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Jacob Page 10

by Christina Benjamin

  “And then the wolf said, ‘and I’ll huff and I’ll puff!’” Jake reads, his voice perfectly deep for the wolf and high-pitched for the little pigs.

  I'm so enraptured by the scene that I can barely focus on the dishes. Ryan’s request rings in my ears. How beautiful it would be to do this every day?

  Jake is such a tough and burly guy with such a gentle heart, a heart that I'm beginning to love.



  I slam off the faucet, swallowing hard.

  Am I truly falling for Jake Eckhart—The Hartbreak Kid?

  Ryan’s tired voice slips through the doorway. “I like having Stacy here, Uncle Jake. It makes me miss Mom less.”

  Jake smooths his hand over Ryan’s forehead. “Me too, buddy. Me too.” I watch Jake stiffly wipe his eyes. “Stacy’s pretty great, huh?”

  “The greatest,” Ryan answers with a yawn.

  Tears bloom in my eyes. It’s impossible to fight the fact that I have feelings for the man in that room. And I care deeply for Ryan too. But what if we start seeing one another and things go south?

  Will everyone just end up even more hurt in the end?

  That’s the last thing I want.

  “Want some wine?” Jake asks softly as he walks behind me, Ryan’s bedroom door now closed.

  “Yes,” I answer instantly, gulping down a healthy sip of the crimson cabernet he pours before following him to the couch.

  We sink down together, each on opposite ends. We stare at one another, while my mind reels.

  “Thanks for cleaning up,” Jake says looking completely relaxed with a wine glass perched in his strong hands.

  I clear my throat. “You cooked. It’s only fair. Next time you’ll be on dish duty.”

  “Next time?” he asks, the faintest glimmer of hope rising in those beautiful chocolate eyes of his.

  I just blush and distract myself with my drink.

  He scoots forward, setting his wine glass down. The couch, large and cozy, feels suddenly small as he gets closer. I watch the space between us disappear, unable to convince myself to put any distance between us. All I truly want is to be in his arms.

  “I appreciate what you’ve done for me and Ryan so much, Stacy. I don’t think I can ever make that as clear as I want to. Seeing Ryan smile, actually smile . . . I almost thought neither of us would smile again after the year we’ve had.”

  “You two have both come a long way,” I answer softly.

  “Thanks.” His smoldering gaze makes my pulse race.

  I gulp down another sip of wine as a charged silence stretches between us.

  Jake breaks it first.

  “I’ve got to admit I'm nervous about this charity event. I want to make a good impression on your friends, so they know I'm good enough for you.” He cracks a sideways grin, one that makes my heart flutter.

  It's hard to believe the confident, flirty football star would actually be nervous about something. His posture is the picture of ease, one arm draped over the back of the couch, his fingers dangerously close to my shoulder.

  “Believe me, they’ll love you,” I whisper as he sidles closer.

  One of his fingers brushes the nape of my neck. This time, I move toward him.

  He pulls me against him. “Then they’ll be easier to impress than you are,” he cracks. “You make me work for your attention something fierce.”

  “Who says you get to stop now?” I murmur, tilting my head to grin at him.

  In the dim light of the apartment, he smirks back. Then, slowly, as though he’s giving me ample time to change my mind, he cups my face in his hand. His thumb drifts lazily back and forth over my jaw, but I have no intention of pulling away.

  I simply can’t. Not anymore. There’s no resisting him now.

  His mouth descends on mine, his tongue sweeping the curve of my lower lip, and I finally give in to everything that I’ve been longing for since meeting him. He dips me backwards so that he can deepen the kiss, clutching me against him as though any amount of space is unbearable.

  Sparks fly, every hair on my body standing on electric edge, as our lips move in perfect time.

  In his arms, all of my doubts and fears fade away.

  With a kiss this perfect, how could we not work out?

  Chapter 17


  The suit hangs in my closet, freshly pressed and ironed. I’ve seen to it that it’s perfectly tailored, too. For Stacy’s friends, I'm going all out.

  Time seemed to stand still while I waited for this day to finally arrive. But now I’ve only got about two hours before Ryan and I head out to pick Stacy up. She hasn't told me the dress code for the event, but I’m a firm believer that you can never look too sharp for something.

  Plus, I know the media is going to be there and my image needs some desperate rehab since the night of the party and Ryan’s outburst.

  Fortunately, things have been looking up in that regard. The soccer club implemented some basic security at the field to keep the paparazzi far away. I also released a statement to the press making them understand that my focus and priority is always on my nephew, so he doesn’t feel ignored. I asked them to please grant some leniency and not photograph me when he’s present. So far, they’ve been pretty respectful.

  Stacy’s also done an amazing job helping me explain to Ryan why it sometimes feels like other people want to steal my attention. It’s still a little too complicated for the six-year-old to comprehend, but at least now he grasps why the media shows up at places while we’re out. He also understands that if he ever tells me he’s uncomfortable with the crowd, we will immediately remove ourselves.

  That being said, Ryan has become quite taken with the cameras. Now he loves posing and making funny faces while I politely wave on our way to the soccer field.

  I walk over to the window of my bedroom, listening to the little thumps of Ryan’s room through the wall. He’s already getting dressed for the event. The kid is possibly more excited than I am, though that’s partially because he heard there’s going to be dogs present.

  The sun is fading over the horizon, making the buildings glow with golden light. It fills me with sudden excitement.

  I can’t wait to see Stacy again.

  My fingers lift, brushing over my lips. Sometimes, I swear I can still feel her there, her body nestled gently against mine.

  She’s been reserved ever since our kiss, not allowing me to kiss her again even though I’m dying to. I get it. She doesn't want to accidentally let Ryan catch a peek of the intimate behavior. He’d have questions and Stacy isn’t sure he’s ready for his uncle and his teacher to be dating.

  Plus, she’s not sure she’s ready to make whatever we are official.

  Taking things slowly and figuring us out step-by-step is important to Stacy, so I'm doing my best to respect that. But I’m not called The Hartbreak Kid for nothing. I'm definitely not used to taking things slow in a romantic sense. I'm used to jumping in with both feet and letting the cards fall how they may.

  But she’s right. Now that I’ve got a little man in the mix, his needs are more important than my desires.

  So, for Stacy and for Ryan, the two people who mean the most to me, I'm going to do things right. And if that means letting let Stacy take our relationship at her own pace, so be it.

  I already know how I feel. I’m certain that Stacy is the one for me. I want to lay all my cards on the table, but I also don’t want to overwhelm her.

  She’s all I crave, all I want, all I need. But I'm biding my time with the most patience I can muster. Besides, the best things in life are worth waiting for, right?

  Our kiss certainly was. For me, it was earth-shattering. I’ve kissed my fair share of women, but I’ve never felt anything like the explosion of emotion that burst inside of me that first second our lips touched.

  For a sweet prep school teacher, that woman sure knows how to lay it on a man. I shiver, sinking down on the corner of my bed, still thinkin
g about our kiss. It was so hard to walk her to the door after. I’d have done just about anything to sweep her off her feet and carry her back to my bedroom, but she’d made it clear that she wasn’t ready to spend the night yet.

  I’ve been riding a high ever since, seeing her beautiful face every time I close my eyes. Stacy’s even come to haunt my dreams, always staying just out of reach even though her ethereal presence is comforting and warm.

  What means even more to me is that Ryan talks about her all the time now, too. He comes home from school saying how much fun he had and what projects he’s working on, and at his soccer practices I’ve noticed how his eyes always seek out Stacy beside me. Even though I cleared my schedule so I can always be at his practices, Stacy still joins us both to cheer him on.

  I know Ryan loves that.

  He’s finally acting like a little kid again, as if he can finally view the world through those rose-colored lenses of childhood instead of the dull, gray ones of pure grief.

  And that’s all because of Stacy.

  I glance out the window again, eyes catching on a sole puff of white cloud nestled just above the falling sun. I'm sure that’s where Jenny is seated now, eager to watch the festivities of the evening. She’d have loved going to an event like this.

  “It was you, wasn’t it, Jen?” I ask softly, a smile lifting my cheeks as I watch the cloud glow pink in the fading sunlight. “You were the one who brought Stacy into our lives?”

  I hold my breath as if I'm waiting for an answer and then shake my head. Of course, it was Jenny. She’s still looking out for Ryan and me no matter where she is.

  I glance at my watch again, stomach dropping when I see the time. I’ve got to finish getting ready if I'm going to pick up Stacy on time. I can’t very well be late the first time I meet her friends.

  My stomach is in knots as I finish getting dressed. I’ve never been this nervous, not even when I played in my first Super Bowl. I just keep thinking that I won’t be good enough for her friends or that they’ll be convinced I'm a bad guy because of how the media has portrayed me.

  Oh god, what if they’re not fans of my team? What if we’re rivals?

  New Yorkers are fanatical about their sports teams . . . I stop myself, lightly tapping my palms against my cheeks to stop my mind from running away on me.

  There are no coincidences, there are no what if’s, there is only what’s happened and what will happen. We can’t change the past, but we can mold the future. Jenny used to love saying that to me, and now I know what that phrase really means.

  I want Stacy in my life forever. I want her to know how special she is and how cherished she is by me and Ryan.

  All I need is the right time to say so.

  Chapter 18


  Ryan stays close to Jake’s side, his wide eyes taking in everything around him. Every time a nearby dog barks, he turns around to gaze adoringly at whatever fluffy creature has caught his eye.

  The two Eckhart boys are a total vision—black, tailored suits and bright purple ties that Ryan has proudly picked out himself. They’re so delightfully adorable I can hardly concentrate on any of the other conversations going on around me.

  Jake has been on his best behavior since picking me up in a limo he ordered at Ryan’s request, even stopping at the entrance of the event to take pictures with some of his fans and sign some autographs before heading in.

  Ryan had waited patiently, occasionally pulling silly faces when he was caught in the frame of a flashing camera. Since Jake had promised Ryan to keep his interactions with the media minimal while his nephew was in his company, Ryan had become a lot more tolerant of sharing his uncle. The two were finally beginning to find that long-sought balance.

  Standing in my circle of friends, Jake fits in perfectly. Well, metaphorically at least.

  He’s a good head taller than even Donovan, who’s no slouch, and his massive frame dwarfs everyone else in the building. But I certainly don’t mind. I sort of love how Jake makes me feel dainty and delicate.

  Even though I can tell Jake was nervous at first, now he’s grinning and laughing like he’s known my roommates and their boyfriend’s all their lives. He doesn’t even seem to mind the way Eric is gazing at him with adoring eyes. Jake’s much too wrapped up in a conversation with Donovan about how he can enlist his advertising services to change his image to notice Eric’s star-struck admiration.

  “Maybe it’s time I settle and stop being The Hartbreak Kid, ya know?” Jake says, tucking Donovan’s card into his shirt pocket. “I'm ready for something more family friendly. Something Ryan can be proud of.”

  Donovan and Chloe give each other one of those couple-y looks that Morgan and Eric do so well, though the one exchanged between the business power couple is one of mutual respect. Jake is nothing like what they expected, and it makes me swell with pride.

  “Maybe you can get us a discount on tickets to your next game?” Eric asks, still following Jake around like he’s one of the puppies up for adoption.

  Morgan, who’s been giggling while watching her awestruck boyfriend, flushes and jabs his ribs. “We can buy our own tickets, Eric!”

  But Jake laughs and shakes his head. “Are you kidding? Friends of Stacy’s are friends of mine, and I never make friends pay to cheer me on. Just tell me what name to put the tickets under.”

  “Eric King!” Eric replies immediately.

  Jake pauses, his head tilting as he stares at Eric. “Oh, no way! Eric King? As in Social Kingdom’s lead singer? I literally just bought your last album to get me through my workouts.”

  “You know me?” Eric gasps, blushing an even deeper red than Morgan’s lipstick.

  “Are you kidding? My teammates and I blast your music in the weight room all the time. Hey, how would you feel about performing for one of our home games?”

  Morgan and Donovan both reach instantly toward Eric, who suddenly sways on his feet like he’s been struck over the head by a bat. Morgan and Donovan smirk at one another, rolling their eyes while Chloe and I chuckle.

  Eric manages to recover his balance and find his words. “That would be . . . oh, man . . . are you serious? That would be a dream come true,” he stammers.

  Jake nods eagerly. “I’ve got a few friends who owe me one. I’ll get the booking agent to contact you next month to arrange a performance. When we get the show set up, you should all come along.” The football star smiles at everyone, but his eyes linger on me.

  “That sounds great,” I say softly, giving his muscled arm a squeeze.

  His entire face softens as he gets my approval, but then Ryan is tugging at his hand.

  “Uncle Jake! The puppies, we have to go check them out!”

  “You got it, kiddo,” Jake answers, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer as the six-year-old drags him away.

  Summer and Cooper, the couple who run the pet store, greet Jake and Ryan and start introducing them to the available puppies while the rest of us look on.

  The event is a smash hit and I can tell Donovan is thrilled to have a huge name like Jake Eckhart drawing press to the grand opening of the store. The catering is exceptional, and everyone looks like they’re having the time of their lives. Not to mention a ton of pets have been adopted.

  It’s a great night for everyone.

  I train my eyes back on the Eckhart boys. No matter which way Ryan scurries, Jake is close behind him. They take turns cradling puppies and having their faces licked, not caring that their expensive, matching suits are now generously covered in dog fur.

  “Can we get a puppy, Uncle Jake?” Ryan pleads, holding a golden retriever pup in his arms.

  How Jake is looking into the pleading eyes of both boy and puppy and shaking his head, I’ll never know.

  “Not today, kiddo. A puppy is a huge commitment that takes a lot of planning . . .” He pauses, watching Ryan’s face fall. “But if you keep your grades up and keep working hard at soccer too then we can make getting a p
uppy a goal of ours. Deal?”

  “Deal!” Ryan squeals, throwing his arms around Jake.

  The pair laugh together and I keep watching while my whole heart melts into a puddle of love.

  Oh Lord, they are just so sweet.

  To think when I met them that the once strained relationship of theirs would have bloomed into something so magnificent fills me with joy.

  And there’s a part of me that knows I helped them come to this.

  In my own way, I did what I know how to do best, which is helping people. It’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do. Even without me in the picture, Ryan and Jake are going to be just fine. They’ll be more than fine, really. They’ll absolutely thrive. They’re both coming to terms with their grief and Jake has truly stepped into the shoes of a father figure.

  I press one hand over my heart, trying to quell the emotions that threaten to overwhelm me. The thought of their future without me in it is almost painful.

  “You should see the look on your face right now,” Morgan whispers in my ear, lacing her arm with mine and patting my hand.

  I blush and shrug. “What do you mean?”

  “Girl, you are head over heels for that man over there. And I saw the way he was looking at you too.”

  Chloe joins us, standing at my other side so that I'm sandwiched between my two best friends.

  “Seeing him in person is something else, Stacy,” Chloe says quietly. “He’s nothing like I expected. You’re good together. All of you.”

  I don’t answer, biting my lip.

  Could we really be a family someday? Would Jake want that? Would Ryan?

  Morgan rests her head on top of mine, giving a little sigh. “You know when you talked about him at girls’ night, I thought you were out of your mind. That he was going to break your heart. But seeing the way you three are together . . . it makes me trust your opinion in him even more. Jake is a stellar guy. I can see that now.”


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