
Home > Fiction > Unbreakable > Page 12
Unbreakable Page 12

by Ashley Blake

  Chapter 9

  When I opened my door, Lucas was leaning against the doorway and he looked even more gorgeous than I had remembered. His dark hair, fell perfectly over those blue eyes that made me melt and I wanted to fling my arms around him and kiss him. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and he gave a crooked sexy smile.

  “There’s my girl.” He quickly pulled me to him and his eyes searched mine. “I have missed you.” He looked down at my lips and gently touched his to mine. “Ready to go?”

  “I’m so ready.”

  The driver drove us to the airport and we were at Lucas’s family’s cabin in about an hour. He called it a cabin but it was really a mini mansion disguised as a cabin. There were logs and lots of wood, but that house was nothing like a cabin. It was absolutely gorgeous. The house had to be at least 7,000 square feet and I had never seen such luxury.

  We walked up to the front door and Lucas reached into his pocket for his keys but they weren’t there. He patted all of his pants pockets and he looked in the zipper compartment of his bag before looking at me with defeat.

  “I left the keys at home.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  He looked upset. “I wish I was. Damn it!”

  “Is there someone you can call?”

  “Janine takes care of the house but she is out of town this weekend. I can’t believe I did this.” He raked his fingers through his hair as he looked around.

  “Is there a hide-a-key?”

  “No, but I have an idea. Come with me.”

  We walked around to the side of the house and Lucas was able to open a window on the first floor about six inches.

  “I should be able to work my way in. I used to sneak out of the house through this window when I was a teenager.”

  I giggled at the thought of a teenage Lucas defying his parents. “A rebel, huh?”

  He gave me a little smirk. “I thought I was, but I was just a silly kid.” He tried to pry the window open a bit more but it wouldn’t budge.”

  “Lucas, I can probably fit through there.”

  “No, if you were to hurt yourself I would never forgive myself. I think I can make it.”

  He made it about halfway when he got stuck. He tried to slide back out but something clicked and he couldn’t move and then the alarm began to blare.

  “Oh, shit! I forgot about the new alarm! My parents had this stupid vice grip installed a couple of months ago after someone tried to break in. Damn it!”

  His legs were flailing about, the alarm was blaring and the whole thing was pretty ridiculous.

  “Lucas, what can I do to help? Is there some sort of wire I can pull to stop the alarm?”

  “No, we’ll just have to wait for the sheriff. They should be here any minute. I bet I look pretty silly, don’t I?”

  It was a silly scene but his butt looked good.

  “I’m not going to lie. Yes, you look a little silly.”

  He was quiet for a couple of seconds and then we both burst out laughing at the exact same time. I couldn’t see his face and his voice was a bit muffled.

  “Oh man, so much for a smooth start to our romantic weekend. I’m sure I’ve lost a ton of cool points.”

  “Not possible. It’s okay Lucas, we just created an awesome memory.”

  He chuckled. “I guess we did. I’ll make this up to you, I promise.”

  Just then the sheriff drove up and looked confused when he happened upon the scene. He tipped his hat to me and then looked at Lucas’s backside which was stuck in the window.

  “Lucas Tate, is that you?”

  “Yeah, Marty, it’s me. I forgot my key and thought I could shimmy through the window.”

  “You’re not 16 anymore Lucas, you couldn’t possibly fit through that window, son. Your father gave me a spare key for instances just like this. I’ll open the door and turn off the alarm. Give me a second and I’ll get you free.”

  He went inside and I went over to Lucas and whispered so the sheriff wouldn’t hear me.

  “Your dad gave the sheriff a key?”

  “I totally forgot about that. Dad has known Marty forever and trusts him with his life.”

  As soon as the sheriff turned off the alarm, Lucas was able to push open the window and free himself. We walked around to the open door and Lucas introduced me.

  “Marty, thank you, you’re a lifesaver. I’d like for you to meet my girlfriend, Sophie Night.”

  “It is a pleasure, Ms. Night.”

  I smiled at him. “Nice to meet you as well.”

  “Hey Marty, can we keep this between us. My dad doesn’t need to know about this.”

  “Lucas, if it was up to me, my lips would be sealed. But I’m pretty sure the alarm company notified him that the alarm was triggered, and I can guarantee you’re on camera.”

  “Oh, right! Shoot, I forgot about that. Well, if he calls you just let him know that everything’s okay.”

  “Okay, deal. Do you have a spare key in the house?”


  “Okay then, you two have a nice weekend.”

  “Thanks, Marty.”

  Lucas put his arm around me and waved at the sheriff as he drove off and then looked at me.

  “Welcome to Door County!”

  We both laughed as we walked into the house.

  Chapter 10

  Lucas carried our bags in and then he gave me a tour of the house. I must have seen 15 different rooms before we settled into the kitchen. I was shocked to see that the fridge was stocked.

  “Did you have someone go grocery shopping for us? It looks like we won’t need to go get any food.”

  “I asked Janine to stock up for us. She usually checks on the house once a week, running the water, flushing toilets, and things like that.”

  I looked at him and smiled. “So we have all we need.”

  He walked over to me and gently put his arms around me, his eyes smiling at mine.

  “Yes, we do. Are you hungry?”

  I nodded at him. “I could eat.”

  “Okay, I’ll throw some chicken breasts on the grill.”

  We enjoyed lunch together on the deck and I took in the beautiful trees and flowers that surrounded us. It was so peaceful there, so different from the fast pace of Chicago, and I really could have stayed there forever. I was exactly where I wanted to be and I could not have been happier. Any insecurity I had about Ellie was long gone, but I did want to know what happened when he saw her and I had to ask without sounding like I was jealous.

  “So, how was dinner with your friends Wednesday night?”

  “It was good. It was really good to see Trent and Blake; I had not seen those guys for a few years. They actually gave me really good leads for a couple of really hot, up-and-coming artists so I am going back to New York in a couple of weeks to meet with them.”

  “Oh, that’s great! Were you guys out late?”

  “Not too late.”

  I took a sip of my lemonade trying to think of a question to draw more info out of him.

  “Does Ellie know those guys too?”

  “Yeah, we used to hang out with them and their girlfriends when we were dating, but she didn’t make it that night.”

  I silently screamed with happiness, but his next words knocked me down to the ground.

  “I’ll see her when I go back in a couple of weeks.”

  That whole staying-friends-with-the-ex thing was really annoying. Why couldn’t he be like most guys and just break things off for good when they broke up? Why did I have to fall for the guy who wanted to be besties with all of his exes?


  "Yeah, she wants to meet with me about work stuff. I guess she isn't enjoying the art scene as much as she thought she would.”

  “She works for a gallery in New York, right?”

  “Yeah, but her family is here and I get the feeling that she misses Chicago. New York isn’t as glamorous as people think if you don’t have the money to live there the way
you want to.”

  “Hmmm. I guess I assumed all of your friends had money.”

  He raised an eyebrow at me. “What gave you that impression?”

  I gave him a look like he was crazy. “Lucas, everyone you have introduced me to so far has been loaded.”

  I could see him thinking and then a small smirk turned up the corner of his mouth. “I guess you’re right, but all of my friends are not wealthy. I have a wide variety of friends and Ellie is most definitely not loaded. I offered to help her out when she moved to New York but she wanted to do it on her own.”

  What?! That’s a little too generous for my liking!

  It bothered me but I didn’t want to sound jealous.

  “That’s a really generous offer for an ex.”

  He had what I could have sworn was a wistful look in his eye.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to help.”

  His words hung in the air and I started to get pissed that he was going down memory lane in his mind. I sat there waiting for him to snap out of it and when he was still looking off in the distance a couple of minutes later, I made it a point to loudly clear my throat as I shifted in my chair.

  He looked a little uncomfortable as he cleared his, knowing that I caught him thinking about another girl. I had to ask the question even though I knew it would piss him off.

  “Lucas, are you over Ellie?”

  He looked at me without expression at first, and then his eyes glazed over with anger and quickly softened.

  “Sophie, Ellie is part of my past and she is just a friend. There are no romantic feelings there on my end.”

  He leaned over and gave me a kiss. “Let’s go inside.”

  Okay, I guess he shut that conversation down. I decided to let it go for the time being.

  I helped him clean up and as I was washing my hands at the kitchen sink, he came up behind me and slid his hands around my waist dipping his face down to whisper in my ear.

  “Do you want to go for a walk?”

  I smiled and turned to look at him. “Sure.”

  There was a beautiful park that was not too far from the house that I could see from the deck when we were eating.

  “Can we walk over to that park we were looking at before? It’s so big and it looks really pretty.”

  “Sure, that’s what I was going to suggest also.” He looked at me and smiled. “You must have read my mind.”

  I smiled back at him and butterflies danced in my belly as he casually and comfortably laced his fingers through mine. We strolled down to the park in silence and once we were there we found a bench that overlooked a small pond and we sat down. Lucas rested his arm on the bench behind me and casually played with my hair.

  "I have been looking forward to being here with you, like this, all week, Sophie. It almost doesn't seem real that today is finally here. Are you enjoying yourself?”

  I looked over at him and gently touched his cheek. “I am having a great time.”

  His eyes searched mine and he put his arm around my shoulder, pulled me closer to him and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. He gently rubbed my shoulder as we sat there in perfect silence. I wished so badly that I could have captured that moment and bottled it forever.

  We hung out in the park for a couple of hours and then we went back to the house. I was unpacking my things when I felt Lucas slip his arms around my waist and whisper in my ear.

  “I’m hungry.”

  I turned around and looked at him and gave him a curious look.

  “We just ate a couple of hours ago.”

  He held my face in his hands as his eyes intently searched mine.

  “No, I’m hungry for you.” Lust filled his voice as he ground out the words and his lips came crashing down on mine. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, bit down on my bottom lip, then licked away the sting. I laced my fingers through his hair, holding him in place, kissing him deeply. His tongue dipped deep into my mouth and then he slowly licked my lips and pulled back to look at me. Lust was brimming in his eyes as he slid the straps of my dress off my arms, letting it drop to the floor. His hands caressed my skin as they made their way back up to my breasts, kneading them, feeling their fullness, and then he dipped his head down and captured one of my nipples with his mouth. His tongue licked one hardened nub while pinching the other, twisting it between his thumb and finger. My body ached for him and every fiber of my being was on fire. His touch was electric, paralyzing me, commanding me to do whatever he wanted, and let him do whatever he wanted. A soft moan escaped my lips as he ran his tongue along the hot skin between my breasts and he quickly stepped away from me, spinning me around, pushing me against the wall.

  “Put your hands against the wall.”

  I was confused. “What?”

  “Put your hands above you and hold onto the wall.” His voice was firm so I did what I was told.

  My palms rested against the wall and I rested my forehead against the smooth, cool surface, as my heart pounded in my chest.

  I felt his fingertips gently caress my ankles and they slowly moved up my legs, skimming my skin, leaving a trail of fire as his fingers inched up to my thighs. His hands slid over my panties and he cupped my ass, taking time to squeeze one cheek and then the other before hooking his thumbs around he string of my panties and slowly pulling them down to the floor.

  I stepped out of them and then felt his tongue begin a slow trail up the back of my leg, slide across the back of my knee, up the back of my thigh over one cheek and then kissing the small of my back. I shivered with passion as his hands caressed my shins and he continued to slide his tongue across the small of my back over to my other cheek.

  “Mmmm, such a nice ass.”

  He paused to knead my soft flesh and then kissed each globe, gently biting down and then swiping his tongue across my flesh to wipe away the sting. My knees were weak and breath caught in my throat as his tongue lightly skimmed the line between my cheeks while slowly running his hands up my legs. He stood up and turned me around, his hips pressing me against the wall. His mouth came crashing down on mine, our tongues exploring each other. I could feel his hard length between my legs and I let out a soft moan and pressed my body closer to feel more of him. He tore his lips away from mine and lowered his mouth to my nipples as his hands came up to cup my breasts, squeezing them, pinching my nipples as his tongue swirled around one and then the other.

  My hands were in his hair, my eyes closed, my head pressed against the wall and it took everything in me not to shove him to the floor and straddle him. His hands moved down my body and I thought he was going to lead me to the bedroom but they caressed every single inch of me as he lowered himself to his knees again.

  “Open your legs.” He ground out the words, his voice filled with lust.

  I widened my stance and without warning Lucas’s tongue was exploring my most sacred place, delving into my sensitive spaces, massaging my swollen bud with his fingers. I gasped as he slid one finger inside of me and then another, my fingers digging into his shoulders, pleasure coursing through my body. His tongue slid over my sensitive bud as his fingers began to move in and out of me.

  “Ah, Lucas!” My hands went to his head as I ground my hips into him and closed my eyes as the pleasure started to build. His tongue pressed down harder as it slid over my bud, his fingers moving faster, and my body began to shudder in ecstasy. Thank goodness the wall was holding me up because my knees were ready to buckle, so my fingers dug into his shoulders, holding on for dear life, as my orgasm rocketed to the surface. I let out a loud scream as my body shuddered uncontrollably, completely consumed by my orgasm. I nearly collapsed, but before I could Lucas picked me up and carried me to the bed.

  He put me on the bed, quickly pulled down his pants, rolled on a condom, and lowered himself on top of me. Without saying a word, the tip of his throbbing member rubbed against my tender opening, teasing me, dipping inside of me slowly and with one movement he slid into me, a guttural groan escaping his lips

  “Ah, Sophie, you’re so tight!”

  I put my hands on his ass as his member slowly stretched me, the fullness of him almost too much for me. He began to move in and out of me slowly, his gaze holding mine, and he slowly bent down and gave me a long, sensual kiss. His tongue slid over mine as he glided in and out of me. He started to move a little faster and he flipped me over, pulled my hips in the air and slid into me.


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