Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection

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Honor/Obey: The Complete Collection Page 2

by Heart, D. J.

  “Not answering my questions is disrespectful and will get you punished,” he said calmly. “Do you understand?”

  David nodded.

  “Verbal answers or you’re not going to like what happens,” Adam warned. Then he grinned and tilted his head. “Or maybe you will.”

  “I’m turned on, okay?” David said, looking anywhere but at Adam’s face. “That doesn’t mean I like it.”

  Adam considered him. It was a valid point. David might respond well to being dominated, but if he wasn’t in the right mindset the fact that he enjoyed it might only make him more miserable.

  “Would you like me to stop?” Adam asked, releasing David’s feet. “Treat you nice and send you home with a kiss on the cheek and a promise to call you tomorrow?”

  David was silent for a long time, and just when Adam was about to get annoyed he answered.


  Adam grinned wide enough to flash his molars. “What was that?”

  “No, I don’t want you to stop.”

  David looked like he couldn’t believe what he was saying, but Adam couldn’t be happier.

  “Then I won’t,” Adam said, satisfaction lacing his voice. “I think this is going to work out quite nicely.”



  David thought he might be in shock. He’d expected to show up, fluster the old man his mother had chosen for him, and walk away with the man wrapped around his finger.

  Nothing could have prepared him for Adam Wentworth.

  The date felt more like a twisted job interview – not that David had had many of those – the whole meal consisting of Adam asking David question and frowning at the answers like David’s life choices were a personal offense.

  “If you don’t get a job I’ll make sure to keep you busy,” Adam said after David was finished explaining that no, he had no plans to actually use his business degree. He’d cheated his way through most of his exams and assignments, and if he actually tried to do anything business related he’d probably bring the whole company to its knees through his sheer ineptitude.

  That just made Adam frown harder.

  “You don’t have to keep me busy,” David said, trying not to sound too impertinent. He’d learned the hard way that Adam wouldn’t think twice about lifting his foot and kicking him right in the balls when he thought he was being rude.

  “But I will. I can think of countless fun ways to make sure you don’t get into trouble.” Adam grinned, and a shudder ran down David’s spine at the predatory look on the man’s face. “A friend of mine runs a very interesting pony farm. I’m sure he would agree to train you when I’m otherwise occupied.”

  A pony farm? What was he, a kid?

  “I’m not really a fan of ponies,” he muttered, taking a sip of his water and spearing a piece of broccoli onto his fork.

  “We’ll see,” Adam said, his whole demeanor making David feel like he should be on his back and showing his belly.

  It was so weird. David had never met anyone he felt deserved his respect, and here Adam had him acting like a spineless fool.

  It was humiliating and David couldn’t understand why it was turning him on.

  The rest of dinner passed in the same way, Adam asking him questions and David oscillating between embarrassed, defensive and aroused. By the time Adam paid the check and rose from his chair, showing off his impressive height and surprisingly trim waist, David was exhausted.

  “Come on. We’re going back to my place,” Adam said, putting his hand on the back of David’s neck and giving it a squeeze.

  The feel of Adam’s callused fingers wrapping around his neck – palm a warm imprint against his skin, fingertips pressing down on just the wrong side of comfortable – made David’s balls pull up tight in glorious pleasure. A tingle ran down his spine, and for a moment his whole body felt claimed by Adam’s big hand.

  No one had ever made him feel so good with just a simple touch.

  “Oh, you’re going to be a sight to behold when I put you under, aren’t you,” Adam muttered, his voice low and gruff. He massaged David’s neck, holding him down and looming over him. “I can’t wait to see it. Now get up, it’s time for your punishment.”

  Adam removed his hand and David whimpered at the loss. He clamped his jaw shut in mortification.

  He couldn’t believe he was acting like this.

  “Don’t make me wait,” Adam warned, and the fact that his voice was normal made it even more intimidating than if he’d growled or shouted.

  David got up, making Adam smile and squeeze his neck again. It felt just as good as before and David closed his eyes.

  “Feels nice, doesn’t it?” Adam asked, his voice low and honeyed. “Being my good boy?”

  David bit back a moan and nodded his head slowly.

  “I like making you feel good,” Adam said, pulling David in and pressing him up against his larger body. David’s nose landed in the flap of the older man’s jacket, just next to his tie. Musky and rich, the scent of Adam’s body was intoxicating. “But tonight isn’t about making you feel good, is it? You were disrespectful to me by being late, and you need me to punish you. Isn’t that right?” Adam’s voice was dark and rough.

  Feeling submissive and strangely vulnerable, David could only nod against Adam’s body.

  “Verbal answers,” Adam warned, squeezing his neck painfully.

  “Yes, sir,” David said, the sudden sharp pain making his dick throb.

  It was the first time he’d called someone sir since elementary school.

  “Good boy. Now behave and we’ll see about getting you home to my place and over my knee.”

  * * *

  Adam’s apartment was much nicer than David’s. Spread out over the two top stories of one of the new skyscrapers downtown, it had floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city and was decorated in a modern minimalist style that David despised.

  He liked homes to be cozy and cluttered.

  But still, the place was impressive.

  “Go sit on the couch,” Adam said, leading him inside with a hand on his neck. David sat, watching as Adam took off his coat and draped it over the back of an armchair, unbuttoning the cuffs of his dress-shirt and rolling up his sleeves.

  David couldn’t take his eyes off Adam’s strong forearms and big hands. It was like he was in a daze, the sight of the older man’s long fingers hypnotizing him. Adam glanced at him and smirked. “Stay there and don’t move.”

  Adam left the room, David watching his muscular ass as he walked away and admiring the size of his bubble butt.

  Squats were obviously a big part of Adam’s workout routine.

  Waiting, hands clammy as they rested on the fancy but uncomfortable sofa he was sitting on, David wondered what was going to happen now.

  Would Adam really spank him?

  David found himself both hoping that he would and that this was all just a joke. It was a strange position to be in. David was used to always knowing what he wanted, and he was used to getting it.

  The uncertainty was bizarre.

  Adam came back into the room, carrying a pair of shiny leather gloves and sporting an intimidating look on his face.

  “Are you ready?” Adam asked, moving to stand in front of him. He loomed, his handsome face staring down at David and waiting for an answer.

  “Yes, sir,” David lied. He had no idea if he was ready. He didn’t really understand what was about to happen.

  “Good,” Adam grinned, putting on the gloves and making a show of smoothing the shiny leather down over his fingers. He made a fist and punched into his open palm, the sound of leather hitting leather making David’s gut clench. “Now stand up.”

  Legs shaky, David obeyed the command and got to his feet while Adam sat down. While it had felt like Adam was looming over him while he sat, David did not feel at all like he was doing anything of the kind now that their positions had been reversed.

  He still felt just as small and powerless.

  “Pull down your pants.” Adam’s voice was firm, brokering no room for argument. He sat with his back straight, gloved hands resting on his thighs with his palms down.

  David stared. Adam’s hands looked huge and menacing, the gloves only adding to the intimidation, the leather so tight that David could see the outline of veins and fingernails.

  With his sleeves rolled up and the gloves on, Adam reminded David of some kind of evil hit-man. It was frankly terrifying, but also strangely arousing.

  Wordlessly. David undid his belt and pushed down his jeans. He left his underwear on, mostly because he didn’t want Adam to see his raging hard on. It was still obvious that he had an erection, but at least now it was tucked against his hip along the waistband of his Calvin Kleins.

  Adam seemed satisfied.

  “Now lay down over my thigh,” Adam instructed, spreading his legs and clapping his left thigh. Taking a deep breath that didn’t provide nearly enough air, David awkwardly bent over and draped himself over Adam’s muscular thigh. Not sure what to do with his hands, David ended up resting them on the couch, arms stretched out in front of him.

  Closing his eyes, he waited for the spanking to begin.

  “I like you like this,” Adam mused, closing his legs and trapping David’s thighs between his own. He pressed his hand down on David’s lower back, stroking him gently. “All nice and obedient. Didn’t even put up a fight – so thirsty for someone to come in and take charge.”

  The feeling of Adam’s gloved fingertips tracing the ridge of his spine and circling his lower back had David’s skin prickling into goose bumps, his cock throbbing against Adam’s lap.

  Adam’s hand stilled and David tensed.

  “I’m going to start you off with one hundred spanks,” Adam said. The hand not on David’s back moved down and groped his ass. He squeezed hard enough to bruise. “If you’re a good boy and count every single hit, I’ll be nice and that will be the end of your punishment. If you don’t pay attention and stop counting, however, I’m going to give you ten extra hits with my belt. Do you understand?”

  David’s mind reeled. One hundred slaps was a lot. Adam’s arm was thick with muscle, looking like it could do some serious damage, and his hand was huge. David had thought he’d get something like twenty slaps and that would be it.

  “I asked you if you understand?” Adam growled, lifting his hand and smacking it down on Adam’s ass.

  David was caught off guard, the stinging pain of Adam’s large hand hitting his ass a complete surprise. He howled, kicking his legs and pushing up with his arms, but Adam pushed him right back down with a growl.

  “You have something to say?” Adam asked, stroking over the stinging patch of ass he’d just abused.

  David realized what he meant when the hand lifted and he braced for a second blow.

  “One, sir!” he called out, just before the second smack landed on his other cheek.

  “Good boy!” Adam said, like you’d praise a dog or a toddler. He rubbed David’s ass vigorously. “And that was?”

  “Two, sir,” David counted. The second slap hurt just as much as the first, and David knew that it was only going to get worse.

  The spanking continued, the hits coming harder and faster with each blow, and by twenty David was bawling his eyes out. He reached back and tried to block Adam’s brutal hand from making impact with his sore ass, but Adam just grabbed both his wrists and pinned them at the small of his back.

  David managed to shout out the next count before Adam’s hand landed again.

  “You’re doing so good, baby,” Adam said, sounding proud as his hand crashed down for the twenty-second blow.

  Despite the pain, David’s belly bloomed with heated pleasure at the praise. His cock was as hard as ever, and to his surprise the spanking was only making it harder.

  He might actually come just from Adam wailing on his ass.

  “Let’s see what we’re working with,” Adam said after the twenty-fifth blow, grabbing the waistband of David’s briefs and tugging them up, pulling the fabric into the crack of David’s ass and exposing his cheeks. He let out a low whistle. “Holy shit, boy, that’s some nice color you’ve got there.”

  David clenched his eyes shut, humiliated. The way Adam had his underwear yanked up felt exactly like a wedgie, reminding him of how some of the jocks had bullied him in middle school.

  He bet Adam had been a bully as a teen.

  The spanking continued, Adam keeping David’s underwear yanked up as he rained down blow after brutal blow.

  By fifty David had lost count, Adam spanking him too hard and too fast for him to keep up.

  “All right, I’ll do the rest of the counting,” Adam said, taking a break and stroking David’s sore ass tenderly. The leather glove felt unbearably hot against his reddened skin, each grope and caress a fresh agony.

  How he was enjoying this David didn’t know, but there was no denying that on some level he loved it.

  On another level he hated Adam and wished the older man would fall into a pit and die.

  “How are you feeling?” Adam asked, voice a gentle contrast to the iron grip on David’s wrist and the bruising on his ass.

  “Hurts,” David whimpered. To his consternation the reply only made Adam chuckle.

  “Good. It’s supposed to hurt. This is a punishment.” Reaching beneath David’s body, Adam found his hard cock and gave it a squeeze. “Though it feels like you maybe like it a little, too. I’ll have to keep that in mind for next time. You’re not really supposed to enjoy being punished, you know.”

  David wished he could protest that he did not like this, but his cock was speaking loud and clear.

  Adam gave his cock another squeeze, and David moaned, rutting his hips and fucking into the older man’s hand.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Adam laughed, letting go and delivering his hardest smack yet to David’s left cheek.

  “Fuck!” David cried out, wrenching at his arms and trying desperately to get away. Adam just laughed and spanked him again, counting out each blow with a gleeful enthusiasm that had David seething.

  “Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one-hundred!” Adam delivered his final blow with a grunt of effort, and for a moment David couldn’t believe it was over. His ass was on fire. He didn’t even realize that he was sobbing until Adam pulled him up and wrapped him up in a soothing hug.

  “You’re okay,” Adam said. “You took your spanking like such a good boy for me.”

  David calmed, taking a few hiccupping breaths before resting his face in the crook of Adam’s neck and closing his eyes.

  He’d never been in this kind of pain before. Everything about it was humiliating, horrible and perfect. He felt cleansed and broken, like the only thing keeping him together was Adam’s strong arms wrapped around him.

  It was a shockingly nice feeling.

  “Are you going to use the belt?” David mumbled after a long time. His cock was throbbing, and he could feel Adam’s own sizable erection pushing against his belly.

  “Did I say I was going to use the belt?” Adam asked, lips pressed against David’s temple. His breath was warm when he spoke.

  David nodded. “You did.”

  “Then I will. Tell me when you’re ready.”

  David couldn’t believe it. He’d thought for sure that Adam would consider the spanking enough and tell him that he didn’t have to take the belt.

  “I don’t want-”

  “You didn’t count, baby. That means I’m not going to be nice.”

  David clamped his jaw shut, Adam’s soft words making his insides squirm with terrified arousal.

  He really didn’t want to see what Adam considered not nice.

  “Are you ready for the belt?” Adam asked, stroking David’s back gently. “Ten strokes and your punishment will be over.”

  How the fuck was David supposed to be ready for more pain?

  “I’m ready,” David lied. He wanted it over with.

  Standing up, lifting David with him with just a slight grunt of effort, Adam lifted David so that he was draped over the side of the couch, legs awkwardly spaced out on the floor and hands once again moved to the small of his back and held in place by Adam’s massive grip.

  “You don’t have to count, but if you fight me I start over. Do you understand?” Adam warned as he unbuckled his belt with one hand and slid it off. The sound of the leather rushing through the hoops of Adam’s belt sent a fissure of fear through David’s body.

  “I understand,” David said, gritting his teeth and steeling himself for the first blow.

  He heard the belt moving through the air, a loud whooshing sound, Adam lifting his hand up high and bringing the belt down on David’s ass with no mercy.

  It was nothing like getting spank. Sharp and cutting, David screamed as the belt made impact, his whole body feeling the cruel blow.

  It was a struggle to stay still.

  “You can take it,” Adam growled, lifting his hand again and delivering another hit.

  Adam didn’t draw things out or make David wait, delivering all ten blows with the belt in quick succession. When it was over he let go of David’s hands and stood behind him, strong arms grabbing him by the shoulders and hauling him up in a hug.

  “How do you feel?” Adam asked, one arm wrapped around David’s upper body, pinning his arms to his sides and his back against Adam’s chest, his other arm reaching up so that he could cup David’s jaw in the palm of his hand.

  “Awful,” David sniffled, tears still falling.

  He couldn’t believe he’d let Adam do this to him.

  Adam kissed his cheek, using the grip on his jaw to angle his face into position.

  “Too awful for a handjob?” he asked, the words going right to David’s cock.

  “No,” David admitted, suddenly hyper aware of how hard he still was. He turned puppy-dog eyes on the older man. “Please?”

  Adam grinned against his cheek, the hand cupping his jaw sliding down his chest and into his briefs and wrapping around his cock, jerking him off with expert strokes.


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