A Food and Wine Club Mystery Boxset Books 1 through 5

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A Food and Wine Club Mystery Boxset Books 1 through 5 Page 57

by Cat Chandler

  For the next hour Nicki was put through the usual just-in-an-accident procedures, and by the time she was finally in a fresh hospital gown and transferred to a bed in a private room, she was exhausted. And she wanted badly to see a familiar face. So when the door to her room opened and it was Alex who popped in, tears started to trickle down her cheeks.

  “What’s wrong? Are you hurting somewhere?”

  “I’m fine.” Nicki grabbed a tissue from the small tray next to her bed and dabbed at her eyes. “I’m just glad to see you. This hasn’t been much fun, and I need a hug from a friend.”

  Alex quickly stepped over to the bed and leaned over to wrap her arms around Nicki. “I’m so glad to see you too. I almost had a heart attack when we came up on that accident on the way to your place and realized it was your car.” With her eyes misting over, she gave Nicki a watery smile. “Ty was wonderful. He wouldn’t let anyone else lift you out of the car. He carried you out of that ditch and up to the gurney the paramedics had ready.”

  Nicki squeezed her friend’s hand. “I’m fine, so stop worrying. And Tyler will have the dinner of his choice the minute I’m out of here.” She sighed. “So. How am I doing?”

  “Dr. Fedlan wants to keep you overnight for observation, but your images came back fine. Your ribs are probably bruised, and I’m sure your chest is too, from hitting that steering wheel. But other than that, everything looked good. You should be released in the morning.”

  “I’m sorry to put you through all this.”

  “Don’t be silly.” Alex’s eyes suddenly cleared, and an amused smile appeared out of nowhere. “Oh, if you are handing out sympathy, I’d save it for Chief Turnlow.”

  “Why is that?”

  “He’s the one who had to tell Matt about your accident.” Her smile blossomed into a full grin. “He pulled up just as I was climbing into the ambulance to ride with you. Tyler told me that he called Jenna and then punched in Matt’s number and handed the phone to the chief. My big brave hunky fireman said that there was no way he was going to tell Matt that you’d been in an accident and were on your way to the hospital.” Alex put her hands on her hips. “I convinced the whole gang to let me come in and check on you first, but they’re all down the hall just waiting to descend on you. And guess who will be in front of the pack?”

  Pulling her covers up to her chin, Nicki slid lower into the bed. In her head she could already hear the long stern lecture she’d be getting from her editor. Her eyes peeked over the edge of the blanket at Alex. “Suddenly I don’t feel so well. Maybe you should only let a couple of them in. Like Jenna and Maxie?”

  Alex shook her head. “Not a chance, pal. He needs to see you. He looks like he might explode at any minute. Oh, and the chief is here too. He looks almost as grim as Matt.”

  The doctor winked at her. “Almost, but not quite.”

  Chapter Sixty-Nine

  “Great,” Nicki grumbled as Alex left the room.

  Her friend didn’t go far. Just out into the hallway where she waved her hand, which was immediately followed by the sound of a herd of footsteps.

  Just as Alex had predicted, Matt was the first through the door. Nicki had a glimpse of everyone else stopping just outside before Matt leaned over the bed, bracing his hands on either side of her pillow.

  “Are you alright?”

  His face was only inches from hers.

  “I’m fine. And it hardly hurts at all as long as I don’t move around too much.”

  Matt drew in a deep breath. “That’ll work.”

  Before Nicki could blink, he’d lowered his head and was giving her a heart-stopping and thorough kiss.

  “How long do we have to stand out here?”

  Jenna’s voice was heavy with laughter, and her question had the rest of the group overcome with sudden coughing fits. Matt took his time breaking off the kiss and raising his head.

  “You’re sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes,” Nicki whispered back. She closed her eyes when he gently touched his forehead to hers.

  “That’s good.” He stood up and took one of her hands in his before turning and gesturing to the five faces peering in from the doorway. “Come on in.”

  The rush began, with Jenna leading the way. She skidded to a halt at the bedside opposite from where Matt had taken up a permanent spot, and leaned over to give Nicki a long hug.

  “You scared us. I mean really, really scared us.”

  “I know.” Nicki ignored the pain and returned the fierce hug with her free arm. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, just get better.”

  Jenna smiled and stepped aside, and her place was claimed by Maxie. Nicki was overwhelmed by the love she felt. She considered every single person in the room to be part of her family. She even extended that thought to the big man who removed his hat as he walked into the room

  “Hi, Chief.” Nicki looked up at Matt when the editor closer to the bed.

  “Chief, I don’t know if she’s up for this yet.” Matt took a tighter hold on her hand as she glanced between him and the chief.

  Nicki pushed herself up on her pillows. “I’m fine. Have you seen my car?”

  “We saw it,” Tyler said. He glanced at Matt and then over at Nicki. “It’s toast.”

  “Great.” She sighed. It seemed spring would be getting here a bit early this year.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Matt gave her hand a light squeeze.

  “Can you tell me what happened, Nicki?” The chief held up his hand before she could say anything. “I’d like to hear from her without any side comments.” He smiled when Jenna put her hands on her hips and huffed out a breath.

  Tyler held his muscular arms straight out and began herding everyone out of the room. “Let’s go. We can get something to drink and then come right back.” He nodded at the chief. “That should give you a good quarter hour or so to get the details.”

  Chief Turnlow returned the nod. “I appreciate it.”

  “And I’m staying,” Matt declared, not budging one inch from his spot by Nicki’s bed.

  “I wish someone would ask for my opinion,” Nicki said as she watched the last of her friends disappear from view.

  The chief stepped to the end of her bed and folded his arms across his broad chest. “Okay. I’ll ask you something. What happened?”

  Both men stared at her. Nicki braced herself. “Well, it wasn’t an accident.” She waited for their reaction to that statement and was surprised when the chief only nodded.

  “So Mary Swenson thought, but she wasn’t sure.”

  “Who?” Nicki asked.

  “Mary Swenson. She was the first person on the scene and saw that truck speeding up behind you. Next thing she knew, you were spinning into the ditch.” The chief’s eyes narrowed. “Is that what happened, or did him coming up on you so fast make you lose control of your car?”

  Nicki looked up at Matt, whose expression had gone grim. Now she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’m afraid Mary Swenson was right. The truck hit me. Twice. It was the second time that sent me into the ditch.”

  “Bastard,” Matt muttered and then fell silent again.

  “I managed to give your car a good once-over before it was towed off. It looked like it was hit from behind. The trunk is smashed in. Judging by the position of the dent, it must have been a fairly big truck.” The chief ran a hand through his thinning hair.

  Matt’s arm grew more rigid with every word the chief said. Nicki finally reached over and ran a soothing hand up and down his forearm.

  “It was a white pickup with a big silver grille on the front. And it was jacked up on some big tires.”

  The chief nodded. “Fits the damage I saw. You didn’t happen to get a look at the driver, did you?”

  Nicki bit her lower lip. If Matt was tense now, he really wasn’t going to like this. “No. The windows had a tint on them, so I didn’t see him very clearly. He did have on a cowboy hat.” She took in a deep breath and le
t it out slowly. “And a cloth or bandanna around the lower part of his face.”

  The room went so silent Nicki could almost hear herself blink. And she was pretty sure she was the only one who was doing any blinking.

  Finally the chief broke the silence. “Is that a fact?”

  She gave a slight nod. “It is. I saw that much in my side mirror when I was waving for him to go around me. He was too close for me to see his license plate.”

  “Mrs. Swenson said it looked like the truck was chasing you, and then deliberately caused you to go into that ditch.”

  “I’d say Mrs. Swenson was right again.” Nicki thought back to that first voice she heard. “Is she a little older? She called me ‘young lady’, I think. And told me that it didn’t look like my car was going to blow up.” She smiled up at Matt. “It was nice of her to stop and help.”

  He didn’t say anything but managed a brief smile.

  “She is a bit older,” the chief confirmed. After a long pointed look at Matt, he turned a smile on Nicki. “She’s somewhere around eighty, if I had to guess. I promised to give her a call and let her know that you’re all right.”

  “I’d like to thank her too.” Nicki was grateful to Mrs. Swenson. She was sure the older woman was the one who’d called 911 and climbed into that ditch to try to help her.

  “That’s good. Because making phone calls from your bed is all you’ll be doing for a while,” Matt said.

  “Maybe just a day or so. Alex said I can go home tomorrow.”

  “We’re going to have to talk about that, Nicki.”

  “Okay.” She smiled. “Talk away. But I’m still going home tomorrow and getting back to work. I’m going to have to buy another car,”

  “I don’t suppose I could persuade you to leave town for a few days?” The chief raised an eyebrow at her. “Just until I figure out who tried to run you off the road?”

  Matt nodded. “We can go to Kansas City. I can keep an eye on her there.”

  “Or…” Nicki interrupted. “You could take me to my own home right here in Soldoff, and you go back to Kansas City and catch up on your own work.”

  “Not a chance, Nicki,” Matt shot back.

  The chief loudly cleared his throat. “You two can have that discussion later.” He looked directly at Matt. “But whatever the outcome, I doubt if she’s going to let Eddie Parker’s murder go, so now she’s your responsibility.” He put his hat back on. “Whatever you two decide, I don’t want to get daily calls every time Ms. Connors doesn’t return a text message.”

  “I’m responsible for myself, Chief,” Nicki called to his retreating back.

  He waved his arm in Matt’s general direction. “Talk to him about it.”

  Matt ran a hand through his thick hair, leaving the usual number of dark strands sticking straight up. “I know you’re a capable person and not a child, and that you grew up in New York City and can look after yourself.” He glanced at her. “Did I leave anything out?” Nicki folded her arms and looked up at him. “We’ll see. Go on.”

  The corners of Matt’s mouth tugged upward. “Okay. Someone deliberately tried to run you off the road. And unless there’s a lunatic reader out there who really has an issue with your novels or your blog, the odds are it has to do with the investigation into Eddie Parker’s murder.”

  She nodded. “I think the same thing. So the sooner it’s solved, the better.” She gave him a suspicious look. “And I can’t solve it from Kansas City.”

  “I won’t argue with that. But you need help, and I need peace of mind. Which means it would be best if we stick together, so I can watch your back and you can use my rental car.” He looked at the ceiling. “You did say you needed a car, didn’t you?”

  He had her there. If she didn’t have a car, she’d be stuck either borrowing Jenna’s, which she didn’t want to do, especially if there was some nutty person cruising around who still wanted to ram into her, or maxing out her credit cards for a rental.

  “Is the rental insured?”

  “Yes, and that’s not funny.” Matt eyed the grin on Nicki’s face. “I’ll get my things from Maxie’s, and will sleep on your couch for the duration.”

  “You can use my desk. I’ll set my laptop up in the kitchen.” Nicki didn’t mind. She’d feel better if she wasn’t alone in the townhouse for the next few days, and Matt’s offer was perfect. This way she wouldn’t need to fend off Jenna or Maxie when they insisted that she stay at one of their places. Which she really hadn’t wanted to do. And now wouldn’t have to.

  The whole gang walked back into the room, and a noisy confusion ensued until each had found a good spot to occupy in the small space.

  Jenna looked over at Matt. “So? Did you talk her into letting you crash at her place?”

  “Yes, I did. She’s going to put up with me in exchange for using my car.”

  “Good bribe, Dillon.” Jenna nodded in approval. She turned her attention to her friend lying in the hospital bed. “Is it true what the chief told myMason? Did someone try to run you off the road?”

  “I’m afraid so. Someone in a big white pickup truck.”

  “Whoever this someone is, you must be making him very nervous about our investigation, dear.” Maxie looked at her husband when he tapped her on the shoulder.

  “It’s Chief Turnlow’s investigation, honey. You need to let him do his job.” Mason inclined his head when his wife opened her mouth to protest. “But he is a little short-staffed, so we could help him out here and there.”

  “Excellent!” Maxie leaned over and gave him an affectionate kiss on the cheek. “What do we do next?”

  “Whatever it is, Nicki has to be able to do it from the comfort of her bed or couch for the next few days. That’s not negotiable.” Alex looked slowly around the room, her gaze lingering on each of them in turn. “Doctor’s orders, or she isn’t going home tomorrow.”

  “Good idea.” Matt gave Alex a grateful look as his shoulders relaxed. “We have at least one phone call we need to make.”

  “To Drew Weston.” Nicki said. “I can make that call from here.”

  “You can make that call tomorrow.” Alex’s tone was firm. “What you need now is to settle in, have some food and get some rest.” She nodded to the far corner. “That’s a sleeping chair for Matt. I’ll ask the nurse for an extra blanket.”

  Within minutes everyone had said their reluctant goodbyes and filed out, leaving Matt and Nicki alone to stare at each other.

  “I’m too exhausted to ask you what that kiss was all about,” Nicki said. Which was the truth. Suddenly she could hardly keep her eyes open.

  “That’s good. Because I’m too tired to get into it.” Matt looked around. “That chair doesn’t look too bad.”

  “You don’t need to stay here, Matt. I don’t think anyone is going to come sneaking into the hospital in the middle of the night. And I’m sure your bed at Maxie’s is more comfortable than that chair.”

  He walked over to the corner and started yanking the heavy chair forward. He didn’t stop alternating between pushing and pulling until it was next to the bed.

  “There. That works.” He shoved a piece of hair off his forehead and readjusted his glasses on his nose. “I’m staying. And we aren’t going to get into a debate about that either.”

  Chapter Seventy

  It was approaching noon the next day when Matt stopped his rental car in front of Nicki’s townhouse. He set the parking brake and glanced over at her. “Can you walk into the house? You didn’t look too comfortable getting into the car.”

  She shrugged. “I’m just stiff. The doctor told me that was to be expected, and I’d have to work through it.”

  Matt didn’t voice an opinion on that piece of advice as he opened his door and stepped out of the driver’s side. He’d sprinted around the front of the car by the time she got the door open. He slipped an arm around her waist to help her get to her feet on solid ground. She tried not to grimace when each step had her whole back i
ssuing a sharp pain of complaint, but set her mouth and started to hobble along the flower-lined walkway. She’d barely gone five steps before Matt scooped her up.

  She squeaked in surprise, throwing her arms around his neck. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting you into the house. I’d be filing for retirement by the time you got there at that speed. Besides, it was painful to watch.”

  “I’m just a little stiff,” Nicki repeated and then gave up. She really didn’t want to walk that far either, and it was kind of nice having Matt carry her around.

  When they were in the small entryway and he kept going, bypassing the opening leading into her living room, Nicki raised a questioning eyebrow. “Where are we going? The couch is back there.”

  “I’m going to make you something to eat. Which you won’t let me do unless you can supervise my every move, so we’re going to the kitchen.”

  She laughed. “I’m not that bad, am I?”

  “When it comes to your kitchen and cooking? Yes, you are.” Matt walked over to the counter and pulled one of the stools out with his foot. He set Nicki down and made sure she was steady before strolling around the island and facing her from the other side. “Now, what would you like, Ms. Connors? Eggs sunny-side up, eggs over easy, or eggs scrambled?”

  “Well, let me see.” Nicki furrowed her brow and pretended to consider the matter. “How about poached?”

  “Nope. Can’t do that.”

  “I have an egg poacher.” She pointed to a cabinet next to the stove.

  “So do I. Still can’t do it. You’ll have to choose from the list I gave you.”

  Nicki shook her head and did her best not to laugh. “You have an egg poacher and you still can’t poach an egg?”

  “It was a gift, and it’s still in the box.” Matt shrugged. “So what will it be?”

  “Scrambled might be best.” Nicki gave in and laughed. “And a piece of toast if it’s not too much trouble? Or is your toaster also still in a box?”


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