One More Time: More Series Book 1

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One More Time: More Series Book 1 Page 24

by S. Van Horne

  Lynne aka My Sister/Friend/HLM4L: I’m beginning to think our friendship defies the odds of what’s normal. I haven’t ever heard of two people who never met in person, and live thousands of miles away from each other, be as close as we are. I can’t go a day without hearing from you in some way. You’re the most amazing person I know. You’re also the most selfless person there is in this author world. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me. But more importantly, you accepting me the way I am, means more than you will ever know. You’re stuck with me for life. I love you and little man, tons and bunches.

  Jane aka My Soul Mated Lover: You have supported me from the moment you spoke to me and I can’t thank you enough. I miss our talks and text. I’m so grateful this book is done so we can get back to having fun! Thanks for all the advice, help, countless reads you have done and just being the best supporting person I know!

  Kacey: From the first moment I messaged you saying, “I’m thinking of writing. Do you have any advice?” You jumped in telling me everything you can think of. I can’t believe that was well over a year ago, but you still haven’t wavered and still encourage me to keep going. Thank you for everything you have done. I honestly can say that, without you and your support, I would not be here right now. Thanks for giving me that push I needed. And be ready for when I finally meet you and be able to get to give you a huge hug and probably get some squealing in your ear.

  Keshia: Thank you for the support and the advice that you post daily. You have a huge heart and are always quick to share whatever you can to help others succeed. That speaks numbers about the type of person you are. I can’t wait until I can finally meet you one day. Don’t be surprised if I fangirl all over the place and hug you to death.

  Beef: I never imagined that I would run into someone who struggles with having a child that has challenges, as well as writing stories. I can’t tell you just how much I adore talking with you daily and laughing at the crazy people out there. Also, your friendship you give me is one that I wouldn’t ever take for granted. Thank you for being so amazing. I look forward to many more years of our daily chats.

  Sansa: I think you’re the sweetest person I know. Your support for writers is inspirational and I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me. I can’t wait to hug you in person and hang out with you. Much love and hugs Sticky Sweet… PS… Vegas 2017?

  My Crazy Beta’s: Lucy, January, MaryAnn, and Diane: Thank you for all your advice, support and laughs you gave me with this book. I couldn’t have made it as good as it has turned out without your help. I hope you all are ready for book two… because it’s coming sooner than I thought!

  Travis: You’re an amazing photographer and an even more amazing person. Thanks for helping me find the perfect cover for my book! I hope I did it justice.

  Meghan: You’re the perfect image for my Len! Thank you for being the model for my book.

  Personal Friends: Thank you for the support you gave me through this. Even if you never read it, know that I appreciate the help you gave me along the way.

  Airicka: Thank you the amazing job with the edits, even if at times you wanted to kill me.

  AB Formatting: Thank you for making my book so pretty! I’m so glad I found you and I look forward to seeing what you do for my next book.

  Princesa, Eve, Kat, and Krystal: I still say that if anyone sees our conversations that we have… it would make people think we’re truly nuts at times. Thanks for the laughs, support and the truth when I needed to hear it. I’m grateful to not only call you authors I love to read but also my friends.

  Layla: Thank you for reading it and for all the amazing help you did with this book! The idea you had made it so much better and I can’t thank you enough. Now, time for jello shots!

  Sarah: Thank you for being amazing and helping me with reading through it and finding errors. Also, I love pepperoni pizza… and I still own you for 2 days out of the week.

  Readers: Thank you for taking a chance on a new author. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate you reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it.


  S. Van Horne was born and raised in the small town of Belton, Missouri, which is a part of the Kansas City metropolitan area. She’s from a very large family and is the oldest of six. Growing up, she didn’t have the easiest life. She learned quickly that family means everything, even if it’s the type that you get to pick for yourself.

  She met the love of her life at the early age of twenty and was married just after nine months of meeting him. Shortly after marriage, her husband rejoined the U.S. Navy and they moved from Kansas City and started their journey together. Currently they have two amazing children, a boy and a girl, and are still enjoying the Navy life.

  She spends her days being a wife, mom, reading books, writing her latest novel, watching her beloved Kansas City Chiefs or Kansas City Royals, watching movies, hanging out with family and friends and having girls’ day at least once a month.


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  More Than Anything – More Series Book Two – Neil and Sara - Subject to change


  I glance around Len’s backyard and smile at the happiness that fills the air. I’ve always wanted a family that could come together and celebrate the small joys that life brings. I almost had that at one point in my life, but it was ripped from my hands before I could even grasp it. A pain of sadness and fear flood my body, but I push it away not wanting it to take over this brief moment of happiness.

  I peek out of the corner of my eye to the left and see Neil watching me. He’s the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on. The moment I met him three years ago, I thought I would faint from just how damn good looking he was. He seemed like a stuck up asshole because he really wouldn’t say shit to me. All he did was glare at me like I took the prize out of his cereal box on Sunday morning while changing the channel from his favorite cartoons.

  But it slowly started changing, and I realized that he just wasn’t interested in me and was just protective of his sister. I’m not one to open up and tell people my problems, as a matter of fact, nobody knows about my problems right now. I’m afraid of bringing it up and them finding out just how much trouble I can bring to their family.

  I know I should be more open about it, but the detectives assured me that my file is closed tight, and that it couldn’t be tapered with. That’s the only thing saving me right now from Neil finding out about my past. At first, I was scared that he would find out when he did my background check for Seal Security. But nothing came up and that was a sigh of relief.

  Then, there was that one night at the lake that I can’t get out of my mind. It was the best night of my life, and I want to reach out and grab what Neil was offering with both hands. But my past stops me from doing that. So, for now I live though my memories and try to keep him at arms length even though he’s doing everything in his power to change that.

  The sound of laughter snaps me back into the present, and I see pink and blue balloons rising in the air. I’m confussed for a brief moment until I hear the word twins. A huge grin spreads across my face at that thought of Dante having three kids in diapers, one of which is a girl.

  That man is an alpha to the max at times, so I know that little one is going to end up hating her daddy when she gets older due to his overprotectiveness.

  The sound of a phon
e catches me off guard, and I realize it is mine. I reach in my purse and pull out my phone to see who could be calling me. Everyone that would call me is here so it has to be the call service for Seal Security. With me as the main admin for the front all calls come to me when we aren’t in the office.

  I glance at the screen and freeze once I see the name and number.

  This can’t be happening.

  He said he wouldn’t call unless it’s an emergency. I’m not sure if I want to answer it.

  “Habibi, you ok?” Neil asks coming up to me.

  “I need to take this,” I say and rush off to the side of the house to answer the phone in private.

  “Hello,” my voice trembling softly afraid of what he might say.

  “Sara?” a voice I know so well on the other end questions.

  “Yes this is her.”

  “They know, Sara. I need you to get here as soon as you can. We’ve got to get you to safety.” I close my eyes at the words; one of my biggest fears becoming reality.

  After gathering enough strength, I make my way back and spot Neil and Dante. “I have to go. Please tell Len I will call her later.” I rush out before turning and running to the front of the house. Neil runs after me, shouting my name, but I quickly say something over my shoulder without stopping.

  The life I know, the life I’ve come to build is no more. All I can do; all I must do is leave. They have found me, and in order to keep those I love safe, I must run without turning back.


  I glance, yet again, at the redheaded goddess that has been on my mind from the moment we met three years ago. That first meeting, I didn’t mean to glare at her the whole time, but I was trying to figure out why I wanted to pick her up, throw her over my shoulder, and never share her with the world. It bothered me that she had that much power over me.

  Then, I realized that the only reason I would feel that with her was because she was my one. After that, I tried everything to get her to notice me, short of just announcing that I liked her and wanted her. Nothing was seemed to work, and right when I was about to just take that plunge, my sister came up missing, and that stopped everything.

  It isn’t a secret that I’m a protective ass when it comes to my sister. So when she vanished the night of my company party, I felt like I failed her. After a few weeks of her missing, I knew then that after she was found, only then was I going after Sara. And, nothing was stopping me from having her.

  That night at the lake was the most amazing night of my life. I had never felt perfection like I did when I made love to her for the first time or the times that followed. . But the following morning, I woke to an empty bed; abandoned and furious. When I stormed downstairs, she acted like she didn’t even know me, and that made me even angrier. I’m not one to blow up in public, so I bit my lip and decided to wait until we had a second alone.

  But, that second never came.

  After Adams was killed, it took a while to get things back to normal, and by then I was over the anger. Now, I’m trying everything to get back to that one night we had. So far, I haven’t made much leeway.

  The sound of Sara’s phone snaps me out of my thoughts. When she glances down to look at her screen, she turns pale, and I immediately rush over to her side.

  “Habibi, you okay?”

  “I need to take this,” she states her voice trembling with fear and rushes off to the side of the house. Before I can follow, Dante steps up besides me and stops me from intruding on her call.

  As he holds me back, I see her listening intently to the person on the phone. Whatever they say has her turning even palier. I swear I can feel her fear radiating from her body. I don’t know who is on the other line, but I’m about to march over there and snatch the phone from her to find out who the fuck it is, when she hangs up and glances over at us. She quickly makes her way to us, her eyes show nothing but pure unadulterated fear.

  “I have to go. Please tell Len I will call her later,” she states in a whisper and then turns and rushes to her car.

  It takes me a moment to process her words before I’m hot on her tail, chasing her.

  “Sara, wait a minute. What the fuck is going on,” I yell.

  “I don’t have time explain, Neil. I have an emergency. I’ll call later,” she tosses over her shoulder, without stopping.

  She reaches her car and has it started before I can reach her. Just as I get close enough, I see her glance towards me with tears streaming down her face. So much hurt coming through her beautiful eyes, that I stop in my tracks, something preventing me from opening her car door. Instead, my chest rising and falling fast, and my eyes silently begging her to come to me.

  “I’m sorry, Neil. I never wanted you to know. Please, let me go,” she whispers out of her window that’s barely down.

  “Never,” I growl out between clenched teeth. Before I can open her door, she flips the lock and shakes her head sadly.

  “Goodbye, Neil. If you remember anything, remember this, you always made me feel as if I was so much more than what I thought I would ever be,” she states with a soft smile as the tears just keep streaming down. Then, she pulls out of the driveway without a backwards glance.

  I stand there, shocked at the words she just spoke, watching as her car fades down the road. I vow in that moment that she isn’t getting away from me that easily.

  Furious, hurt, and determined, I turn and storm back into the house to let the others know that I have to go. I have to find Sara and get to the bottom of this once and for all.

  It’s time she sees the beast within me. The beast that will weather any storm her past can bring. Because nothing will stop me from showing her just how much more she really is to me.


  Leap of Faith

  Book One - La Flor Series

  Copyrighted © 2015

  I return to the present as I reach the stoplight. I stop and shake my head. All those memories—so haunting and beautiful. How will I ever be able to let go? When will I be able to move on? Miranda Lambert’s “Over You” plays on my stereo as I wait for the light to turn.

  I listen to the lyrics and realize how true they are. He went away, leaving me alone—how dare he? I know he didn’t mean to leave, but he did. He went away and now I’m here raising our daughters. Alone. God, why did you have to take him from us? Why . . .

  I’ve gone through the stages of grief but nothing takes away the pain, the loss of him. After hearing the news, I pretended he was deployed and just couldn’t call me. When I couldn’t pretend anymore, I became so angry—angry at the person responsible and angry that Jake would never meet our unborn child. I was angry at everything he’d miss. I also turned my anger and blame to the job he loved and the responsibilities he held. Later, I just wanted to wake from the nightmare of reality. I prayed for the nightmare to go away and I lost myself in a sea of “what ifs” and “only ifs.” The only things keeping me from going into a full and dark depression were our children: Rylee and our new little miracle. I needed to be strong for them. And then, there was Phoenix. I couldn’t let Jake’s dream die with him. I had to toughen up and take charge. Julia was going through her own loss, so my pregnancy not only gave me strength, but it also helped bring back my best friend.

  Finally, I pulled myself together and came to accept the loss of my husband. I began to live my life for our children and his dream. I existed, but I didn’t live. My smile never reached my eyes, but I made sure to put on a strong face for my loved ones. I lived during the days and I cried myself to sleep at night. I had to learn how to live without him—I’ve accepted his loss but I don’t like it. At times, with everything that occurred, I wonder if there was a higher power at work—guiding us, giving us strength, and making things happen.

  In the distance, I hear the roar of a motorcycle, getting louder as it nears. I hear it stop beside me. I turn to my left and see this huge, beautiful black-and-chr
ome motorcycle. I think to myself how much Jake would like that bike and would totally want it.

  My eyes leave the bike and move up to its rider. I see the side profile of a man wearing sunglasses and one of those black helmets without a visor. He looks handsome, I think, surprising myself—I haven’t looked at another man since Jake. He’s dressed in black from head to boots, his shirt molded to his muscular chest and his pants covering amazing-looking thighs—a work of art. I stare at him for what seems like an eternity. I know I need to stop, but for some strange reason, I can’t bring myself to look away.

  He must feel my stare because he turns toward me. We stare at each other. I can’t turn away and I can’t see his eyes. I feel a strange force refusing to let go. His right hand slowly comes up and he removes his glasses.

  I gasp.

  I feel that jolt, like lightning.

  Oh my . . . his eyes—can they be?

  From our short distance, I’m mesmerized. I’ve never seen eyes that color in person. So unique and beautiful. They hold me captive—I stare and get my fill. And his face . . .

  Holy freaking crap!

  He looks like a model. His skin is tan, his eyebrows are perfectly arched, his cheekbones are high and defined, his nose looks slightly crooked (like it was broken at one time—so he can’t be a model), his lips are full but not feminine, and he’s grinning.

  He knows his effect on women. He’s a walking dream—all deliciousness on a stick. But it’s his eyes that hold me captive. They’re unique to the point of being strange, and yet amazing. I can only describe them as violet. His eyes are freaking purple!


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