  “I’m sure you mean it, at least for now. But you did break a rule, and this is your punishment. Take off your pajamas and lay facedown on the bed.”

  Since she knew whining and pleading wouldn’t get her anywhere, she stood and stripped off the cute little penguin pajamas he’d gotten her for Christmas. Laying on the bed as instructed, she buried her face in her arms, doing her best to hide from what was coming. She could hear Daddy moving around the room and, after what felt like hours, the bed dipped under his weight.

  “Up on your knees, little girl.”

  Whimpering, she obeyed and lifted herself into the required position.

  “Good girl.” She heard the top of the bottle of lube pop open, but he didn’t touch her. “No play time tonight to loosen you up, sunshine. This is a punishment, so it’s going to hurt.”

  “Daddy, I’m really sorry!”

  “I know you are, baby. But what kind of Daddy would I be if I didn’t punish my little girl when she breaks the rules?”

  “The nice kind,” she grumbled.

  Daddy chuckled and patted her bottom. “Maybe so. But I wouldn’t be a very responsible Daddy, now would I?”

  Since the only answers she could think of were sarcastic and rude and would just get her in more trouble, she stayed silent. Daddy shifted behind her and pressed his cock against her bottom hole. Even though she knew better, she tensed up at that first slight intrusion.

  “Relax, sunshine.”

  “I don’t want to,” she whined, trying to shift away from him. But he easily held her in place.

  “Then it’s going to hurt more. Your choice.”

  She forced her muscles to relax, and he gave her bottom an affectionate squeeze. “That’s my girl.”

  He pushed into her, the tip of his cock breaching the initial resistance of her most intimate place. Her hands gripped the comforter. Experience had taught her if she moved, the punishment would be much worse. And it was already more than she thought she could take.

  “Daddy, it hurts!”

  “Good. I want you to remember this the next time you’re tempted to run outside and take on God knows what by yourself.”

  “I’m sorry!”

  His only response was to press further into her bottom. Stretching her until her bottom burned and ached with the effort to take him in. By the time he was all the way inside, she was a whiny, panting mess.

  She was also aching for him. A fact her Daddy pointed out by reaching around and running a finger over her soaking wet lips. “Someone is enjoying her punishment,” he said with a low laugh.

  “Am not! It hurts!”

  Gripping her ponytail, he pulled her head back. “What happens to little girls who lie, sunshine?”

  She whimpered at the reminder. It was a punishment he’d only had to repeat once in the year they’d been together. “They get their mouths washed out.”

  “Do you want to hold a bar of soap between your teeth while I finish fucking your ass?”

  “No, Daddy!”

  “Then no more lies.” He released her ponytail and gripped her hips. She felt every bit of his cock as he pulled out of her – and again when he pushed back in.

  After the first few slow, steady strokes, he increased the tempo. Until he was, as promised, fucking her poor bottom hole. Melissa begged and pleaded and promised to never be naughty ever again, but he didn’t stop. When the pain was almost more than she could take, he slipped his hand between her thighs again and circled her swollen clit.

  “Daddy,” she moaned his name, pushing back against him as he pushed into her again.

  “You want to come, sunshine?”

“Please, Daddy!”

  His voice was a low growl when he spoke. “Did you learn your lesson? Are you going to follow the rules?”

  “Yes, yes, I promise!”

  Toying with her clit, he tortured her a while longer until she thought she might die from the mixture of the pleasure and pain he was inflicting on her. “Daddy, please!”

  “Come for me, sunshine.”

  Pleasure washed over her, momentarily overshadowing the pain. And even when the pain made itself known again, it just mixed with the pleasure in a blend so overwhelmingly perfect she thought she might float away on it. Daddy slammed his cock into her bottom one final time, and her cheeks flushed at the feeling of him filling her. When he was done, her ass felt raw and used beyond anything she’d ever felt before.

  But when he stretched out on the bed and gathered her to his chest, her heart was lighter and happier than ever. She curled into him with a little sigh. “I really am sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to be naughty.”

  With a gentleness completely at odds with the punishment he’d just delivered, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I know, sunshine. But we have rules for a reason. I can’t stand the thought of losing you.”

  Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. “I know. I’ll do better, I promise.”

  “That’s my good girl. Get some sleep. Santa won’t come if you stay up all night.”

  Snuggling into him, she giggled. “I thought Santa just came.”

  “Smart ass little girl. Go to sleep.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” She rolled onto her side to face the window. “Daddy?”

  “Yeah, sunshine?”

  “Do you think we’ll have fresh snow tomorrow? I want to build another snowman.”

  Daddy laughed and pulled her closer. “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

  Grinning, she watched the first few flakes float past the window. “It’s definitely going to snow. Merry Christmas, Daddy.”

  “Merry Christmas, sunshine.”

  The End

  If you liked this story and would like to read more from Stella Moore, please check out her Amazon page here.

  Little Villain

  by Golden Angel

  About Golden Angel

  Angel is a self-described bibliophile with a "kinky" bent who loves to write stories for the characters in her head. If she didn't get them out, she's pretty sure she'd go just a little crazy.

  She is happily married, old enough to know better but still too young to care, and a big fan of happily-ever-afters, strong heroes and heroines, and sizzling chemistry.

  She believes the world is a better place when there's a little magic in it.

  Copyright © 2019 by Golden Angel

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including, but not limited to, photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, locales, and events are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, and events are purely coincidental.

  Edited by: MJ Edits

  Chapter 1

  “Ooooo sparkly!”

  So many sparkles. She laughed wildly, thrusting her hands into the jewelry cases and pulling out all the pretty shiny things.

  “Chaotica!” Big Daddy’s gruff, no-nonsense tone made her sigh.

  He never let her have any fun anymore.

  Still. She kept trying.

  “Look, Big Daddy,” she said, turning around to show him her glittering prizes. “They’re so pretty!” A glimmering kaleidoscope of jewels heaped in her hands. They made her want to run to a mirror so she could deck herself out and see all of that brilliant shimmer draped around her neck and from her wrists and ears. Maybe she could even find a tiara!

  Big Daddy just glared at her, not even looking at the bounty she was holding up. “We’re not here to play, girl, and you could have set off an alarm. Be more careful and get to work.”

  Sagging, disappointed, Chaotica turned back to the case she was in front of and pulled out the bag hanging from her belt so that she could fill it. Sniffling a little, she started putting the sparklies in.

  When she’d first met Big Daddy, almost a year ago, she’d been sure it was kismet. He was the biggest, baddest supervillain in Haden City and she’d been small fry compared to him. Unlike Big Daddy, she’d been stealing for money to eat, to live. No one had wanted to her hire when she’d gone job hunting, despite her degree. Unfortunately, there were too many people and too few jobs in the city.

  But there were also less legal opportunities.

  For a while she’d managed on her own, only taking what she needed, keeping to herself and keeping out of jail, but then she’d met Big Daddy. He’d come into the bank where she kept her meager account while she was there and robbed the place, grabbing her to use as a hostage to cover his escape when the cops showed up.

  Instead of letting her go, though, she’d begged him to take her with him.

  Ever since then she hadn’t had to worry about food or clothes or a roof over her head... Big Daddy provided her with everything she needed. More than. She had everything she’d ever wanted. In return, she did whatever he wanted. But lately it seemed like he was getting tired of her.

  She sniffled, morosely dumping all the shinies into her bag. It was a good haul, but she couldn’t enjoy it.

  Was Big Daddy getting tired of her?

  Male laughter made her look over her shoulder at Big Daddy’s thugs, who were also loading up their bags while Big Daddy prowled around keeping an eye on everything. Rob 1 and Rob 2. No really, they were both named Robert and both of them preferred to go by Rob. Henchmen could be notoriously unimaginative. They even looked kind of alike, with blond hair that was cropped close to their heads and brown eyes. They weren’t bad looking guys, but they didn’t have Big Daddy’s sheer presence.

  Big Daddy was taller, broader, and meaner. His dark hair and piercing blue eyes made her swoon. The way he bossed her around both drove her crazy and got her hot—and when they were alone and he bossed her around, it got her really hot. But her favorite times were when she could just play around, goof off, and have fun, and Big Daddy would watch her with an indulgent smile on his face and then he’d fuck her silly.

  She tried to remember the last time that had happened.

  It had been a while.

  But that wasn’t really his fault. He’d been in a bad mood ever since he’d lost his number one henchman and right-hand man, Herc, a couple of months ago. That had been an epic showdown, between all of them and Haden City’s resident vigilante, Pluto. They’d gotten away with the haul, but they’d lost Herc in the process and he was now rotting away in the Haden City Penitentiary.

  Chaotica would never ever ever ever ever ever admit it to Big Daddy, but she’d kind of always had a thing for Pluto. When she was working on her own, she’d even fantasized about Pluto catching her in the act and being the one to deal with her. Except, instead of taking her to jail, he’d work out a different, naughtier, deal with her.

  Telling Big Daddy so would send him into a jealous rage... probably. She was starting to feel like he was losing interest in her, not even caring whether she was a good girl or a bad girl for him.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see him peering out of the front windows, rather than looking to see what she and the Robs were doing. Chaotica debated slipping some of the shinies into her pocket, rather than the bag, and keeping it for herself, but she wasn’t sure how Big Daddy would react if he caught her. Would he treat her like a naughty girl, which she would like very much, or would he just erupt in terrible anger and then close her out—which was what he did when he was very angry with her and which she did not like at all.

bsp; Sadly, she looked at the shinies. It didn’t seem worth it to find out.

  As she finished clearing the case in front of her, she looked up at the back door, and her eyes widened when she saw curling black tendrils sliding out of the shadows created by a large case on the back wall and the position of the lights. The shadows themselves had deepened to a pitch black, a yawning maw that sucked in all light, never to be seen again.

  “He’s here!” she squealed. Excitement and terror rushed through her in equal measure. No sooner had she spoken the words than Pluto himself came hurtling out of the black. Chaotica screamed and ducked—he was coming right for her!

  The man practically soared over her as she cowered next to the jewelry case, her heart pounding so hard it was a miracle it didn’t burst right out of her chest. The shadows seemed to converge on him, moving around him, making him hard to see. Chaotica wasn’t sure exactly how his powers worked, no one was, but everyone knew the shadows made it possible for him to do amazing things.

  Frightening things.

  The Robs both shouted, dropping their bags of loot, and throwing themselves at Pluto.

  Dressed head to toe in black, including over his face, nothing could be seen of his features. He was a faceless, terrifying threat... with a hell of an ass. The tight-fitting black outfit was molded to a muscled form with broad shoulders, what looked like a six pack, and an ass she could bounce a quarter off of. Even as she tried to crawl away from the fight, unnoticed, she couldn’t help but sneak peeks at him, wondering what he looked like under the mask.

  When she glanced away, she caught Big Daddy’s eye. He was stalking forward, jaw clenched, massive knife in hand. Guns had never worked on Pluto, although Chaotica didn’t know why. Projectiles just behaved weirdly around him. Something to do with the shadows that seemed to coat his entire body, little tendrils occasionally curling off of him like smoke.


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