by Bart Schultz
and study of methods in ME, –;
Matthews, Charles Skinner, on sodomy,
Rawls on S’s avoidance of, in ME, –;
and ME on basic moral notion, ; S’s in
Maurice, John Frederick Denison: as an
ME, as minimal, ; S’s in ME, as
Apostle, ; and Athenaeum, ; on truth
intuitionistic, –, –, –;
and Socratic method, –, ; as crucial
and ME on meaning of philosophcial
to understanding Apostles, ; Hallam on,
intuitionism, ; Crisp on S’s, –;
; Tennyson admires, ; background of,
Brink’s critique of S’s, –; and S’s
–; as father of Christian socialism, ;
later epistemological work, –; S on
champion of higher education for women,
theism and, –; see also epistemology;
; connections to younger Apostles and S,
intuition/intuitionism; Plato/Platonism
; extraordinary influence of, –;
Metaphysical Society, , , , ,
against Benthamism, ; against system,
–; Synethetic Society as successor
; J. S. Mill on, ; influence on S, ; and
to, ; A. W. Brown on Apostles and,
dialogical method, –; Chadwick on,
; Schneewind on S and, , , ,
metaphysics: Chapter passim; ME as
; as a Coleridgean, ; as superior to
unconcerned with, –, ; Brink on
Coleridge, ; and education, ; and
S’s confusion of epistemology and,
ancients versus moderns, , ; and spirit
–; and S’s intimate friendships, ;
of Bacon, ; and J. Hare, ; and Victorian
and S’s struggle with Hegelianism,
Platonic revival, ; S on useful ingenuity
–, ; S on Green’s, –;
of, ; S invokes themes of, ; on Renan,
Schneewind on Bradley’s, –; James
; and progress, ; Hutton and, S on,
on Bradley on, –; S to Noel on
–; and return to Cambridge, –;
Locke, Kant and, , ; S to Ward on
and S in reform of Cambridge, –;
science and, –; see also idealism;
reformism of, admired by J. S. Mill and S,
philosophy; psychical research;
; and subscription, –; not S’s
ideal on subscription, ; among
methods of ethics: defined, –,
Seniority, ; influences S on higher
–; S on Grote on, ; see also
education for women, ; admires
egoism; ethical theory; intuition/
Clough’s poetry, ; and spirit of age, ;
intuitionism; utilitarianism
and friendship, ; studies Hinduism,
Michelangelo, Symonds outs,
Buddhism, –; advises Noel on
Mill, James: Bryce on S and utilitarianism of,
marriage, , –; Lidgett as a
; S rejects empiricism, egoism,
disciple of, –; and poeticizing life,
reductionism of, ; S versus, on
; and women’s higher education, ;
analytical method, , –; and
S’s debt to on socialism, , , , ;
February ,
Mill, John Stuart (Millianism), –, , ;
; versus Butler, S on, –; and S’s
Donagan on S and, ; Rawls on S and
Aristotelianism/intuitionism, –; in
utilitarian tradition, ; issues of sex and
Schneewind’s interpretation of S on
gender and, –, ; Shanley on, ; as
esotericism, ; S on optimism of, ;
distanced from Benthamism, –; W.
Skorupski on S and, ; to Venn on act
Donner on, ; and H. Taylor, ; S as
utilitarianism, ; and S on race, ;
follower of, ; S’s continuity with, ; and
Green’s opposition, debt to, –;
naturalistic fallacy, ; and psychical
Green on gap in argument of, ; S,
research, ; and New Age, ; on state of
Green oppose psychological hedonism of,
English universities, ; dying words of,
; urges reforming clergymen to stay in
; S agrees with about Oxbridge, ; feels
church, ; in Oxford Greats, –;
the anxieties of modern liberalism, ;
and Symonds’s view of ancient Greece,
elitism of, ; S slow to appreciate
; Noel compared to, ; and
feminism of, ; S on his conversion to,
poeticizing life, ; supports women’s
–; on Maurice, ; on Coleridge
higher education as cultural advance, ;
versus Bentham, ; on Maurice’s
feminism of, S versus, ; S’s projected
superiority to Coleridge, ; and Victorian
article on, –; S praises “Liberty,”
Platonic revival, ; and G. Grote, –;
“Subjection” of, –; supports
S endorses educational views of, ; S and
Newnham, ; S defends feminism of
Liberal Mediative party based on, ; on
against J. F. Stephen, ; ideals of, in
reason and reform, ; and progress, ; on
educational work of S, EMS, –, ;
working class, ; compared to M.
S’s agreement with, on progress of
Arnold, –; and unity, –; and
civilization, ; and agnosticism about
James, on religion, –; Ryan on
hereditary gendering, ; Crompton on
significance of, ; softens towards
translation of Phaedrus of, ; Dicey
Oxbridge, ; and subscription, ; not
quotes S on socialism of, ; and S on
S’s ideal on resignation, ; mental crisis
socialist tide, , , ; influence of, on
of, ; S’s ambivalence toward, �
S’s PPE, EP, DEP, ; as practical
S writes to about subscription, –,
political economist, S and, ; S’s political
; S’s CS versus letter to, ; on
economy and controversies surrounding,
utilitarianism of CS, ; influences S on
; S’s debt to on socialism, , ; and
higher education for women, ; S makes
S’s view of the poor, ; S compared to as
contact with, ; S on influence of, ; S
public intellectual, –; S versus, on
on population theory of, –; Russell
ethology and study of politics, ; and S’s
on, ; S to Pearson about death of, ;
analytical method, –; on democracy,
S’s obituary of, –; and trend of S’s
compared to S, EP, , , ; S, EP on
thought, ; S includes works of in
Hareian scheme of, ; on evils of party,
curriculum, –; and Schneewind’s
; and India, ; debt to Maine, ; S
interpretation of ME, ; S’s reservations
to Dakyns on population theory of, ;
about, –; on friendship, ; S’s
and question of race, ; on cultural
early adhesion to views of, and dualism,
vitality, ; compared to S and Bryce on
–; and S and independence of moral
Pearson, ; Collini compares to S,
theory, ; naturalistic confusions of, ;
–; S, theism and, ; and S’s
and S, on hedonism, –; and S, on
nascent pluralism, ; and S’s Apostolic
aesthetics, ; influence of, on S, ;
vision, ; see also empiricism; feminism;
overall comparison with S, –;
liberalism; utilitarianism
Korsgaard on intuition and, –; and
Milner, Alfred: and Green and ethic of social
S’s minimal antinaturalism, ; gap in his
service, ; as product of Jowett’s Balliol,
argument (naturalistic fallacy), ; and
; and Boer War, ; vision of social
nontheistic solution to dualism, ; S and
J. Grote on, –; S on his acceptance
Milton, John, S on devil in Paradise Lost of,
of, –; S on J. F. Stephen on,
–; versus S on religion, ; and S
on moral democracy, Schneewind on, ;
miracles/miraculous: significance of, for S,
S on inadequate treatment of egoism of,
, ; and S’s unorthodoxy, ; S on
February ,
Maurice and Hutton on, –; S on
moral schizophrenia: B. Williams on S and,
Lecky on, ; S’s view of, in relation to
–; Hurka on virtue ethics and,
Christianity and psychical research, –;
–; P. Singer versus Williams on,
and S’s problem with Virgin Birth, ;
; see also utilitarianism
and S’s psychical research, , ,
Moral Sciences Tripos, S and reform of,
Monk, Ray,
moral sense: S avoids study of, –;
Moor, Norman: and Symonds’s sexual
Mill’s supposed emphasis on, versus S,
development, ; Symonds’s description
of erotic encounter with, –; visits
morality, see commonsense morality; ethical
Symonds, , ,
Moore, G. E., , , ; Principia Ethica of
morality, international: S to Lytton on need
worshipped by Bloomsbury, ; Principia
for, –; S on future of federation and,
Ethica of set agenda for twentieth-century
–; and international law, –;
philosophy, ; Principia Ethica of
Maitland to S on, ; principles of strict
unoriginal, –; S versus Donagan on, ;
(legal), ; S’s belief in, –; S’s
as wrong about utilitarianism, ; on S and
qualifications to national principle and,
naturalistic fallacy, ; finds S dull, ,
–; and treatment of “uncivilized”
; mocks Victorians, ; as an Apostle, ;
peoples, –; S on Spencer and,
and religion of future, ; on S’s avoiding
Moreau, P., ignorance of,
naturalistic fallacy, ; Baldwin on, ;
Morley, John: and Home Rule controversy,
Hurka on, –, ; in stock
; Dakyns on Uranian imperialism and,
comparison to S, –; Rashdall on ME
–; as an old Millian,
and, ; Hurka on S and, ; S addresses
Morris, William: Symonds compares himself
perfection in, ; and denial of
to, as poet, ; versus S on forms of
agent-relative goodness, , ; S and
socialism, ; S likes socialist poems of,
Platonism of, ; on S’s dualism,
–; weakness of argument against
Moses, Symonds on,
egoism of, ; Hurka on S, agent-relative
Moses, William Stainton, ; and SPR, ;
goodness and, ; versus S on intrinsic
and birth of S Group, Gauld on, –
value, Hurka on, ; Hurka on S and, on
motive, moral, see externalism/internalism
non-naturalism, ; Rashdall on,
Mount-Temple, Lord and Lady, and Myers,
–; critique of S anticipated by
, –
idealists, ; gives “Elements of Ethics” at
Mozley, J. R.: S to, about silence on religion,
London School of Ethics and Social
; with S in Dresden, ; on Many
Philosophy, ; Symonds’s anticipation
Moods, ; and Dakyns,
of, ; S’s influence on, ; on lust,
Musset, Alfred de,
compared to S, ME, ; B. Webb on
Myers, Arthur, ,
Principia and Bloomsbu
ry, –; S
Myers, F. W. H.: as close friend of S’s, ,
versus, on suicide, ; Shaw on Principia
–, ; as victim of S’s chilly
compared to ME, ; see also Bloomsbury;
Socratic wit, ; on S’s character building,
ethical theory; good/goodness
; and S on psychical research, –;
moral faculty, S avoids study of, –
Apostles disliked, –; and Gurney’s
moral insanity, Dr. Symonds on, –
honeymoon, ; and S in pursuit of truth,
moral maturation, S’s theory of, –
; S to, about direction of civilization,
moral philosophy, see ethical theory;
; on S as Socrates, ; on S and
metaethics; philosophy
science, –; on S and skepticism,
moral rules: Chapter passim, , ; all
; on S’s love of truth, ; background
imperfect, for S, ; S finds Whewell’s
of, –; Gauld on personality of,
external and arbitrary, ; in Whewellian
–; as friend of Arthur S, ; and
ethics, –; Mill on need for, ; S
Symonds, ; debt to classics of,
on, esotericism and, –, –; S,
–; rejected by Apostles, ;
ME on sexual purity and, –; S, ME
on S as young man, ; plagiarism
on suicide and, –; S on, as necessary
controversy over, –; and women’s
adaptations to social existence, –
higher education, ; Gauld on his
February ,
Myers, F. W. H. ( cont.)
national character: S on, , –; Bryce
poetic sense of delight, ; on genius, ;
on, –, ; Macaulay versus Mill on,
poetic Platonism of, –; final faith of,
; S and Bryce and, ; S and Pearson
; and J. Butler, ; and
on, –; Balfour’s concept of race as,
Mount-Temples, ; love of Annie