One More Time: More Series Book 1

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One More Time: More Series Book 1 Page 2

by S. Van Horne


  Oh, problem is not a big enough word to describe what I’m reading. What’s in my hand calls the beast in me to come to the surface. All I see is blood, and it isn’t mine. Shit’s going to hit the fan, heads are going to roll, and someone is going to die a very slow and painful death. Nobody threatens my woman and lives.

  Lucky must have seen the thirst for blood in my eyes because his facial expressions go from rage, to shock, to something I’m unable to distinguish. I know what he’s seeing. I’ve been trying to hide it from him and the world for years. Now, it’s time to let them all know that Len belongs to me. Damn the consequences, because no one can protect her better than the man who is willing to die or kill to keep her safe.



  Thirteen years earlier…

  I hate that I’m starting a new school, so mad that I had to leave my friends for a new area. Pops said it’s only until I graduate from high school. I’m only starting seventh grade, but since Neil’s starting high school, he needed to make this move now. He was doing it for Mom.

  Since Pops a real estate agent, he can work anywhere. With Mom just getting her PhD in therapy, she was given the chance of a lifetime to work at Seattle Children’s Center in the autism department. Plus, he said he’d always wanted to live near the ocean.

  So, here we are, living in Oak Harbor, Washington, a small town on Whidbey Island. It’s pretty, but I miss Kansas City, Missouri and can’t wait until I go back to visit my grandparents.

  Both my Pops, Anthony, and Mom, Constance, were born and raised in the good old heart of our country, Missouri. They met in high school and said it was love at first sight. Mom was an only child and, right after her senior year, her parents were killed in a car crash. Mom and Pops married a few weeks after they buried her parents. They said they realized how short life could be and didn’t want to wait any longer. Shortly after they were married, they discovered they were expecting my brother. A few years later, I was born.

  I know the spelling of my name is weird for a girl, however, we’re a huge football family. We love our Kansas City Chiefs. Pops always said he would name his kids after the Chiefs’ greats. So Neil’s named after Neil Smith, and I’m named after Len Dawson. It also doesn’t hurt that our last name is Shields, like Will Shields. We have season tickets to the Chiefs and to our amazing baseball team, the KC Royals. Yes, all of us are die hard KC fans. But now, we’re in Seahawk country.

  What was Pops thinking?

  Stepping out of the shower, I decide to wear my Chiefs jersey. As I look at myself in the mirror, I still cannot understand what’s so special about me. My mom keeps saying that I’m beautiful, but I don’t see what she sees.

  My mother is stunning. She’s five foot four, has blonde hair, blue eyes, and is fit. My Pops is very handsome too, for his age. He’s tall at six foot three, has dark brown hair, green eyes that have a hint of blue in them, and is very built. Neil’s a spitting image of Pops, which explains why he has girls hanging on him all the time. He hasn’t even hit the height like our pops’, but football has made him huge. Me, on the other hand, I’m the awkward one of the bunch. I have blonde hair that goes to the middle of my back, bright blue eyes that are framed by my glasses, braces that I hate, and set of freckles on my tan skin. I’m plain average and the shortest of my family at five foot one.

  I’m called a nerd because I love learning and plan on being a doctor. I’ll attend UMKC, University of Missouri – Kansas City, once I graduate. My plan is to graduate from high school early so I can get my medical degree as soon as possible. Neil’s smart, as well, but he seems more interested in football and women. I swear my brother is a walking, talking hormone, which I find disgusting.

  The knock at the door shakes me out of my thoughts.


  “Are you almost done, Squirt? You’re not the only one starting a new school today. Since I’m the new quarterback, I need to make sure I make a damn good first impression, especially on the ladies. It takes a while to achieve the standard of perfection that’ll bring out the sexiness the women will love!” Neil yells though the door.

  “You’re so sick, Neil. I don’t understand how we’re even related.” Tightening the towel around me, I open the door and stomp past him.

  “Ah, there, there, care bear. It will be all right, once you get done with puberty. On second thought…” he shakes his head. “I don’t want to think about that and don’t really want to talk with you about puberty,” he tells me with a look of disgust on his face.

  “Neil, I’m twelve and you’re fourteen. You’re also going through puberty as well, and I’m not into boys. You know I’m focused on school.”

  “Squirt, please don’t talk about boys with me. It’s not something I ever want to think about.” He walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.

  Shaking my head, I go into my room and get ready for the day ahead of me. Did I mention I hate starting a new school?


  “Dante, get your lazy butt up. Today’s the first day of school,” Mamma yells from downstairs.

  Yawning, I slowly crawl out of bed. Damn, I’m sore. Coach has been busting our asses during practices. We’re one of those schools that do their tryouts at the local football summer camp, and if you make the team, practices start three weeks before school starts. I head off to the shower thinking about how different this year’s going to be. I’m a freshman in high school, running back on the varsity football team, and I have a new friend, Neil.

  My nonno was in the Navy, a combat veteran who died during his last mission, leaving behind my nonna and my papa. She didn’t want to move back to Italy so she stayed here. My papa met my mamma in Italy while visiting his nonni. It was love at first sight. They married that summer, moved back Oak Harbor, Washington, and started their family.

  Over the years, we have visited Italy to look over the family winery that my parents own. Even though we have money, my parents have always made my brothers and me work for everything we have.

  My papa, Anthony, who goes by Tony, is an accountant for a big firm. My mamma, Giovanna, is a stay at home madre. They have three sons: the twins—Carlo and Nicoli—who are twelve and me, their eldest at fourteen. Mamma said, after the twins were born, she was done, even though she wanted a little girl. They’re a handful and I agree, despite the fact that I’m very close to them.

  We all have the traditional Italian look: dark skin, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and the straight long nose. All of us kids ended up taking after papa in height and build. He’s around six foot four and solid muscle. The twins are five foot six, and I’m five foot eleven. Then, there’s Mamma who’s short compared to us at five foot one. She always grumbles that we haven’t even hit our growth spurt yet.

  Mamma hates that we’re growing up so fast. She’s commented a time or two to Papa that she doesn’t like the looks we’re getting from girls already. Papa laughs and tells her that it’s going to be alright, that it’s part of growing up.

  “Get out of the shower already, Dante. You’re not the only one starting school today!” Nicoli yells while he bangs on the bathroom door.

  “What in the hell’s wrong with your shower?” I yell, washing the soap off quickly.

  “Carlo won’t get out. He’s taking a shit, and I don’t want to smell that while showering.”

  “You’re screwed because I’m not getting out of the shower for that reason. Coach busted my ass this week. So, I’m enjoying the hot water,” I say, amused by what Carlo is doing to Nicoli.

  “You’re horrible, Dante!” he says, walking away.

  I finish my shower, get dressed, and head out into the kitchen. I walk up to Mamma and kiss her on the cheek as I grab a piece of bacon she’s making.

  “Morning, Mamma. I can’t stay for breakfast. I’m going to Neil’s house so we can walk to school together. His madre’s making us breakfast,” I tell Mamma then I walk aw

  “Okay, sweetie. Give his madre my number. If you boys are going to be friends, then I think it’s time the families got together. Also, you need to watch your mouth when you talk with your brothers. I heard you and Nicoli. Trust me, I’ll be getting him next,” she says in the sternest, but not really meaning it, voice. She knows we are our padre’s sons. We get our cussing from him.

  “Okay, I’ll be more careful. Neil’s going to come home with me, and then we’ll go to his house to go over plays. Love you, Mamma,” I yell over my shoulder.

  I make it to Neil’s a minute later. They live a block away. With him being the quarterback and me the running back and living this close, yeah, this year’s going to be great. I ring his doorbell and wait. The door opens, and I see this short blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl with braces and glasses, smile at me.

  “Can I help you?” She blinks up at me from behind her glasses.

  “You must be Squirt. I’m Dante, I’m supposed to meet Neil,” I introduce myself.

  She’s pretty in an awkward way, but I have a feeling she’ll be a knock out when she gets older.

  “Ugh, that name,” she growls. “I’ll kill him. My name’s Len. L-E-N. Anyway, he isn’t done getting ready. Why don’t you come in and get some breakfast? He told us you were coming,” she says, motioning me into the house.

  “Okay, L-E-N, show me the way.” I make sure to enunciate her name, just like she did.

  She growls again and shows me to the kitchen. “Mom, this is Dante.” She makes the quick announcement, then walks to the table and begins eating.

  “Mrs. Shields, thanks for having me. My mamma wants me to give you her number. She would like the families to get together and meet.”

  “Please, call me Connie. Mrs. Shields is my mother-in-law. I’d love her number. Neil should be down soon. Sit and eat,” she says motioning to the empty seat.

  I go to the table, make a plate, and sit down directly across from Len. She looks up and rolls her eyes at me. “You think you have enough food there, RB?”


  “Gosh, Running Back, and you’re supposed to play football?” She smirks.

  “Squirt, leave him alone,” Neil says walking in and patting me on the back. “Ignore her, we all do.” He walks over and gives his mom a kiss on the cheek. “Mom, we’re going to Dante’s after school, then we’re coming here to go over plays. Is that okay?”

  “Yep, just don’t forget you’re supposed to walk your sister home today. I won’t be back until late due to traffic. Pops will be bringing dinner home.”

  “Connie, I have brothers that can walk her home. They’re in the same grade as she is, and they’ll make sure she’s safe. That is, if that’s okay with you,” I tell her as I look at Len and give her a smile.

  “Mom!” Len cries, her face red. “I don’t need protecting! I’m a red belt in Tae Kwon Do. I can protect myself,” she says with a pinched face.

  “Nonsense, Len. You will be walked home. Thank you for the offer, Dante. However, I’d like to speak to your parents first and make sure they are okay with it as well. For today, do you boys mind walking her home first?”

  “Are you okay with us walking her to my house first to introduce her to my parents and my brothers?” I ask Connie.

  “Sure, that’s fine with me. Just make sure she’s back before her dad comes home. Thanks, boys. You guys have a great first day. I’m off to work.” Mrs. Shields walks around giving kisses on cheeks and leaves.

  Looking over at Neil, I get a big smile on my face, “This year will be epic!” We bump fist and finish our breakfast.


  Breathe, Len, just breathe. I look up again from my breakfast at the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on. He’s breathtaking. When I opened the door, I thought I was going to faint, and then I figured out that he had to be my brother’s new friend. Now, I have to walk to school and to his house before I can call my girls back in Missouri to tell them all about him.

  “Ready, Squirt?” my brother asks.

  “Yeah, let’s go and get this over with.”

  “It won’t be that bad, I promise you will meet some great people,” Hot Stuff says as he stands up and walks his plate over to the sink.

  “Whatever,” I mumbled out quietly.

  They walk me to school and say they’ll meet me by the tree in the front. I walk into my first class and take a seat. I feel someone poking me in the back.

  “You know the Seahawks are better.”

  I turn around to see a set of twins looking back at me. They are cute and kind of look like the hottie from this morning.

  “That’s nice, but not true,” I tell them with a smile.

  “You must be new. I’m Nicoli and he’s Carlo,” he says, pointing at his twin.

  “I’m Len. I’m from Missouri and can’t wait until I move back.”

  Laughing, Carlo says, “We’re from here and not sure if we ever want to move.”

  “I’m sorry that was very rude of me. I just miss my friends and family.” I give them a strained smile.

  “It’s okay, Len. I’m sure we’d be the same way actually. What period is your lunch hour?” Nicoli asks as he starts to get his books situated for class.

  “It says here that it’s at twelve forty-five,” I murmur while looking at my schedule.

  “That’s the same as ours. Look for us in the cafeteria, you can sit with us, and we can introduce you to some of our friends,” Carlo offers up.

  “Thanks. I think I’d like that.” I give a real smile this time, and then turn around to get ready before class begins.

  The day’s long, and I haven’t really met anyone since Nicoli and Carlo. Walking into the cafeteria, I look around and don’t see the boys. So, I decide to find a table to sit by myself until they show up. I glance around and find one off in the corner by the doors that lead to the outside eating area, so I make my way to it. I sit down and start to pull my lunch from my backpack when I’m startled by a voice from beside me.

  “Excuse me, but you’re sitting in the wrong spot and need to get your fat, ugly, ass out of my chair.”

  I glance up and find a pretty red head looking at me like I’m an alien.

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t see your name or picture on this spot. So, I’m not moving,” I inform her, not liking her tone of voice.

  “Look here, you little bitch, this is the cool table. Listen to her before we make your life hell,” says the brunette girl next to her.

  “Hey, watch it. No need to be mean.” A voice sounds from behind them. “Oh, hey, Len, glad you found the table.” Nicoli comes into view, smiling. “Guys, this is Len. Len this is the guys. Len will be part of us from now on.” He makes his way over and sits next to me. Carlo takes my other side.

  “What the hell? She’s nobody worth hanging out with. She isn’t pretty, and she’s fat,” the red head states.

  “Shut up, Katy, or you won’t be allowed to hang out with us. Now, be nice or walk away,” Carlo tells her with a look of disgust on his face.

  “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that,” a boy growls out as he walks up behind Katy.

  “Or what, John? You going to hit me? Try it.” Carlo stands up and gets in John’s face, daring him to make the first move.

  “Guys, it’s okay. I’ll move. Please don’t fight. It’s not worth it.” I grab my stuff and walk outside. I don’t know what happens between Carlo and John after that because I finish eating, and then go to my next class.

  For the rest of the day, I was called fat ass. Katy and her friends were in all of my classes, and they made sure I was called everything they could think of. I heard the twins got into a fight and then had to leave school. For a moment, I wondered if the fight was over what happened at lunch, and I felt even worse for them

  Standing by the tree, lost in thought, I feel something tap my shoulder. Screaming and turning around, I punch the person’s gut and I’m overcome with
guilt when I realize it’s Dante.

  “What in the hell, Len? That shit hurt.” He glares at me with a pained expression while he rubs his stomach.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know it was you. I told you this morning, I’m a red belt. Don’t sneak up on me.” I look over to my brother who is laughing his ass off.

  “I should’ve told you that she really was speaking the truth earlier. Sorry, man.” He sobers up and looks at me noticing something is off with me. “Squirt what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Can we just leave?” I start to walk away.

  Neil catches up and stops me.

  “No, what’s wrong? Tell me or we won’t go anywhere.”

  “Ugh, nothing! I just want to go home and call my posse. So, let’s go already.” I get out of his grip and storm off.

  We get to the De Luca’s house within minutes. Dante opens the door, and we hear yelling.

  I look over at Neil and mouth, “Oh crap.”

  He nods his head and the expression on his face shows the desire to turn and walk away from what’s going on. I’m positive that I’m showing the exact same expression.

  Dante glances at us and you can see the embarrassment on his face, which doesn’t seem to change how hot he is. He then turns and heads inside towards the yelling. Neil and I exchange another glance and follow him. We end up in the entrance of the kitchen and see the back of his mom and dad who, you can tell by their body language, are really upset at someone or something.

  “Mamma. Papa. I have company with me. Would you like for me to take them to the living room?” Dante asks his parents.

  “Hey son, welcome home. Hello, Neil, nice to see you again,” his dad says while trying to control his anger at whatever is going on.

  His dad walks over and pats Dante on his back then turns towards us.

  “Who do we have here, son?”

  Neil looks back and forth between us all. He takes a deep breath. “Gio. Tony. Officially meet my little sister, Len.”


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